Lecture - 20

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Lecture - 20

Topic: Profit - Loss

1. The cost price of an article is Rs. 7840. What should be the selling price of the article so that
there is a profit of 7% ?

2. Mohanlal purchased a TV set for Rs.12,500 and spent Rs.300 on transportation and Rs.800
on installation. At what price should he sell it so as to earn an overall profit of 15%?

3. Rakesh purchased a mobile phone Rs. 5400 and a refrigerator for Rs. 9600. He has mobile
phone at three fourths of its cost price and the refrigerator at 1(1/3) of its cost price. What was
the profit/loss?

4. A sells an article which costs him Rs 400 to B at a profit of 20%. B then sells it to C, making a
profit of 10% on the price he paid to A. How much dies C pay B ?

5. A trader buys some goods for Rs 150. If the overhead expenses be 12% of cost price, then at
what price should it be sold to earn 10% profit?

6. If an article is sold at 200% profit, then the ratio of its cost price to its selling price will be?

7. A person buys an article for Tk. P and sells it for Tk. Q there by gaining R%. The selling price
in terms of cost price may be written as -

8. The owner of a furniture shop charges his customer 28% more than the cost price. If a
customer paid Rs. 23680 for a dining table set, then what was the original price of the dining set

9. The sale price of an article including the Sales Tax is Rs 616. The rate of Sales Tax is 10%. If
the shopkeeper has made a profit of 12%, then the cost price of the article is

10. A shopkeeper buys 144 eggs at 90 paise each. On the way 20 eggs were broken. He sold the
remaining eggs at Rs. 1.20 each. The percentage gain or loss is:

11. Abhishek purchased 140 shirts and 250 trousers @ Rs. 450 and @ Rs. 550 respectively.
What should be the overall average selling price of shirts and trousers so that 40% profit is
earned ? (rounded off to next integer)

12. A person purchased 10 dozen pens at the rate of Rs. 4 per dozen. On checking, he found
that 20 pens were not working. In order to earn 25% profit, he should sell the remaining pens
each at -

13. A manufacturer undertakes to supply 2000 pieces of a particular component at Rs.25 per
piece. According to his estimates, even if 5% fail to pass the quality tests,then he will make a
profit of 25%. However,as it turned out,50% of the components were rejected. What is the loss
to the manufacturer ?
14. A trader buys a chair for Rs,600 and sells it for Rs.765 at the credit of 4 months. Reckoning
money worth 6% p.a, his gain percent is

15. By selling a bicycle for Rs. 2,850, a shopkeeper gains 14%. If the profit is reduced to 8%, then
the selling price will be:

16. Raju purchased an item for Rs. 8200 and sold it at a gain of 25% . From that amount he
purchased another item and sold it at a loss of 20% . What is his overall gain loss ?

17. The ratio between the sale price and cost price of an article is 7:5. What is the ratio between
the profit and the cost price of that article ?

18. If an article is sold for Rs. x, there is a loss of 15%. If the same article is sold for Rs. y, there
is a profit of 15%. The ratio of left (y - x) to (y + x) is -

19. At what profit percent must an article be sold so that by selling at half that price, there may
be a loss of 30%?

20. When an article is sold for 116, the profit percent is thrice as much as when it is sold for
Rs.92. The cost price of the article is:

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