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AWS Partner Funding

Benefits Guide

Version 2.0

© 2023, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

© 2023, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This document is provided for informational purposes only. It describes Amazon Web Services, Inc. and its affiliates’
(AWS) current AWS Partner Funding Benefits as of Q3 2023, which are subject to change or termination by AWS
without notice. Customers and AWS Partners are responsible for making their own independent assessment of the
information in this document and any use of AWS’s products or services, each of which is provided “as is” without
warranty of any kind, whether express or implied. This document does not create any warranties, representations, any
offer, contractual commitments, promise, conditions or assurances from AWS, its suppliers or licensors. The
responsibilities and liabilities of AWS to its customers and AWS Partners are controlled by AWS agreements, and this
document is not part of, nor does it modify, any agreement between AWS and its customers or AWS Partners.

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© 2023, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
What are the AWS Partner Funding Benefits?.................................................................................................... 5
AWS Partner Funding Benefits Policy................................................................................................................ 5
How Do AWS Partner Funding Benefits Work? ................................................................................................ 6
Training & Certification ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Benefits and Offerings ........................................................................................................................................ 7
APN Innovation Sandbox Credits........................................................................................................................... 9
Benefits and Offerings ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Guidelines and Eligibility.................................................................................................................................... 9
How to Request Innovation Sandbox Credits ..................................................................................................... 9
AWS Partner Innovation Sandbox Performance Measures ................................................................................ 9
Marketing Development Funds (MDF) Program ................................................................................................. 10
Benefits and Offerings ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Key Changes YoY ............................................................................................................................................. 10
Guidelines and Eligibility.................................................................................................................................. 10
What are the MDF Program Expectations?....................................................................................................... 11
Policy for MDF Activities ................................................................................................................................. 12
Claiming MDF Activities Crossing Calendar Years ......................................................................................... 12
Claims and Proof of Performance Requirements .............................................................................................. 12
MDF Marketing Plan ........................................................................................................................................ 12
Success Measures .............................................................................................................................................. 14
Utilize the APN Customer Engagement (ACE) Program (Submission Process): ............................................ 14
Partner Proof-of-Concept (POC) Activity Funding .............................................................................................. 15
Proof-of-Concept Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 15
Eligibility for MAP/POC Worldwide Public Sector (WWPS) Funding ........................................................... 16
Customer Engagement Incentive (CEI) ................................................................................................................ 17
CEI Partner Funding Overview ......................................................................................................................... 17
Partner Eligibility Criteria ................................................................................................................................. 17
Enrollment ......................................................................................................................................................... 18
AWS Originated (AO) Opportunities: .............................................................................................................. 18
Greater China Region: ....................................................................................................................................... 18
Customer Eligibility Criteria ............................................................................................................................. 18
Worldwide Public Sector (WWPS) Customers ................................................................................................. 18
Customer Engagement Incentive - Scope ......................................................................................................... 18
Customer Engagement Incentive - Launch ....................................................................................................... 19
Customer Engagement Incentive – Grow (AWS Solution Providers and Distributors only) ........................... 19
Payment ............................................................................................................................................................. 19
Getting Started with a CEI Opportunity ............................................................................................................ 21

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© 2023, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Migration Acceleration Program (MAP) .............................................................................................................. 22
MAP Partner Funding Incentive Overview ....................................................................................................... 23
Partner Eligibility Criteria ................................................................................................................................. 23
MAP Deal Qualification.................................................................................................................................... 25
MAP Partner Funding Incentives ...................................................................................................................... 25
MAP Assess Funding ........................................................................................................................................ 26
MAP Mobilize Funding .................................................................................................................................... 27
Migrate & Modernize Funding ......................................................................................................................... 29
Additional Incentives for MAP Migrate & Modernize Funding....................................................................... 30
Migrate & Modernize Funding Requirements .................................................................................................. 32
Payment Summary ............................................................................................................................................ 34
MAP Autopilot Program ................................................................................................................................... 35
MAP, MAP Lite, & POC FAQ ......................................................................................................................... 35
ISV Workload Migration Program ....................................................................................................................... 38
Partner Eligibility .............................................................................................................................................. 38
Migration Use Cases Supported ........................................................................................................................ 38
Partner Nominations .......................................................................................................................................... 38
WMP Benefits ................................................................................................................................................... 38
Funding Rates .................................................................................................................................................... 39
Building a WMP Offer ...................................................................................................................................... 39
Opportunity Registration Process...................................................................................................................... 39
Public Sector Requirements .............................................................................................................................. 40
WMP Funding Requirements ............................................................................................................................ 40
Submitting a WMP Fund Request ..................................................................................................................... 40
AWS Promotional Credit Disbursement ........................................................................................................... 41
WMP & Partner Engagement Process .............................................................................................................. 41
WMP Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ....................................................................................................... 42
World Wide Public Sector (WWPS)..................................................................................................................... 43
APN Funding Key Dates and Deadlines ............................................................................................................... 44
Revision History ................................................................................................................................................... 45

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© 2023, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner Network (APN) is comprised of tens of thousands of firms globally. As you
grow your AWS-based practice and deepen your knowledge of AWS, you have the opportunity to unlock AWS Partner
Funding Benefits.

This AWS Partner Funding Benefits Guide will help you understand each funding benefit and the related policies and
guidelines, as well as provide examples of how to best leverage these APN resources.

What are the AWS Partner Funding Benefits?

AWS Partner Funding Benefits offer funding to accelerate various stages of AWS Partners’ business development,
including technical, sales and marketing enablement. AWS Partner Funding Benefits help you build a sustainable
business model and expand your AWS practice as you build, market, and sell with the APN.
AWS Partner Funding Benefits offer cash and/or AWS Promotional Credits. These benefits are tailored to meet your
needs in 1) AWS training & certification, 2) new solution/product development, 3) go-to-market activities, and 4)
Partner opportunity acceleration with customers. Each AWS Partner Funding Benefit has its own objectives and specific

AWS Partner Funding Benefits Objectives

1. Increase AWS Partners’ capacity and capabilities for delivery of AWS solutions and products.
2. Build AWS qualified customer opportunities with AWS Partners.
3. Accelerate sales cycles for Partner-led opportunities from development to deployment.
4. Develop wins that AWS Partners can use to validate and demonstrate their AWS experience.

AWS Partner Funding Benefits Policy

Below are policies and requirements that apply to all AWS Partner Funding Benefits:
• All funding and other benefits are provided at AWS’s sole discretion.
• You must adhere to all AWS Partner Funding Benefits and programs deadlines to remain eligible for AWS Partner
Funding Benefits.
• Any receipt of funding or other benefits are subject to the AWS Partner Network Terms and Conditions (the “APN
Terms”), as may be updated by AWS from time to time.
• As a pre-requisite to receive cash funding benefits, you must complete required Amazon Payee Central registration
and associated tax interview.
• Any receipt of AWS Promotional Credits is subject to the AWS Promotional Credit Terms & Conditions
(Promotional Credit Terms), as may be updated by AWS from time to time. Dollar values assigned to benefits as
described herein merely represent dollar value equivalents solely for purposes of defining the scope of the
available benefit. AWS Promotional Credits are not redeemable or exchangeable for cash under any circumstance.
• Expired or cancelled AWS Partner Funding Benefits will not be extended or reinstated.
• Funding must be pre-approved by the APN funding team for program activities or projects prior to their start date
(for funding programs tied to end customers) and before the funding is positioned to a customer.
• Funding amounts pre-approved by the APN funding team include any applicable taxes and fees associated with the
activity. Payee Central has been designed to show if indirect taxes (e.g. VAT or GST) above the pre-approved
funding amount are acceptable in specific tax settings. AWS Partners can find more information on tax and legal
terms in the purchase order or by reaching out to Payee Central
• Pre-approval by the APN funding team indicates that you are eligible to receive applicable funding or other
benefits, but it is not a guarantee that you will receive such funding or benefits, nor does it create any obligation
for AWS.
• Funding and other benefits are subject to availability.
• Fund claims need to be submitted upon project/activity completion. Multiple fund claims against one
project/activity will be subject to additional approval.
• Travel and accommodation expenses are ineligible for funding.
• All claims require submission of proof of performance (POP) for validation and to assess compliance. Required POP
documents are listed in each program in this guide.
• The APN funding team may request additional details regarding your projects and activities as part of the AWS
Partner Funding Benefits in accordance with the Compliance Guidelines below.
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© 2023, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
• You must remain in compliance with the APN Terms, including the timely payment of all applicable APN fees.
• AWS Partner Funding Benefits may be subject to program budget management plans. Budget management plans
may vary by program and region.

Compliance Guidelines
Should you choose to participate in the AWS Partner Funding Benefits, for the duration of your participation and for
one year afterward, you must maintain all original POP documents, complete and accurate records sufficient to verify
performance results, your compliance with the APN Terms, any Additional Terms (as defined in the APN Terms), and
this Program Guide, in connection with your receipt of funding or other benefits. AWS reserves the right to request
original POP documents, records, and performance results for the purpose of verifying your compliance. If AWS is
unable to verify your compliance or finds non-compliance with the APN Terms, any Additional Terms, or this Program
Guide, then AWS reserves the right to withhold or delay funding or other benefits, or take other appropriate action,
until AWS validates that you are in compliance.

How Do AWS Partner Funding Benefits Work?

Step 1: As a pre-requisite to the submission of any cash AWS Partner funding benefit request, AWS
Partners should have a completed Amazon Payee Central account. If you do not have an Amazon Payee
Central account, open a case in AWS Partner Central to initiate this process. If you have been invited to
create an Amazon Payee Central account, but have not completed the setup, please login to finalize bank
account registration and take the tax interview. To ensure successful future payments, AWS Partners must
choose the same currency as in Amazon Payee Central when submitting their funding request.

Step 2: Prior to starting any activity, the AWS Partner provides activity information to the APN funding
team. Depending on the funding benefit, this may occur through the AWS Partner Funding Portal or by
contacting your AWS Partner Development Manager or AWS Partner Sales Manager.

Step 3: The APN funding team will review and pre-approve the activity/project funding request if it meets
all required guidelines outlined in the AWS Partner Funding Benefits Program Guide.

Step 4: Once pre-approved, the AWS Partner may execute the activity/project. Please note, the program
fund request must be pre-approved by AWS prior to any execution across all funding programs. Fund
claims will not be approved if work started prior to pre-approval.

Step 5: Upon completion, the AWS Partner submits the fund claim with required information per the
AWS Partner Funding Benefit requirements and deadlines. Depending on the AWS Partner Funding
Benefit, this can occur in the AWS Partner Funding Portal or by submitting the fund claim directly to your
AWS Partner Development Manager or AWS Partner Sales Manager.

Step 6: If all funding program requirements are met, the APN funding team will approve the fund claim.
If the fund claim is rejected, the AWS Partner will receive either an email or a comment in the AWS
Partner Funding Portal that details the rejection reasons. Once required updates are made to the claim,
please re-submit your fund claim for approval. For more information on program and region-specific fund
claim requirements, please download the User Guide available in the “Resources” tab of AWS Partner

Step 7: Upon fund claim approval, the AWS Partner must submit a webform invoice in Amazon Payee
Central against the purchase order you received for the activity. The APN funding team will review and
approve the invoice, and initiate payment in accordance with the applicable Program terms.

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© 2023, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Training & Certification

AWS Training & Certification’s Partner Training offerings support enablement for AWS Partners by providing AWS
training resources that increase Partners’ AWS knowledge and capabilities. Partners gain proficiency in AWS services
through a variety of training avenues, including in classroom training, virtual instructor-led training, and self-paced
digital training.

Benefits and Offerings

AWS Training & Certification offers funding to accelerate the onboarding of your technical resources and prepare your
team for AWS certification exams. One way to increase your capacity and capability for delivery of AWS solutions is
through achieving AWS certifications. AWS certifications help you demonstrate your expertise in the design,
deployment, and operation of highly available, cost-effective, and secure applications on AWS. Certifications bolster
your credibility with your customers.

AWS Training & Certification offers the following funding benefits:

1) Discounted AWS Training Packages

a. AWS Partners may be eligible for highly discounted AWS training, delivered by AWS Training Partners
(ATPs) as well as an AWS Certification exam voucher upon training completion. Training course schedules,
prices and availability may vary by country. Seats and funds are limited and registration is on a first-come,
first-serve basis. To register and access greater detail around this benefit, login to AWS Partner Central to
download the list of participating ATPs and registration details.

b. Partners may be eligible to receive up to a 20% discount on AWS-delivered individual and private training
courses. Login to AWS Partner Central and visit the ‘Learn’ tab to gain greater detail on the training
options available.

2) AWS Promotional Credits for Certifications – As an incentive, AWS offers AWS Promotional Credits for net new
certification(s) your organization attains, reported in the same calendar year of completion. AWS Promotional
Credits can be used to help offset future AWS usage costs incurred once redeemed. Participating AWS Partners are
eligible to receive $300 USD of AWS Promotional Credits per Associate Certification and $500 USD of AWS
Promotional Credits per Professional or Specialty Certification. The AWS Partner Alliance Lead, the primary Partner
account holder who is designated to manage all AWS Partner information, will receive the credit code(s) via email
on a quarterly basis according to the number of net-new certifications updated in your AWS Partner Central
account. Ensure all individuals within your organization have correctly set up the “AWS T&C Account Email” within
the My profile “My AWS certifications” section in AWS Partner Central.

What are the AWS Training and Certification Program Recommendations?

Whether you're just starting out, building on existing cloud skills, or sharpening your cloud knowledge, AWS Training &
Certification can help AWS Partners like you build competence, confidence, and credibility. Visit the AWS Partner
Training & Certification site to learn more about the various AWS training and certification offerings. You can also
utilize the Partner Learning Path Tool to determine which type of Partner training will work best for you.

Other AWS Partner Training Courses

AWS Partner Course (APC): APC is a one-day boot camp that is free for AWS Partners and designed to help new AWS
Partners build their businesses with AWS. APC courses are available in instructor-led, virtual instructor-led and digital
web-based formats. By learning about AWS best practices, AWS Partners will be better able to meet customer business
challenges. The courses available introduce concepts on how to uncover customer priorities (including CxO-level
priorities) and provides content specific to AWS differentiators, AWS security and compliance, and the migration/cloud
adoption process.

AWS PartnerCast: AWS PartnerCast is a series of free interactive webinars, plus a library of on-demand training
resources, to help AWS Partners in business and technical roles. It can help you create new client opportunities,
enhance professional relationships, and develop your AWS cloud skills. With the First Look series, you can also get just-
in-time insights with the latest AWS news and updates customized specifically for AWS Partners.
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AWS Partner Accreditations: AWS Training & Certification provides free digital AWS Partner Accreditation courses for
individuals in business and technical roles. These courses give you a foundational understanding of AWS products and
services, best practices, and partner programs so you can effectively address customer business and technical needs.
AWS Partner Accreditation courses are available on demand and allow you to learn at your own pace.

AWS Skill Builder: AWS Skill Builder is our new online learning center that makes it easier for anyone – from beginners
to experienced professionals – to build in-demand AWS cloud skills. AWS Skill Builder provides 500+ free self-paced
digital courses, 25+ learning plans focused on specific job roles or domains, AWS Cloud Quest as well as many AWS
Certification Practice Questions and Exams to help you expand your knowledge.

