Assignment Two-Thermal Unit Operation

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Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

College of Biological and Chemical Engineering

Chemical Engineering Department
January 2023 Semester
ChEg 3106 – Thermal Unit Operation
Assignment Two – Boiling and Condensation

1. In a gas-fired boiler, water is boiled at 150°C by hot gases flowing through

50 m long, 5 cm outer diameter mechanically polished stainless steel pipes
submerged in water. If the outer surface temperature of the pipes is
165°C, determine
a. the rate of heat transfer from the hot gases to water,
the rate of evaporation,
b. the ratio of the critical heat flux to the present heat flux, and
c. the surface temperature of the pipe at which critical heat flux occurs.

2. To understand the burnout phenomenon, boiling experiments are conducted in

water at atmospheric pressure using an electrically heated 30 cm long, 3 mm
diameter nickel plated horizontal wire. Evaluate;
a. the critical heat flux and
b. the increase in the temperature of the wire as the operating point jumps
from the nucleate boiling to the film boiling regime at the critical heat
flux. Take the emissivity of the wire to be 0.5.

3. Saturated ammonia vapour at 10°C condenses on the outside of a 2 cm outer

diameter, 8 m long horizontal tube whose outer surface is maintained at 10°C.
a. the rate of heat transfer from the ammonia and
b. the rate of condensation of ammonia.

Last Date of Submission: 30th May 2023

Good Luck

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