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 Scuttled – run hurriedly or secretively with short quick steps.

 Compendium -- a collection of concise but detailed information

about a particular subject, especially in a book or other
 Bolster – support or strength
 Tweaked - improve (a mechanism or system) by making fine
adjustments to it.
 Extrapolation - the action of estimating or concluding something
by assuming that existing trends will continue, or a current
method will remain applicable.
 Toppled - overbalance or cause to overbalance and fall.
 Embolden - give (someone) the courage or confidence to do
 Coup - a sudden, violent, and unlawful seizure of power from a
 Putsch - a violent attempt to overthrow a government, a coup.
 Putschist - a person who takes part in a putsch.
 Dupe – trick, deceive.
 Ubiquitous – present, appearing, or found everywhere.
 Scepticism - doubtfulness
 Veritable – actual, for real, genuine
 Inchoate - just begun and so not fully formed or developed.
 Recrimination - an Acquisition in response to one from someone
 Reticent - Not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily.
 Castigate - Scold, criticize.
 Rhetorical - the art of speaking or writing effectively.
 Tyrannical - exercising power in a cruel way
 Belch – bring up the air, like a burp.
 unfathomable - incapable of being fully explored or
understood; impossible to measure the extent of
 cataclysm - a large-scale and violent event in the natural world;
disaster, calamity, tragedy
 conflagration – extensive fire
 predicament - a difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation.
 Impediment - a hindrance or obstruction in doing something.
 Ambivalence - the state of having mixed feelings or
contradictory ideas about something or someone.
 stemmed from - to be caused by (something or someone
 proverbial – well-known, common.
 Eccentric - a person who behaves in odd or unusual ways.
 Queer – strange, odd
 Legibility - the quality of being clear enough to read.
 Influx - an arrival or entry of large numbers of people or things
 Pedant - a person who is excessively concerned with minor
details and rules or with displaying academic learning.
 Fallible - capable of making mistakes or being wrong.
 Nuanced - characterized by subtle shades of meaning or
 Connote - (of a word) imply or suggest.
 Contend – Struggle
 Obliterate - destroy utterly; wipe out.
 Obscure - not discovered or known about; uncertain.
 Peculiar - different to what is normal or expected; strange.
 Caprice - a sudden and unaccountable change of mood or
 Penchant - a strong or habitual liking for something or tendency
to do something.
 Taciturn - (of a person) reserved or uncommunicative in speech;
saying little.
 Contentious - causing or likely to cause an argument;
 Ameliorate - make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better.
 Vigour - physical strength and good health.
 Bolstered - provided with padded support.
 Extemporaneity - done or said without any preparation or
 Luminary - a person who inspires or influences others,
especially one prominent in a particular sphere. (Inspirational
 Succumb - to lose the determination to oppose something, or to
give up and accept something that you first opposed.
 Judder - shake and vibrate rapidly and with force.
 Condone – accept.
 Blatant - (of bad behavior) done openly and unashamedly.
 Unprecedented – never done or known before
 Entail - involve (something) as a necessary or inevitable part or
 Nuance - characterized by subtle shades of meaning or
 Defiance – refusal to obey something or someone.
 Intrinsic – belonging naturally, essential.
 Affluent - having a great deal of money; wealthy.
 Detrimental – tending to cause harm.
 Persecute - subject (someone) to hostility and ill-treatment,
especially because of their ethnicity, religion, or sexual
orientation or their political beliefs.
 Acquiescence - the reluctant acceptance of something without
 Paradigm - a typical example or pattern of something
 Sanguine - cheerful, hopeful, and confident about the future
 Quixotic - extremely idealistic; unrealistic and impractical.
 Dystopian - relating to or denoting an imagined state or society
where there is great suffering or injustice.
 Moribund - no longer effective and about to come to an end
 Articulation - the formation of clear and distinct sounds in
 Concordantly - in a way that agrees with other facts or is based
on the same principles as something else.
 Holistic – a belief that the parts of something are interconnected
and can be explained only by reference to the whole.
 Pulsating - characterized by a strong regular rhythm, throbbing.
 Deference – polite submission and respect.
 Proclivity - a tendency to choose or do something regularly.
 Albeit – though.
 Invasive - tending to spread very quickly and undesirably or
 Spurred – trigger, propel.
 Virulent - (of a disease or poison) extremely severe or harmful
in its effects.
 Concoction - a mixture of various ingredients or elements.
 Suffice – be enough or adequate.
 Reiterate - say something again or a number of times, typically
for emphasis or clarity.
 Vignette - a brief vivid description.
 Amiss - not quite right; inappropriate or out of place.
 Imbue - inspire or permeate with (a feeling or quality).
 Attune - make receptive or aware.
 Bolster – support or strengthen.
 Anonymity - the condition of being anonymous.
 Gruelling - extremely tiring and demanding.
 Coveted - greatly desired or envied.
 Augment - make (something) greater by adding to it; increase.
 Entrenched - firmly established and difficult or unlikely to
 Winnow - blow a current of air through (grain) in order to
remove the chaff.
 Spatial - relating to or occupying space.
 Confabulate – to talk informally
 Introspective – self – analyzing.
 Ensuing - occurring afterward or as a result.
 Severity - The fact or condition of being severe.
 Conglomerate – Mixture, Combination, aggregate.
 Ambivalence - The state of having mixed feelings or
contradictory ideas about something or someone.
 Reimburse - Repay. Compensate.
 Hermit - A person living in solitude as a religious discipline.
 Mitigate – make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful.
 Scoffed - Speak to someone about something in scornfully
derisive or mocking.
 Rumination - Deep consideration, thought about something.
 Punitive - inflicting or intended as punishment. Disciplinary.
 Circumvent – find a way around (an obstacle)
 Despondent - in low spirits from loss of hope or courage.
 Horrendous - extremely unpleasant, horrifying, or terrible.
 Fetishism - A fetish is an object believed to have supernatural
powers, or in particular, a human-made object that has power
over others. Charm.
 Elicit - evoke or draw out (a reaction, answer, or fact) from
 Anthropomorphize - attribute human characteristics or behavior
to (a god, animal, or object).
 Diminutive - extremely or unusually small.
 Fetishize - make (something) the object of a sexual fetish.
 Maladaptive - not adjusting adequately or appropriately to the
environment or situation.
 Relinquishment - the act of giving up something such as a
responsibility, claim, or possession
 Rehome - find a new home for (a pet).

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