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Compilation for Group 1-6 Reports in English

GROUP 1: Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)

1. What is the primary emphasis of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)?

a) Grammar and vocabulary
b) Reading and writing skills
c) Communication in real-life situations
d) Memorization of rules

2. What is the ultimate goal of CLT with respect to language learning?

a) Perfect grammar and vocabulary knowledge
b) Developing fluency in speaking
c) Building a strong foundation in writing
d) Developing students' communicative competence

3. Which of the following is NOT one of the six main characteristics of CLT as described?
a) Use of authentic materials
b) Focusing on grammar memorization
c) Promoting group work
d) Allowing for errors

4. Why is the use of authentic materials important in CLT?

a) To make language learning more challenging
b) To expose learners to real-life language use
c) To simplify language learning
d) To emphasize grammar rules

5. In CLT, what is the role of group work and collaboration among students?
a) To discourage interaction
b) To promote individual learning
c) To provide opportunities for practicing communication
d) To focus solely on grammar exercises

6. How does CLT balance the development of language skills?

a) By emphasizing reading and writing over listening and speaking
b) By prioritizing grammar over vocabulary
c) By developing all four language skills equally
d) By focusing exclusively on speaking and listening

7. Why is it important to allow for errors in CLT classrooms?

a) Errors disrupt the learning process
b) Errors hinder fluency and confidence
c) Errors provide opportunities for learning and improvement
d) Errors should never be allowed

8. What is the significance of setting realistic goals in CLT?

a) Realistic goals demotivate students
b) b) Realistic goals are not relevant in CLT
c) Realistic goals help students track their progress and stay motivated
d) Realistic goals focus on perfection in grammar and vocabulary

9. According to the provided information, what are some challenges teachers may face when implementing
a) High teacher training requirements and lack of student engagement
b) Overemphasis on structure and grammar
c) Insufficient use of authentic materials
d) Discouraging group work

10.How can CLT activities like role-playing and group discussions be adapted for different language
proficiency levels?
a) By eliminating these activities for beginners
b) By simplifying activities for beginners and adding complexity for advanced learners
c) By providing additional grammar exercises alongside the activities
d) By focusing exclusively on grammar drills for advanced learners

Group 2: Language Scaffolding Approach

1. It promotes oral language skills. Language Scaffolding Approach

2. What scaffolding approach consider how information is verbally presented or explained to the students in
the classroom? Verbal Scaffolding
3. It focuses on the broader aspects of language learning such as overall language proficiency on
communication skills. Macro level
4. It focuses on specific language elements such as vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure,and
pronunciation. Micro level
5. What strategies that students need to build on previous knowledge and understanding? Bridging
6. It allows students to use their senses to understand abstract ideas and complex topic. Sensory Scaffold
7.It can be created through the use of visual tools or graphic organizer such as mind maps and wall charts to
help learners understand complicated text and organize information. Procedural scaffolds
8. It provides verbal contextualization by creating analogies base on students experience. Contextualization
9. It integrates social exchange into the classroom and helps students learn from collaboration. Interactive
10. He introduced scaffolding a researcher in cognitive and educational psychology. Jerome Bruner (1960)

Group 3: Cooperative Learning Approach

1. It is a powerful teaching strategy that can help students develop important skills and improve their
2. The main advantages of the cooperative learning approach. SOCIAL INTERACTION AND
3. Give at least three examples of cooperative learning activities. GROUP PROJECTS, PEER
4. Why does cooperative learning approach is essential for students learning? Because students learn how
to work effectively with others and how to express their ideas clearly and persuasively.
5-10. Give at least two class scenario that shows or applying the cooperative learning approach.

Group 4: Situational Language Teaching Approach

1-5. Give at least five examples of situational teaching approach / activities that is used in real-classroom

6-10. As a future teacher, how can you best applied the situational language teaching approach in the real-
classroom setting knowing that sometimes classroom environment is limited?

Group 5: Functional-Notional Approach

1. It emphasizes the practical use of language to convey meaning and accomplish specific communication
tasks. NA

2. It emphasizes teaching language in a way that enables learners to use it for practical purposes and real-life
communication. FA

3. She had been studying for hours before the important exam. NA

4. Could you please pass me the report? FA

5. I knew we could create friendship ever since we met each other. NA

6. I completely agree with what you have said. FA

7. Students are tasked to bake a cake for their TLE class. NA

8. Are we headed toward the Mactan Shrine? FA

9. In making a cake for your sister’s birthday we need flour, cocoa powder, molder, parchment paper and
more. NA

10. I’ll have Caesar salad as an appetizer and for main course I’d like grilled salmon with steamed
vegetables and for the drink I’d like to have soda. FA

Group 6: Multi-Skills Approach

1.What is the primary goal of the multi-skills approach in education?

a) Focusing solely on academic subjects
b) Developing a wide range of skills in students
c) Preparing students for standardized tests
d) Promoting rote memorization

2.Which of the following is NOT a key component of the multi-skills approach?

a) Reading
b) Writing
c) Speaking
d) Calculus

3.In the multi-skills approach, language learning often involves integrating which skills?
a) Listening, speaking, reading, and writing
b) Mathematics and science
c) History and geography
d) Sports and physical education

4.What is the main advantage of the multi-skills approach in language education?

a) It focuses exclusively on grammar and vocabulary.

b) It promotes communication and practical language use.
c) It eliminates the need for textbooks.
d) It relies on memorization of vocabulary lists.

5.Which educational level is the multi-skills approach most commonly associated with?
a) Preschool
b) Elementary school
c) High school
d) University

6.How does the multi-skills approach benefit students in terms of real-world communication?
a) It encourages students to learn only one foreign language.
b) It helps students become proficient in multiple languages.
c) It emphasizes learning ancient languages.
d) It focuses on theoretical language concepts.

7. How can teachers incorporate the multi-skills approach into their classroom activities?
a) By exclusively using traditional textbooks
b) By designing activities that integrate various skills
c) By avoiding any form of student collaboration
d) By assigning only individual projects.

8. What is one potential challenge of implementing the multi-skills approach in education?

a) It may require more time and resources than traditional methods.
b) It limits students to a narrow skill set.
c) It eliminates the need for teachers.
d) It encourages memorization over critical thinking.

9. Which of the following activities best exemplifies the multi-skills approach?

a) A lesson where students only practice writing essays
b) A lesson where students read a text, discuss it, and then write a response
c) A lesson where students memorize vocabulary lists
d) A lesson where students practice pronunciation through repetition

10. Which type of assessment is most suitable for evaluating students in a multi-skills language class?
a) Multiple-choice tests for each skill separately
b) A comprehensive test covering all language skills
c) A listening-only assessment
d) A writing-only assessment

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