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam: This AWS Certification Exam offers a foundational understanding of AWS
Cloud concepts, services, and terminology. This is a good starting point for individuals in non-technical roles with no
prior IT or cloud experience or for those with on-premises IT experience looking for basic AWS Cloud fluency. This
certification can give candidates the confidence to tackle role-based AWS Certifications.

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APN Innovation Sandbox Credits

One of the objectives of AWS Partner Funding Benefits is to increase your capabilities for delivery of AWS solutions
and products. This is important for the long-term success of your AWS business as the cloud industry continues to
grow and evolve rapidly. To help increase your AWS capabilities, we encourage innovation and development. The APN
Innovation Sandbox Credits benefit (Sandbox credits) provides AWS Promotional Credits to help drive innovation and
development of products and solutions that integrate or build on AWS Services.

Benefits and Offerings

The APN Innovation Sandbox program is a benefit that supports partners that are building solutions or service
offerings integrated with or built on AWS by offering AWS Promotional Credits to reduce up to 3 months of costs of
AWS services used on development of a Design Win.

Design Wins are a new solution or service offering on AWS or a significant re-architecture of existing products built on
or integrated with AWS for production use. It must be able to be deployed and managed across multiple customers
with minimal or no customization of infrastructure, application, and/or database configurations. This is not only
packaging of a migration methodology; a solution must include partner intellectual property in the form of software or
hardware developed by the AWS Partner. There must be clear documentation on the AWS Partner’s website that
explains how to deploy, buy, and get support for the product when it is run on AWS. Lastly, there must be a sales plan
in place that details the go-to-market activities and is shared with your Partner Development Manager.

Guidelines and Eligibility

AWS Partners who have attained the Confirmed stage of their chosen Partner Path(s) after paying their annual APN fee
are eligible to request APN Innovation Sandbox credits. Partners may submit requests to support multiple Design Wins.
To maximize the value of Sandbox credits and ensure your development leads to implementation, you are required to
submit an estimated AWS Pricing Calculator that shows projected AWS usage for the solution development along with
a solution development plan, an AWS account ID where the development will occur and, where approved credit codes
will be redeemed towards. This plan must 1) describe the overall goal and how it ties into customers’ needs; 2) include
project details such as estimated timeline, resources, and budget; and 3) list the solution in development by application
and industry (see examples of solution by application and industry here). AWS Promotional Credits are intended to
offset any AWS usage incurred during the solution development. AWS Partners must execute and deliver against the
solution development plan once the AWS Promotional Credits have been issued.
For each unique solution development plan, the program will offset up to 3 months of associated AWS usage cost with
sandbox credits. This benefit is subject to annual maximums per calendar year.

How to Request Innovation Sandbox Credits

AWS Partners must prepare the following prior to submitting the fund request: 1) AWS pricing calculator or Excel
calculator information 2) the solution development plan, and 3) provide a valid AWS account ID where the
development will occur.

Once you have gathered that information, log into AWS Partner Central and click on the “Funding” tab to enter the
AWS Partner Funding Portal. There you will see the button in the “Innovation Sandbox” section to click “apply” to start
a fund request.

AWS Partner Innovation Sandbox Performance Measures

If you develop and launch a new solution utilizing APN Innovation Sandbox funding benefits, be sure to create a new
offering in your AWS Partner Central account as follows:
• Have the Alliance Lead or Team member log into AWS Partner Central
• Click “View My APN Account” Scroll to “Offerings”
• Click “New” and fill out the form.

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Marketing Development Funds (MDF) Program

The Marketing Development Funds (MDF) Program is your resource to help drive demand generation to build your
sales pipeline with validated AWS opportunities. Depending on which designations you have attained, you may be
eligible to request MDF cash and/or MDF AWS Promotional Credits to help support your marketing efforts to promote
your services and solutions on AWS. The goal of the MDF Program is to support brand awareness and marketing
activities to generate new opportunities for AWS Partners.

Partners must have a completed Amazon Payee Central account before MDF Cash funding will show in their APN wallet
and can be accessed. To initiate this process, open a case in AWS Partner Central.

Access and management of MDF benefits can be performed through AWS Partner Funding Portal, which is accessible
through the “Funding” tab of AWS Partner Central. The AWS Partner Funding Portal allows Partners to request, claim,
and track their MDF activities in one centralized location.

Please note, AWS is not a marketing agency for AWS Partners. A list of marketing agencies can be found on AWS
Marketing Central. AWS Marketing Central also offers complimentary marketing resources, such as marketing assets
and pre-built email campaigns, to help support your go-to-market (GTM) plans.

Benefits and Offerings

There are two main benefits you may receive in the MDF Program:
1) MDF Cash – MDF cash offsets up to 50% of the actual costs for eligible marketing activities that focus on demand
generation campaigns (see the Guidelines & Eligibility section for a list of eligible activities). The campaigns should
drive customer interest, generate awareness of your AWS solution or service offerings to build your sales pipeline.
Our goal is to support your go-to-market (GTM) plan and help offset your approved marketing costs.

2) MDF AWS Promotional Credits – AWS Promotional Credits can help offset future AWS billed usage incurred
during eligible marketing activities with end customers. AWS Partners can leverage AWS Promotional Credits as
part of a marketing campaign to drive demand generation or promote their solutions. AWS Credits are also
available to be used for all eligible marketing activities at 50% of the marketing activity cost up to $10k. AWS
credits are available upon request.

Key Changes YoY

Funding Partner wallets: AWS has changed how Partner funding is distributed. Partner funding loaded at the
beginning of the year will be distributed based on prior-year utilization. Partners are eligible for their full Prescriptive
funding earned from designations throughout the year.

Planning: Partners with limited (less than 50% utilization) prior-year MDF utilization need to provide a marketing plan
to trigger the loading of MDF funds to the Partner wallet.

Reinstated: Up to 50% of MDF Cash may expire mid-year if not associated with an approved marketing activity in
APFP. AWS will attempt to coordinate with Partners prior to funding being removed from Partner wallets.

Credits: Credits are available only upon request. Partners are eligible to use credits towards AWS eligible marketing
activities listed below. Credits are to support 50% of the cost of a marketing activity.

Guidelines and Eligibility

AWS Partners will receive MDF benefits as program designations are attained, we call these Prescriptive benefits. MDF
Cash funding is available for AWS Service Ready, AWS Service Delivery, AWS Device Qualification Program, AWS Well-
Architected Partner Program, AWS Competency, or AWS Managed Service Provider (MSP) status. In 2023, initial wallet
loads for the year will be based on prior-year utilization. Partners that utilized over 50% of their Prescriptive MDF
benefits in 2022 will have 100% of their earned MDF Prescriptive funding loaded to their wallets. Partners that did not
utilize over 50% of their MDF funds in the prior-year are eligible for their marketing benefits but must coordinate with
their PMM, PDM, or VPMM on a plan to utilize current year funding before their wallet will be loaded. If program
designations are attained during the calendar year, MDF cash benefits are loaded the week following the attainment,

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provided the partner already has Payee Central set up. Once funds are available in the APN wallet, Partners can create
fund requests activities for approval.

Fund requests must be approved in the AWS Partner Funding Portal prior to the activity start date. Once the activity is
approved, Partners must claim in APFP within 30 days after the activity end date by submitting the required proof of
execution, and then invoice in Payee Central within 30 days of the claim being approved in the AWS Partner Funding
Portal. Fund requests that are not claimed in APFP within 30 days of the activity end date will be expired
automatically, and the activity will not be reimbursed. Partners have the ability to self-extend the activity end date one
time for a period of up to 90 days.

2022 MDF Cash Benefits

Service Validations Program Validations
AWS Service Ready AWS Competencies
AWS Service Delivery AWS Managed Service Provider Program (MSP)
AWS Device Qualification Program AWS Well Architected Partner Program (WAPP)
$5,000 USD Each $10,000 USD Each

MDF Activity Submission Key Deadlines:

✓ MDF Cash benefits: Up to 50% of MDF Cash loaded by January 31st may expire if the funds are not pre-
approved by June 30th (regardless of the start date).
o Example: If a Partner had $20,000 in MDF cash loaded in January and has $8,000 pre-approved by
June 30th, AWS will remove $2,000 from their wallet ($20,000 x 50% = $10,000, $10,000 - $8,000 =
✓ The deadline to submit an MDF activity request for approval is December 1st.
✓ Any unused MDF not associated with a pre-approved activity will expire after December 1st.

MDF Claims Key Deadlines:

✓ All claims must be submitted in APFP within 30 days after the activity completion date and prior to December
15th. For example: if an activity's completion date is December 1st, the claim must be submitted prior to
December 15th (forgoing the 30-day claim window).
✓ All invoices must be submitted in Payee Central 30 days after approval of the claim in APFP and prior to
January 30th.
✓ Last day to submit claims in APFP is December 15th.
✓ Last day to submit invoices in Payee Central is January 30th.
✓ Any unused or unclaimed MDF benefits will not carry over to the next calendar year.

What are the MDF Program Expectations?

All activities requesting MDF Cash or AWS Promotional Credits will be reviewed and pre-approved by AWS if applicable
guidelines are met. Each activity is required to be pre-approved in the AWS Partner Funding Portal prior to the start
date of the activity and should include: 1) a clear call-to-action, 2) a defined activity start and end date, 3) the expected
outcomes. After the activity is completed, if the request is for MDF cash, proof of performance and claim submission
deadlines must be met.

AWS Partners are required to submit performance results from MDF funded activities when claiming reimbursements
and submit opportunities in the APN Customer Engagement (ACE) Program (within AWS Partner Central). ACE is the
tool we use to track opportunities generated and funded by the MDF Program as performance metrics. See the Success
Measures section below for more details.

Additional Go-To-Market Resource Tools

Resource Description
Primary online resource for AWS Partners. Includes:
• APN Programs
AWS Partner Central • AWS Partner Training and Certification
• AWS Partner Funding Benefits
• APN Customer Engagements Tool (ACE) – Pipeline and Opportunity Management

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APN Logo Guidelines • Eligibility for Use
• Trademark Guidelines
AWS Marketing Central • Find marketing templates to co-brand with AWS Marketing Toolkit
• Find approved marketing agencies to execute campaigns and activities
APN Support Submit a support case for additional questions

Policy for MDF Activities

Any cash reimbursement by AWS as part of the MDF Program is based on the actual submitted expenses associated
with the third-party services. Please be aware that partners can claim up to the pre-approved cash amount of the fund
request, but not beyond, even if their expenses are higher. For example, if an event was pre-approved by AWS for
$10,000 at 50% reimbursement for a $20,000 activity, but the actual cost was $8,000, then the eligible reimbursement
amount would be up to $4,000 (50% reimbursement). If the same activity had an actual cost of $22,000 the partner
can still only claim $10,000 (not $11,000). MDF is approved at the discretion of AWS for activities that drive awareness,
interest, leads, opportunities, and engagement for an AWS Partner’s solutions that run on AWS, are integrated with
AWS, or for services provided by Partners specific to AWS. AWS branding and/or messaging is required for MDF-
supported activities.

MDF Credits can also be used to offset 50% of the costs of an eligible marketing activity. Requests for AWS Credits
should be made if the Partner will incur AWS usage costs during an eligible marketing activity.

Claiming MDF Activities Crossing Calendar Years

Expenses can be claimed in the calendar year when the expense occurred. Partners must have an approved fund
request in the calendar year in which the expense occurred and follow the MDF approval process. Example: Purchase a
booth at an industry event. The purchase happens in 2023 but the event occurs in 2024. Follow the MDF process, put
the date (current calendar year) for when the purchase will be made, get an approved fund request prior to the
purchase of the event and claim the expense within 30 days. In 2024 if there are additional costs the Partner must
submit another funding request for the costs expected in that calendar year.

Claims and Proof of Performance Requirements

Standard MDF requests require third-party receipts showing actual incurred costs as part of the claim process. These
should clearly show a date—after fund request approval—and the paid amount. AWS Partner internal costs are not
eligible for MDF reimbursement.

For Sales Kick Off’s (SKO), 3P Events and Partner Led Sponsorships, a proof of sponsorship will count as proof of
performance in lieu of a third-party receipt. If AWS is sponsoring any of these events through MDF funding, the Partner
must provide documentation showing the cost of sponsorship. Acceptable documentation includes sponsorship
marketing materials, pamphlets or invoices.

The third-party receipt(s) or proof of sponsorship must be provided when submitting a claim in APFP within 30 days of
the activity end date. After which, the guideline for submitting an invoice in Payee Central is within 30 days of claim
approval in AWS Partner Funding Portal.

MDF Marketing Plan

MDF Custom and Prescriptive funding (for partners with less than 50% utilization in the prior-year) requires an
execution plan. Partners will work with their PMM, PDM, or VPMM and determine how MDF funds will be spent and the
opportunities that will be created. Once a marketing plan is agreed upon the PMM, PDM, or VPMM will submit a
request to load the Partners’ wallet. The marketing plan will be attached in the request to load the Partners wallet.
Note: This will only load the funding to the Partner’s wallet. The Partner will still need to submit a fund request in the
APFP portal to receive any reimbursement.

A Partner marketing plan needs to include:

1. Marketing Activity Title
3. Payee Central ID

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4. Activity Start Date
5. Activity End Date
6. Total Cost of Activity
7. Amount to Claim (50% of activity)
8. Description of Activity
9. Opportunities the marketing activity will generate

ELIGIBLE Cash & Credit Description

MDF Activities
End Customer Events Execution and promotion of an in-person or virtual event that showcases your AWS solution (i.e.
(in-person and virtual) networking, sporting, roundtables, Partner hosted, etc.)
Webinars led by AWS Partners focused exclusively on your AWS solutions, or joint events with other
Customer Focused Webinars
vendors that demonstrate your AWS solution
Display Advertising and Advertising support across display, paid search, SEO, or social media
Search Marketing
Templates; Design; Execution (i.e. Marketo Eloqua), Web copy; Landing pages; Microsites; Design;
Email Campaign
Industry Conference Event Participation in a third-party industry or technology conference to showcase your AWS solutions
Lead List Purchase List purchase; List enhancement/enrichment
AWS Event Sponsors can use MDF to support networking events (focused exclusively on your AWS
Customer Event associated solutions) alongside AWS events (i.e.: re:Invent, Summits), so long as you are sponsoring said AWS event
with an AWS-led Event and agree to comply with AWS Sponsorship Rules & Guidelines (see your Sponsor event portal for more
Partner Produced Case Customer Case study on a completed deployment that showcases your AWS solutions
Study (Written and/or
Development and design of Partner marketing and sales content (i.e. whitepaper, e-book, solution brief,
Partner Sales Content
technical brief, landing pages, etc.) that showcases your AWS solutions.
Partner Sales Kick Off AWS Partner event focused on your annual sales strategy and go-to-market with AWS
Call campaigns and supporting assets (i.e. battlecard, sales call script, first call deck, telesales outreach,
Telemarketing Campaigns
etc.) that showcase your AWS solutions.
AWS Led Joint Campaign AWS Led Joint Campaign focusing on highlighting value that AWS and a select set of Technology and
(Invite Only) Consulting Competency Partners provide to customers.
Gifts/Giveaways/Swag Logo items specifically associated with an MDF activity or AWS marketing campaign.
Social and recreational costs for training or marketing events that showcase your AWS solutions. AWS
Social/Recreational Events
provided opportunity to participate, provide training and materials.
Video Conferencing Cost to host video conference services (i.e. Zoom, GoToMeeting, WebEx) for events that showcase your
AWS solutions
Catering Catering of food, beverages and gratuities associated with an event that showcases your AWS solutions.
Food vouchers for virtual events. (i.e. DoorDash, Grubhub, Postmates etc.)

