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Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Other Example sentence

Ark Noah’s Ark

Endanger Endangered Monarch butter ies are
now an
endangered species
due to declining
Species Ibid
Stay still Tra c stood still
because of an accident.
Keepers These new shoes are
Captivity Capture Captive If it is successful,
Captor captive breeding could
Captive restore the population to
200 in seven years.
Tremendous Tremendously They were making a
tremendous amount of
noise last night.
Outlast (Long) Lasting The tzar outlasted all
his children.
Extinction Extinct Face The extinction of
extinction dinosaurs occurred
millions of years ago.
Practice: Multiple Choice; Choose the best answer, a, b, c, or d.

1. Mountain gorillas are an endangered __________.

a) Extinction b) keepers c) captivity d) species

2. Some people predict the __________ of family life as we know it today.

b) Extinction b) keepers c) captivity d) species

3. Animals which are in __________ would probably not survive if they were released into the wild.
c) Extinction b) keepers c) captivity d) species

4. The mountain gorilla is on the verge of __________.

d) Extinction b) keepers c) captivity d) species

5. We made hundreds of videos, but only few of them are __________.

e) Extinction b) keepers c) captivity d) species

Personalization - Answer the following questions:

1. What do we know about Noah’s Ark? How many animals were there? ______________________________________
2. What do you think will happen to endangered animals? ___________________________________________________
3. What is your favourite species? ________________________________________________________________________
4. How do you decide which photos are keepers? __________________________________________________________
5. Should any animals live in captivity? ________________________________________
6. Do you think our work will outlast us? ________________________________________________
7. How soon will human race face extinction? ________________________________________________

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