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Biomass and Bioenergy 108 (2018) 1–6

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Research paper

Evaluation of sampling techniques for gas-phase siloxanes in biogas T

a a,b a,∗ a a
Clara M.A. Eichler , Yaoxing Wu , Steven S. Cox , Stephanie Klaus , Gregory D. Boardman
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA
Department of Environmental Engineering, Texas A & M University-Kingsville, Kingsville, TX 78363, USA


Keywords: Biogas from landfills and wastewater treatment facilities typically contain siloxane contaminants that can cause
Siloxanes severe operational problems in engines and boilers when biogas is used as fuel. Likely due to their relatively low
Biogas volatility, reliable siloxane sampling and analysis has proven challenging, and no standard sampling technique
Sampling for gas-phase siloxanes exists, leading to high variability in analytical results. This study evaluates four tech-
niques commonly used for sampling gas-phase siloxanes. Samples of a reference gas containing dec-
Thermal desorption
amethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5) were taken using these techniques and measured D5 concentrations were
compared to the reference gas D5 concentration. Methanol impingers and thermal desorption tubes proved to be
most accurate and reliable, whereas Tedlar® bags and SUMMA canisters yielded lower D5 recovery rates due to
adsorption to container surfaces. Based on these results, the methanol impinger and thermal desorption tube
sampling methods appear to be more suitable for the quantitative analysis of gas-phase siloxanes in biogas.

1. Introduction is the very commonly found decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5, CAS

541-02-6) whose vapor pressure is cited to be in the range of 20 Pa to
Biogas produced by anaerobic digestion of sludge from wastewater 53 Pa at 25 °C [1,2,4–11].
treatment plants (WWTPs) and of organic waste in landfills is fre- Because siloxanes have highly negative impacts on operational costs
quently used for energy production because it contains large amounts of and the overall efficiency of biogas-to-energy projects, removal strate-
methane. Recently, organosilicon compounds, often referred to as vo- gies are required. To facilitate development and evaluation of effective
latile methyl siloxanes, have become of great concern because they can siloxane removal processes, sensitive and reliable methods for the
cause severe operational problems when combusted in energy produc- identification and quantification of siloxanes need to be established. In
tion processes which use biogas as fuel. When oxidized in combustion a recent review on siloxanes in biogas, it was concluded that GC-MS is
engines or boilers, siloxanes form microcrystalline silicon dioxide, the most established method for the analytical determination of silox-
which deposits as a sand-like residue on engine parts and can result in anes in biogas, although other detectors such as FIDs are sometimes
catastrophic engine failure. Silicon dioxide can also deposit on boiler used successfully [12]. More problematic is the selection of a sampling
tubes, causing inhibition of heat transfer, thereby resulting in reduced method for gaseous siloxanes. Although the need for an approved
process efficiency [1,2]. method is great, no standard method has yet been agreed upon [12,13].
Siloxanes are typically added to consumer products such as cos- For many sampling techniques, advantages and disadvantages have
metics, soaps, shampoos, paints and sealants to improve lubricity. The been described. Ajhar et al. [13] examined the suitability of Tedlar®
use of siloxanes in these products has grown rapidly in recent years [3]. bags for siloxane sampling in landfill gas and concluded that the bags
Siloxanes find their way into waste streams when personal care pro- were a viable option, as long as they had non-adsorptive fittings such as
ducts are rinsed to drains and when containers containing product re- polypropylene. However, they also reported that losses were highest for
sidue are disposed in landfills. During anaerobic digestion processes, D5 using the bags, which is among the siloxanes most often found in
siloxanes can then be volatilized into the biogas [2]. biogas [13]. The advantages of using Tedlar® bags cited in this work
Although siloxanes are often referred to as volatile organic com- were ease of handling and low risk of leakage [13]. In a comparison of
pounds (VOCs), they possess significantly different mass-transfer Tedlar® bags, adsorbent tubes, and impingers, Raich-Montiu et al. [14]
properties as compared with common VOCs due to their relatively high found no significant differences between the methods, although the
molecular weight and low vapor pressure. In particular, low volatility standard deviations of recoveries for octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4)
makes siloxane sampling and analysis more challenging. One example and D5 with the Tedlar® bag were higher than for the two other

