Sol 2.2 Complete Changelog

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Sol 2.

- python: UI, character truncation for buttons

- apps: Sol_weather app 11.6 by leBluem, settings: deactivated wiper control

- apps: Sol Planner app (2.1)

# preset button getting the names of exported or imported plans
# fixed wiper control
# Mist - lower fog value
# fixed some bugs with saving presets
# fixed day update
# fixed plan position bug
# added time stamp mode
# proper reset if all slots are empty
# added Time-Multiplier, will work with the upcomming CSP 1.76
# changed UI / added time multiplier control
# preset/plan stores/loads time multiplier
# fixed wrong weather transition calculation
# fixed day stamps time calculation

- core/ambient light
# lowered light bounce from clouds a little bit
# adjust Hue a bit for daytimes to achieve perfect white in PPfilters

- core/sunlight
# adjust Hue a bit for daytimes to achieve perfect white in PPfilters

- core/filter: some preparations for HDR PPfilters

- core: ppfilter reset, reduced the calls of wfx ppfilter parameters to the minimum
# the single parameter will be only reset, if its value differs from the ppfilter
ini value
# So if the ppfilter is loaded correctly, no parameter will be reset.
# This will keep live editing feature untouched then and live editing is possible.

- core: C++ LUTs, activated code (With the new CSP 1.76 or its preview versions C++
LUTs will work)
# converted all LUTs to new LUT class
# slightly better overall performance

- core: removed direct access from Sol's internal variables, only config manager
functions are able to access it
# see Sol 2.1 Custom Config changes.pdf / page 4
# SOL__set_config(<SECTION>, <KEY>, value, <relative>)
# SOL__config(<SECTION>, <KEY>)

- core: some optimizations and fixes with sol_interface (Communication between Sol
Config, Sol Custom Weather and Sol)
# less memory usage
# collectgarbage() after send-receive task
- audio: fixed wind sound appearing after wfx reset
- sound: fixed a major bug in the sound system
# maybe this was also the cause of instant crashes while loading of Sol

- 2dclouds: fixed look with overcast weather / added dynamic color from sky color

- skysim (3d clouds): fixed a memory leak, fixed a crash while weather transitions
# fixed a bug where clouds are not loaded with weather transitions
- skysim: Stratus, better distant look
- skisim: Cirrostratus, less backlit
- skysim: cumulus mediocris, some small tweaks to near clouds
- skysim, added nerd__clouds_adjust.Saturation_limit to general clouds lighting
- skysim: cumulus mediocris
# better allocation of waterfilled levels for clouds
# added "alphaSmoothTransition" from CSP 1.75p41 to have sharper contours in the
distance and softer contours for near clouds
- skysim/cloud lighting: better cloud colors for waterfilled, overcast and badness

- dome/horizont: adapted dome look to ppfilter tonemapping function

# if tonemapping function is not 2 (sensitometric), horizont is lowered in
saturation to adapt its look

- fog: fixed saturation calculation

- fog: some adjustments to lower fog looks
- fog/smog/clouds: some small adaptions to spectral distant filter

- custom fog: added sun parameter

# control over influence of sun light
# in custom config use: SOL__set_config("nerd__fog_custom_distant_fog", "sun", x)

- weather definitions: a little less water in "Windy" and "few clouds"

- weather definition: Mist, fixed fog color
- weather definition: adjusted some bad weather like Thunderstorms for a better

- weather: double checking data from controller

# this fixes some strange visuals with the new online dynamic weather

- filter: removed setting of ac.setGlareBloomFilterThreshold(0.01) and

ac.setGlareStarFilterThreshold(0.7) with "glare modified by Sol"
- filter: white balance adaption of "WEATHER, HDR multipier" if Sol modifies

- config manager: sol_config_design.txt, fixed

- config manager: added nerd__fog_custom_distant_fog.sun, to controll the influence
of sun light (default 1.00 = no optical change to former Sol versions)

- ppfilter/custom config: added ppfilter parameter reset, if lua is loaded from the
ppfilter folder
# reset of ppfilter parameters was only done for luas in the wfx folder (live edit)

- PPFilter/custom config: __Sol

# adjusted white balance
# lowered gamma
# dynamic filmic contrast for better visibility in the night
# dynamic saturation

