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Calabrio WFM


October 6, 2023 Earliest WFM version: 8.2302.14.14

Disclaimer 4

Architecture overview 4

Server Requirements 4
SaaS Cloud Option 4
Access 5
Support 5
upgrading WFM on unsupported Windows Server versions 5
Database Server 5
Performance matrix: 5
Check List: 6
Application Server 6
Performance matrix: 6
Check List: 6
Worker Server 7
Performance matrix: 7
Check List: 8
High Availability and Disaster Recovery 8
Single server options – for up to 400 agents 9
Virtualization 9
External (from Internet) access to web tools and App 10
Test environment 10
Authentication 10
Performance manager 10

Firewall Requirements 11

Client requirements 12
Resource Planner Client 12
Performance matrix: 12
Web tools for team leaders and agents 13

Other 13
Specific requirements for ACD connectors 13
SMSLink 13
CalendarLink 13

Appendix A 14
About Client Installations 14
ClickOnce Requirements 14
Alternative scenarios 15
References 15
Calabrio Teleopti WFM – System Requirements

The below stated requirements are based on typical usage. The actual hardware required may
differ from the below in special cases with an unusual usage pattern.

Architecture overview

Server side – Calabrio WFM runs on standard Windows servers. It is scalable from a small one-
server installation up to large high available installations on multiple web and worker servers, in
multiple data centres for disaster recovery.
Client side – Agents and team leads can do all work from web-based tools (web browsers).

Integrations – Calabrio WFM pulls contact and agent performance data, as well as real-time
agent states, from all known Contact Centre Solutions (ACDs/CCaaS).

Server Requirements
Calabrio WFM can be delivered as a service over the Internet without any major hardware on
premise. With this option, you do not have to worry about server hardware. Contact your
Calabrio Account Manager for details.

Calabrio will have remote access to servers for installation and support using RDP or similar with
an administrator account (local or AD). If databases are put on a shared SQL server, Calabrio
needs an account with permissions to create databases, users, and use all monitoring tools.
Architecture overview | Disclaimer October 06, 2023
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Calabrio Teleopti WFM – System Requirements

For some troubleshooting, copies of databases must be sent to Calabrio. If not, SLAs cannot be


IMPORTANT: Calabrio does not perform QA test of WFM releases for versions that Microsoft
does not have mainstream support for:
• Database server: SQL Server 2012 and below

• Application and Worker Servers: Windows Server 2016 and below

Windows 2012 R2 servers may need additional components, please read:

The server normally handles all functions regarding data caption (logging), saving data, and data

Number of Processor Memory Appr. storage space needed for
Agents Calabrio WFM databases after 3
Up to 400 4 Core 8 GB 80 GB
400 to 1500 4 Core 16 GB 120 GB
1500 to 4000 6 Core 32 GB 180 GB
4000 to 10000 8 Core 64 GB 320 GB
10000 to 20000 16 Core 128 GB 1 TB
20000 > 28 Cores 256 GB 5 TB

Requirement Done
CPU, RAM, and Storage Space according to performance matrix
Windows Server 2019/2022 English version GUI mode
All Windows Updates applied
Fixed IP
Server Requirements | Support October 06, 2023
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Calabrio Teleopti WFM – System Requirements

Fast storage, write stall <=5ms and read stall <=20ms under sustained load.
Useful reading:
Microsoft SQL Server 2016-2022 (incl. Analysis Services & Workstation components)
with latest updates
All databases case insensitive. Collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
recommended, Turkish does not work.

The application server hosts all web applications. If the High Availability option is purchased,
multiple servers can be put behind a load balancer (F5 or similar). It is easy to scale out to meet
increased load by adding more servers. It is also possible to scale up using a more powerful
machine, but with no High Availability.

Number of Servers Processor Memory Storage space
0 to 400 1 4 Core 8 GB 100 GB
or 2 4 Core 8 GB with HA (optional)
400 to 1500 1 4 Core 16 GB 120 GB
or 2 4 Core 16 GB with HA (optional)
1500 to 4000 1 8 Core 32 GB 180 GB
or 2 8 Core 16 GB with HA (optional)
4000 to 10000 1 16 Core 64 GB 180 GB
or 3 8 Core 16 GB with HA (optional)
10000 to 20000 4 8 Core 16 GB 180 GB, HA mandatory
20000 > 6 8 Core 16 GB 180 GB, HA mandatory

Requirement Done
CPU, RAM, and Storage Space according to performance matrix
Windows Server 2019/2022 English version GUImode with latest Powershell
All Windows Updates applied
Fixed IP, < 10ms latency to the database server.
Windows Server must be configured as an application server enabling Internet
Information Server (IIS) and ASP.NET
Latest Microsoft.NET framework, with latest updates from Windows Update