Corresponding author. 1145 Perry Street, 418 Durham Hall, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA.
E-mail address: (S.S. Cox).
Received 19 February 2017; Received in revised form 30 October 2017; Accepted 31 October 2017
Available online 07 November 2017
0961-9534/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C.M.A. Eichler et al. Biomass and Bioenergy 108 (2018) 1–6

methods. It was concluded that adsorbent tubes filled with an activated impinger, analytes are absorbed by the solvent, and the solvent is then
carbon charcoal matrix were most reliable [14]. However, because the analyzed. The solvent is chosen based on the solubility characteristics of
adsorbent tube method required removal of the adsorbent, extraction, the analytes. Using the known solvent volume, gas flowrate, and sam-
and replacement of the adsorbent prior to the next sampling event, it pling time, the gas-phase concentration can be calculated from the
was considered to be rather impractical for monitoring of siloxane re- measured concentration of analyte in the solvent. The liquid sample can
moval in WWTPs. Tansel and Surita [15] investigated the suitability of be stored in a sealed vial prior to analysis, depending on the properties
activated carbon as sorbent and found that the affinities of different of the target compounds.
siloxanes for the carbons varied strongly. Rasi et al. [2] sampled si- Tedlar® bags and SUMMA canisters are mainly used for collecting,
loxanes with Tenax GR-filled sorbent tubes, but had difficulty com- storing, and transporting a complete gas sample prior to analysis,
paring their results with studies in which other techniques were used. whereas TD tubes and impingers capture and store the analyte. A cri-
Schweigkofler and Niessner [16] used stainless steel canisters for the tical requirement for the containers is that the loss of gas-phase analytes
analysis of siloxanes in landfill and digester gases. After introducing a during storage and transportation, through leakage or surface sorption,
pure, 30-compound standard mixture for an equilibration time of 2 h, is minimal. For analysis, a gas phase sample is transferred from the
the recovery rates were above 90% for all common siloxanes except for container to the analytical instrument. Due to surface adsorption,
D5 (85-90%) and dodecamethylpentasiloxane (L5) (35%). Longer sto- analyte concentrations in the air could be underestimated. Surface
rage times lowered the average recovery rates to 85% [16]. This con- sorption tends to increase with decreasing volatility of the analyte.
firmed that analyte loss due to surface adsorption increases with in- Storage conditions and duration could also impact analyte adsorption
creasing boiling point and decreasing vapor pressure, and that the behavior, as well.
storage stability of high molecular weight gas-phase analytes must be Accurate measurement of siloxane concentrations in biogas is cri-
taken into account when selecting an appropriate sampling method. tical to increasing renewable energy production and advancing sus-
Saeed et al. [17] reached a similar conclusion when comparing siloxane tainability in wastewater treatment processes because underestimating
capture with impingers and canisters. Although the canister method is siloxane concentrations in biogas can lead to increased operating costs,
simpler and faster than impinger sampling, D4, D5, and D6 could not equipment damage, and improper biogas treatment process operation.
sufficiently be recovered from the canister and the impinger proved to This study was conducted in order to identify the most effective biogas