- PPFilter/custom config: __Sol_Extra

# added "solHDR__WHITE_POINT_PRECISION" variable to customize white point
# If it is set to 1.0, white/gray is highly desaturated in most situations
# rebalanced white balance and AE's peak brightness
# better Glare settings while day
# FOV dependent Glare settings (star is looking nearly the same with low FOV)

- PPFilter/custom config: __Sol_Extra + __Sol_Extra_Reinhard, deactivated VAO

exponent control
# VAO Exponent is always at 0.5 (default value)
# This will restore the normal VAO look
# With higher VAO Exponents, VAO can be boosted to look more contrasty

- PPFilter/custom config: __SolHDR

# PPfilter to use with HDR monitors

- controller: Sol 2.2

# fixed some important things for seemless weather transitions
# fixed behavior with Python reloading / reloading of Sol Planner app
- controller: Sol 2.2, some optimizations and fixes with sol_interface
(Communication between Sol Planner and Sol)
# less memory usage
# collectgarbage() after send-receive task
# optimizations of LUTs from Pure
# optimizations of vector calculations from Pure

- files: added weather preview pictures of Kunos standard weather

- files: updated Sol 2.1 Custom Config changes.pdf
- files: updated Sol Planner manual
# added description for time stamp mode
# added info to press slot button, to add change the weather

Sol 2.2.1

- apps: Sol_weather 11.9 by leBluem

# 11.9- removed regexe for speed
# 11.8- ui size adjustments
# 11.7- changed time-multiplier to use shared functions, small fixes

- apps: Sol Planner 2.2

# switched regex for date (thanks to leBluem)
# editor window adapts to screen resolution, is always visible
# added wetness and puddles control for weather slots
# labeled log entries

- clouds/2d + custom weather app: fixed live adjusting clouds dense

- clouds/3d basemod: fixed CSP 1.75 feature, now also compatible till CSP 1.69

- weather change: fixed clear sky with 2d clouds

- filter: fixed brightness adjustment via Sol Config

- filter/custom config: fixed loading of Sol custom config with CSP version >= 1.76
# f. e., in VR overall brightness was very low
# The ppfilter/custom config was not loaded at startup

- controller 2.0 (script based weather plans): adapted rain calculation form 2.2

- controller: Sol 2.2 added support for manual "wetness" and "puddles" control
# to have wetness or puddles automatically calculated, set them to -1

- files: updated Sol Planner manual

- files: updated "Sol 2.2 install guide.pdf"

- added 7zip instructions
- change all version numbers to 2.2.x

Sol 2.2.2

- core/CSP: added calculation of CSP's ambient darkness (INPUT=AMBIENT for


- core/CSP: version checking to be compatible with CSP 1.69

# the new "AMBIENT" input calculation for conditions in the track config only works
with the upcomming CSP 1.76 and later

- 3d basemod clouds: correct version check for "alphaSmoothTransition" member,

fixes wfx halts with csp <1.75

Sol 2.2.3

- core: fixed VR initialization of sol custom configs

# This will fix the wrong exposure, when using VR.

- custom configs: prevent calling of ___Sol__reset()

Sol 2.2.4

- apps: Sol_weather 12.4

# 12.4- fixed wiper settings not being restored, fixed a bug with loading settings
# 12.3- added wind indicator, disabled by default
# 12.2- hardened for bad configs again
# 12.1- hardened for bad configs
# 12.0- added master volume slider, has shortcuts too; shorcuts can be empty now,
impropved handling those

- apps: Sol Planner 3.3

# fixed a bug with Load/Save dialog is beyond the screen limits
# If Sol Controller 2.2 is not active, Sol Planner is not setting date, time or
# fixed time mult setting/getting
# fixed plan duration time in "timed mode"
# fixed lower/upper case ini parameters
# rain meter in slot editor shows always the current rain amount
# rain meter in the slot panel shows always the slot's rain amount
# Controller forced to reset after Sol Planner loading. This will fix the "CM"
weather loading
# Removing older lines from preset files
# Removed unnecessary libaries

- apps: all apps, fixed bug with corrupt settings files

- filter: bypass ppfilter parameter reset with CSP 1.77 and later
# From CSP 1.77 on, ppfilter parameters are properly reset, when switching a
ppfilter ingame
# So the additional reset in Sol 2.2.3 and before blocks ppfilter live edit with
CSP 1.77 or later
# This is now fixed.

Sol 2.2.5
- apps: Sol Planner 3.4
# fixed initial timed plan weather

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