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I understand that you are looking for some introduction points for the capital asset pricing model project. Here are
some possible points that you can use:

The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) is a theory that explains how the prices of risky financial assets are
determined in the capital market.
The CAPM assumes that investors are rational, risk-averse, and well-informed, and that they make
investment decisions based on the expected return and risk of the assets.
The CAPM states that the expected return of an asset is equal to the risk-free rate plus a risk premium,
which depends on the asset’s beta coefficient. The beta coefficient measures the sensitivity of the asset’s
return to the market return.
The CAPM can be used to estimate the required rate of return for an asset, given its level of risk and the
market conditions. It can also be used to evaluate the performance of an asset or a portfolio, by comparing
its actual return with its expected return.
The CAPM has some advantages, such as its simplicity, its wide applicability, and its consistency with
modern portfolio theory. However, it also has some limitations, such as its unrealistic assumptions, its
empirical challenges, and its behavioral criticisms.

I hope this helps you with your project. You can find more information about the CAPM from the web search
results that I have provided. Good luck!

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