Writing Portfolio 5

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This table shows the class numbers by level at Mother Tongue Language
School. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main
level number of students
Proficiency 25
Advanced 25
Upper intermediate 50
Intermediate 200
Pre-intermediate 100
Elementary 90
Beginner 30

The given table shows the information about the class numbers by level at Mother
Tongue Language School.
Overall, it can be seen that Intermediate had the highest number of students.
Meanwhile, Proficiency and advanced were filled with the lowest number of
Looking at the details, almost half of the students in the table were in intermediate
class with 200 students. The pre-intermediate class followed it with 100 students.
The elementary and upper intermedia classes were on the next list with 90 and 50
students respectively. As for beginner classes, the number of students accounted for
just more than 7%. (30 students). Finally, Proficiency and Advanced classes were
slightly more common among students at 25 and ranked in last place for students.
This chart shows the top eight honeymoon destinations for newlywed British
couples in 2010. The results come from a survey of 5000 couples.

The given bar chart shows information about eight popular places that newlywed
British couples to spend their honeymoon in 2010. Overall, it can be seen that
Thailand and Bali were over half of the participants in the survey. While the other
half were shared by the other six places.
Looking at the details, just over one-quarter of couples chose to be in Thailand and
Bali with 1410 and 1335 respectively. It was followed in third place by Costa Rica
with 750 couples.
In terms of the other destinations, the Maldives came next with 600 couples
choosing this place. The Greek Island was on the next list which attracted about
432 couples. The newlywed British couples did not spend much of their
honeymoon in Paris and Spain just considered by 209 and 140 couples respectively.
Finally, the least popular honeymoon destination was The Lake District with only
124 couples choosing this.
In recent years, many governments have brought in laws to ban in public
places, such as bars, restaurants and offices.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with banning smoking in public

Smoking has long been a contentious issue, with its detrimental effects on both
smokers and non-smokers alike. In recent years, many governments have brought
in laws to ban smoking in public places. While some argue that it is wrong, I firmly
believe that implementing such a ban is crucial for safeguarding public health and
creating a cleaner environment.
Firstly, banning smoking in public places is essential to protect non-smokers from
the harmful effects of secondhand smoke. Numerous studies have shown that
exposure to secondhand smoke can lead to various health problems, including
respiratory issues and an increased risk of heart disease. By prohibiting smoking in
areas such as restaurants, parks, and public transportation, we can ensure that non-
smokers are not subjected to these risks. This also would contribute significantly to
promoting overall public health. Furthermore, banning smoking in public places
serves as an effective measure. Another point is that as a result of the smoking ban,
sending for future generations
On the other hand, it is undeniable that prohibiting smoking in public places has
some disadvantages. One problem is that the ban is an infringement of people's
freedom and rights. Some people believe that adults should be allowed to engage in
legal activities, such as smoking as long as they do not directly harm others.
Moreover, some industries, such as bars and restaurants may experience a decline
in revenue due to smoking bans. Customers who smoke might choose to spend less
time or avoid these establishments altogether
To sum up, although there is no doubt there are some disadvantages associated with
banning smoking in public places, I believe the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.
By implementing this measure, we can create healthier communities and pave the
way for a smoke-free future.
Some people view teenage conflict with their parents as a necessary part of
growing up, whilst others see it as something negative which should be
avoided. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Teenage conflict with parents is a topic that elicits diverse views. Advocates
believe that such conflicts are an integral part of growing up. However, some
perceive teenage conflict as something negative and to be avoided. In my opinion, I
believe that conflicts play a key role in children's growth but need to be open and
Some people support the opinion that teenage conflict is something negative that
should be avoided for several reasons. They argue that these conflicts create tension
within the family, strain relationships, and hinder effective communication. They
also believe that conflicts can have long-lasting negative impacts on both teenagers
and parents, leading to resentment and unresolved issues.
On the other hand, I think that conflicts are a necessary part of growing up. By
questioning authority and expressing opinions, teenagers develop critical thinking
skills and assert their sense of self. These conflicts can foster independence,
resilience, and personal growth. However, excessive or hostile conflicts can have
detrimental effects so parents should provide guidance and boundaries while
encouraging their teenager's individuality and independence.
Ultimately, it seems to me that teenage conflicts are inevitable things in the process
of growing up. Then, these conflicts need to be discussed openly and balanced
between adolescents' autonomy and respect in the parent-child relationship.
The maps below show recent changes in the town of Kimsville.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant.