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AWS will not approve any events that are networking only and not focused on an AWS Partner
Relationship Events
Solution. This also includes events only for morale building.
Gifts, entertainment, or business costs for AWS or AWS employees will not be covered. This includes
AWS Staff Activity
thank you gifts, tickets for AWS employees to attend a conference or event, etc.
MDF can’t be used to fund staff unless directly tied to the activity, (e.g. event staff for a funded
Headcount activity). This includes recruiting events and wages for temporary or permanent employees assigned
to the activity.
Charity Donations MDF can’t be used to fund charitable donations.
MDF can’t be used to offset fees around AWS led events such as: AWS re:Invent, AWS Summits. This
AWS Sponsored Events
includes the tickets to such events.
Cancellation Fees Costs for deposits or costs already incurred, will not be covered if the activity is cancelled.
No travel or accommodation expenses will be covered. This includes flights, hotels, individual meals,
Travel and other types of transportation such as taxis, ride shares, buses, etc. This includes costs incurred by
the Partner, AWS staff, and your third-party vendor (e.g. speakers, event staff, etc.).
AWS will only pay costs associated with a third-party agency. MDF funding cannot be used for internal
Internal Costs hours. This includes internal creative services and in-house marketing agencies/resources. This may
include full time employees, temporary employees, seasonal employees, and contract employees.
AWS Partner Business MDF can’t be used for normal business expenses. This includes operational expenses, normal overhead,
Costs or capital expenditures.
MDF can’t be used to buy any merchandise such as gift cards, Echo’s, Merchandise
Kindles, Kindle Fires, Echo Dots, Echo Shows, etc.
Alcohol can only be included for reimbursement when food is also served. All food and beverage must
Alcohol be itemized on the invoice. Activities where only alcohol is consumed are not eligible for
Rush Fees Any additional fees for expedited or rush jobs are not reimbursable.
MDF cannot be used to incent customers. EX: APN Partner cannot offer $500 in MDF cash or credits in
Incentives exchange for a public reference. MDF though can be used to develop a Customer Case study on a
completed deployment that showcases your AWS solution

Success Measures
The leads and opportunities generated from MDF funded activities are tangible success measures of the MDF Program.
To accurately capture these results, AWS Partners are required to use the APN Customer Engagement (ACE) platform
(within AWS Partner Central) to submit each opportunity and indicate that it was funded by the MDF Program. We will
review opportunities associated to MDF funding to determine key metrics and return on investment that MDF
supported for future consideration into distribution of MDF benefits.

Utilize the APN Customer Engagement (ACE) Program (Submission Process):

ACE is available for AWS Partners and helps Partners receive the AWS-related technical support necessary to help them
pursue opportunities. ACE captures both opportunity records and status tracking, to increase visibility for both AWS
and the Partner’s firm. We strive to enable Partners to work successfully with the AWS field teams as you develop
customer opportunities.

How to submit opportunities through ACE Pipeline Manager:

1. Log in to the AWS Partner Central.
2. Navigate to “My Customers” tab.
3. Select “+Add” to create a new opportunity.
4. Before completing fields, click on “All Fields” to reveal relevant fields.
5. Select “Yes” option on Opportunity from Marketing Activity.
6. In the “Marketing Development Funded” field, select “Yes”.
7. Add the campaign code received from AWS Partner Marketing or the Partner Marketing Concierge Service to
Additional Comments, if applicable.
8. Select “Submit.”

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Partner Proof-of-Concept (POC) Activity Funding

POC projects are small scale projects for customers that have not fully committed to adopting AWS, but are keen to
see if AWS is a viable solution for their business objectives. For new customers, POC projects can demonstrate
feasibility and benefits of the AWS Cloud. For existing customers, POC projects can help grow their AWS utilization by
optimizing current solutions and introducing new AWS products where applicable. AWS Partners at the Validated
Stage or higher on the Software, Services, or Hardware Partner Path may be eligible to receive Proof-of-Concept
The objective of a POC is agreement from the customer that they will commit to AWS for the implementation of their
project. To ensure successful delivery of a POC, it is recommended that all proposed architectural designs in the POC
SOW/Project Plan follow best practices in accordance with the AWS Well-Architected Framework.

For small-scale projects where the customer has not committed to adopting AWS, AWS will provide up to 10% (capped
at $25k) in cash or credits on the expected 12-month spend generated by the customer opportunity. The amount of
cash or credits available for a POC is dependent on 10% of the expected year-one spend, or the cost of the
SOW/Project Plan, whichever is lower. Cash is provided as reimbursement for Partner Professional Services to co-invest
with AWS Partner and reduce financial risks through co-funding the project up to provided guidelines. AWS
promotional credits are available to offset AWS usage incurred during a POC project based on estimated AWS usage
identified through AWS Pricing Calculator. AWS promotional credits will need to adhere to terms and conditions here.
POC funding cannot be combined with MAP incentives, but MAP incentives can be requested upon successful
completion of a POC where the customer agrees to a larger migration or modernization engagement. POC funding will
be deducted from subsequent MAP funding. For migration workloads, if the AWS Post-Migration ARR is >$250K, it is
recommended that the POC/Pilot activity be conducted through the MAP Mobilize Phase.

Proof-of-Concept Requirements
POC Request
<$10,000 USD $10,000 - $25,000 USD
1. Opportunity in ACE (Partner originated 1. Opportunity in ACE (Partner originated or AWS-
or AWS-originated). originated)
2. Valid opportunity with AWS 2. Valid opportunity with AWS opportunity stage at
opportunity stage at minimum Technical minimum Technical Validation (at or above 40%
Validation (at or above 40% probability). probability). Note: AWS does not provide funding for
Note: AWS does not provide funding for Launched Opportunities.
Launched Opportunities.
POC Fund 3. Partner meets the eligibility 3. Partner meets the eligibility requirements for POC
Request requirements for POC funding Funding
Requirements 4. A calculation of the expected year one 4. A calculation of the expected year one AWS usage
AWS usage
5. A Valid AWS Management Account ID 5. A Valid AWS Management Account ID
6. POC SOW/Project Plan, which must include detailed
project scope, clear deliverables, and the price of the
AWS Partner’s service. This SOW/Project Plan may be
reviewed for reasonableness by the AWS Partner Sales
Manager). (download optional SOW template here)

POC cash will be paid upon project completion, with submission of customer sign-off (download template here). If
credits are requested in lieu of cash, credits will be issued upon pre-approval by the APN Funding Team. Credit will be
loaded into the AWS Management Account ID provided.

All credits will be auto-redeemed into the AWS account ID provided after the fund request has been approved by AWS,
and are valid for 6 months after the disbursement date. Credits will be visible in the AWS Partner Funding Portal
dashboard, and can be further validated through the AWS Billing Console.

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Eligibility for MAP/POC Worldwide Public Sector (WWPS) Funding

Transparency is important when receiving funding benefits in connection with opportunities you have with your
customers that are a part of—or substantially owned, funded, managed, or controlled by—any government at any
level (“Government Customers”). AWS’s sponsorship of MAP or POC opportunities should be disclosed to the relevant
Government Customers, and AWS may reach out to such Government Customers to notify them of AWS sponsorship
and funding. Because MAP and POC benefits are meant to reduce overall migration or proof-of-concept costs, you may
not retain either MAP or POC benefits as additional compensation or margin, and must utilize all AWS benefits to
charge correspondingly lower fees for your migration related professional services.

For any MAP or POC opportunities in the Public Sector, please work with your AWS or WWPS point of contact to
determine program eligibility and for additional guidance related to funding public sector activities.

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Customer Engagement Incentive (CEI)
The Customer Engagement Incentive (CEI) is designed to support AWS Global Systems Integrators (GSI), System
Integrators (SI), Solution Providers (SPP), and Distributor Partners to engage AWS Greenfield customers that are in the
early stages of AWS adoption and further recognize and support their growth, investment, and innovation in the AWS
Partner Network (APN).

The purpose of introducing Customer Engagement Incentive is to:

1) Accelerate pipeline creation by providing funding earlier in the deal lifecycle to help address the high cost of
sale (3.2X higher cost and 2.7X longer vs. existing customers) to engage new customers.
2) Enable Partners to incentivize their sellers to build and close pipeline, and continue to drive towards increased
new AWS customers.
3) Grow the customer spend and consumption on AWS from low biller to Greenfield Conversion (GFC) by
leveraging a set payout structure

CEI Partner Funding Overview

The AWS Customer Engagement Incentive is available in the form of cash, credits, and discounts to the AWS Partner
(Partner) at three phases of the customer journey:
1) Scope: Partners may be eligible for funding in the form of Partner cash or credits after completion of scoping
the customer workload(s).
2) Launch: Partners may be eligible for additional funding in the form of Partner cash or credits when the
account(s) associated with the opportunity begin(s) consuming AWS services.
3) Grow: Partners who resell authorized services under the Solution Provider or Distribution Programs may be
eligible for a discount. The discount is applied to the account(s) associated with the opportunity for the next 24

The amount of funding available is dependent on Partner and customer qualification and the customer’s projected
AWS incremental ARR, as summarized below:

*Excludes Government end customers in Scope and Launch phases

Partner Eligibility Criteria

The benefits offered through the Customer Engagement Incentive are available to System Integrators (SI), Global
System Integrators (GSI), and Solution Providers (SPP) and Distributor Partners. For the Scope and Launch incentives,
Partners have to be enrolled as Hardware, Services, or Distribution path at Validated stage and set up on Payee
Central. A Partner can be on multiple Partner Paths. Partners who are on multiple Partner Paths must have at least one
of the eligible paths and be at least at the validated stage for that path. For the Grow Incentive, Partners must be
enrolled in the Solution Provider Program (SPP) or Distribution Program (DP) to be eligible.

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Enrollment: Partners must launch at least one eligible opportunity with a Greenfield customer in the trailing 12
months of quarter start date through APN Customer Engagements (ACE) tool and be verified by AWS to be enrolled

AWS Originated (AO) Opportunities: For all AO opportunities, where engagement type is “AWS Originated”, the
Partner is required to be attached to the opportunity at “Prospect” or “Qualified” stage in AWS Opportunity. If there
are multiple Partners that are attached to the opportunity, the Partner must be the “Primary Partner” on record to
receive the Scope and/or Launch incentive. To be eligible for cash or credits funding, the Partner must be attached on
the AO opportunity at “Prospect” or “Qualified” stages of the AWS opportunity. The Partner is ineligible for cash or
credits funding if the partner is attached beyond the Qualified stages (e.g., Technical Validation, Business Validation,
Committed, or Launch).

Greater China Region: For Partners based in the Greater China Region (GCR), China to Global (CTG) opportunities
where China Partner selling to a customer that conducts business globally may be eligible for incentives. China to
China (CTC) opportunities where China Partner is selling locally to onshore customers (i.e. reselling AWS China regions)
will be ineligible for incentives. Please contact your PDM to learn more about China’s Customer Engagement Incentive

Customer Eligibility Criteria

The Customer Engagement Incentive is designed for Greenfield customers. For the purposes of this Program Guide,
AWS defines Greenfield as Commercial and Public Sector companies in all customer segments accounts (SMB, ISV,
DNB, ENT, and SUP) that are in early stages of AWS adoption. To help our Partners prioritize Greenfield opportunities,
the Partner Analytics dashboard in AWS Partner Central (login required) is available to help Partners identify
opportunities with customers that are in the early stages of AWS adoption. For each Partner Originated (“PO”) or AWS
Originated (“AO”) opportunity that a Partner is attached to, the dashboard provides a column named “CEI – Greenfield
eligible" with the value of “Yes” or “No”. A “Yes” value represents that the customer is categorized as a Greenfield
customer. A “No” value represents that the customer in the opportunity is not eligible for the incentive as the customer
is not categorized as a Greenfield customer.

Important Note: The Partner Analytics dashboard (available August 1, 2023) identifies whether a customer is in the
early stages of AWS adoption, not whether a customer is eligible for Customer Engagement Incentive. In order to
receive the incentive, all other program eligibility criteria must be met.

Worldwide Public Sector (WWPS) Customers

Scope and Launch Partners are not eligible to receive CEI funding under the Scope and/or Launch phase(s) for
opportunities with Government customers. When entering Partner Originated (PO) opportunities with Government
customers in the APN Customer Engagement (ACE) tool, Partners must select “Government” from the picklist value
under the “Industry Vertical” field. For the purposes of CEI, “Government” means any entity that is part of, or
substantially owned, funded, managed, or controlled by, any government at any level (including but, not limited to a
quasi-governmental Entity (such as the World Bank). For Partners to receive CEI incentives under the Scope and/or
Launch phases, AWS may require Partner certification (in form and manner specified by AWS from time to time) that
opportunities are not subject to the foregoing exclusion or otherwise are in compliance with this Program Guide.

Grow Phase Required Disclosure for WWPS Government Opportunities: For Solution Providers and Distributors,
opportunities with Government customers may be eligible for the Grow Phase discount. For additional requirements
applicable to such opportunities, Partners should consult the latest version of the applicable Solution Provider or
Distribution Program Discount Guide.

Customer Engagement Incentive - Scope

Scope funding in the form of cash or credits is available for eligible AWS Partners to help accelerate the onboarding of
initial or additional workloads to AWS. The Scope phase may include an initial meeting with the customer to identify
goals and objectives for moving to the AWS cloud, assessing the customer’s existing IT infrastructure, applications and
data to determine scope, and/or developing a plan and cost to onboard the customer’s IT infrastructure onto AWS. The
goal of the Scope phase is to encourage Partners to focus on the initial workload first, before developing larger
customer workloads to build or shift to the cloud. The intended success outcome will be customer progression to the
Launch and Grow phases. AWS Partner must enter a qualified Partner Originated (“PO) or accept an qualified AWS
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Originated (“AO”) ACE opportunity and progress the sales cycle stage to Business Validation or higher in AWS

AWS Partner Funding Portal Request Checklist:

• Partner must submit a Partner Originated (“PO”) or be a Partner Attached and the Primary Partner, if multiple
Partners are involved, on an AWS Originated (“AO”) opportunity in ACE
• Opportunity must be within $5K - $250K USD ARR in AWS Opportunity (pipeline, not consumption)
• Opportunity linked to AWS new or existing (Greenfield) customer.
• Complete scoping activity where AWS Opportunity stage = Business Validation+

For eligible opportunities, the Partner will be able to submit and claim the Scope incentive, $1,000 USD per eligible
opportunity (cash or credit) aggregated on a quarterly basis through AWS Partner Funding Portal (APFP). Payment
criteria is outlined in the Payment section.

