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Lecture - 13

Topic: Ratio & Proportion

1. Rs 180 is to be divided among 66 men and women. The ratio of the total amount of money
received by men and women is 5 : 4 But the ratio of the money received by each man and
woman is 3 : 2. The number of men is:

2. Prices register an increase of 10% on food grains and 15% on other items of expenditure. If
the ratio of an employees expenditure on food grains and other items be 2:5, by how much
should his salary be increased in order that he may maintain the same level of consumption as
before his present salary being Rs. 3500?

3. The cost of manufacturing a popular model car is made up of three items: cost of raw
material, labour and overheads- in a year the cost of three items were in the ration of
year the cost of the raw material rose by 10% , labour cost increased by 8% but overhead
reduced by 5%. Then % increase int the price of the car ?

4. For each 200 rupees spent by the research department, sales department spends 20 rupees.
For every 400 rupees spent by the sales department the advertising department spends 150
rupees. The triple ratio f the money spent by the research department to the money spent by the
sales department to the money spent by the advertising department fan be expressed as

5. The salary of A, B and C together amounts to Tk. 33300. If they spend 80%, 85% and 75% of
their respective incomes, their savings are as 7 : 6 : 9. Find the salary of B?

6. In a bank monthly salary of clerks and officers are in the ratio of 3:5 . Each clerk contributes
2% and each officer contributes 3% of this salary to the welfare fund. If each officers
contribution is Rs.210, what will be the clerks salary?

7. Last year, the ratio between the salaries of A and B was 3 : 4. But the ratios of their individual
salaries between last year and this year were 4 : 5 and 2 : 3 respectively. If the sum of their
present salaries is Rs. 4160, then how much is the salary of A now ?

8. The monthly salaries of Pia and Som are in the ratio of 5 : 4. From her monthly salary, gives
3/5 to her mother, 15% towards her sister's tuition fees, 18% towards a loan and she shops with
the remaining amount, which is Rs. 2100. What is the monthly salary of Som ?

9. Three numbers A, B and C are in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3 Their average is 600 If A is increased by
10% and B is decreased by 20%, then by how much will C be increased to get the average
increased by 5% ?
10. In a acertain company, the ratio of the numer of manager to the number of production-line
workers is 5 to 72. If 8 additional Production-line workers were to be hired, the ratio of the
number of managers to the number of production-line workers would be 5 to 74. How many
managers does the company have?

11. The present ages of a mother and her son are in the ratio 11 : 5. When the son becomes as
old as his mother is now, then the ration of his father’s age to his mother’s are will be 19 : 17.
And when the son becomes as old as his father is now, then the sum of his father’s age and his
age will be 170 years. What is the father’s present age?

12. Railway fares of 1st , 2nd,and third classes between two station were in the ratio of 8:6:3.
The fares of 1st and 2nd class were subsequently reduced by 1/6 & 1/12 respectively .if during
a year the ratio between the passengers of 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes was 9:12:26 and total
amount collected by the sale of the ticket was tk 1088, find the collection from the passengers
of 1st class

13. A bag contains one rupee 50 paise and 25 paise coins in the ratio 5:6:8. If the total amount
of money in the bag is Rs.210, find the number of 50 paisa coins of each kind.

14. The population of a city is 9000 in a particular year. If there is an increase of 5% in men's
population and 8% in women's population in the next year and the population become 9600,
what was the ratio between the men and women in that particular year?

15. 4/7 th of the boys and 6/11of girls of a school participated in marathon. if the number of
participating students is 208 out of which 124 are boys, what is the total, number of students in
the school?

16. A man spends a part of his monthly income and saves a part of it. The ratio of his
expenditure to his saving is 26 : 3. If his monthly income is Rs. 7250, the amount of his monthly
savings is :

17. The speeds of three cars are in the ratio 5 : 4 : 6 The ratio between the time taken by them to
travel the same distance is

18. Mr. Sharma's expenditure and savings are in the ratio of 3 : 2. His income increases by 10%.
His expenditure also increases by 12%. How much percent does his savings increase?

19. The weights of two persons A and B are in the ratio of 3 : 5. A's weight increases by 20% and
the total weight of A and B together becomes 80kg, with an increase of 25%. By what percent
did the weight of B increase ?

20. A man distributes Rs. 165000 among his daughter, wife and son in such a manner that 1/2
of the daughters share 1/4 the wife's share and 1/5 of the sons share are equal. Find the
daughters share

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