Vocabulary Games

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Vocabulary Games

Whats this? The teacher shows the children picture cards and tells them what each one is. She then places them face down in the desk, points to a card and says, looking at a player Whats this? The player guesses; if the guess is correct, he keeps the card, if it is incorrect he put s it back. The player with most cards wins. Bingo- Several vocabulary sets are chosen and each pupil covers the card with 6-8 words from those sets in front of him. The teacher reads out the words at random. The first child who covers all the words on his cards calls out Bingo! Whats missing? A set of vocabulary cards is displayed where everybody can see them. The class tries to memories them. The children are asked to close their eyes and the teacher removes one card and asks Whats missing? The game can be played individually or in teams. True or false? Teacher chooses a vocabulary set and holds up the cards one by one, saying what the object on the card is, sometimes using a correct sentence, sometimes deliberately making a mistake. The class listen and say whether the sentence is true and, if false, correct it. Fetch it- Teacher display word cards from a chosen vocabulary set where all children can see them. Then she calls out one word and chooses a child to fetch the correct word card. Association game. Each child in turn says any word they like as long as it has some association with the word that has come immediately before. E.g. hotsun-play-football-Saturday-TV-rain-wet, etc. Miming. The teacher writes on the blackboard a list of words which she feels should be reviewed. Children take it in turns to mime one of the words and the class is asked to guess which one is being mimed.

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