Customer Engagement Incentive - Launch

Launch funding in the form of cash or credits is available for eligible opportunities once the Partner has successfully
launched the workload on the customer’s IT infrastructure. The goal of the Launch phase is to expedite cloud adoption
and getting the customer to consume and grow on AWS cloud. The intended success outcome will be customer
progression to the Grow phase or a continued Scope and Launch of new workloads. In order to receive incentive on
Launch, Partner must enter a qualified Partner Originated (“PO) or accept a qualified AWS Originated (“AO”) ACE
opportunity and progress the sales cycle stage to Launched in AWS Opportunity.

AWS Partner Funding Portal Request Checklist:

• Partner must submit and launch a PO or AO opportunity in ACE
• Opportunity must be within $5K - $250K USD ARR in AWS Opportunity (pipeline, not consumption)
• Opportunity linked to AWS new or existing (Greenfield) customer
• Complete launch activity where AWS Opportunity stage = Launched

For eligible opportunities, the Partner will be able to submit and claim the Launch incentive, $5,000 USD per eligible
opportunity (cash or credit) aggregated on a quarterly basis through AWS Partner Funding Portal (APFP). Payment
criteria is outlined in the Payment section.

Customer Engagement Incentive – Grow (AWS Solution Providers and Distributors only)
During the Grow phase, AWS will provide a discount, for eligible accounts, to the Partners enrolled in the Solution
Provider Program (SPP) or Distribution Program (DP) for growing new and existing eligible Program Accounts. For
complete incentive details and structure, please refer to the following channel incentive discount guides:

Solution Provider Program – Discount Guide (Navigate to Customer Engagement Incentive – Grow)
Distribution Program – Discount Guide (Navigate to Customer Engagement Incentive – Grow)

Partners can submit one fund request via AWS Partner Funding Portal (APFP) for eligible Scope and Launch incentive
and claim each quarter. The fund request and claim will equal the aggregated total incentive earned for each eligible
opportunity from the prior quarter. Multiple fund requests can be created for split payment modality (cash and credit)
or to support different entities. Quarterly claims must meet the minimum eligible amount of $5,000 USD at the
Partner (SPMS ID) level to receive payment. Upon Fund Request submission, Partners must provide a Partner Sign-Off
by the Partner and the AWS Partner Manager. The Partner-Sign Off must be attached in APFP to verify opportunities
submitted do not include government end-customers. An example of the Customer Engagement Incentive Partner
Sign-Off template can be found here, available in Q4 (login required).

To identify all eligible Scope and Launch opportunities from the prior quarter, please refer to the Partner Analytics
dashboard in AWS Partner Central, available in Q4 (login required).

Scope payment is valid upon opportunity stage as “Launched” or “Closed Lost”. Opportunities that are “Closed Lost”
will need to have been in “Business Validation” stage in order to qualify for the Scope payment. Launch payment is

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valid upon opportunity stage as “Launched”. All eligible opportunities are based on the AWS Salesforce Opportunity. If
there are any discrepancies in stages, please reach out to your PSM/PDM.

All eligible earnings from the prior quarter must be claimed within the following quarter. Earnings that are unclaimed
are subject to forfeiture. For example, January 1st, 2024 – March 31st, 2024 (Q1) eligible opportunities must be claimed
within April 1st, 2024 – June 30th, 2024 (Q2).

First Payment Timeline: CEI will be launched on August 1st, 2023 with all eligible opportunities from August 1st, 2023
– September 30th, 2023 (Q3) ready to be claimed starting November 1st, 2023 – December 15th, 2023 (Q4). Q3 CEI
funding will need to be claimed by December 15th, 2023.

All opportunities must be at the “Business Validation” stage or higher on or after August 1st, 2023 and meet the
payment criteria to receive Scope and/or Launch payment.

An opportunity created on July 1st, 2023, and moves to the “Business Validation” stage or higher on July 20th, 2023 is
not eligible to receive Scope and/or Launch payment.

An opportunity created on July 1st, 2023 and moves to the “Business Validation” stage or higher on August 4th, 2023 is
eligible to receive Scope and/or Launch payment.

The below table summarizes the timing for claiming the Scope and Launch funding:

Full details on payment schedule for Scope and Launch funding:

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Getting Started with a CEI Opportunity
To get started, please submit a qualified CEI Greenfield Opportunity in APN Customer Engagements (ACE) tool located
in Partner Central. An AWS Partner may be eligible to receive CEI Scope and Launch funding when:

1) The CEI Eligible Opportunity is Partner Originated. A Partner Originated opportunity is an ACE partner
referred opportunity, and is not eligible to be shared with other partners.
2) The CEI Eligible Opportunity is AWS Originated. An AWS Originated opportunity is shared by AWS to an AWS
Partner in ACE, and subsequently accepted by the AWS Partner.

After the opportunity has been qualified by AWS, you can then validate if the opportunity qualifies as Greenfield and
begin engaging the customer through the deal life cycle. All eligible CEI opportunities can be requested and claimed in
the following quarter.

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Migration Acceleration Program (MAP)

The Migration Acceleration Program (MAP) is a strategic program designed to support AWS Partners with migrations to
the AWS Cloud through a proven methodology, tooling, and incentives. Customers are migrating to AWS to unlock
substantial business benefits offered through the cloud. These customers are working with AWS Partners to help drive
AWS adoption quickly, and differentiate their business and applications through modernization projects. MAP is
designed to support AWS Partners at each phase of the customer’s migration journey: Assess, Mobilize, Migrate &

AWS Partners can leverage MAP funding incentives to assist customers in achieving their business objectives with AWS,
while working with AWS Partners to ensure their workloads are migrated successfully. MAP also offers AWS
promotional credits (MAP Credits) to help offset customer usage incurred during a migration or modernization project1.
MAP Partner Funding is not available for the modernization of workloads that have already been migrated to AWS.

The purpose of introducing MAP funding is to:

1. Enable AWS Partners to accelerate their customer’s decision to migrate or modernize workloads on AWS
2. Support AWS Partners by originating customer migration or modernization opportunities to AWS
3. Allow AWS Partners to grow their Migration and/or Modernization practice on AWS

MAP Partner Funding Incentives by Phase

MAP benefits are offered at each phase of the customer migration or modernization journey: Assess, Mobilize, and
Migrate & Modernize.
1. The Assess phase can encompass a discovery of the customer’s source workloads, cost analysis of staying on
the current environment compared to the expected cost on AWS, a recommendation of the
migration/modernization pattern, or a business case to motivate the decision to migrate or modernize. A
successful assessment will create a compelling event for the customer to progress to the Mobilize or Migrate &
Modernize phase.
2. The Mobilize phase includes planning, preparing, and enabling the customer for their migration or
modernization to AWS, and may include pilot migrations to AWS. After the Mobilize phase has been
completed, the objective is agreement from the customer to migrate or modernize their environment on AWS.
3. The Migrate & Modernize phase includes execution of the customer’s migration or modernization project. A
successfully completed Migrate & Modernize engagement includes timely completion of the expected
deliverables, realization of the expected post-migration Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR), customer
achievement of the intended business objectives, and may lead to identification of additional migration
workloads or modernization opportunities on behalf of the customer.

Getting Started with a MAP Opportunity

MAP supports both Migration and Modernization opportunities and provides incentives to modernize workloads
coming in from outside of AWS to AWS. MAP Modernization one-step allows customers to move workloads or
applications from On-Premises or Other cloud directly to AWS cloud native managed services. This will generally
require customers to refactor or re-platform. To get started, please submit the Migration and Modernization (one-step)
opportunity, which leverage MAP Funding, in APN Customer Engagements (ACE) Partner Central. An AWS Partner may
be eligible to receive MAP Partner Funding when:

1. The MAP opportunity is partner-originated. A partner-originated opportunity is an ACE partner-referred

opportunity, and is not eligible to be shared with other partners.
2. The MAP opportunity is AWS-originated. An AWS-originated opportunity is shared by AWS to an AWS Partner in
ACE, and subsequently accepted by the AWS Partner.

To get started with MAP, please submit or accept the potential MAP opportunity in ACE Partner Central, and tag the
opportunity with the “Migration Acceleration Program” campaign tag. For small migrations (<$500K ARR, “MAP Lite”),
each MAP opportunity, irrespective of phase, should only be submitted through ACE once. After the opportunity has
been qualified by AWS, you can then submit a request for funding using the AWS Partner Funding Portal. AWS will

MAP Credits are subject to the AWS Promotional Credit Terms & Conditions
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review each funding request and approve if the applicable requirements are met. Any MAP benefits must be requested
and approved by AWS prior to starting the applicable activity.

MAP Partner Funding Incentive Overview

The MAP Partner Funding Program is designed to support AWS Partners with migrations or modernizations of any size
or workload to AWS, at each phase of the customer’s migration journey. The amount of funding available may depend
on program budget management plans, Partner qualification, workload, and the customer’s projected AWS
incremental ARR, as summarized below.

MAP Funding by
MAP Lite (<$500K Post-Migration ARR) MAP (>=$500K Post-Migration ARR)
Phase (USD)
Assess $15,000 $60,000
$1:$1 customer match, capped at $1:$1 customer match, capped at the lesser
the lesser of 20% of the post- of 40% of the post-migration ARR or 50%
Mobilize K ARR
migration ARR or 50% of the total of the total project cost (max of $400,000
project cost available)
Migrate & Modernize 15% of Post-Migration ARR 25% of Post-Migration ARR

MAP mobilize total project cost is determined by deducting the Partner’s contribution amount from the overall cost of
the activity. Additional incentives for specialized workloads may be available in the Migrate & Modernize phase. See
the “Additional Incentives for MAP Migrate & Modernize Funding” section for more details.

MAP Partner funding is available in the form of cash to the AWS Partner. MAP Credits are available for the Migrate &
Modernize phase, and can be provided directly to the customer, or through an AWS Partner participating in the
Solution Provider Program or Distribution Program. For partner-originated migration opportunities, MAP Lite Credits
can be requested directly through the AWS Partner Funding Portal. MAP credits are not supported in the AWS Partner
Funding Portal. For MAP credit requests, please contact the AWS Account Manager who may request credits on behalf
of the customer, through an AWS Partner participating in the Solution Provider Program, or through an AWS
Distribution Partner.
The amount of cash funding available at each phase is subject to budget availability (pre-approval must be completed
to ensure funding is available) and will be capped on the basis of the cost of the AWS Partner’s Statement of Work
(SOW)/Project Plan, or the amount available for the applicable phase. MAP Credits are available based on the expected
Post-Migration ARR, and are not capped by the cost of the AWS Partner’s Statement of Work (SOW)/Project Plan.

Partner Eligibility Criteria

The benefits offered through the Migration Acceleration Program are available for AWS Partners who have
differentiated themselves through the AWS Partner Network (APN). To be eligible for MAP, MAP Lite Assess, and MAP
Lite Mobilize the AWS Partner must be on the Services Partner Path and have achieved the AWS Migration Competency
or relevant Specialized Workload Competency and/or Service Delivery Designation as defined in this Program Guide.
The MAP Lite 15% of Post-Migration ARR Migrate & Modernize benefit may be available to any AWS Partner at the
Validated Stage or higher on the Services Partner Path. AWS Partners on the Services Partner Path remain eligible even
if a Partner is validated in more than one Partner Path.

MAP Funding by
MAP Lite (<$500K ARR) MAP (>=$500K ARR)
Assess AWS Services Path Partner with the
Migration Competency, or relevant Service AWS Services Path Partner with the
Mobilize Delivery Designation/Workload Migration Competency, or relevant Service
Competency. Delivery Designation/Workload
AWS Partner at the Validated Stage or Competency.
Migrate & Modernize
higher on the Services Partner Path

For migration projects scoped predominately to the following specialized workloads, the AWS Partner must hold the
corresponding specialized AWS Competency or AWS Service Delivery designation defined below to be eligible for MAP
Assess, Mobilize, and/or Migrate & Modernize benefits. If the partner has only Migration Competency and not the
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corresponding specialized AWS Competency or AWS Service delivery designation defined below, then they are not
eligible for MAP Assess, Mobilize, and/or Migrate & Modernize benefits.

AWS Partner Qualification

Workload Eligible Application/Service/Workload
• Amazon Connect Delivery Includes: Amazon Connect, Customer Profiles, Chatbot,
Contact Lens, Voice ID, Wisdom and Tasks.
• AWS Digital Workplace Includes: Amazon Workspaces, Amazon AppStream 2.0,
EUC Competency Amazon WorkLink

Partners who hold the AWS Migration Competency are eligible for MAP Assess, Mobilize, and/or Migrate & Modernize
benefits for all the listed specialized workloads below.
Partners who do not hold the AWS Migration Competency are eligible for MAP Assess, Mobilize, and/or Migrate &
Modernize benefits for migration projects scoped predominately to the specialized workloads listed below, only if they
hold at least one of the designations listed in the AWS Partner Qualification requirement.

AWS Partner Qualification

Workload Requirement (at least one Eligible Application/Service/Workload
competency per workload)
• AWS Microsoft Workloads Includes Microsoft Windows Server, Microsoft SQL
Competency Server, Windows File Server, Sharepoint, .NET
Windows • Amazon EC2 for Windows Server applications.

• AWS SAP Competency Includes: SAP HANA on AWS, SAP S4/HANA on AWS,
SAP SAP BW/4HANA on AWS, SAP Business One on AWS and
other SAP Applications and Databases.
• AWS Oracle Competency Includes: Oracle E-Business Suite, Oracle PeopleSoft,
Oracle JD Edwards, Oracle Siebel, Oracle Hyperion,
Oracle ATG Web Commerce, Oracle Fusion Middleware
based applications, supporting databases and any other
Oracle packaged applications previously or currently
sold by Oracle Corp
VMware • VMWare VMC on AWS Solution Includes: VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC, NSX, VSAN,
Competency Hybrid Migration with VMware HCX, Hybrid Migration
with vMotion, Hybrid Cold Migration.
• AWS Mainframe Migration Includes: Automated code refactoring, middleware
Competency for Software or emulation, data replication and data migration for
Services Partners mainframe.

• AWS Oracle Competency Includes: Amazon Aurora, Amazon RDS, Amazon

• AWS Microsoft Workloads Redshift, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon ElastiCache,
Competency Amazon MemoryDB for Redis, Amazon DocumentDB,
• AWS Database Migration Service Amazon Keyspaces, Amazon Neptune, Amazon
Delivery Timestream, Amazon QLDB.
• Amazon DynamoDB Delivery
• Amazon RDS Delivery

• AWS Data and Analytics Includes: Amazon QuickSight, Amazon Redshift, AWS
Competency Glue, AWS Data Exchange, AWS Data Pipeline, AWS Lake
Analytics • Amazon EMR Delivery Formation, Amazon FinSpace, Amazon Kinesis, Amazon
• Amazon Kinesis Delivery Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK), Amazon
• Amazon Redshift Delivery Athena, Amazon EMR, Amazon CloudSearch.

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• Amazon OpenSearch Service

• AWS Storage Competency Includes: Amazon S3, Amazon S3 Glacier, Amazon EBS,
Storage Amazon EFS, Amazon FSx for Windows, FSx for NetApp
ONTAP, FSx for OpenZFS and FSx for Lustre.

