18 December QT

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18 December: Characteristics of God

God has a plethora of characteristics. However, in this time I shall describe a

few that are prominent throughout the Bible.
The first characteristic of God is his holiness. It is very clear that God is pure
and separate from sin. He is the epitome of moral perfection.

Leviticus 19:2: “speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them: ‘Be holy
because I, the Lord your God, am holy”.
It is evident that God is holy and since we are to be like Jesus, who is God, we
are to be holy and be separate from sin. In my life, am I holy? Do I try to
separate from sin, or do I indulge in it? Often, I would ‘understand’ that as a
Christian, I am to be holy. But do I put every effort to?
Whenever I sin, I do have a guilty conscience and repent however why do I get
to that in the first place? How can I be more holy so I can please God and
inherit the Kingdom, which is pure and holy?
I need to develop a hunger and thirst for God’s holiness. The first thing to fast
and pray. Fasting helps me to heighten self-control as well as help me with the
temptation to sin. What I depend on daily is a cup of coffee. I need to resist the
urge of coffee and fast from it to depend on God’s Word and strength.
The second characteristic is that God is good. There are many scriptures in the
Bible which show this characteristic.
James 1:17 states that every good and perfect gift is from God. The ultimate
gift from God is his sacrifice of Jesus. This, out of all gifts, weather in this world
or in a spiritual sense is the greatest gift of all. Why? Because it is a window to
be with God. A way to repent all sins through Jesus. A way to God. Despite my
flesh, which is evil, God gives me a chance or an opportunity to be with Him.
He has so much kindness in Him that is incomprehensible to my mind. Also, in
the beginning, Genesis states that the things that God made were good, as
such I am to be good to others. Be good to other disciples. Be good to those in
the world so that they come to know God just as I can truly know Jesus. I need.
Therefore, I need to be good to others and one way to do this is to check up on
brothers and ask them for any needs they struggle with. To be kind to them
and show Love.
God is Just. He is fair and righteous in all his judgements. He never shows
favouritism and rewards the righteous and punishes the wicked. In Acts 10:34-
35, Peter realized that God shows no favouritism when he accepted the
Gentiles. Those who deserve death for their sins deserve death; those who
enjoy life and have as much fun as they can on this world deserve suffering
when the day of Judgement comes and those who suffered in Jesus for God’s
Will deserve all that is good on Judgement Day. My challenge is, have I been
treating the disciples in a fair way, or do I have favouritism towards certain
brothers… certain sisters?! I need to repent!

God is infinite. He is immeasurable in all his attributes. He transcends time,

space, and matter. In fact, this is a huge topic if I think about it. God is above
time. Prince, think about it. Time is linear; you grow you learn etc. God is above
that. God does not experience any linear time system. This is a scientific and
interesting topic for another day. He is infinite in his power, knowledge,
presence and eternity.
Psalm 147:5 Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no
Scary to think that God already knows weather or not I will make it in the end.
However, he is fair hence He gives me the opportunity to sin and the
opportunity to be righteous. Talk about free Will.
God is patient. It is extremely evident that God is slow to anger. He does not
immediately show wrath to those who deserve wrath; he gives me time to
repent. God did not strike me down when I sinned. He did not give up on me.
He understands the suffering I go through as he is a compassionate God. He
gives me time to repent and be saved. Am I patient with the people of the
world? Do I easily give up on those who do not want to have Bible Studies? If
so, I must change!
God is faithful. God always keeps his promises and is faithful that disciples will
persevere. In his affliction through love, he is faithful that I and other disciples
will be drawn to him. Am I faithful that God is faithful? That He has the power
to work through me and I can use my talents to draw people closer to him?
God is love. The most prominent and powerful characteristic of God. Love.
1 Peter 4:8: Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude
of sins.
Love is the reason why God is patent with us. Love is the reason why we must
be holy for each other. Love is the reason why we are slow to anger, not
selfish, encouraging and forgiving. God is Love. And the only way to truly love
people is to love God.

These are just not even the tip of an iceberg of who God is. However, I pray
that in my journey, I get to learn more about God and Love him deeply so that
this love transcends to disciples and people so that they are drawn closer to

1) Fast from Coffee. This is a huge sacrifice because there is an unlimited
coffee supply here at work.
2) Check up on a brother and try my best to help them out.
3) Create a spreadsheet for checking up on brothers as well as one for
edates next year.
4) Check up on those who studied the Bible yet stopped.

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