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August 5 2023

To Whom It May Concern

I am extremely pleased to write this letter of recommendation for Ms. Segolame Selema who
has been with us in Poli Agencies as a Procurement Officer. Ms. Segolame Selema and I
worked collaboratively at Poli Agencies for a period of 10 months and I found her as a
conscientious and a hardworking professional.
One of the main reasons Ms. Selema and I have been successful coworkers in almost all projects
that the company has been entrusted with is her reliability and eagerness to learn and ask where
she doesn’t understand. In her role as a Procurement Officer at Poli Agencies, she came across
many challenges, her reason for success in meeting all this challenges head on is her ability to
chart out her limitations. She is never shy to ask for help and she takes constructive criticism
quite well.
During the months that we worked with her, we had the opportunity to observe her interpersonal
style, she is a pleasant individual who believes in positive motivation and the staff was never
dissatisfied under her supervision. I would describe her as a dedicated and enthusiastic
individual who has a great penchant for meeting deadlines. She is an accomplished multi
tasker who has endured the efficacy of many projects.
I fully recommend Ms. Segolame Selema for any Procurement and supply related jobs as I am
positive of her ability to undertake even the most complex of work. Please feel free to call me on
+26772841056 if you would want me to elaborate further on Ms. Segolame Selema’s abilities.
Kind Regards.
Managing Director
Poli Agencies

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