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List of Documents required for NAAC- AQAR 2021-22 (June 1, 2021 to May 31, 2022)

Key Indicator Documents required Programs
Number Department
Criteria I (Curricular Aspects) CSE ISE AI&ML ECE EE ME MBA

Circular for syllabus meeting in Dept,

Procedure adopted for the formulation of Expert suggestions and bench
1.1.1(A) Vision, Mission, PEOs, POs & COs for marking during framing the syllabus All Departments
Curriculum Design Minutes of meeting of dept. level &
Curriculum Design and Development Internal meeting, External Meeting, All Departments
Procedure BOS meeting circular, MOM, Report
Feedback on Curriculum Design and Feedback taken from faculty,
1.1.1.(C) Revision addressing local, regional, national Industry experts, Alumni, parents All Departments
and global needs after framing the syllabus.
Statement of PEOs, POs and PSOs of all the All Departments
programs of study
Academic Regulation All Departments
(Autonomous UG & PG)
Evidences for syllabus revision (Minutes of All Departments
1.1.2 (A)
first BoS and Academic Council Meeting)
List of courses nurturing employability
1.1.3 (A) skills, entrepreneurship and skill List of courses, Syllabus, Mapping All Departments
Evidences of approval of courses as listed in All Departments
1.1.3 (B) BOS, Academic minutes of meeting
1.1.3. (A)
List of MoUs with Industries and Abroad
MoUs for SDP, Placement and All Departments
1.1.3 (C) Universities for nurturing employability
Training coaching, Internship
List of new courses introduced program.-
List of new courses in Autonomous All Departments
1.2.1 (A) wise during the assessment period certified
scheme compared to VTU, Syllabus,
by the competent authority
BOS minutes of meeting
Evidences of approval of courses as listed in All Departments
1.2.1 (B)
1.2. 1. (A)

List of programs offered through

VTU & Autonomous scheme and All Departments
1.2.2 (A) CBCS/Elective Courses (Illustrated with
sample syllabus
Courses with L T P Credit pattern)
List of courses relevant to cross-cutting
1.3.1 issues (ethics, gender sensitivity, human List of courses, Syllabus All Departments
values & Env. & Sustainability)
List of value-added courses transferable and
SDP syllabus, T5,TW5, etc- syllabus, All Departments
1.3.2 life skills (outside curriculum framework &
List of enrolled students for courses All Departments
1.3.3 List of students, Attendance copy
addressed in 1.3.2
List of students undertaken field projects/ List of Internship, Project with title All Departments
internships/student projects program-wise and place of work, 2 Sample report
Structured feedback and review of the
Feedback on Syllabus, questioner,
syllabus (semester-wise / year-wise) is All Departments
1.4.1 Feedback analysis report, list of
obtained from 1) Students 2) Teachers 3)
Suggestions if any
Employers and 4) Alumni
Stakeholder feedback analysis report signed All Departments
1.4.2 Feedback analysis report,
by the authority

Criteria II (Teaching, Learning and Evaluation)

No. of students enrolled &
2.1.1 (AB) AICTE sanctioned letter
(ACY 2021 - 2022)
Evidence document in terms of the students BNMIT
2.1.1(C) VTU approval list
ratified by the university (VTU) Office
VTU and GOK regulations for admissions &
2.1.2(AB) Evidence for reservation seats categories as
per GOK
Number of students admitted,
2.1.2(D) Admission summary 2021 - 2022 category wise. Admission summery
Timetable, Lesson plan and attendance of
2.2.1(B) slow learners participation during remedial All Departments
class, 2021 - 2022
2.2.1(C) Advanced learners list, activates and proof All Departments

List of students (Advanced Learners) opted List of courses studies, sample All Departments
MOOCs certificates, Activates and prizes won
List of the full time teachers / students
2.2.2(ABC) & Evidences of learning resources for slow V-Rook Video links All Departments
learners at their own pace
Mapping of learning strategies and category DLP, Lesson plan with mapping and
2.3.1(A) of courses appropriate to the learning justification of any one course (VTU All Departments
experience(DLP) & Autonomous)
Evidences of ICT Tools utilization for Quiz, Video links, PPT samples All Departments
effective T & L process (DLP)
Circular of mentor- mentees and mentoring Counsellor list and students allotted All Departments
Dairy list
Evidences for online mentoring during All Departments
2.3.3(B) Report
Academic calendar & Course Plan as per
curriculum requirement and outside Dept Calendar of events, Lesson plan All Departments
curriculum for meeting compliance of POs AAT conducted and mapping
and COs
Course Allotment & Evidence sample Subject allotment report, Attendance All Departments
register adhering to the academic calendar register ( copy ) of any two course
List of full time teachers appointed BNMIT
department-wise, Sanctioned post Office