be more reliable and sensitive [17]. sampling methods by comparing gas-phase siloxane concentration es-
A noticeable feature of available literature on siloxane sampling timates obtained using four commonly utilized biogas sampling tech-
techniques is the lack of a siloxane-containing reference gas with which niques. This study is novel in that analytical siloxane concentration
to compare measurements. Instead, past studies relate to an environ- estimates were compared to a standard siloxane-containing gas stream
mental sample with an unknown background matrix and use the in which the siloxane concentration was known through primary
highest concentration found as the “true” concentration [2,13,14,16], standards. The most commonly used, state-of-science sampling techni-
or to liquid standard mixtures which were introduced into bags or ques were evaluated in this study.
canisters without complete knowledge of the mass transfer processes
involved [13,16,17]. 2. Materials and methods
For this study, D5 was chosen for the reference gas because it is
among the most common siloxanes, generally present in high con- 2.1. Chemicals
centrations in biogas from WWTPs and at lower concentrations in
landfill gas [2,13,16]. In addition, it is also one of the less volatile si- D5 (97% pure) was obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO,
loxanes with a vapor pressure of 20.4 Pa (25 °C) and more likely to USA). Its physicochemical properties can be found in Table 1. D4-bis(2-
adsorb to surfaces [13,14,16,17]. The sampling techniques tested were ethylhexyl) phthalate-3,4,5,6 (d4-DEHP, 98 atom% D), used as surro-
thermal desorption (TD) tubes, methanol impingers, SUMMA canister, gate for the determination of the recovery rate, and d4-dibutyl phtha-
and Tedlar® bags because they are commonly used in biogas sampling late-3,4,5,6 (d4-DiBP, 98 atom% D), used as internal standard (IS),
(Fig. 1) [14,16]. TD tubes and methanol impingers are direct sampling were also obtained from Sigma-Aldrich. Reagent-grade methanol, used
techniques in which analytes are removed from the gas stream during as solvent, and acetone, used for cleaning, were obtained from Fisher
sampling, whereas for indirect sampling techniques, like SUMMA can- Scientific (Waltham, MA, USA). Nitrogen used as the gas-stream carrier
isters and Tedlar® bags, gas samples are captured and stored in con- was obtained from Airgas (Radnor, PA, USA).
tainers prior to analysis.
The TD method can be used for many air monitoring applications,
2.2. Calibration gas generation
with a wide variety of commercial sorbents, such as Tenax and gra-
phitized carbon black. In the sampling process, a known volume of gas
The calibration gas generator (CGG) used was a Dynacalibrator
sample is drawn through the TD tube. The tube is then sealed and can
Model 190 (VICI Metronics Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA). A glass diffu-
theoretically be stored for up to several months at room temperature
sion vial filled with liquid D5 was placed in the Dynacalibrator at an
[18,19]. During the TD process, analytes are extracted from the sorbent
oven temperature of 90 °C to ensure a steady mass emission rate of
and introduced to the analytical instrument in an inert gas stream.
gaseous D5 into the nitrogen carrier gas stream (Fig. 2). The nitrogen
An impinger is a solvent-filled container through which a known
carrier gas was controlled at a flowrate of 640 cm3/min. The D5
volume of analyte-containing gas stream is passed. Within the
emission rate was measured gravimetrically by weighing the vial