Server Requirements | Application Server October 06, 2023

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Calabrio Teleopti WFM – System Requirements

Microsoft .Net LTS Windows Runtime:

ASP.NET LTS/.NET LTS: Runtime & Hosting Bundle
Latest version with latest updates from Windows Update
Pdf reader for easy access to reports
SSL certificate added and tested from latest version of Chrome, and completed IIS
configuration (when https is required)

The worker server performs long running or heavy asynchronous task execution and
computations. It is mandatory for all new installs from Calabrio WFM 8.6 (Q2 2017). Existing
installs will need it from version 8.7 (Q4 2017) as more computation will move server side.
It is easy to scale out to meet increased load by adding more servers. The application will
distribute load across these and no external load balancer is needed. It is also possible to scale
up using a more powerful machine, but with no High Availability.

Number of Servers Processor Memory Storage space
Up to 400 1 4 Core 8 GB 100 GB
or 2 4 Core 8 GB with HA (optional)
400 to 1500 1 4 Core 16 GB 120 GB
or 2 4 Core 16 GB with HA (optional)
1500 to 4000 1 6 Core 16 GB 180 GB
or 2 6 Core 16 GB with HA (optional)
4000 to 10000 1 8 Core 16 GB 180 GB
or 3 8 Core 16 GB with HA (optional)
10000 to 20000 4 8 Core 32 GB 180 GB, HA mandatory
20000 > 6 8 Core 32 GB 180 GB, HA mandatory

Requirement Done
CPU, RAM, and Storage Space according to performance matrix

Server Requirements | Worker Server October 06, 2023

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Calabrio Teleopti WFM – System Requirements

Windows Server 2019/2022 English version GUImode with latest Powershell

All Windows Updates applied
Fixed IP, < 10ms latency to the database server
Latest Microsoft.NET framework (>=4.8 as of now), with latest updates from Windows
Microsoft .Net LTS Windows Runtime:
ASP.NET LTS/.NET LTS: Runtime & Hosting Bundle
Latest version with latest updates from Windows Update


HA and DR is an optional item that may be purchased from Calabrio. Please note that it is
mandatory for large installs to enable easy scale out.
HA and DR for SQL databases are achieved using standard Microsoft options:
For optimal HA and DR, Calabrio recommends using SQL Server Always-On but do keep in mind
that there are other options (Mirroring and Log Shipping) that will provide plenty of value and
be easier to set up and manage. Please note that Calabrio does not provide the HA/DR SQL
HA requires centralized application logging with telemetry sent to Application Insights for easy
troubleshooting. Firewall rules must be configured according to
HA also requires automatic upgrades of Calabrio WFM using Octopus Deploy. Please refer to Please note that Octopus must be
procured by the customer.
HA for Web servers is achieved by using multiple web boxes behind a load balancer (F5 or
similar). Please note that the load balancer is required and must be provided by customer IT,
not by Calabrio.
HA for Worker servers is done by having multiple Worker boxes. Load balancing is built into
Calabrio WFM and does not require a load balancer.
It is possible to put this setup in multiple datacenters for resiliency. Example configuration:

Server Requirements | High Availability and Disaster Recovery October 06, 2023
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Calabrio Teleopti WFM – System Requirements


Can we use a shared Web/Worker machine?
It is possible to co-locate Web and Worker on one machine. Use the Web spec for 0 to 400
agents but double the amount of CPU and RAM.
Can we use one machine for Web/Worker and SQL?
Calabrio does not recommend co-locating SQL Server with Web/Worker due to load and cost
(SQL Server core licensing). It can be done though, please use the specification for a database
server for 400 to 1500 and on top of that add CPU and RAM to cover both Web and Worker.
Also, ensure that you cover the extra requirements from the web/worker servers (IIS, .NET
Framework etc). Please note that the SQL Server memory on this one should be limited to 50%
of total RAM to leave memory for the operating system and applications.

Most companies today want virtual servers to maximize hardware utilization. If you use virtual
servers, ensure that they have enough resources allocated according to the physical hardware
specs in this document.
Be specifically careful when you select a virtual database server because IO performance is extra

Server Requirements | Single server options – for up to 400 agents October 06, 2023
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Calabrio Teleopti WFM – System Requirements


Web tools and App are designed to allow users access to certain features from the internet. This
is available by default for all Cloud customers.
For on-prem installs, check out our Cloud offering or put a reverse proxy in your DMZ that
forwards https requests from Internet to your internal Calabrio WFM web server. This part
needs to be done by your IT dept. One example is:

It is wise to have a test environment where minor and major upgrades of the solution can be
tried before applying them in production. Test servers must comply with requirements, but
naturally you do not need the same performance. In other words, you can use less memory and

The solution may be set up with application authentication (manual log on with user name and
password), single sign on using Windows Authentication (NTLM), or an external IdP such as
ADFS, Google, Salesforce, Okta, and so on.