• AWS IoT Competency Includes: FreeRTOS and AWS IoT services

• AWS IoT Core Delivery
IoT • AWS IoT Analytics Delivery
• AWS IoT Greengrass Delivery

• AWS Machine Learning Includes: Amazon Comprehend, Amazon SageMaker,

Competency Amazon Augmented AI, Amazon CodeGuru, Amazon
DevOps Guru, Amazon Forecast, Amazon Elastic
Machine Inference, Amazon Fraud Detector, Amazon Rekognition,
Learning Amazon Polly, Amazon Healthlake, Amazon Kendra,
Amazon Lex, Amazon Lookout, Amazon Monitron,
Amazon Personalize, Amazon Textract, Amazon
Translate, Amazon Transcribe.
• Industry Vertical AWS Includes migration of business applications or other
Competencies available here specialized workloads related to the specific industry
specialization held by the AWS Partner.
• AWS SaaS Competency Includes migration projects for independent software
Software as a
vendors (ISVs) where their existing software products are
migrated to SaaS deployments on AWS.
• AWS Migration Competency Includes any workload for a migration to AWS not
defined in the Specialized Workload eligibility table

MAP Deal Qualification

The Post-Migration ARR reflects the portion of the incremental, net new AWS service spend incurred by the customer
that is directly attributable to the scope of the relevant MAP qualified migration or modernization project being
executed by the AWS Partner. For MAP (>=$500K ARR) migrations, eligible spend must include services listed on the
MAP Included Service List unless otherwise specified. The projected MAP eligible ARR should be incurred by the
customer directly, or indirectly through an AWS Solution Provider or Distributor for AWS Services. When completing
the Pricing Calculator, AWS expects Partners to submit a thoughtfully constructed output that accurately reflects the
cost optimizations that a customer will realistically apply over the course of a migration project. AWS recognizes that
customers perform follow on cost saving initiatives after a migration and the associated consumption of AWS Services
can change or decrease. However, we expect an initial calculation that reflects an optimized steady state, capturing
the intent and scope of the migration project.

A MAP qualified migration project involves moving a customer’s existing production workload onto AWS. The
workloads being migrated must be hosted on a source that is either on the customer’s on-premises data center, a co-
located data center, another cloud provider, or other source outside of AWS2. The MAP Program can support qualified
migrations with modernization projects, builds, or other projects implementing AWS Artificial Intelligence or Machine
Learning Technology when the project includes the migration of a customer’s production environment onto AWS from
a source outside of AWS. MAP is intended to support one customer per migration project.

MAP Partner Funding Incentives

MAP Partner funding is available at each phase of the AWS customer’s migration or modernization journey: Assess,
Mobilize, and Migrate & Modernize.

The Migrate & Modernize Phase MAP ($500K+ ARR) incentives may support eligible MAP Database & Analytics 2-step standalone modernization projects. Please reach
out to your Partner Sales Manager to learn more.

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MAP Assess Funding
Assess funding is available for eligible AWS Partners to help accelerate their customer’s decision to migrate to AWS.
The Assess phase may include a discovery of the customer’s source workloads, cost analysis of staying on the
customer’s current environment compared to the expected cost on AWS, a business case to motivate the decision to
migrate or modernize their environment, and recommendation of the migration and modernization pattern. The
Sample Assess Analysis Report and other prescriptive guidance can be found on AWS Partner Central by clicking the
“Resources” tab in the navigation ribbon, then selecting “APN Funding” and “Migration Acceleration Program
The goal of the Assess phase is to demonstrate the benefits of a customer migration to AWS. The intended success
outcome will be customer progression to either the Mobilize or Migrate & Modernize phase.
Assess funding is available in the form of cash to the AWS Partner. Cash will be paid to the AWS Partner upon
completion of the project subject to inclusion of deliverables such as the customer sign-off template and the Assess
Analysis Report (see “Migration Acceleration Program Resources” on AWS Partner Central).

When to Use Assess Funding

Assess funding is available to eligible AWS Partners to help accelerate the customer decision to migrate or modernize
their environment on AWS. Situations where Assess funding can help include:

• The AWS Partner has identified a partner-originated migration or modernization opportunity to AWS, and is
leading the implementation of discovery, assessment, and/or business case to progress to the Mobilize Phase
or the Migrate & Modernize Phase
• There is a competitive cloud opportunity and a detailed business case will lead to the selection of AWS
• An AWS Partner leads an unsolicited proposal for the customer to migrate to AWS, and the business case will
lead to the selection of AWS
• The opportunity has stalled, or the customer lacks a compelling event to migrate to AWS

For WWPS, MAP Assess funding should not be used in situations where the customer has already made the decision to
move to AWS, such as where the customer has issued a request-for-X (RFX, inclusive of RFI, RFQ, RFP, etc.) and
Tenders. All MAP Partner Funding must be pre-approved in AWS Partner Funding Portal before it is presented to a

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Assess Funding Requirements
After submitting the MAP opportunity in ACE Partner Central, please use the AWS Partner Funding Portal to submit a
request to AWS with the following requirements met:

MAP Lite (<$500K ARR) MAP (>=$500K ARR)
1. Migration and Modernization (one-step) 1. Migration and Modernization (one-step)
Opportunity in ACE (Partner originated or Opportunity in ACE (Partner originated or AWS-
AWS-originated) leverage MAP Funding. Each originated), leverage MAP Funding, that is
phase of MAP Partner Funding requested for associated to a Migration Program Engagement.
a migration opportunity must only have one Each phase of MAP Partner Funding requested for
ACE submission for MAP Lite migrations. a migration opportunity must use the same
Migration Program Engagement.
2. Valid opportunity with AWS opportunity 2. Qualified+ Migration Program Engagement, to
stage at minimum Technical Validation (at or be facilitated by the AWS Partner Sales Manager.
above 40% probability). Note: AWS does not Note: AWS does not provide funding for Win
provide funding for Launched Opportunities. Verified Program Engagements.

3. Partner meets the eligibility requirements 3. Partner meets the eligibility requirements for
for MAP Lite Assess funding MAP Assess funding

4. Assess SOW or Project Plan which meets 4. Assess SOW or Project Plan which meets the
Assess Fund the Assess technical requirements, and Assess technical requirements, and includes a
Request includes a detailed project scope, detailed project scope, deliverables, and the
Requirements deliverables, and the expected cost of the expected cost of the AWS Partner's service
AWS Partner's service provided during provided during funding pre-approval.
funding pre-approval.
5. MAP Qualified Partner Solution Architect 5. MAP Qualified Partner Solution Architect
SOW/Project Plan Approval SOW/Project Plan Approval
6. A calculation of the expected post- 6. AWS MAP Business Development Manager
migration ARR qualification of the deal for MAP (Coordinate with
BD team to get MPE in Qualified+ status and
update the “Migration BD Approved” field in APFP
FR as “Yes”. We do not require MAP BD Approval
email to be attached to the MPE nor FR), and
supporting cash for MAP Partner Funding, to be
facilitated by the AWS Partner Sales Manager and
done for the Migration Program Engagement

7. A calculation of the expected post-migration


MAP Mobilize Funding

During the Mobilize phase, AWS will provide a $1:$1 customer match in cash to the eligible AWS Partner. The below
examples illustrate how Mobilize funding is applied:
• The Partner SOW for the Mobilize phase is $800K and in the Migrate & Modernize phase, the total estimated
ARR is $900K. AWS will match the customer $1:$1, capped at the lesser of 40% of the post-migration ARR or
50% of the total project cost (max of $400,000) for MAP (>=$500K ARR). Thus, the total funding for MAP
Mobilize is $360K (40% * $900K which is lesser than $1:$1 match 50%* $800K).
• The Partner SOW for the total project cost of Mobilize phase is $900K and in the Migrate & Modernize phase,
the total estimated ARR is $2M. AWS will match the customer $1:$1, capped at the lesser of 40% of the post-
migration ARR or 50% of the total project cost (max of $400,000) for MAP (>=$500K ARR). Thus, the total
funding for MAP Mobilize is $400K (50% * $900K = $450K, but capped at $400K).

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• The Partner SOW for the Mobilize phase is $200K and in the Migrate & Modernize phase, the total estimated
ARR is $400K. For MAP Lite, AWS will match the customer $1:$1, capped at the lesser of 20% of the post-
migration ARR or 50% of the total project cost for MAP Lite. Thus, the total funding for MAP Lite Mobilize is
$80K (20% * $400K < 50% * $200K).
• The Partner SOW for the total project cost of Mobilize phase is $100K and in the Migrate & Modernize phase,
the total estimated ARR is $400K. For MAP Lite, AWS will match the customer $1:$1, capped at the lesser of
20% of the post-migration ARR or 50% of the total project cost for MAP Lite. Thus, the total funding for MAP
Lite Mobilize is $50K (50% * $100K < 20% * $400K).

Mobilize funding is available in the form of cash to the AWS Partner. Cash will be paid to the AWS Partner upon
completion of the project, subject to inclusion of the customer sign-off template, a Well Architected Review Report
(not applicable to MAP Lite), and the Success Criteria Report.
Approval of MAP Mobilize funding is subject to AWS review of the SOW/Project Plan for the Mobilize engagement. A
Mobilize Project Plan checklist, and other prescriptive guidance on Mobilize can be found on AWS Partner Central by
clicking the “Resources” tab in the navigation ribbon, then selecting “APN Funding” and “Migration Acceleration
Program Resources”.

When to Use Mobilize Funding

Mobilize funding should only be proposed when the customer is unlikely to pay for the full Mobilize engagement. This
funding should be offered to customers as a mechanism to significantly accelerate the decision to initiate the
Mobilization project. Customer situations that Mobilize funding can help with include:

• The AWS Partner has identified a partner-originated migration or modernization opportunity to AWS, and is
leading the development of a detailed migration/modernization plan to progress to the Migrate & Modernize
• The customer is early in their cloud journey, and lacks a compelling event to motivate a rapid decision to
migrate to AWS
• The customer needs assistance building cloud readiness and confidence in order to move forward with a
migration/modernization project on AWS
• The customer does not have the budget for a Mobilization project

For WWPS, MAP Mobilize funding should not be used in situations where the customer has already made the decision
to move to AWS, such as where the customer has issued an RFX. The Migration Business Development Manager for
MAP Deals ($500K+ ARR) must qualify the opportunity prior to when the partner requests MAP Mobilize Funding. All
MAP Partner Funding must be pre-approved in AWS Partner Funding Portal before it is presented to a customer or
included in an RFX response.

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Mobilize Funding Requirements
To request Mobilize funding, please submit the opportunity through ACE Partner Central. The AWS Partner Funding
Portal should be used to request Mobilize Funding from AWS.

MAP Lite (<$500K ARR) MAP (>=$500K ARR)
1. Migration and Modernization (one-step) 1. Migration and Modernization (one-step)
Opportunity in ACE (Partner originated or Opportunity in ACE (Partner originated or AWS-
AWS-originated) leverage MAP Funding. Each originated), leverage MAP Funding, that is
phase of MAP Partner Funding requested for a associated to a Migration Program Engagement.
migration opportunity must only have one Each phase of MAP Partner Funding requested for
ACE submission for MAP Lite opportunities. a migration opportunity must use the same
Migration Program Engagement.
2. Valid opportunity with AWS opportunity 2. Qualified+ Migration Program Engagement, to
stage at minimum Business Validation (at or be facilitated by the AWS Partner Sales Manager.
above 60% probability). Note: AWS does not Note: AWS does not provide funding for Win
provide funding for Launched Opportunities. Verified Program Engagements.

3. Partner meets the eligibility requirements 3. Partner meets the eligibility requirements for
for MAP Lite funding MAP funding

4. Mobilize SOW or Project Plan which meets 4. Mobilize SOW/Project Plan which meets the
the Mobilize technical requirements, and Mobilize technical requirements, and includes a
includes a detailed project scope, deliverables, detailed project scope, deliverables, and the
Mobilize and the expected cost of the AWS Partner's expected cost of the AWS Partner's service
Fund Request service provided during funding pre-approval. provided during funding pre-approval.
5. MAP Qualified Partner Solution Architect 5. MAP Qualified Partner Solution Architect
SOW/Project Plan Approval SOW/Project Plan Approval
6. A calculation of the expected post migration 6. A calculation of the expected post-migration
7. AWS MAP Business Development Manager
qualification of the deal for MAP, and supporting
cash for MAP Partner Funding. Coordinate with
BD team to get MPE in Qualified+ status and
update the “Migration BD Approved” field in the
APFP FR as “Yes”
Note: We do not require MAP BD Approval email
to be attached to the MPE nor FR

8. Confirmation on the use of MAP Tagging if the

Mobilize engagement includes a POC or Pilot
Migration (this can be incorporated into the
SOW/Project Plan)

Migrate & Modernize Funding

MAP Migrate & Modernize incentives are a scalable, repeatable mechanism to help accelerate AWS Partners’ customer
migrations. During the Migrate & Modernize phase, AWS will provide a funding incentive equal to a portion of the net
new post migration ARR in cash to the AWS Partner for the migration and/or modernization (if the modernization is
included in the initial migration scope). The ARR must be attributable to the scope of the migration or modernization
project that is executed by the AWS Partner. MAP Migrate & Modernize funding is available in the form of cash or
credits. MAP Credits can be provided directly to the customer, or through an AWS Partner participating in the Solution
Provider Program or Distribution Program. If the AWS Partner is participating in the Solution Provider Program or
Distribution Program for a MAP engagement, then MAP credits are issued in lieu of Partner Cash. To request Migrate &

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Modernize cash funding, or partner-originated MAP Lite Credit funding, please utilize the AWS Partner Funding Portal.
For AWS-originated requests, please work with your AWS Partner Sales Manager.
Approval of MAP Migrate & Modernize funding is subject to AWS review of the SOW/Project Plan for the Migrate &
Modernize engagement. For MAP Lite (<$500K ARR) credit request, SOW/Project Plan for the Migrate & Modernize
engagement is not required. A Migration Acceleration Program (MAP) Technical Checklist and other prescriptive
guidance, including specialized workload documentation, can be found on AWS Partner Central by clicking the
“Resources” tab in the navigation ribbon, then selecting “APN Funding” and “Migration Acceleration Program
Resources”. MAP Migrate & Modernize credits can be used where the customer has issued an RFX. Standard MAP
Migrate & Modernize credits can be programmatically referenced (but not contractually committed) in association with
an RFX response, after being assessed and qualified by an AWS Migration Business Development Manager.

MAP Migrate &

MAP Lite (<$500K ARR) MAP (>=$500K ARR)
Modernize Funding
Migrate & Modernize 15% of Post-Migration ARR 25% of Post-Migration ARR
+10% for Select Private-Equity Backed Customers
+5% of Windows ARR
Migrate & Modernize
+10% of Database and Analytics ARR (Non-commercial Sources)
– Incremental
+25% of Database and Analytics ARR (Commercial Sources)
+50% SAP Workload ARR
+50% Oracle Applications ARR
+25% Year 1 Amazon Connect Spend

Additional Incentives for MAP Migrate & Modernize Funding

Private Equity Backed Customers
For customers backed by select Private Equity (PE) firms, AWS will fund an additional 10% of the post migration ARR
during the Migrate & Modernize phase. To confirm eligibility, please reach out to your Partner Sales Manager. The
Private Equity MAP incentive cannot be combined with specialized workload incentives. Private Equity MAP incentive
(+10%) supersedes the Windows incentive (+5%) in cases where a customer’s workload is eligible for both incentives.

