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Write a paragraph with a given topic sentence. CHOOSE ONE OF THE

TOPIC SENTENCES BELOW. Word limit (200 words)

1. It is important for countries such as the US to spend their money on

solving problems on earth such as eliminating hunger and fighting
climate change rather than on space exploration.

2. space tourism will be very popular in the future because of some


3. Online shopping and in-store shopping are different as night and day

4. Reading books is useful in many ways.

5. Methods of communication used today are different from those used

in the past.


Topic 1: nowadays many adults have full-time jobs and the proportion
of their lives spent on work is very high. Some of them are under high
stress and ignore the other parts of life.What are causes and effects?
Topic 2: many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by
tourists, not local people.why? What can be done to attract local

Topic 3: the young people in the workforce are changing their jobs or
careers every few years. What do you think are the reasons?

Topic 4: more and more people are migrating to cities in search of a

better life, but city life can be extremely difficult. Explain some of the
difficulties of living in a city. How can governments make urban life
better for everyone?

Topic 5: learning english in english speaking countries is the only way to

master the language? Do you agree or disagree ?

Topic 6: some children do not have natural ability for learning other
languages. Therefore, they should not be forced to learn a foreign
language. Agree or disagree

Topic 7: in some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still
students. Agree or disagree ?

Topic 8: many people agree that education should be compulsory for all
children until a certain age. Others, however, argue that children and
their family should be free to decide when they leave school ?. Discuss

Topic 9: people should read those books that are about real event, real
people, and established facts. Agree or disagree?

Topic 10: too much education is dangerous. If people receive more

education than they need to function in their job, it only breeds
dissatisfaction. Agree or disagree?
Topic 11: education is recognized as vital to the future of any society in
today’s world. Governments throughout the world should make
education compulsory for all children between the ages of 5 and 15.
Agree or disagree ?

Topic 12: Although moreand more people read news on the internet,
newspapers will remain the most important source of news. Do you
agree or disagree?

Topic 13: TV is harmful for children. To what extent do you agree or

disagree with this statement?

Topic 14: Some people believe that instead of preventing climate

change, we should find a way to live with it. What do you think about
this statement?

Topic 15: The number of people deciding to have only children is on the
rise.What are the causes and effects of this trend?


In about 150-200 words, write a paragraph about how people travel since the
COVID-19 pandemic. Start the paragraph with the following topic sentence:

The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly changed the way people travel.

PART 2: ESSAY WRITING (6 points)

In about 250-350 words, write an essay on this topic:

Life is full of uncertainties these days, but we can always find a way to stay calm
and happy. Do you agree or disagree with this viewpoint ?

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