10thApril2023CAEnglish-HWN 1681564379

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10 Aprl 2ca3
) Indtan Rafale Combat airevaft woill partcipate "Bxercise
peclse Ortor
Dt will be
nosted by
Defence forces of france.

-’ Îndia is not tHhe part of NATO

’ Non- Aligned Movement sfarte 196I and Ialla oas one of the
pioneevs of that movement
Fin land st mem bey of NATO
’ Rafale wade
5french Company ' Dassault Aviatio n'
’ NATo's othey exercises Neptune stike
- cold Res ponse
Iron spear
steadfast noon
looked shields

) Worlds st conservation and bveeding centre torcri ticalty


Jatayu Conservation and breeding As?an k?ng Voltre
Centre CIcBC)
Red headed volture
is befng developed
Maharajganj District, Uttar padesh .

Ja tayu-vwltur rom Ramayana, ohich trie dto proteet soddess stta

when Ravana abductfng her
’ 2nain Dndia - vulture conservaton -vcc (vultuye Cave Centre)
pínjore , Hangana
’ voltuves are afected by druq causing kidney fai lre
ielofenac cAuIN
3) presldent Draupadi Mutmu took>Sor
sor tie Cshort quick Flght - testing)

Tezpu Airforce station from Sukhoi 30 MKI Aghter Jet

mank 30 years cele braton of
’ she inavgurated Goy utsav
Elephant project (1992)
kazfranga Natioral park
Gauhat? High court as 75 yeass
Assam Comple ted

4) Tndia has
Contributed USD 2 million to nited Nations Trust
'n support of
Somalia in Afvican Union Transi tion
Somalia Copt tal ’ Mogadishu
a country în the Horn of Atrlca
other countries
- Ethiopia
Blue helmets term given to peacekeepers
USD 2 millon cheqve given by Ruchi ra kamboj Indias permane nt
Natfons )
Re pesentative to the united

* 5) India launched Daternational Biq Cats Allance (TB¢A)

membershi p of TgCA opened to

97 Counties and Organí zations
’ 4 big cats Tiger, on,Leopavd, Sn oLo Leopard pua
Jaguar g chee tah
’ Ercept puma and jaquar other 5 big eats were found m
chee tah Recenty introduced tn Dhdia at, kuno National pak,
Madhya pradesh
’ Tnitial Money ill be provided by India - n syeans Îndia oil!!
provide support of v00 mi lion $ Caround goo er F) as per present vatoe.
’ After 5 year - oney oill be contributed by orqanizofions and
difeyent countries.

6) Recently released "Status of Tigers 2022 Report Re leasedin z023

Qre here Tndia.

As per last census i-e 2018 2967 Tiqers are there Sn Tndia

’ Completed so years of projeet Tiger started, Tndfra Gandhi

(To proteet Tiger )i973 by
’ once upon time Inolia had >4o,o00 tigers in Tralia - (ot of kings
be cavse of
DSed to hunt poach Tigers that The noof tigers decreased
’ completed 3o yeoos of project Ele phant (i992)
) ’ To fnd out
’ MEE ( Manaqement Effeciveness Evaluation
Tiger Reserve in India is Best Managed .

’ Best managed Trger Reserve n India

’ periyar 7:R, kerela.
-’ Sat puna TR, Madhya pradeg h
-’ Bandipur TR, kanataka
4th’Nagavhole T-R, karnataka
’ TigeY Census of 2022 - sth AITE CAlIrdia Tiger es timation - There is
a fncrease of 67% n Tiger population n 2022 as comparedl to 2o18 census
’ places in Dndia - ohere siqnifcant inerease seen fn Tiger populatioyy
tke shivalik Wlls Couter hima layas) Gange tic plans
’ Ne places ohere tigers are seen suheloa wLs CUP),North wes t
of yamUna River in Himachal
’ Tigers n soes tern ghats decreased, wayanad landseape, s ligiriranga
hills Ckarnataka), Nibg irì Hill areas tigers decreased.
’ NiUgiri custer y" Nagar hole to B:igiri vauga hi ls ’ lagest tger
popula tion the oorld.
Pn odisha- simipal Tiger Reserve - Tiger population here,have
Conservation priority
priori ty obecavse Gene tea lly vnigve
tigers ’kasal TR(Telangana)
- India has 70% of tìger popu la tion m the oorld.
- ’ This
sLYVey CTiger es tima tion) fs clone by NTA (Na tfonal 7iger
Con servation Authot ty)
13 coun tries in the oorlo ohere tiger are found ’ These are

called Tiger Range Coun tries

combodia asked, Trdia or, Ti9ers
-’ project iger lavnched S the Tm corbet Natfonal park.
’ îndia ’presen t has s4 tiger Reserves
Sist- Sri villiputhus-Megamalai ~Tamil Nadu
- Ramgarh vis hodhari Rajasthan.
53rd RanipuY TR Uttar Praderh.
54 - Gur Ghasidas 7R- chha ttrsgarh.