Fig. 1. The siloxane sampling techniques considered, from left to right: Thermal desorption (TD) tubes, methanol impingers, Tedlar® bag, SUMMA canister.

C.M.A. Eichler et al. Biomass and Bioenergy 108 (2018) 1–6

Table 1
Physicochemical properties of D5 siloxane frequently detected in biogas [14].

CAS Chemical formula Molar mass (g/mol) Boiling point (°C) Melting point (°C) Vapor pressure (Pa at 25 °C)

Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5) 541-02-6 C10H30O5Si5 370.77 205 −44 23.2a

Used in this study, as cited in Refs. [2,4,5,8].

several times over a 3-month period. The D5 gas-phase concentration sampling pump (AirChek 2000, SKC, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) was
was calculated based on the D5 emission rate and the carrier gas used to draw gas through the tube. A mini-BUCK™ primary flow cali-
flowrate. All gas volumes were measured at room temperature (20 °C) brator (M-5, apbuck, Orlando, Florida) was used to set the sampling
and atmospheric pressure (101.325 kPa). flowrate at 20 cm3/min. Sampling time for the TD tubes was 1 min.
Duplicate samples were taken at each sampling event. Previous work
2.3. Apparatus using a two-stage TD tube sampling system consistently showed no
detectable concentrations of D5 in the second TD tube. Hence, a one-
The TD tubes (89 mm long, 6.35 mm OD, 5 mm ID, Supelco, St. stage approach was used in this study.
Louis, MO, USA) were packed with 200 mg of Tenax TA (40-60 mesh, For impinger sampling, a 25 cm3 methanol-filled impinger was
MARKES International, Llantrisant, Wales, UK). The three, 25 cm3, placed in an ice bath and connected directly to the gas outlet of the
fritted impingers (SKC) were standard laboratory equipment. The 6 L CGG. Sampling times were set at 3, 5, and 8 min. At each sampling
stainless steel SUMMA canister (“TO-Can”) was obtained from Restek time, three samples were taken from the impinger. For the same reason
(Bellefonte, PA, USA) and modified by adding a stainless steel Swagelok as for TD tube sampling, a one-stage impinger sampling system was
fitting to the bottom so that a gas stream could be passed through the used.
canister. The 10 L Tedlar® bags (30.48 cm × 48.26 cm) were obtained For Tedlar® bag sampling, each bag was connected directly to the
from ESS Environmental Sampling Supply (San Leandro, CA, USA). The outlet of the CGG and filled for 6 or 8 min at a flowrate of 640 cm3/min.
bags came equipped with a single polypropylene combination (2-N-1) After each sampling event, the bags were stored at conditions sum-
fitting with integrated septum. All necessary connections were made marized in Table 2. Gas from each bag was then sampled with TD tubes
with 6.35 mm Teflon tubing and 6.35 mm Teflon Swagelok fittings. at a flowrate of 20 cm3/min for 1 min. After gas sampling and evacu-
Prior to usage, the TD tubes were conditioned in an oven at 325 °C ating the bags completely, 100 cm3 methanol spiked with 100 mm3 d4-
by passing a helium carrier gas through each tube at 100 cm3/min for DEHP solution (200 μg/L) was added to each bag, and the bags were
30 min. The impingers were cleaned by rinsing three times with me- vigorously shaken to ensure dissolution of any D5 adsorbed to the bag
thanol and three times with acetone. The canister was rinsed thor- surface. The solvent was then captured by cutting a corner of each bag
oughly with distilled water, methanol, and acetone, and then dried with and decanting the solvent into a sample vial. The extract was the
clean air. The Tedlar® bags were used as received from the supplier. The concentrated using a rotary evaporator (Brinkmann Buchi Rotavapor
tubing was rinsed with methanol and dried with clean air. R110, Switzerland) to 500-1000 mm3. 10 mm3 of IS was added prior to
analysis for volume correction and signal intensity normalization.
2.4. Sampling The fate of D5 in a SUMMA canister was tested in two phases, ad-
sorption and desorption. In the adsorption phase, the D5-containing
For sampling with TD tubes, a stainless-steel Swagelok tee fitting reference gas was introduced into a clean canister at a flowrate of
was installed at the outlet of the CGG. A TD tube was connected to one 640 cm3/min. Outlet samples were collected with TD tubes every
port of the fitting, while the other port served as ventilation. An air 15 min for 1.5 h, and every 30 min for another 2.5 h. In the desorption

Fig. 2. Calibration gas generator (CGG) and diffusion vial used for
reference gas generation. Impinger and TD tube samples were taken
from the sampling port at the bottom right.

C.M.A. Eichler et al. Biomass and Bioenergy 108 (2018) 1–6

Table 2
Tedlar® bag storage conditions. Variables were storage duration and storage temperature.

Duration of storage Temperature Number of bags


1 day Room temperature (20-25 °C) 4

1 day Fridge (4 °C) 4
1 day Fridge (4 °C), then reheated for 4
40 min to 30 °C
5 days Room temperature (20-25 °C) 2

phase, the siloxane source was removed from the carrier gas stream and
pure nitrogen was allowed to flow through the canister at the same flow
rate. Outlet samples were taken with TD tubes every 5 min for the first
half hour after disconnecting the D5 source, every 10 min for the fol-
lowing half hour, and then every 30 min for another hour. The total
sampling time of the desorption phase was 2 h. After desorption, the D5
remaining on the interior surfaces of the canister was solvent extracted
using the method similar to that of the Tedlar® bag.