2.4.2 List of members of faculty having Ph. D. All Departments

List of teaching faculty with experience at BNMIT

BNMIT indicating DoJ with PAN Office
Evidence document furnishing the details of VTU, Autonomous calendar of All Departments
2.5.1(A) date pertains to result declaration from the events, Exam Time table, results (VTU)/ COE for
date of examination announcement dates Autonomous
Number of complaints and total number of
No of students applied for BNMIT
students appeared year wise
2.5.2(A) revaluation, list of Students booked Office/COE-
(VTU/Autonomous) Revaluation,
under MPC Autonomous
Minutes of Meeting on result analysis COE-
2.5.2(B) Results analysis report, MOM
(VTU/Autonomous) Autonomous
Examination conduction procedure in
2.5.2(C) IT Integration in Examination Management Autonomous, about the Tab, COE-
& 2.5.3(A) System & SOP of CoE software, process of conduction, Autonomous
valuation result declaration.
Assessment Instrument (Question Paper) -
VTU & Autonomous CIA and SEA COE-
2.5.3(B) Outcome Based assessment various
question paper samples Autonomous
Cognitive levels of RBT
Mechanism and Data for question paper
Mapping of QP with blooms level,
2.5.3(C) quality improvement in the context of All Departments
Scrutinising process
Outcome Based Education
Result Declaration through Campus COE-
2.5.3(D1) Result declaration procedure- report
Management System Autonomous
Display of Answer Scripts (Gaining CIA answer script display to
2.5.3(D2) confidence on autonomous valuation) - students- process, SEA answer script
Learner Centric photo copy procedure
Display of Answer Key & Scheme for Self-
Scheme of evaluation and its display COE-
2.5.4(F) Assessment after Examination (Learner
process to students Autonomous
Proof- email signature, print
Evidences of dissemination of PEOs, POs
2.6.1(A) materials like record, blue book, All Departments
and COs among the stakeholders
website display
List of tools and rubrics for Project,
Direct and Indirect assessment tools &
2.6.2(AB) Internship, Lab and Technical All Departments
seminar, SDP, etc.
Attainment of learning and program Attainment table of 2021-22 for all
2.6.2(C) All Departments
outcomes courses

Result analysis and Pass percentage Final

2.6.3 List, Report All Departments
Year students/ annual report
2.7.1 Student satisfaction survey As per Standard questioner for All Departments
academic year 2021-22
Criteria III (Research, Innovation and Extension)
Research advisory committee, Research
3.1.1(ABC) promotion policy & Minutes of board of
Additional research facilities beyond
3.1.1(B) All Departments
Utilization of research promotion policy
3.1.1(D) (Evidence Document attested by competent All Departments
Web link of research advisory committee, R&D
policies and other related items Co-ordinator
The institution provides seed money to its
Paper publication, Conference R&D
3.1.2 teachers for research
attended incentives. Co-ordinator

