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Lao Tzu

Lao Tzu is a key character in Chinese

philosophy and the reputed author of
the Tao Te Ching, a key work in Taoism.
He is thought to have lived around the
sixth century BCE. His personal story is
lost in legend, but he is regarded as
the founder of Taoism, a philosophy
that emphasizes harmony with the
Tao, or the Way. Lao Tzu's ideas, which
have a lasting influence on Taoism as
well as Chinese thought in general,
promote spontaneity, simplicity, and a
close relationship with nature.

"If you are depressed, you are living in

the past. If you are anxious, you are
living in the future. If you are at peace,
you are living in the present."

I chose Lao Tzu because the quotation reflects his deep understanding,
which is applicable to all eras and cultures. This age-old advice
emphasizes the value of living in the present moment and captures the
essence of mindfulness. Beyond its cultural context, Lao Tzu's philosophy
provides insightful advice on attaining mental well-being and emphasizes
the importance of living in the present moment in order to obtain
serenity and calm.

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