MAP for Windows

During the Migrate & Modernize Phase, AWS will fund an additional 5% of Windows post migration ARR in cash to the
partner for Windows workloads migrated in the Migrate & Modernize Phase. Windows eligible spend is inclusive of (1)
MAP Workloads on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) for Windows Server or SQL Server on Windows license-
included instances and their attached Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes and (2) MAP Workloads that
originated on Microsoft Windows Server(s) prior to migration to AWS. To be eligible for this incentive, an Optimization
and Licensing Assessment must be completed prior to the start of the Migrate & Modernize Phase. A calculation of the
expected Windows post-migration ARR must be provided to AWS during the funding pre-approval process. For MAP
Migrations (>=$500K ARR) migrations, the workloads must be tagged as they are migrated (see Migration MAP Tagging
Section for more details).

MAP for Database & Analytics (DB&A)

Database & Analytics (Non-commercial Sources) - During the Migrate & Modernize phase, AWS will fund an
additional 10% of on the eligible DB&A service portion of the post migration ARR in partner cash or in MAP credits
if the workload is migrated from a non-AWS source other than a DB&A Commercial Source to a DB&A service.
DB&A Commercial Sources are database engines, data warehouses, or analytics offerings identified as a DB&A
Commercial Source on the included services list, as such list may be updated from time to time. DB&A eligible
services are the AWS services identified as Database & Analytics services on the included services list. Additionally,
if you migrate workloads from Amazon EC2 (other than workloads from a DB Freedom source running on Amazon
EC2) to DB&A services (including workloads that originate on AWS) during the migration period, your spend on
such properly tagged DB&A services will be included in spend calculations for purposes of the DB&A funding. A
calculation of the expected DB&A post-migration ARR must be provided to AWS during the funding approval
process. For MAP Migrations (>=$500K ARR), the workloads must be properly tagged as they are migrated (see
Migration MAP Tagging Section for more details).

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Database & Analytics (Commercial Sources) - During the Migrate & Modernize phase, AWS will fund an
additional 25% of on the eligible DB&A service portion of the post migration ARR in partner cash or in MAP
credits if the workload is moved from a DB&A Commercial Source. DB&A Commercial Sources are database
engines, data warehouses, or analytics offerings identified as a DB&A Commercial Source on the included services
list as such list may be updated from time to time. Eligible DB&A services are the AWS services identified as
Database & Analytics services on the included services list. Additionally, if you migrate workloads from a DB&A
Commercial Source running on Amazon EC2 to a DB&A Service (including workloads that originate on AWS)
during the migration period, your spend on such properly tagged DB&A Services will be included in spend
calculations for purposes of the DB&A funding. A calculation of the expected DB&A post-migration ARR must be
provided to AWS during the funding approval process. For MAP Migrations (>=$500K ARR), the workloads must
be properly tagged as they are migrated (see Migration MAP Tagging Section for more details).
During the Migrate & Modernize phase, AWS will fund an additional 50% of eligible, incremental MAP for SAP
Migration ARR in Partner cash or MAP Credits. Eligible SAP workloads are SAP On Premise software packages that are
operated in customer-, solution provider- or distributor-owned accounts on AWS (i.e., not SAP SaaS or managed
solutions like NS2, RISE with SAP, SAP HEC, Concur, or Success Factors, which operate in SAP-owned accounts). A cost
estimate for AWS workload services for the migrating SAP workloads must be provided to AWS during the funding
approval process. For MAP ($500K+ ARR), SAP incentives cannot be combined with other specialized workload
incentives other than Oracle Applications. There must be an incremental $500K in ARR attributable to SAP and/or
Oracle Applications workload spend to be eligible for MAP ($500K+ ARR) Base 25% + Enhanced (50%) Migrate &
Modernize benefits, and the workloads must be properly tagged as they are migrated (see Migration MAP Tagging
Section for more details). Incremental SAP workload partner cash funding is only offered for partners who have SAP
Competency. Incremental Oracle Application Partner funding is only offered for AWS Service Path Partners who have
Migration Competency or Oracle Competency. Credits can be offered directly to the customer or through AWS Solution
Provider or Distribution partners. MAP for SAP deals >$500K ARR are not eligible for other specialized workload
incentives, other than Oracle Applications.
MAP for Oracle Applications
During the Migrate & Modernize phase, AWS may fund an additional 50% of eligible, incremental MAP for Oracle
Applications Migration ARR in Partner cash or AWS service credits. Eligible Oracle Applications include Oracle
Applications running on premise, or one migrated from other cloud providers other than AWS. Oracle Business
Application software (e.g. Peoplesoft, JDEdwards, Oracle E-Business Suite, and Hyperion) that will be operated in
customer, solution provider, or distributor owned accounts on AWS. A cost estimate for AWS workload services for the
migrating Oracle Applications workloads must be provided to AWS during the funding approval process. Incremental
Oracle Application Partner funding is only offered for AWS Service Path Partners who have Migration Competency or
Oracle Competency. Incremental SAP workload Partner cash funding is only offered for Partners who have Oracle
Competency. Credits can be offered direct to the customer or through Solution Provider or Distribution partners. A cost
estimate for AWS workload services for the migrating Oracle Applications workloads must be provided to AWS during
the funding approval process. For MAP ($500K+ ARR), Oracle Applications incentives cannot be combined with other
specialized workload incentives other than SAP. There must be an incremental $500K in ARR attributable to Oracle
Application and/or SAP spend to be eligible for MAP Migrate & Modernize ($500K+ ARR) Base (25%) + Enhanced (50%)
benefits. For large migrations, the workloads must be properly tagged as they are migrated (see Large Migration MAP
Tagging Section for more details). MAP for Oracle Applications deals >$500K ARR will not be eligible for other
specialized workload incentives, other than SAP.
MAP for Connect
During the Migrate & Modernize phase, AWS will fund an additional 25% on net new eligible Amazon Connect post
migration ARR in cash to the AWS Partner for Connect contact center workloads migrated in year one. To be eligible
for this incentive, the migration ARR for Connect must be expected to achieve a run rate of at least $500K ARR within
12 months of the migration start date. Eligible Connect spend includes spend on Connect, Telephony, Chat, Contact
Lens, and Tasks, as updated from time to time. The incremental MAP for Connect Incentive is available for AWS Service
Path Partners who have achieved the Amazon Connect Service Delivery Designation. This incentive is available for MAP
Migrations (>=$500K ARR) only, and cannot be requested for MAP Lite migrations. Tagging is not a requirement for the
MAP for Connect.

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Migrate & Modernize Funding Requirements
To request Migrate & Modernize Funding, please submit the opportunity through ACE Partner Central. The AWS
Partner Funding Portal should be used to request Migrate & Modernize Cash Funding from AWS, as well as MAP Credits
for partner-originated opportunities.

MAP Lite (<$500K ARR) MAP Migrations (>=$500K ARR)
1. Migration and Modernization (one-step) 1. Migration and Modernization (one-step)
Opportunity in ACE (Partner originated or Opportunity in ACE (Partner originated or AWS-
AWS-originated) leverage MAP Funding. Each originated), leverage MAP Funding, that is
phase of MAP Partner Funding requested for a associated to a Migration Program Engagement.
migration opportunity must only have one Each phase of MAP Partner Funding requested for
ACE submission for MAP Lite opportunities. a migration opportunity must use the same
Migration Program Engagement.
2. Valid opportunity with AWS opportunity 2. Qualified+ Migration Program Engagement, to
stage at minimum Committed (at or above be facilitated by the AWS Partner Sales Manager).
80% probability). Note: AWS does not provide Note: AWS does not provide funding for Win
funding for Launched Opportunities. Verified Program Engagements.

3. Partner meets the eligibility requirements 3. Partner meets the eligibility requirements for
for MAP Lite funding MAP funding

4. For Partner cash requests only, Migrate & 4. Migrate & Modernize SOW or Project Plan
Modernize SOW or Project Plan which meets which meets the Migrate & Modernize technical
the Migrate & Modernize technical requirements, and includes a detailed project
requirements, and includes a detailed project scope, deliverables, and the expected cost of the
scope, milestones/deliverables, and the AWS Partner's service provided during funding
expected cost of the AWS Partner's service pre-approval.
provided during funding pre-approval.
5. For Partner cash requests only, MAP 5. MAP Qualified Partner Solution Architect
Migrate &
Qualified Partner Solution Architect SOW/Project Plan Approval
SOW/Project Plan Approval
Fund Request
6. A calculation of the expected post migration 6. A calculation of the expected post-migration
7. Valid AWS Management Account ID 7. Valid AWS Management Account ID
8. AWS MAP Business Development Manager
qualification of the deal for MAP, and supporting
cash for MAP Partner Funding. Coordinate with
BD team to get MPE in Qualified+ status and
update the “Migration BD Approved” field in the
APFP FR as “Yes”
Note: We do not require MAP BD Approval email
to be attached to the MPE nor FR

9. Confirmation on the use of MAP Tagging (this

can be incorporated into the SOW/Project Plan)

10. Milestone Schedule for Payment, which

includes the timing and deliverable of milestones,
cost tied to the percentage of work completed at
each milestone, and a revenue ramp of the post-
migration ARR that aligns to the timing of each
milestone. The expected revenue will be validated
against the actual, tagged migration spend at
time of payment.

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11. Migration Readiness Assessment (MRA) or
Partner Equivalent completed prior to the start of
the Migration (note: the Assess Analysis report is a
required technical deliverable upon completion of
the Assess Phase, and may supplement the MRA)
(Migration Readiness Assessment can be
performed using AWS Assessment Tool. You can
find more details here)

Migrate & Modernize Payment

For MAP Lite Migrate & Modernize deals, cash will be paid to the AWS Partner upon milestone completion (could range
from 1 milestone to up to 10), subject to customer sign-off. If MAP Lite Credits are requested, they will be disbursed in
two tranches: 25% of the eligible MAP Lite credits will be disbursed after upon funding pre-approval, and 75% of the
eligible MAP Lite credits will be disbursed upon project completion, subject to submission of customer sign-off. The
first credit tranche will be disbursed within 2 days of AWS pre-approval, the second credit tranche will be disbursed
within 30 days of claim approval. The amount of the second credit tranche will be proportionally adjusted based on the
level of completion of the migration measured as a percentage of the “Anticipated Annual Spend on Migrated
Workloads After Migration Completion” identified in the Customer Sign-off form (the “Migration Completion Rate”).
For example, if Eligible MAP Lite Credits are $60,000 and the Migration Completion Rate is 100%, the first tranche will
be equal to 25% of Eligible MAP Lite Credits ($15,000), and the second tranche will be equal to 75% of your Eligible
MAP Lite Credits ($45,000), for a total of $60,000 in MAP Lite Credits. However, if Eligible MAP Lite Credits are $60,000
and the Migration Completion Rate is 80%, the first tranche will still be equal to 25% of Eligible MAP Credits
($15,000), but the second tranche will be equal to 55% of your Eligible MAP Lite Credits ($33,000), for a total of
$48,000 in MAP Lite Credits. All MAP Lite credits will be auto-redeemed into the AWS account ID provided during the
Migrate & Modernize fund request pre-approval process, and are valid for 12 months after the disbursement date. MAP
Lite Credits will be visible in the AWS Partner Funding Portal dashboard, and can be further validated through the AWS
Billing Console. To qualify for pending incentives on the migration project, the AWS Partner must submit the customer
sign-off form within 18 months for the migrate and modernization phase.

For MAP (>=$500K ARR) Migrate & Modernize Cash deals, the AWS Partner will need to work with the customer to
complete the Migration Tagging steps outlined in this program guide. Cash payment will be available in milestones
that are tied to the percentage of work completed. Migrate & Modernize cash funding is contingent on AWS validating
the expected revenue provided in the milestone schedule during the funding pre-approval process with the actual,
tagged migration spend at time of claim. The quarterly run rate at the last milestone should align to the run rate for
the expected post-migration ARR of the project. Customer sign-off is required with each milestone claim.
(Customer sign-off template is published at APN Central. Please use this link to select your preferred language
template and download. In case of any issues with the link, please go to APN Central: Resources: APN Funding > AWS
Partner Funding Portal Resources > Customer Sign-Off Templates).

In the event that actual revenue for the migration is 90% or less of the expected revenue submitted during the MAP
(>=$500K ARR) Migrate & Modernize funding approval process, then the AWS Partner will submit an explanation for
the deviation to the AWS Partner Sales Manager, Partner Development Manager, and Partner Solution Architect. If
actual revenue is running at less than 90% of the expected revenue for two consecutive milestones and the cumulative
revenue is not on track, then the AWS Partner will provide the status of the project and remediation plan in a write-up
for a formal review with APN senior management to determine next steps for payments. AWS does not expect to
withhold payment to an AWS Partner if the reason for the revenue delay is not attributable to the AWS Partner.

MAP Migration (>=$500K ARR) Tagging Overview

To qualify for MAP (>=$500K ARR) migration incentives, an AWS Partner needs to work with the customer to complete
the Migration Tagging steps outlined below to enable AWS to assess migration revenue performance against the
migration forecast for the Migrate & Modernize phase. It is recommended that the designation of Migration Accounts
(i.e., AWS Management Account) are completed in the Mobilization phase of the engagement. Additional instructions
on tagging are available in the MAP Tagging Guide or in the MAP Credit Calculation Service Tagging Partner Central.

Designate Migration Accounts

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The AWS Partner must work with the customer to designate the AWS Management Account and Member Account ID(s)
that will be used for the workloads which are part of the migration scope.

Enable Cost Allocation Tags

At least 48 hours before the migration begins, the AWS Partner must work with the customer on enabling User-
defined cost allocation tags in the AWS Console for each of the AWS Management Accounts that are designated for
MAP workloads. All designated accounts must be Management Accounts.
Only MAP workloads launched and correct tagged (as per MAP tagging guide) in the designated accounts will be
included in the MAP migration tracking calculations. Additional instructions and Cloud-formation templates can be
found in Account Setup section of MAP Tagging Guide.

Tagging MAP workloads

As you move your existing on-premises workloads to AWS, the migrated workloads are identified through a tagging
mechanism. Tagging is required for cash and credits, as it is used to report the migrated workloads spend and generate
appropriate credits. MAP cannot apply credits to your account if you do not activate Cost Allocation Tags or tag the
migrated resources. Migration spend on tagged services will be included on the day you apply the tag. It is
recommended that tags be applied shortly after incurring spend on those services to be included in MAP migration
tracking in the Migrate & Modernize phase.
Payment Summary
The below table summarizes the timing for claiming each MAP Partner Funding project, as well as required deliverables
for payment.

MAP Funding by Phase /Activity APN Customer Sign-

Payment Eligibility Technical Deliverable
off Template
Project Completion Required at project Assess Analysis Report
Project Completion Required at project Mobilize Success Criteria
completion Report
Cash: Payment is Required with each
made based on pre- Milestone Claim
MAP Lite
(<$500K ARR)
Migrate &
Credits: paid 25%
upon MAP Pre-
approval, 75% upon
project completion
Project Completion Required at project Assess Analysis Report
Project Completion Required at project Well Architected Review
completion Report (WA-R); and
Mobilize Success Criteria
Cash: Payment is Required with each
made based on pre- Milestone Claim
MAP (>=$500K determined
ARR) milestones tied to
the percentage of
Migrate & work completed,
Modernize with expected
revenue validated
against actual,
tagged migration

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Credits: issued
according to the MAP
Credit agreement

Customer sign-off template is published at APN Central. Please use this link to select your preferred language template
and download. In case of any issues with the link, please go to APN Central: Resources: APN Funding > AWS Partner
Funding Portal Resources > Customer Sign-Off Templates.

