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“Integrating Critical Approaches into Quantitative STEM Equity Work”

Lecturer : Eko Prasetya, S.Pd., M.Sc

BY :

Name : Sunita Karin Purba

NIM : 4223151019
Class : NSESP 22




Pearson, M. I, et al. (2021). Integrating Critical Approaches into Quantitative STEM Equity
Work. 21 (1). 1-10.

The journal article discusses the importance of considering changes in institutional
categories for demographic variables over time when conducting analyses with institutional data.
It emphasizes the need for researchers to explore how definitions of demographic characteristics
have evolved and how these changes may affect their analyses. This is particularly relevant for
variables such as gender and race/ethnicity, which have undergone shifts in conceptualizations
and categorizations over time . The article also highlights the limitations of relying solely on
quantitative analyses for understanding student experiences. While quantitative approaches can
provide valuable insights at the macro level, they may not capture the underlying mechanisms
that contribute to these experiences. Qualitative and mixed-methods research can offer a more
in-depth understanding of the lived experiences of marginalized and minoritized students in
STEM contexts .
Furthermore, the article emphasizes the importance of researchers reflecting on their own
positionality and how it may influence their research. Lived experiences and biases can shape
researchers' perspectives and methodologies, and it is crucial to acknowledge and address these
influences . This is particularly relevant in quantitative research, where the assumption of
objectivity can mask the potential biases embedded in data analysis and interpretation. In terms
of equity practices, the article highlights the need for researchers to critically examine their
definitions of equity. It cautions against equity models that solely focus on achieving parity or
fairness without considering the historical trauma and discrimination that marginalized and
minoritized students have faced. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing the varying
conceptualizations of equity across different groups and situations .
Overall, the article emphasizes the need for researchers to consider the evolving nature of
institutional categories, the limitations of quantitative analyses, the influence of researchers'
positionality, and the importance of critically examining equity practices in their research .

Data Collection method

The journal article discusses the importance of integrating critical perspectives in STEM
equity research that relies on quantitative analyses. While the article does not provide specific
details about the data collection methods used, it outlines how to incorporate critical approaches
in quantitative STEM equity research.
The article suggests that researchers employing quantitative methods within a
postpositivist framework tend to overlook the impact of their own positionality on analytic
decision-making. It emphasizes the need for researchers to reflect on their own biases, values,
and experiences and be upfront about them in their research. This reflection on positionality is
crucial in critical quantitative (QuantCrit) approaches, which aim to study ways to improve the
experiences of marginalized and minoritized students from a quantitative standpoint .
The foundational elements of QuantCrit are tied to critical race theory and other
perspectives of the critical canon. Critical race theory explores how racism prevents people of
color from accessing social and economic opportunities and seeks to subvert deficit-framing
projections by documenting the ways that people of color actively resist and cultivate joy

despite racist structures .
In the context of quantitative research, the article suggests that critical approaches
involve questioning the assumptions and limitations of traditional quantitative methods.
Researchers are encouraged to critically examine the variables they choose to study, the ways in
which they operationalize and measure those variables, and the interpretations they make based
on the data. This includes considering the historical and societal influences that shape the
research process and acknowledging the structural inequities that may be perpetuated by
focusing solely on individual demographic variables . Overall, the critical approach method
described in the journal involves incorporating critical perspectives, reflecting on positionality,
and questioning the assumptions and limitations of traditional quantitative methods in order to
conduct more responsible and accurate STEM equity research.

Data Source
The journal article does not explicitly mention the specific data sources used in the study.
However, it discusses the importance of integrating critical perspectives in STEM equity
research that relies on both qualitative and quantitative analyses. In terms of qualitative research,
the article suggests that researchers should engage in self-reflection and consider their own
positionality and lived experiences when conducting research. This reflection on positionality
can be done through the use of positionality statements, where researchers discuss how their
backgrounds and experiences may influence their research .
For quantitative research, the article emphasizes the need for researchers to critically
examine the variables they choose to study, the ways in which they operationalize and measure
those variables, and the interpretations they make based on the data. It encourages researchers
to question the assumptions and limitations of traditional quantitative methods and to be upfront
about their biases, values, and experiences .
In terms of integrating critical perspectives, the article suggests that researchers should
consider the historical and societal influences that shape the research process and acknowledge
the structural inequities that may be perpetuated by focusing solely on individual demographic
variables. It encourages researchers to question and re-evaluate commonly used measures and
constructs to ensure they are inclusive and aligned with the lived experiences of marginalized
and minoritized individuals .Overall, the data sources in this journal may include a combination
of qualitative data sources such as interviews, observations, and focus groups, as well as
quantitative data sources such as surveys, assessments, and institutional data. The specific data
sources used would depend on the research questions and methods employed by the researchers.
However, without specific information provided in the article, it is not possible to determine the
specific data sources used in this journal.

Data Sampling method

Overall, the data sampling method from the critical approach described in this journal
may involve purposive sampling, where researchers intentionally select participants who can
provide insights into the experiences of marginalized and minoritized individuals in STEM
contexts. This sampling method allows researchers to focus on specific groups or individuals
who can contribute to a deeper understanding of equity issues. However, without specific
information provided in the article, it is not possible to determine the specific data sampling
method used in this journal
Data Presentation in this Journal

The journal article does not explicitly provide specific guidance on how to present each
data in the study. However, it offers conceptual and methodological considerations for analyzing
institutional data in STEM equity research.

In terms of qualitative data, the article suggests that researchers should engage in self-
reflection and consider their own positionality and lived experiences when conducting research.
This reflection on positionality can be done through the use of positionality statements, where
researchers discuss how their backgrounds and experiences may influence their research .
Qualitative data can be presented through quotes, narratives, or thematic analysis to capture the
experiences and perspectives of marginalized and minoritized individuals.

For quantitative data, the article emphasizes the need for researchers to critically examine
the variables they choose to study, the ways in which they operationalize and measure those
variables, and the interpretations they make based on the data. It encourages researchers to
question the assumptions and limitations of traditional quantitative methods and to be upfront
about their biases, values, and experiences . Quantitative data can be presented through
descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and visualizations such as tables, charts, and graphs.

In terms of integrating critical perspectives, the article suggests that researchers should
consider the historical and societal influences that shape the research process and acknowledge
the structural inequities that may be perpetuated by focusing solely on individual demographic
variables. It encourages researchers to question and re-evaluate commonly used measures and
constructs to ensure they are inclusive and aligned with the lived experiences of marginalized
and minoritized individuals . Integrating critical perspectives in data presentation may involve
providing contextual information, discussing the implications of the findings for equity, and
highlighting the limitations and potential biases in the data.Overall, the presentation of data in
this journal would depend on the specific research questions, methods, and findings of each
study. Researchers should follow established conventions in their respective fields for presenting
qualitative and quantitative data, while also considering the critical perspectives and equity
implications discussed in the article

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