2.5. Instrumentation

Analysis of the samples was either performed with gas chromato-

graphy coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) or with gas chroma-
tography with a flame ionization detector (GC-FID). GC-MS analysis of
all liquid samples (impinger, liquid extraction) was performed with a
Finnigan TraceGC ultra with Finnigan Trace DSQ (Thermo Electron Fig. 3. Means of the D5 recovery rates for all sampling techniques. The results for the
Corporation, Waltham, MA) in SIM mode. The TD tubes were analyzed Tedlar® bags are listed separately for each storage condition. The error bars indicate the
by thermal desorption (TurboMatrix TD, PerkinElmer) coupled with a standard error of the means. The letters give the results of a Tukey-Kramer test (5%
GC-FID (Agilent 6890 GC/FID). Further information is given in Table S1 significance level) for pairwise comparison of group means. Bars with the same letters
in the Supplementary Information. indicate that the respective group means are not significantly different.
For quantification with GC-MS, a 5-point calibration curve was
applied (1 mg/L to 20 mg/L, R2 = 0.999). For the TD tubes, two 5-point the bags after storing them under four different conditions. Gas-phase
calibration curves were used, 10-200 mg/L and 200-4000 mg/L, with sampling from the bags was done with TD tube duplicates; five of a total
R2 values of 0.995 and 0.998, respectively. The lower range calibration of 28 samples had to be discarded due to problems during the analysis.
curve was only used for the SUMMA canister desorption test samples. The SUMMA canister adsorption/desorption test was performed on one
day. At steady state, eight duplicate gas-phase samples were taken with
3. Results and discussion TD tubes from the canister outlet, of which one was discarded
(N = 15). Recovery rates were calculated to compare the performance
3.1. Calibration gas concentrations of the different sampling techniques. The recovery rate was defined as
measured D5 concentration obtained with the respective sampling
The assumption of a constant mass emission rate can be made. On technique divided by the gravimetrically measured D5 concentration in
average, the evaporation rate was 48.86 μg/min. This is sufficiently the reference gas. The gravimetric gas-phase concentration used for this
close a calculated evaporation rate under the given conditions of calculation was 76.3 ng/cm3.
47.86 μg/min, assuming a D5 vapor pressure of 23.2 Pa at 25 °C. At a D5 recovery rates for sampling with the TD tubes varied between
carrier gas flowrate of 640 cm3/min, the average D5 gas phase con- 88% and 122%, with an average of 109% and a standard deviation of
centration was calculated as 76.3 ng/cm3 ± 4.2 ng/cm3 (N = 10). 11%. These values are acceptable according to the National Institute for
Assuming a normal distribution of the data, the 95% confidence in- Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) criterion, which suggests that
terval lies between 73.7 ng/cm3 and 79.0 ng/cm3, so the margin of uncertainty should be no greater than 25% [20]. Overall, the results
error is 76.3 ng/cm3 ± 2.6 ng/cm3. The decrease of the mass of liquid demonstrated that siloxanes are retained and extracted efficiently from
D5 in the diffusion vial over time is shown in Table S2 and Fig. S1 in the TD tubes.
Supplementary Information. The D5 gas phase concentration in the The impinger sampling method yielded reasonable results, since the
reference gas is in the range of D5 concentrations found in biogas from reported concentration was very close to those measured gravime-
anaerobic digesters at WWTPs, which is usually 10-100 ng/cm3 [4,7,9]. trically. The D5 recovery rate was on average 104% with a standard
deviation of 7%. Overall deviations were small and most likely due to
3.2. Sampling results random analytical errors. The downside to impinger sampling is the
time and effort required.
The average D5 recovery rates from the gas phase for all sampling Gas sampling with TD tubes is simpler than use of impingers,
techniques are given in Fig. 3. Further information is given in Table S3 making the method easier to use in the field. Another advantage of the
and Fig. S2 in the Supplementary Information. Two impinger sampling tubes is their stability; once sealed they can be stored and shipped for
trials were conducted. During each trial, triplicate samples were taken analysis. A concern associated with this method is the relatively higher
from the impingers (N = 6). When using TD tubes, a total of six sets of detection limit when TD is used with GC-FID; then the detection limit is
duplicate samples were collected; on one additional occasion, five about 10 ng. However, the limit can be improved by coupling TD with a
samples were taken within a 1-hr time period, resulting in N = 17 more advanced analytical technique, such as GC-MS, where the detec-
samples. The Tedlar® bag samples were collected in two trials. After tion of 0.1 ng becomes possible.
introducing the calibration gas into the bags, samples were taken from When using Tedlar® bags, D5 recovery rates were significantly lower

C.M.A. Eichler et al. Biomass and Bioenergy 108 (2018) 1–6

than those associated with impinger or TD tubes. On average, only

75% ± 5% of the introduced amount of D5 was recovered after being
stored in the bags. Given that no significant differences regarding the
recovery after storage under varying conditions were observed, further
improvements in the recovery rates appear to be unlikely through
manipulation of storage conditions.
The D5 gas-phase concentration at the outlet of the SUMMA canister
at steady state was 72.4 ng/cm3 on average; about 95% ± 4.0% of the
inlet D5 gas-phase concentration. It has to be noted that this recovery
rate was only achieved after 60 min of constant flow of the reference
gas through the canister. During this time, the inner canister surface
served as a sink for the introduced D5. These results will be further
discussed in section 3.4.
A single-factor ANOVA test with a significance level of 5% was
performed to determine if the means of the recovery rates obtained with
different sampling techniques were significantly different from each
other, which is the case for at least two of them
(p = 5.2·10−13 < 0.05). Therefore, a post-hoc Tukey-Kramer test was
conducted to describe which techniques actually differ. The results are
displayed in Fig. 3. All results from sampling with Tedlar® bags were
significantly different than the results from sampling with the impinger,
the SUMMA canister, or the TD tubes. The impinger and the TD
achieved similar results, as did the impinger and the SUMMA canister. Fig. 4. Averaged D5 mass balance with regard to the gravimetrically measured input
Detailed results of the ANOVA and the Tukey-Kramer tests can be found concentration for the Tedlar® bags.
in Tables S4 and S5 in the Supplementary Information.