MAP Autopilot Program

MAP Autopilot is designed to accelerate the MAP SOW/Project Plan review process by providing trusted AWS Migration
Competency Partners with a streamlined approval experience. MAP Autopilot enables Migration Competency Partners
to expedite the technical approval process during funding review and approval, as it builds upon the Partner’s proven
record of delivering successful AWS migrations resulting in high customer satisfaction. MAP Autopilot is not available
to all AWS Partners, nor is it available in all countries and for all customer migrations.

AWS MAP Autopilot Partners can self-assess their SoW/Project Plan, and confirm compliance with AWS Migration best
practices outlined in the AWS MAP Technical checklist. MAP Technical Checklists are available at all three phases of
MAP: Assess, Mobilize, and Migrate & Modernize. The MAP Technical Checklist will be reviewed by a qualified AWS
Partner Solution Architect to ensure conformity with at least 80% of the expected MAP technical deliverables and best
practices at each phase. AWS MAP Technical Checklist can be found on AWS Partner Central by clicking the “Resources”
tab in the navigation ribbon, then selecting “APN Funding” and “Migration Acceleration Program Resources”.

Partner Eligibility
The MAP Autopilot Program is only available for AWS Migration Competency Partners on the Services Partner Path. To
enroll in the MAP Autopilot Program, please reach out to your Partner Development Manager.

Partner Commitment
By participating in AWS MAP Autopilot, the AWS Partner commits to following similar, or improved, migration
practices as the current AWS Migration Competency for Services Path Partners, as well as assigning an AWS Migrations
trained and/or an AWS Professional level certified individual to the migration project who will be responsible for the
quality of work delivered. MAP Autopilot Partners must complete the tasks/deliverables and provide the information
as described in the MAP Autopilot Enrollment Letter.

Fund Request Pre-Approval Requirements

AWS Partners partaking in MAP Autopilot must submit a signed MAP Autopilot Enrollment Letter folder name to
confirm their participation. Depending on the phase of migration in scope, AWS Partners must also submit a
completed checklist with associated auto-scoring for each project, in addition to the requirements for the applicable
MAP phase. The MAP Technical checklist is forward looking and identifies deliverables and project outputs. The
technical review of MAP Autopilot projects will be auto-approved if >80% of documented tasks in the checklist are

Funding Claim Requirements

Upon project completion, AWS Partners must submit all required documentation outlined in the “Payment Summary”
section of this program guide.


1. What are the changes in the 2023 AWS Partner Funding Benefits Program Guide?
There are no major program changes for MAP, MAP Lite, and POC (please note, there are MDF Program
changes). We included several clarifications and a few minor changes to help partners better understand the
program eligibility requirements and benefits.

2. Why are you making changes to the AWS Partner Funding Benefits Program Guide? How often are the
changes made?

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We are in the constant pursuit of improving our programs to assist our partners and customers. By gathering
feedback from internal and external stakeholders, we determine where additional content, updates, and
improvements to the program guide can bring greater clarity and value to our partners. The program guide
content is built around the construct of our programs, and any changes to this construct require us to update
the guide to keep it current and aligned. We aim to limit the number of times we publish the AWS Partner
Funding Benefits Guide to two or three per year.

3. What if I only need one phase of funding?

The MAP Partner funding is modularized, and each phase is independent. If an AWS Partner only needs one
phase of funding, then they would only apply for that phase of funding, provided that a plan exists to enable
the customer for a successful migration to AWS.

4. Can MAP Migrate & Modernize funding be split between AWS Promotional Credits to the customer, and
cash to the AWS Partner?
No, Migrate & Modernize funding is either cash to an AWS Partner or AWS Promotion Credits to a customer or
through a Solution Provider / Distributor.

5. Can POC funding be split between AWS Promotional Credits to the customer, and cash to the AWS Partner?
No, POC funding is either cash to an AWS Partner or AWS Promotional Credits.

6. Can MAP be used if the proposal includes a multi-cloud solution?

No, MAP Partner Funding is only available if the proposal is a migration to AWS.

7. Can the migration project be broken up to receive multiple phases of Assess / Mobilize funding?
Assess and Mobilize investments are designed to support the planning for a migration of a single application /
workload, logical grouping of applications / workloads, or data center at a customer. The Migrate & Modernize
phase is intended to scale according to the size of the migration. Multiple, sequential requests for Assess &
Mobilize benefits are considered non-standard investments, and are not supported through the standard,
Partner MAP framework.

8. Does MAP provide funding for Migration & Modernization tools (i.e. Software Partners)?
MAP Partner funding does not pay for standalone tooling but the recommended outcomes and deliverables by
phase for the partners listed in as eligible partners in the AWS Partner Funding Program Guide. For example, in
the Assess phase a tool can provide automated visibility into the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), but we’ve
seen success in MAP through Services Partners that use the output of the tool to help drive the decision to
migrate to AWS with the customer’s leaders and key stakeholders. We recommend that any Software Partners
work closely with a Differentiated (Competency or Service Delivery) Services Partner to build packaged
offerings of your tool along with the Services Partners capabilities to support the customer.

9. Does MAP fund a migration of a Software Partner/ISV?

There are two use cases for this:
1. Software Partner/ISV = Customer: If the Software Partner/ISV is the customer, and they are moving their
software from on-prem / co-location provider to an application or SaaS application on AWS, then this use
case would fit under eligible use cases for the Migration Acceleration Program (MAP).
2. Software Partner/ISV = Technology and End Customers Involved: If the Software Path Partner/ISV is
moving their end customers to AWS, then the ISV Workload Migration Program (ISV WMP) would support
funding in credits to move the workloads to the ISV’s solution on AWS.

10. When should I request MAP funding?

Any MAP benefits must be requested and approved before the funding is presented to the customer and prior
to the start of the engagement. We recommend beginning the MAP approval process at least 3 weeks prior to
the start of the project. In the AWS Partner Funding Portal, the request must be submitted 2 weeks before the
project start date.

11. Can my partner combine Assess, Mobilize, or Migrate & Modernize workstreams into one SOW/project

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The MAP methodology is based on a proven framework that is designed to support the customer at each phase
of their migration journey, where each phase is requested sequentially at least three weeks prior to the start of
the relevant phase. There may be certain circumstances where the customer wants to an end to end SOW
encompassing Assess, Mobilize, and Migration activities into one SOW. Each phase of funding will still need to
be submitted and approved separately.
12. What is the difference between Partner Proof-of-Concept (POC) funding and MAP Partner funding?
MAP Partner funding should be used for production migrations to AWS. Proof-of-Concept (POC) funding is
available when the customer has not fully committed to AWS, and a POC is needed to demonstrate the
required business solution on the AWS Cloud. Proof-of-Concept activity funding cannot be combined with MAP
incentives, but can be used prior to a Migration Project in order to build customer confidence after which MAP
can be used to support the net new migration scope that was not included in the POC, or may deduct what was
initially funded for the POC activity. POC and pilot activities are included as a workstream in the MAP Mobilize
phase, along with other migration planning activities to further prepare the customer for a successful
migration to AWS.

13. Is a Migration Readiness Assessment (MRA) Required for MAP Lite funding?
No. The Migration Readiness Assessment must be in scope or completed prior to approval the $500K+ ARR
MAP Migrate & Modernize deals only.

14. Is MAP Tagging required for MAP Lite Migrate & Modernize Deals?
No. MAP Tagging is a requirement for MAP (>=$500K ARR) Partner Funding opportunities in the Mobilize and
Migrate & Modernize Phase.

15. Is approval from a MAP Business Development Manager (MAP DB) required for MAP Lite Deals?
No. MAP BD approval is only required for MAP (>=$500K ARR) Partner Funding opportunities. This approval
will be for the Migration Program Engagement (MPE), and will not be required for individual phases of funding.

16. Is there a minimum ARR required to receive MAP Lite Migrate & Modernize incentives?
MAP is designed to support migrations of any size or workload, thus MAP Lite Migrate & Modernize incentives
do not have a minimum ARR requirement. MAP benefits are designed to become increasingly more beneficial
as the customer grows their business on AWS.

17. Can I integrate MAP incentive into an RFX/Tender response?

For WWPS, AWS supports RFXs/Tenders with MAP Migrate & Modernize credits. Migrations must be net-new in
scope and not accounted for in previous projects. Pre-Migration incentives (Assess and Mobilize) are not
applicable in an RFX. Migration & Modernization opportunities awarded through an RFX are subject to standard
MAP criteria and terms outlined above. Certain opportunities may require AWS Legal and Finance approval
before including incentives. Partners are encouraged to engage with their Partner Manager for support when
responding to an RFX/Tender.

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ISV Workload Migration Program

The AWS ISV Workload Migration Program (WMP) works with AWS Software Partners to create a repeatable
migration capability and joint go-to-market driving customer migrations to their cloud offers, at scale. The program
offers prescriptive technical guidance and automation for the migration process, and funding to help mitigate cost.

Through WMP, partners unlock a partner-led selling motion supported by AWS to reduce migration risk and cost for
the end-customer. WMP is a public program available to all AWS Software Partners that meet the program criteria.

Partner Eligibility
To be considered for WMP, AWS Software Partners must be/have:
1. Software Partner at the Validated or Differentiated stage of the Software Partner Path
2. Completed a Foundational Technical Review for the nominated Software Partner workload
3. A SaaS offering on AWS and a cloud first strategy
4. A significant customer base to migrate
5. Aligned organization resources to deliver migrations at scale

Migration Use Cases Supported

In Scope WMP Workload Scenarios Out of Scope WMP Workload Scenarios

Migrations to Software Partner's

- Customers using Software Partner's
SaaS offering on AWS from:
software in their AWS account moving to
Software Partner's SaaS
- Software Partner's product on-premises
- Software Partner's product on other cloud - Migration / Build of Software Partner's
provider platform on AWS
- Competitive displacement of other cloud - Displacement of competitive Software
provider (e.g. Azure Sentinel to Partner's Partner Solution running on AWS
- On-premises open source software
- Other on-premises workloads qualified for
specific use cases

Partner Nominations
If you have not already applied for WMP, you can do so by completing this form. Once you apply, a WMP Partner
Development Specialist (PDS) will work to onboard you into the program. Partners must be at the Validated or
Differentiated stage of the APN Software Path, and have completed a WMP Acceleration Plan in order to receive
WMP funding benefits.

WMP Benefits
WMP invests in the success of partners’ migration engagements through funding in the form of AWS
Promotional Credits.
AWS Promotional Credits are delivered to the participating AWS Software Partner to offset the migration cost
incurred by the end-customer. AWS Promotional Credits must be redeemed in the AWS account where the AWS
revenue for the migration accrues.

Partners can package AWS Promotional Credits as an offer for end-customers to offset one-time migration expenses in
exchange for a customer commitment to run migrated workloads on AWS.

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WMP funding is based on the first year’s AWS Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) from the migrated workload. The
first year AWS ARR estimate is based on the run rate of the workload after it is fully migrated. For example, if a
migration will take four months to complete, after the four months, the run rate of the workload at that point is
multiplied by 12 to come up with the ARR amount. Following this example, when a customer begins migrating a
$120k AWS ARR workload, the total expected AWS ARR once migrated will be $10k per month and this $10k is
then multiplied by 12 to come up with the AWS ARR of $120k (see table below).

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4

$1k in AWS ARR $2k in AWS ARR $5k in AWS ARR $10k in AWS

ARR is based on a custom calculator built by the AWS Software Partner or an AWS Pricing Calculator. T- shirt sizing
(as detailed in WMP Acceleration Plan) can be used if the sizing backs to an AWS Pricing Calculator estimate. It is
important to note that WMP funding is based on actual AWS ARR post discounts. Any discounts must be
accounted for prior to WMP credit calculations. Any AWS Support costs must also be excluded from the ARR

Funding Rates
Standard WMP funding rates are 15% of the first year’s AWS ARR for individual customer migrations resulting in under
$500k in AWS ARR or 25% of the first year’s ARR for migrations resulting in $500k or greater.

For example, a workload migration that results in $120k in AWS ARR, or $10k per month, would be eligible for 15% in
AWS Promotional Credits through WMP, or $18k. Alternatively, if a single workload migration results in $720k in AWS
ARR, or $60k per month, that migration would be eligible for 25% in AWS Promotional credits, totaling $180k.

Please note that the WMP funding rate is based on the AWS ARR resulting from the migration, not on the Software
Partner’s Annual Contract Value associated with the migration opportunity.

Building a WMP Offer

A key component of WMP is building a custom offer to help incentivize a Software Partners’ target migration base
of customers. Since the WMP benefit is typically provided to the AWS Software Partner, the Software Partner is
may opt to offer a similar incentive to the end- customer in some way, shape, or form. It is encouraged that the
partner gets its WMP funding pre-approved before offering a similar incentive to its end-customers.

For any questions on the WMP incentive or building a WMP offer, please work with your Partner Development Specialist

Opportunity Registration Process

Use of APN Customer Engagements (ACE) is a requirement for participating partners. AWS Software Partners can
access the APN Customer Engagements (ACE) User Guide for APN Lead and Opportunity Management. The following
information is mandatory for WMP Opportunity qualification.

• Target migration “AWS Account ID” must be filled in

• Expected Monthly AWS Revenue
o The “Expected Monthly AWS Revenue” must match the calculation in the AWS Pricing Calculator or
any mutually agreed upon custom AWS Revenue calculator including t- shirt sizing.
• AWS Account Rep supporting the Opportunity (if applicable)
• Choose “ISV Workload Migration” in the “Campaign Name” field dropdown
• Choose “SaaS or PaaS” in the “Delivery Model” field section.

To submit WMP opportunities through ACE Pipeline Manager:

1. Log in to the APN Partner Central

2. Navigate to “My Customers” tab
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3. Select “Add” to create a new opportunity
4. Choose “ISV Workload Migration” campaign
5. Complete all required fields and select “Submit.”

Public Sector Requirements

Any Opportunity for an AWS ‘Public Sector’ customer requires additional review and approval by AWS. The ‘Public
Sector’ customer classification includes, but is not limited to, government, government tech,
education, education tech, education publishers, non-profit and non-profit tech accounts. In addition, certain
entities (depending on geography and industry classification) within aerospace, agriculture, forestry, fishing,
airports, broadcasting, telecommunications, finance, insurance, real estate, healthcare, hospital/clinics, media,
postal service, services, transportation, and utilities may be classified as ‘Public Sector’ by AWS. Please engage in
regular reviews with the AWS team to accurately determine which customer accounts will be classified as AWS
Public Sector and may require additional review and approval by AWS prior to committing any funding to the

WMP Funding Requirements

There are two phases to the WMP funding process for individual customer migrations: Migration Commitment and
Migration Completion.