Number of teachers who were awarded

3.1.3 national / international fellowship(s) for Documents Proof All Departments
advanced studies/research during the year
Grants received from Government and Non-
Governmental agencies for research
3.2.1 Documents Proof All Departments
projects, endowments, Chairs during the
year (INR in Lakhs
Number of teachers having research projects
3.2.2 Documents Proof All Departments
during the year
Evidence for research guide proof
3.2.3 Guide ship approval letter All Departments
(Recognition from University)
Number of departments having research
3.2.4 projects funded by Government and Non- Documents Proof All Departments
Government agencies during the year:
Evidence for research ecosystem in terms of
R& D centre facilities, Investments,
3.3.1 research oriented facilities All Departments
Projects executed.
Evidence for entrepreneurship activities and
3.3.1(A) Documents Proof New GEN IEDC
list of successful entrepreneurs
Number of workshops/seminars conducted
on Research Methodology, Intellectual
3.3.2 List of activities, report New GEN IEDC
Property Rights (IPR), Entrepreneurship and
Skill Development during the year
Institution policy for Ethics related to R&D
3.4.1 Documents Proof
research Co-ordinator
Number of PhD candidates registered per
teacher (as per the data given with regard to
3.4.2 recognized PhD guides/ supervisors List of research scholars per guide All Departments
provided in Metric No. 3.2.3) during the
List of publications (CARE Journals) List with title, Author, Journal name
3.4.3 All Departments
including Books / Book Chapters etc
Number of books and chapters in edited
List with title, Author, Journal name
3.4.4 volumes / books published per teacher All Departments
during the year:
Bibliometrics of the publications during the
3.4.5 year based on average Citation Index in List, Documents Proof All Departments
Scopus/ Web of Science/PubMed
Evidences of paper publications from
Elsevier Scopus( Bibliometrics of the
3.4.6 publications during the year based on List, Documents Proof All Departments
Scopus/ Web of Science – h-Index of the
Revenue generated from consultancy and All Departments
3.5.1 Documents Proof
corporate training during the year
Total amount spent on developing facilities,
3.5.2 training teachers and clerical/project staff Documents Proof All Departments
for undertaking consultancy during the year
Extension activities carried out in the
neighbourhood sensitising students to social Department of
3.6.1 List of activities, Report Physics
issues for their holistic development, and the
impact thereof during the year
Number of awards and recognition received
by the Institution, its teachers and students All Departments/
3.6.2 for extension activities from Government / List and Documents Proof NSS/NCC
Government-recognised bodies during the
Number of extension and outreach
3.6.3 programmes conducted by the institution List , Report and Documents Proof NSS/NCC
through NSS/NCC during the year
Number of students participating in
3.6.4 extension activities listed in 3.6.3 during the List with activities NSS/NCC
collaborative activities during the year for
All Departments/
research/ faculty exchange/ student
3.7.1 List , Report and Documents Proof R&D
exchange/ internship/ on-the-job training/
project work

Number of functional MoUs with

institutions of national and/or international List and Documents Proof
3.7.2 All Departments
importance, other universities, industries,
corporate houses, etc. during the year

Criteria IV Infrastructure and Learning Resources

Attested document of the Infrastructure &

4.1.1(A) physical facilities for teaching learning as Class rooms, Labs, Seminar halls
Photo gallery of geo-tagged photos of List and Documents Proof All Departments/
classrooms, labs, library and other amenities Library
Photo gallery of other general facilities with List and Documents Proof Department of
space availability Chemistry
No. of classrooms, labs and seminar halls
List and Documents Proof
4.1.3 with ICT facility (Attested Summary & All Departments
Geo-tagged Photo)
Expenditure for infrastructure augmentation,
List and Documents Proof
4.1.4 excluding salary, during the year (INR in BNMIT Office
Evidence of Library Management System List and Documents Proof
4.2.1 Library
(Purchase Order)
Expenditure for infrastructure augmentation,
List and Documents Proof
4.2.2 excluding salary, during the year (INR in Library
Evidence on the statement of accounts for
List and Documents Proof
4.2.3 the purchase of Books / Journals (e- and Library

Usage of library by teachers and students

4.2.4 List and Documents Proof Library
(Evidence of library footfall)

4.3.1&4.3.2 & IT Policy & Evidence of purchase on Policy, List and Documents Proof
CSE/ Data Centre
4.3.3 internet bandwidth (Purchase order)
4.3.4(A) List of e-content development facilities Studio facility, V Rook Videos, Department of
& 4.3.4(B) and Evidence of e-content development Dissemination of Videos to students Physics

Expenditure statement on maintenance of BNMIT

4.4.1 List and Documents Proof
campus infrastructure Office

Established systems and procedures for

maintaining and utilizing physical, academic
and support facilities – classrooms,
4.4.2 All Departments
laboratory, library, sports complex, List and Documents Proof
computers. (Log Books, request letters,
Maintenance report)

Criteria V (Student Support and Progression)

List of students benefitted by Government List and Documents Proof BNMIT
scholarships and schemes Office
List of students benefitted by the parent
List, Report and Documents Proof BNMIT
5.1.2 Institution and non-government
List and details of capacity development and List , report and Documents Proof
5.1.3 All Departments
Skill Enhancement programs of students
Evidences of Coaching for Placement and List , report and Documents Proof Placement/ All
Career Guidance related activities Departments
Reports of mechanism for redressal of
Report and Documents Proof Committee
5.1.5 students’ grievances, including sexual
harassment and ragging

5.2.1 Students' placement details (2021 - 2022) List , report and Documents Proof Placement

5.2.2 List of students opted for higher education List and sample Documents Proof Departments/Place
List of students qualifying in state/ national/ List and sample Documents Proof
5.2.3 All Departments
international level examinations