The BI module Performance Manager requires a domain service account with administrative
permissions in the server in which it is installed (commonly the Application server). The same
service account needs to be sysadmin (sa) in the database server and in the list of Server
administrators in Analysis server security properties.

Firewall Requirements
When firewalls are in place between any parts of the system, the following ports must be

Firewall Requirements | External (from Internet) access to web tools and October 06, 2023
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Calabrio Teleopti WFM – System Requirements

Source Destination Port Comment Done

Web Server 443 Used for mobile app
notifications (not applicable
if the notifications are
deactivated) and user
password reset link
distribution (not applicable if
SSO only is used or if
customer SMTP server is
configured to distribute the
reset link)
Web Server Database Server 1433 Or custom port, or 1434 plus
custom port for named
Worker Database Server 1433 Or custom port, or 1434 plus
Server custom port for named
Web Server Database Server 2383 Or custom port
Web Server Web Server 14100 When web acts as worker
Web Server Worker Server 14100
Web Server Web Server 80/44
Worker Web Server 80/44
Server 3
All Clients Web Server 80/44
Resource Database Server 1433 Or custom port, or 1434 plus
Planner custom port for named
Client instances

Firewall Requirements | Performance manager October 06, 2023

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Calabrio Teleopti WFM – System Requirements

Client requirements
Client used for forecasting and scheduling.

Number of Processor Memory
Up to 400 1 Dual core* x64 2-4GB
400 to 1500 1 Quad core x64 4 GB
1500 to 4000 1 Quad core x64 8 GB
> 4000 1 Quad core x64 16 GB
* Physical Cores

• High performing CPU and memory

• 200 MB available space on hard drive and automatically managed paging files size.

• High speed network, located near (low latency <10ms) servers. Remote desktop solution
recommended for remote sites.

• Access to and for online


• Windows 8*/10/11, latest updates applied.

* Please note that support for Windows 8 ends Jan 2023

• Modern browser (see 6.2) for web content

• Latest Microsoft.NET framework with latest updates from Windows Update.

• PDF Reader or Excel for reports.


• Modern browser with updates. If a modern browser cannot be used, Calabrio WFM
includes a standalone runtime environment that can host the web applications.
Note: Calabrio WFM is currently tested on Chrome, Edge, and Safari on MacOS. If you

Client requirements | Resource Planner Client October 06, 2023

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Calabrio Teleopti WFM – System Requirements

find issues on another browser, please try one of those browsers before reporting the
* Please note that support for the very old IE11 browser ends from Jan 2020.

• Many features are also available on most tablets and smart phones from the browser or
the App. The App acts as a browser accessing the normal web tools.

Calabrio WFM supports most ACD vendors out of the box. For some ACDs, customers must
purchase additional software/APIs/licenses from their ACD vendor. Contact Calabrio for details
about your ACD.

Standard support for SMS gateway provided by This can be custom
integrated with other SMS Gateways if scoped separately. SMTP Server needed for email

You need to have Calabrio WFM accessible from the Internet to enable device access to the
Calabrio WFM calendar.

Appendix A
Clients for Resource Planners are .NET programs that run locally on workstations. Traditionally
this has implied local installations of the software, which is time consuming for IT and requires
local admin privileges. However, this is no longer the case.
This solution is installed on the application server. This server also acts as a publication server
and all .NET clients are installed with ClickOnce Deployment automatically from this server
when a user accesses the application from a web page. Updates and new releases are applied to
the central application server only and are then automatically distributed to user workstations
the next time they access the application.
Other | Specific requirements for ACD connectors October 06, 2023
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Calabrio Teleopti WFM – System Requirements

With ClickOnce deployment, clients are installed for the current user in a sandbox and this does
not require local admin privileges. The ClickOnce deployed application is signed with a strong
key to ensure that files are not tampered with for extra security.

A code signing certificate (Microsoft Authenticode Digital ID) is required to sign the deployed
application. Many vendors supply these.
To install ClickOnce applications, the user must have read/write access to these locations:
File system:
%userprofile%\Local Settings\Apps
%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\
A normal user account on Windows will have this level of access and can run ClickOnce apps. If
your environment is more restrictive where users don't have write access to parts of their own
user profile you need to give them access to these locations to get ClickOnce to work.
Also, identify which zone the application server belongs to (typically local intranet) and select
“Custom level”.

Make sure that “Run components signed with Authenticode” is enabled, or at least set to

Appendix A | ClickOnce Requirements October 06, 2023

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Calabrio Teleopti WFM – System Requirements

The application may of course be installed locally on workstations, or added to central software
packaging. A traditional msi install is available for this purpose.

All details:

Appendix A | Alternative scenarios October 06, 2023

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