Migration Commitment:
In order to qualify for WMP funding, an individual migration opportunity must satisfy the following requirements
demonstrating the customer intends to migrate to AWS:
• Launched ACE opportunity properly tagged to WMP (see instructions above for tagging)
• AWS ARR calculator (either a screenshot of the T-shirt sizing/custom calculator or link to the AWS
Pricing Calculator)
• Proof of deal closure - customer signed purchase order, sales order form, Statement of Work, or
project plan committing to the migration

Opportunities that meet the above requirements will be eligible for funding benefits.

Migration Completion:

To ensure successful completion and delivery of the migration project, WMP partners are responsible for providing
evidence that the migration has been completed as planned. Proof of migration completion may consist of one of the
• Log from the SaaS administrator stating that the customer has been successfully provisioned
• Email from the customer stating the migration to the SaaS offering has been completed

Documentation of migration commitment and migration completion is required for all WMP fund requests.

Submitting a WMP Fund Request

WMP credits are issued in two tranches based on a 25/75 payment model whereby 25% of the total AWS
Promotional Credit amount will be released upon approval of the proof of ‘Migration Commitment’ and the
remaining 75% of the total AWS Promotional Credit amount will be released upon approval of the
proof of ‘Migration Completion.’

To submit a fund request, partners must use the AWS Partner Funding Portal (APFP). Through APFP, partners can
submit, track, and manage the status all of their fund requests, including WMP. Please refer to the APFP user guide for
a step-by-step guide on how to submit fund requests.

All fund requests must be submitted in a timely manner and with all of the required details in order to be approved.
Fund requests with missing, inaccurate, or incomplete information will be rejected. Please note, any deal submitted
for funding more than 3 months passed the deal close date will not be approved. Partners should upload proof of
migration completion for deals that have previously been submitted for funding upon migration completion and
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within one calendar month of the completion date.

The typical lead time for a fund request to be approved is 10-15 business days. Funding requests over
$100k may require pre-approval before the deal closes and take longer to approve, so please make sure to work
with your Partner Development Specialist to understand any individual deal requirements.

AWS Promotional Credit Disbursement

For approved WMP fund requests, AWS Promotional Credits will be approved and auto-redeemed in the AWS account
specified on the fund request. It is important that you make sure the correct AWS Account ID is captured in the fund

For example, following the scenario outlined above in “Funding Rates” a workload migration that results in $120k
in AWS ARR, $10k per month, would be eligible for 15% in AWS Promotional Credits through WMP, or $18k. Once
the partner closes the deal, the partner would submit a fund request in APFP uploading all of the documentation
required to show the proof of migration commitment from the end customer (i.e. the AWS ARR calculator, proof of
deal closure, and launched ACE opportunity). Upon approval, the AWS team will auto-redeem an AWS Promotional
Credit for $4,500 in the AWS Account ID entered in the fund request.

Once the migration is completed, the partner will need to upload evidence of completion to the same fund request
in APFP. Partners can do so by attaching either pieces of evidence from the ‘Migration Completion’ section above
(e.g. log from the SaaS admin stating the customer account has been provisioned or an email from the end-
customer stating the migration has been completed). Upon approval, the AWS team will auto-redeem an AWS
Promotional Credit for $13,500 in the same AWS Account ID specified in the original fund request.

AWS Promotional Credits must be redeemed in accordance with the AWS Promotional Credit Terms and Conditions
available at: Credits provided through WMP are restricted to use on Amazon
S3 and Amazon EC2 services only. Dollar values assigned to any AWS benefits as described herein merely represent
dollar value equivalents solely for the purposes of defining the scope of the available benefit. AWS Promotional
Credits are not redeemable or exchangeable for cash under any circumstance. AWS may audit use of AWS
Promotional Credits and initiate remediation, which may include termination of this Acceleration Plan and your
removal from the WMP if you apply the AWS Promotional credits to incorrect or ineligible AWS accounts.

WMP & Partner Engagement Process

Below is a sample Partner Engagement Process between AWS and the Partner:

1) The AWS Partner will identify and report Opportunities to the WMP team by engaging in pipeline reviews at
mutually agreed schedule. The AWS PDM/PDR will confirm if any of the reported Opportunities are for Public
Sector customers.
2) The AWS partner will provide the identified customer with a WMP offer to accelerate the migration.
3) The Partner will submit the Opportunities using the guidelines described in the “Opportunity Registration
Process” section and will notify the respective AWS account team so that they may be able to assist in closing
the migration deal.
4) Once a customer has formally committed to the migration Opportunity, the Partner will update the status of
the Opportunity to “Launched” in ACE Pipeline Manager and send a funding request with all required
documentation in the AWS Partner Funding Portal (APFP). AWS team (Account Manager) will mark the deal as
won and update the Opportunity amount in the AWS system.
5) The AWS team will review and approve the fund request.
6) The AWS funding team will auto-redeem the AWS Promotional Credit in the AWS Account ID specified from the
fund request.
7) The Partner will monitor the migration and ensure successful deployment

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WMP Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1. How does WMP funding work?
A. WMP leverages AWS Promotional Credits as a program benefit and motivator for partners to migrate their on-
premises customers to their products on AWS, at scale. Credits are provided for each customer migrated.
2. Who is eligible for WMP funding?
A: Software Partners who have built products on AWS, have completed Foundation Technical Reviews (FTR), have been
on-boarded by a WMP PDS into the program, and signed up to goals for migrating their customers.
3. Does WMP provide cash as a benefit?
A. No, funding benefits are exclusively provided in the form of AWS Credits.
4. How are AWS WMP Credit values determined?
A. Standard payouts are 15% of first year ARR for deals below US$500K ARR, and 25% first year ARR for deals at or
above US$500K ARR.
5. How are ARR amounts calculated?
A. As part of the WMP onboarding, partners undergo a rigorous exercise with the WMP PSA to determine the AWS ARR
per customer, which could be by T-Shirt sizes and/or custom calculators providing accurate ARR estimations of AWS
service consumption.
6. When are AWS WMP Credits issued?
A. Credits are issued after an opportunity closes in ACE. Partner must update opportunity status to “launched” in ACE,
and provide necessary supporting deal proof of performance for WMP to process funding request. Opportunity must be
tagged ‘ISV Workload Migration’ in the APN Campaign Name drop down pick list.
7. How long does it take for AWS WMP Credits to be disbursed?
A. Once a funding request is submitted, the standard SLA for AWS finance and funding teams to review and approve is
10 to 15 business days.
8. How do AWS WMP Credits work?
A. AWS Credits offset customer fees and charges of their Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3 service utilization. Credits are
auto-applied to the account ID submitted, and are valid for 12 months from issuance date. The offset is applied during
or following the billing cycle in which code is redeemed. For additional details, see AWS Promotional Credits Terms and
Conditions and Overview of AWS Credits.
9. Who receives AWS WMP Credits?
A. AWS WMP Credits are given to participating Software Partners. Partners may then opt to provide similar savings to
its end-customers. In some scenarios, WMP Credits are utilized directly by AWS customers (with AWS Account Executive
approval; most common in BYOL scenarios), by the Software Partner’s Channel Partner, or by an AWS Services Partner.
10. Can WMP Credits be leveraged with other APN Program Credits?
A. WMP investments cannot be stacked with investments from other AWS programs. However, partners may use POC
funding (10%) during that stage of the opportunity, and seek the additional funding (+5% or 15%) from WMP in the
migration stage. For example, if a partner received $12k in POC funding to help win a $120k AWS ARR migration
opportunity, that opportunity would be eligible for an additional
$6k in AWS Promotional Credits through WMP ($18k in total WMP funding at a 15% funding rate minus the previously
provided $12k in POC credits).
11. Can AWS WMP Credits be leveraged with AWS Marketplace promotions?
A. Yes, AWS WMP credits can be leveraged with credits issued by AWS Marketplace.
12. Can WMP credits be used in GovCloud?
A. Yes, AWS WMP credits can be redeemed in GovCloud just like any other AWS region.

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World Wide Public Sector (WWPS)

There are AWS Partner Funding Benefits that AWS Partners can leverage to support customers in government,
education, and nonprofit entities (“Public Sector Customers”) around the world. The MAP, POC, Innovation Sandbox,
and WWPS Custom MDF programs are available when serving Public Sector Customers via the Worldwide Public Sector
(WWPS) Partner Funding team.

Eligibility for WWPS Partner Funding

The gateway to eligibility for WWPS Partner Funding is membership in the AWS Public Sector Partner (PSP) Program.
The PSP Program enables AWS Partners to accelerate their business growth on AWS through alignment with our
WWPS point of contact, marketing, capture and proposal, and funding teams. Membership unlocks access to additional
benefits and programs that further differentiate, reward, and recognize our partners’ unique offerings and expertise.
Because of the PSP requirement, AWS Partners who have only reached the Enrolled stage of their chosen Path are not
eligible for WWPS funding.
Each funding benefit offers cash and/or AWS Promotional Credits and has its own specific program requirements with
additional review necessary if required by law, especially when engaging with government officials. Although WWPS
Custom MDF follows the same eligibility requirements as APN MDF, the funds must go toward public sector demand
generation activities. Public sector opportunities for MAP are channeled through WWPS Partner Funding for review.
The WWPS Funding team will review and pre-approve fund requests that meet all required guidelines. Please flag any
POC opportunity that relates to a Public Sector Customer and identify any campaigns that target any Public Sector
Customers. Please note the fund request must be pre-approved by AWS prior to any activity/project execution.

Benefits Tied to End Customer Opportunities.

Transparency is important when receiving funding benefits in connection with opportunities you have with your
customers that are a part of—or substantially owned, funded, managed, or controlled by—any government at any
level (“Government Customers”). Some funding benefits are meant to accelerate specific opportunities with your
Government Customers; AWS’s sponsorship of such opportunities should be disclosed to the relevant Government
Customers, and AWS may reach out to such Government Customers to notify them of such sponsorship and
funding. You must also pass along the full amount of any benefits that are designed to offset a Government
Customers’ fees for AWS or related services (e.g., POC credits, cash for POCs or Migrations, etc.).
Where do I go for more information about WWPS Partner Funding?
For any opportunities in the Public Sector, please work with your AWS or WWPS point of contact to determine
program eligibility and for additional guidance related to funding public sector activities.

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APN Funding Key Dates and Deadlines

The APN Funding Key Dates and Deadlines are available here. Please use this link to access them or log into AWS
Partner Central, click the “Resources” tab in the navigation ribbon, then select “APN Funding” and “General Funding
Resources”. This outlines the key dates for submitting fund requests and claims in AWS Partner Funding Portal.

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Revision History

Change Log: 2023 AWS Partner Funding Benefits Program Guide Version 2.0
Section Change
AWS Partner Revised: Funding must be pre-approved by the APN funding team for program activities or
Funding Benefits projects prior to their start date (for funding programs tied to end customers) and before the
Policy funding is positioned to a customer.

Added: AWS Partner Funding Benefits may be subject to program budget management plans.
Budget management plans may vary by program and region.
How Do AWS Revised: The APN funding team will review and pre-approve the activity/project funding request
Partner Funding if it meets all required guidelines outlined in the AWS Partner Funding Benefits Program Guide.
Benefits Work
Proof-of- In the second step of the Proof-of-Concept Requirements table, Business Validation has been
Concept removed, leaving only Technical Validation stage.
Customer New incentive added.
Incentive (CEI)
Getting Started Added: MAP supports both Migration and Modernization opportunities and provides incentives
with a MAP to modernize workloads coming in from outside of AWS to AWS. MAP Modernization one-step
Opportunity allows customers to move workloads or applications from On-Premises or Other cloud directly
to AWS cloud native managed services. This will generally require customers to refactor or re-

Revised: To get started, please submit the Migration and Modernization (one-step) opportunity,
which leverage MAP Funding, in APN Customer Engagements (ACE) Partner Central.
MAP Partner Revised: The amount of funding available may depend on program budget management plans,
Funding Partner qualification, workload, and the customer’s projected AWS incremental ARR, as
Incentive summarized below.
Added: MAP mobilize total project cost is determined by deducting the Partner’s contribution
amount from the overall cost of the activity.

Revised: The amount of cash funding available at each phase is subject to budget availability
(pre-approval must be completed to ensure funding is available) and will be capped on the basis
of the cost of the AWS Partner’s Statement of Work (SOW)/Project Plan, or the amount available
for the applicable phase.
Partner Eligibility Added: AWS Partners on the Services Partner Path remain eligible even if a Partner is validated
Criteria in more than one Partner Path.

Revised: Industry Vertical AWS Competencies available here.

MAP Deal Added: When completing the Pricing Calculator, AWS expects Partners to submit a thoughtfully
Qualification constructed output that accurately reflects the cost optimizations that a customer will
realistically apply over the course of a migration project. AWS recognizes that customers
perform follow on cost saving initiatives after a migration and the associated consumption of
AWS Services can change or decrease. However, we expect an initial calculation that reflects an
optimized steady state, capturing the intent and scope of the migration project.
When to Use Revised: For WWPS, MAP Assess funding should not be used in situations where the customer
Assess Funding has already made the decision to move to AWS, such as where the customer has issued a
request-for-X (RFX, inclusive of RFI, RFQ, RFP, etc.) and Tenders. All MAP Partner Funding must
be pre-approved in AWS Partner Funding Portal before it is presented to a customer.

Assess Funding The table for Assess Funding Requirements has been revised.

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When to Use Revised: For WWPS, MAP Mobilize funding should not be used in situations where the customer
Mobilize Funding has already made the decision to move to AWS, such as where the customer has issued an RFX.
The Migration Business Development Manager for MAP Deals ($500K+ ARR) must qualify the
opportunity prior to when the partner requests MAP Mobilize Funding. All MAP Partner Funding
must be pre-approved in AWS Partner Funding Portal before it is presented to a customer or
included in an RFX response.
Mobilize Funding The table for Mobilize Funding Requirements has been revised.
Migrate & Added: MAP Migrate & Modernize incentives are a scalable, repeatable mechanism to help
Modernize accelerate AWS Partners’ customer migrations.
Added: For MAP Lite (<$500K ARR) credit request, SOW/Project Plan for the Migrate &
Modernize engagement is not required.

Added: MAP Migrate & Modernize credits can be used where the customer has issued an RFX.
Standard MAP Migrate & Modernize credits can be programmatically referenced (but not
contractually committed) in association with an RFX response, after being assessed and qualified
by an AWS Migration Business Development Manager.
Additional Revisions have been implemented in both MAP for SAP and MAP for Oracle Applications.
Incentives for
MAP Migrate &
Migrate & The table for Migrate & Modernize Funding Requirements has been revised.
Migrate & Revised: For MAP Lite Migrate & Modernize deals, cash will be paid to the AWS Partner upon
Modernize milestone completion (could range from 1 milestone to up to 10), subject to customer sign-off.
Added: To qualify for pending incentives on the migration project, the AWS Partner must submit
the customer sign-off form within 18 months for the migrate and modernization phase.
Payment The Payment Summary table for MAP Lite has been revised. The Well Architected Review
Summary Report (WA-R), is no longer required for the MAP Lite Mobilize phase. In the MAP Lite Migrate &
Modernize phase, payment is made based on pre-determined milestones and is required with
each milestone claim.
MAP Autopilot AWS MAP Autopilot Partners can self-assess their SoW/Project Plan, and confirm compliance
Program with AWS Migration best practices outlined in the AWS MAP Technical checklist
MAP, MAP Lite, & An Additional FAQ has been included (FAQ 17).

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