AEN Pannel Discussion Guide Entebbe 2023

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AEN Pannel Discussion Guide Fri

• What the key areas of education and employment are highlighted by your submission?

A) Good access and retention in school can greatly influence employment prospects in the long run.
Here are several ways it can benefit individuals in their careers:

1. Enhanced qualifications: Completing a higher level of education, such as a degree or certification,

expands an individual's qualifications and makes them more desirable to employers. Many
professions require specific educational credentials as a minimum requirement for entry or

2. Increased job opportunities: Access and retention in school provide individuals with the
knowledge and skills needed to pursue a wide range of career opportunities. With a strong
educational background, individuals can explore various industries and roles, expanding their job

3. Competitive advantage: Employers often prioritize candidates with a solid educational background.
Individuals who successfully complete their education and demonstrate commitment to learning are
generally seen as motivated, disciplined, and eager to succeed. This can give them a competitive
edge over other candidates in the job market.

4. Skill development: School provides an environment for developing both technical and soft skills.
Technical skills specific to a field of study enable individuals to perform job-related tasks effectively.
Soft skills, such as communication, leadership, and problem-solving abilities, are highly sought after
by employers in almost every industry.

5. Networking opportunities: Schools often facilitate networking events, internships, and industry
partnerships, providing students with opportunities to connect with professionals in their desired
field. Building strong professional relationships and expanding their network can lead to job referrals,
mentorship, and potential employment opportunities down the line.

6. Long-term career growth: Continual learning and advancement are essential for long-term career
growth. Good access and retention in school fosters a mindset of lifelong learning, encouraging
individuals to stay updated with industry trends, acquire new knowledge, and adapt to changing
work environments. This ongoing commitment to education can lead to promotions, career
advancements, and increased earning potential.
In summary, good access and retention in school can open doors to a wider range of job
opportunities, enhance qualifications, provide valuable skills, create networking connections, and
promote long-term career growth. It is an investment in oneself that can positively impact
employment prospects for years to come.

B)The quality of education plays a significant role in improving employment prospects. Here are
some key ways in which the quality of education can impact employment outcomes:

1. Knowledge and Skills: A high-quality education provides students with a strong foundation of
knowledge and empowers them with essential skills. This includes proficiency in subjects such as
mathematics, science, language, and social sciences. These core subject areas equip individuals with
the foundational knowledge required for various professions. Additionally, the development of
critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and digital literacy skills through quality education
enhances their employability.

2. Relevance to the Job Market: Quality education takes into account the evolving needs of the job
market. It aligns curriculum and instructional strategies with the skills and knowledge sought by
employers. This ensures that students are equipped with current and relevant information, enabling
them to meet the demands of the workforce.

3. Practical Application: Quality education emphasizes practical application of knowledge and skills. It
involves hands-on learning experiences, experiments, projects, and real-world case studies. Students
who have had opportunities to apply what they have learned in practical settings are better prepared
to enter the workforce.

4. Career Guidance and Counseling: Access to comprehensive career guidance and counseling
services is a crucial aspect of quality education. It helps students explore various career options,
understand the labor market, identify their skills and interests, and make informed decisions about
their career paths. Career guidance and counseling enable students to choose fields that align with
their abilities and aspirations, increasing their chances of finding suitable employment.

5. Networks and Connections: Quality education often provides opportunities for students to build
networks and connections. This can include interactions with guest speakers, industry professionals,
alumni, or participation in internships, apprenticeships, and work experience programs. These
connections enable students to develop valuable relationships in the professional world, which can
lead to employment opportunities.

6. Reputation and Accreditation: The reputation and accreditation of educational institutions also
impact employment outcomes. Employers often value degrees, diplomas, or certifications from
reputable and accredited institutions. The quality of education provided by such institutions is
usually recognized and trusted by employers, enhancing the employability of their graduates.

In conclusion, the quality of education improves employment outcomes by equipping individuals

with knowledge, skills, relevance to the job market, practical application, career guidance, networks,
and a positive reputation that is valued by employers

C) Governance

Good school governance can have a positive impact on youth employment in several ways:

1. Providing quality education: Good school governance ensures that schools are well-managed and
have effective teaching practices in place. This can lead to better educational outcomes for students,
providing them with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in the job market.

2. Fostering career guidance and counseling: Schools with good governance often have dedicated
career guidance and counseling services. These services help students explore their interests,
strengths, and career options, providing them with the necessary guidance to make informed
decisions about their future employment.

3. Creating partnerships with employers: Good school governance involves building strong
partnerships with local businesses and employers. These partnerships can facilitate internships,
apprenticeships, and other work-based learning opportunities, giving students practical experience
and exposure to real-world work environments.

4. Offering vocational training: Good governance can ensure that schools provide vocational training
programs that equip students with specific skills required by industries. This can increase their
employability and help them secure jobs in fields where there is a demand for skilled workers.

5. Engaging with parents and the community: Schools with good governance actively involve parents,
families, and the wider community in the education process. This engagement can lead to increased
support and resources for students, including access to job opportunities and networks that can be
beneficial for employment.

Overall, good school governance plays a crucial role in preparing students for employment by
providing quality education, career guidance, practical training, and community engagement
opportunities. These elements collectively enhance students' employability and increase their
chances of securing meaningful and fulfilling jobs.

• What can researchers and organizations do to institutionalize evidence-informed decision-

making (EIDM) in education and employment?

By Using the Innovation of performance Pay:

• The Access and retention indicator is usually highly affected in a crisis setting by strengthening this
especially in early years education we can be sure to build proficiency in Basic subjects like math,
language(s) which can aid them later on in life and can even be self employed (entrepreneurship)

• From a publication called Africa curricular that means business, Forbes women Africa
highlights that the Africa’s schools are still prioritizing rote learning that is ,theory over practice,
which is outdated curriculum which is unable to keep up with the growing skills needed in the Job
market today and across africa,economies are failing to provide jobs for over 10 million Young people
who are entering the workforce annually.With our Quality of Education Indicator, during teacher
coaching sessions, they can be coached to give practical assignments to pupils, give practical and real
life examples in classroom and methods of applying certain things that are taught in the classroom to
start implementing a practical education.

• Can you share examples from your own experiences where education and employment
programmes has worked well and why?

In my life experience, from the chemistry, home economics, physics Im able to operate my home
bakery to provide for myself

In primary school my school was part of an international school exchange program called connecting
classrooms where we took part in some competitions which enabled me to gain some skill in
research which i am able to use now, learnt even the Ugandan Anthem

• What is your key message you want to leave with the Evidence 2023 participants about these
areas of education and employment?

Practical education is the way to bring Africa into a new era

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