The two maps show the main changes which have taken place in the town of
Kimsville between the year 2002 and today.
Overall, it can be seen that in 2002, Kimsville was a green city with a lot of trees,
but today it has become a much more modern and vibrant city
First of all, two areas which have seen big improvements are the north-west and
south-west of the city. These areas used to be green but the trees were knocked
down and new apartments and a football stadium have been built. A new train
station also has been constructed, which contributed to the development of
Another change is the enlargement of the Shopping center center which is in the
north of the city. The old cinema hall building was transformed into a pub while the
factory was turned into a software company.
Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like.
Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be
useful in the future, such as those related to science and technology.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

The question of whether university students should have the freedom to study
whatever they like or should be limited to subjects deemed useful in the future,
sparks a debate among individuals. While some argue that practical subjects like
science and technology should take precedence, I believe that everyone should be
able to study the course of their choice.
On one hand, advocates of of a more restricted curriculum suggest that studying
only useful subjects can lead to better job prospects. In modern society, there is a
high demand for careers in fields like science and technology. Concentrating on
these subjects can provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge needed
to secure well-paying jobs.
On the other hand, I believe that students should be able to follow their passions
and study subjects that capture their interests. By allowing them to pursue their
desires, universities can encourage personal development and unleash creativity.
Besides, when students have the freedom to choose their subjects, they are more
likely to engage actively with their studies. This enthusiasm can result in enhanced
performance and a deeper understanding of the chosen subjects.
In conclusion, although it may appear logical for universities to prioritize practical
subjects, I support the existing system that allows individuals to pursue their
preferred fields of study.
Some people think that the environment may be destroyed because of tourism.
Others, however, believe that it is a way to preserve nature. Discuss both views
and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
knowledge and experience.Write at least 250 words.
Tourism has been a double-edged sword for the environment. While it can be a
source of revenue and employment, it can also have negative impacts on the
environment. Some people believe that tourism is a way to preserve nature, while
others think that it can lead to environmental destruction.
On the one hand, tourism can be a way to preserve nature. For example, ecotourism
(du lịch sinh thái)is a type of tourism that focuses on preserving natural habitats
and wildlife. Ecotourism can help to raise awareness about environmental issues
and promote conservation efforts. Furthermore, ecotourism can provide economic
incentives for local communities to protect their natural resources. For instance, in
Costa Rica, ecotourism has helped to preserve the country's rainforests and
On the other hand, tourism can lead to environmental destruction. For example,
mass tourism (du lịch đại chúng) can put a strain on natural resources and
contribute to pollution. In addition, tourism can lead to the destruction of natural
habitats and wildlife. For instance, the construction of hotels and resorts can lead to
deforestation and the displacement of wildlife. Furthermore, tourism can contribute
to climate change by increasing greenhouse gas emissions from transportation and
energy use.
In my opinion, tourism can be a way to preserve nature if it is done sustainably.
Sustainable tourism (du lịch bền vững) is a type of tourism that aims to minimize
the negative impacts of tourism on the environment and local communities.
Sustainable tourism can provide economic benefits while also promoting
conservation efforts. For example, sustainable tourism can involve the use of
renewable energy sources, the conservation of natural habitats, and the promotion
of local culture and traditions.
In conclusion, tourism can have both positive and negative impacts on the
environment. While it can be a way to preserve nature, it can also lead to
environmental destruction. Therefore, it is important to promote sustainable
tourism practices that minimize the negative impacts of tourism on the environment
and local communities.
When choosing a job, the salary is the most important consideration. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge and experience.Write at least 250 words.

The importance of salary in choosing a job is a topic that has been debated for a
long time. While some people believe that salary is the most important
consideration when choosing a job, others argue that other factors such as job
satisfaction, work-life balance, and career growth opportunities should also be
taken into account.
On the one hand, salary is undoubtedly an important consideration when choosing a
job. A good salary can provide financial stability and security, which is essential
for a comfortable life. Moreover, a high salary can be a reflection of the value that
an employee brings to the company. It can also be a source of motivation and job
satisfaction. For example, a study conducted by Glassdoor found that 67% of job
seekers said that salary was a key factor in their decision to accept a job offer¹.
On the other hand, I believe that while salary is an important consideration when
choosing a job, it should not be the most important consideration. Job satisfaction,
for instance, is an important consideration. A job that provides a sense of
fulfillment and purpose can be more rewarding than a high-paying job that is
unfulfilling. Work-life balance is another important consideration. A job that
allows for a healthy balance between work and personal life can lead to greater
happiness and well-being. Career growth opportunities are also important. A job
that provides opportunities for learning and advancement can help employees to
develop their skills and achieve their career goals.
In conclusion, while salary is an important consideration when choosing a job, it is
not the only consideration. Other factors such as job satisfaction, work-life balance,
and career growth opportunities should also be taken into account. Ultimately, the
best job is one that provides a good balance between these factors and allows
employees to achieve their personal and professional goals.

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