5.3.1 List number of awards / recognition List and Documents Proof All Departments

Student Council and representation of

List and Documents Proof
5.3.2 students in academic and administrative All Departments
bodies/committees of the institution
Number of sports and cultural events /
5.3.3 List , report Cultural /Sports
competitions organised by the institution
List , report Alumni
5.4.1 The alumni association and its chapters
5.4.2 The alumni association Contribution List , report All Departments

Criteria VI: Governance, Leadership and Management

Department of
6.1.1(A) Institute Organogram
List of various Institutional committee,
6.1.2 List , report Dept of Chemistry
responsibilities and functions
The institutional Strategic/ Perspective plan
institutional Strategic/ Perspective
6.2.1 has been clearly articulated and Management
Minutes of various committee demonstrating Department of
6.2.2 MOM
decentralization and delegation of powers Mathematics
Implementation of e-governance in areas of Department of
6.2.3 Process and Report
operation Mathematics
welfare measures for teaching and non-
6.3.1 teaching staff and avenues for their career List
development/ progression
List of teachers availed financial support for BNMIT
6.3.2 List , report
professional development Office
List of training activities organised for staff
6.3.3 List , report All Departments
during 2021 - 2022
List of teachers undergone professional
6.3.4 List , report All Departments
development activities during 2021 - 2022
6.4.1 internal and external financial audits Report
Funds / Grants received from non-
government bodies, individuals, and BNMIT
6.4.2 List
philanthropists during the year (not covered Office
in Criterion III and V)
Institutional strategies for mobilisation of
6.4.3 funds and the optimal utilisation of Report
6.5.1 Contribution of IQAC and Impact BNMIT-IQAC

Involvement of IQAC in review mechanism

6.5.2 IQAC Members and meeting report BNMIT-IQAC
for quality improvement

List of quality initiatives of IQAC and Report

related documents
Criteria VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

Measures initiated by the institution for the

promotion of gender equity during the year Department of
7.1.1(A) List , Report
( Safety and security Mathematics
& Counselling)
Installation of Campus and
7.1.1(B) Classroom surveillance system through Report, facilities CSE/Data Centre
CCTV for safety and security
Policy for IT and Report
7.1.1(C) IT Policy for the above stated point 7.1.1(A) CSE/Data Centre

Women Empowerment Cell (WEC) for

Department of
7.1.1(D) bringing awareness on equity , equity and Activities, members, report
gender empowerment
Department of
7.1.1(E) Online Grievance Redressal System
List , report Physics
Photo Gallery of Geo-tagged photos
Department of
7.1.2 illustrating Environmental Consciousness List , report
and Sustainability
Solid waste management, Liquid waste
management, Biomedical waste
management, E-waste management, Department of
7.1.3 List , report
Hazardous chemicals and radioactive waste Chemistry
management, Waste recycling
system(Report & geo tagged Photo)
Photo Gallery of Geo-tagged photos
Department of
7.1.4 & 7.1.5 showcasing water conservation and List , report
harvesting and Green Initiatives
1. Restricted entry of automobiles,
2. Use of bicycles/ Battery-powered
7.1.5 3. Pedestrian-friendly pathways, List , report
4. Ban on use of plastic
5. Landscaping((Report & geo tagged
7.1.6 Energy Audit Report & Green Audit EEE department

Photo Gallery of Geo-tagged photos

Department of
7.1.7 showcasing Divyangan-friendly and barrier List , report
free environment
1. Independence Day, Republic Day,
Department of
7.1.8 Teachers Day etc. 2. annual cultural event, List , report
Sensitization of students and employees of
the institution to constitutional obligations: Department of
7.1.9 List , report
values, rights, duties and responsibilities of Humanities
citizens (reports)
conduct for students, teachers,
Department of
7.1.10 administrators and other staff and conducts List , report
periodic sensitization programmes (Reports)
Institution celebrates / organizes national
Department of
7.1.11 and international commemorative days, List , report
events and festivals (Reports)

Department of
7.2.1 Web link of Academic Digitalization Contineo, Master soft, Exam
Cloud, V- ROOK
Performance of the institution in an area
distinct to its priority and thrust.
1.Giving Back to society and Environment,
Clean campus Department of
7.1.3 List and Report
2.The students are given extra training to Physics
participate in the competitions for which
dedicated faculty members are assigned in
each department

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