3.3. Surface adsorption to Tedlar® bags

D5 was extracted from the inner surfaces of the empty bags and the
canister by means of liquid extraction to assess the amount of D5 ad-
sorbed. The surface area-to-volume ratio was 0.77 cm2/cm3 and
therefore rather high, the bags were filled to about 40% of their theo-
retical capacity. The surrogate d4-DEHP was recovered within the ac-
ceptable range of 71% and 115% for most samples, confirming the
overall performance of the extraction method. There was one exception
(239%) that was likely due to analytical error and/or background
An average of 8.9% of total D5 collected from the bag was retained
on the bag's surface. With standard sampling procedures, the adsorbed
D5 cannot be extracted from the Tedlar® bags, leading to significant
underestimation of the siloxane introduced. Fig. 4 shows a mass balance
for D5 in the Tedlar® bags based on recovery from the gas phase and the
inner bag surface. Losses ranged from 5.9% to 29.3% with an average of
16.4%. Both the highest and the lowest losses were observed under the
same storing condition (1 day, 4 °C). A t-test (p = 5%) revealed that
there was no significant difference between the recoveries at different Fig. 5. Results of the adsorption test and the desorption test with the SUMMA canister.
storage conditions. Losses were probably due to an untight fitting or
leakage from tubing when connected to the calibration gas chamber or decreased to 1.5 ng/cm3 and remained around this value for another
to the TD tubes. Furthermore, some adsorption to tubing might have hour before the trial was completed. This was confirmed by the very
occurred, although the tubing was made as short as possible. Alto- small amount (3.11 ng/cm2) of D5 recovered from the canister surface
gether, siloxane sampling and sample storage with Tedlar® bags ex- by liquid extraction.
hibited several limitations which need to be accounted for when the Based on the data from the desorption test shown in Fig. 5 and using
technique is used. a method established by Cox et al. [21] for VOCs, the surface/air par-
tition coefficient K S for D5 on stainless steel was calculated. A linear and
3.4. SUMMA canister adsorption/desorption test results instantaneously reversible equilibrium relationship between the inner
canister surface and the canister gas phase is assumed [21]. The re-
The adsorption curve provided in Fig. 5 reveals the sink effect of the sulting equation used for this purpose is
SUMMA canister. About 45 to 60 min were required to reach a steady
state outlet concentration. During this period, D5 continued to adsorb y Q
ln ⎛⎜ ⎞⎟ = −⎛⎜
⎞t ⎟
to the inner canister surface until equilibrium between the gas phase
⎝ y0 ⎠ ⎝ V + K S AS ⎠ (1)
and surface concentration was achieved. After 15 min of introducing
D5, the D5 recovery rate was 74%. At steady state, the D5 gas-phase where, y is the D5 gas phase concentration at the outlet, y0 is the steady
concentration at the outlet of the canister was 72.4 ng/cm3 on average; state D5 gas phase concentration, Q is the gas flowrate (640 cm3/min),
about 95% ± 4.0% of the inlet D5 gas-phase concentration. After V is the canister volume (6795 cm3), AS is the inner surface area of the
disconnecting the siloxane source, D5 was almost completely desorbed canister (1735 cm3), and t is the time in minutes. It was assumed that
within 60 min (Fig. 5). The outlet D5 gas-phase concentration the canister was spherical with a diameter of 23.5 cm, as given by the

C.M.A. Eichler et al. Biomass and Bioenergy 108 (2018) 1–6

reference biogas, would therefore be worthwhile to determine if more

complex gas matrices affect the efficiency of the sampling techniques.


This work was supported by the Water Environment Research

Foundation (WERF) [grant number LIFT7T14].

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data related to this article can be found at http://dx.


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