Phrasal Verb List

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Grammar & Usage

Phrasal Verb List

Phrasal verbs with an asterisk (*) are inseparable (meaning they don’t take
a direct object). The rest are separable (meaning they take a direct object).

Phrasal Verb Meaning

ask out to ask someone on a date

call back to return a phone call

call off to cancel

call on* to ask someone for an answer

call up to make a phone call

come over* to go to someone’s house

cross out to draw a line through something

do over to complete something again

drop in* to visit someone unexpectedly

drop out* to quit a class or program

figure out to find a solution

fill in to write information into the blanks on a form

fill out to complete a form (words or sentences)

fill up to put gas in a vehicle

get along* to have a good relationship with someone

Copyright 2018, Red River Press Inc. For use by ESL Library members only. ( V E R S I O N 1. 0) 1
Phrasal Verb List
Grammar & Usage

Phrasal Verb Meaning

get back* to return from somewhere

to enter a small method of transportation that is enclosed (such as a car),

get in*
or to sit in something small that is hollowed out but not enclosed (such as a canoe)

to exit a big method of transportation (such as a bus),

get off*
or to leave something small but not enclosed (such as a bicycle)

to enter a big method of transportation (such as a bus),

get on*
or to sit on something small but not enclosed (such as a bicycle)

to exit a small method of transportation that is enclosed (such as a car),

get out of*
or to leave something small that is hollowed out but not enclosed (such as a canoe)

get over* to overcome or recover from something

get through* to overcome or reach the end of something

give up to quit

hand in to give something to someone (usually a teacher)

hand out to give out something (especially papers)

hang up to end a phone call

look up to check or search for

make up to lie or invent

pick up to give someone a ride / to lift something up

put away to place something into an appropriate spot

put back to place something in the spot it was originally in

put off to postpone or delay

put on to add clothing

put out to place something outside / to be inconvenienced

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Phrasal Verb List
Grammar & Usage

Phrasal Verb Meaning

run into* to meet someone by chance

run out* to have no more

start over to begin again

shut off to stop a machine or light

take off to remove clothing

tear down to disassemble or completely take apart

tear off to rip something away from something else

tear up to rip something into many pieces

throw away to put something into the trash

throw out to put something into the trash

turn down to lower the volume

turn off to stop a machine or light

turn on to start a machine or light

turn up to increase the volume / to appear suddenly

wake up to stop sleeping

write down to write on a piece of paper

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