) Bharat Biotech CHyd, Indian company) starteo


has been aurded

Best production /prOcess Development Aard
asa part of
Tholustry Excellence (ViE)awards.
Jat hlashington
World Vaccêne congress 2o23 ,
StartedDr.krishna Slla CHus beundl
’ Bharat Biotech Ella loife)
by LDr Suchitra
makes inCovAcc -TntYa Nassal
2 vaccçnes
for covd
has beev
8) calyam pudi Racl hakrfshna Rao awarded
nternation pri2e în
(Indfaun Ameriean (io2 yeoos )) sta tistics 2023

This auard ill be given to him The Nobel prie of

duri ng World statis tes Congress statis ties .
J has
80,o00 cashaard.
Ottaa, Canada.

Joly 2023
Dntevnational statis tical
Thstitute. located Haque ,Nether land
oY9Qnized conectivi ty event
9) Bangladesh, 2nolia and Japan

’ This is basically to have more Co opera tion n the in fras tuctore
as organized by think tank called, Asian Con luence
J ohich s ato
(MEA) Ministry of External
npartnea hip Tnternational Relation
’ Asian Confluence Ha- shillon9 Meghaaya.
ASSam Rifles - Sentine ls of the Noyth shi llong Meghalaya
-’ Japan helping Bangladesh in developirg Deep sea povt

1o) 1oth Apytl - World Homeopathy Day

Theme:one Heal th, One family

’ TH is Birth Anniveysary of DY: Samuel Hahnemann (Gevman

founder of Homeopathy
’Dn Dndia we have AyUsH Ministry ’ Ta Ayus H H Homeopathy
He oas born n (oth Apy, 1755 at
at paris

1) Tndia [ st solar powered toUvist boat Sooryamshu

has been launehed

’ t can prodvce 27 kW of Energy by
kerela shipp?ng B Inland
Navigation cor poration
(kockt, kerela) ksTNC
’ t is used for tourism packages in kochi,Evnakolam etey

12)Rs:2600 cr Laser Tn terferometey Gvavi tational hlave observatory

Tndia CLIGO-Ind'a) project has been approved
will be set up
H'ngoli, Maharas htra
wold - both are
’ There are only 2 LLGo obseY Vatory fn the

LTGO observatoy and (st outside the america

that will be set up in Dndla on, 174 acres of land.

’ This project is vnder ta ken by De partment of Ato mle Enerqy 6

oorks under
Depoatment of seience cud Technology Prime Ministers off'ce.
Jworks onder
Ministry of sciere anal Technology

prasthan exereise tgladdress Security

13) Indian Nauy conducted - thre ats thatmay
anse in offshore
oil procductfon
off shore development area off Mubai
times a ueas. by westem Naval com mand
’ This is done 2 NQiMUmba?
Joi nt
l4) Tata power Delhi Dis tri bution Ltd ’ behoeen Tata poser
has signed agreement
Govt of Delhi
Asian Development Rank (ADB)

augment poser d'stribution capacity

Neo Del hi

ADB gives (·5 billion loans thaough Non- convertible debenture

and it uoill also support their
thelr projeet
project aled Battery Enengy storage
system.(B ESS)
loMWH capaci ty battery.

ADB will gìve 2 million

grant for
financhng BEsS

15) chennai, Dndia oill host, street child Cicket World cup 2023

2nd time bn the ooyld

(st 4ime at, lords cricket groord 2019 -’ India x Engand

Ceoinner) CRunner)
In chennai place called Amiy Mahal here tn Sep 2023 this orld cup oill

takes place. streetehild united

’ i s organized by 2organizatons
shee Daya founda ton
pradech tauncheo
I6) Himachal pradesh taunched' profect Sanjeevani
for livestock hea thare

-’ live stock - catte, sheep pig goats, hovses, don key mule,camels, yak et
H-P havg (ivestock popuation
popubtion of 4 4| millon
’ To provide guality veterinary services at the doors te p of catte

1) Brazil has
announced ’ to oiciatly ve-join

Union of South Amevican Nations

UN ASLIR n 2008

Guyana, Surinam, Bolivia and yenezuela on ly y me mbers nou

There cre 12 members once vpon a time Ci-e south American )

-’ president of Brazil Luiz Înacio lula da silvoa

’ Formey pres ident of Brazil ’ Dilma Vana Rousseff.
has become

Neo president of Nes Deve lopmeut Bank

b+a:shanghai , chtna

18) Priyanshu Raja wat mení singles title

CBadmin ton player Jat
Madhya pradesh orleans Masters 2023

city of orleans, fran ce .

’ He sas part of Thomas cup winning team -2022

-’ He defeated Denmarks Magnus Jo hannesen
’ GT Tags 9ve 33 new produets ’ Bihar Ci), vttar pradesh Cio),
Mad hyapradeshci), chhattisgarh (), Tamil Nadu Cu)
Ladakh C), Jàmmu & kashmiy (&)

oith this nos Dndia has total - 465 GT Taqs

’ 33 New GT Tags
produ et eateqory statelT

Marcha CRice)(Mircha) Agricultural Bi har Ci)

Banaras Pan (Be tal) AgrieultuYal
Banaras Langda Aam Agricultural
Ramnagar Bhan ta Agricultural
Adam chìni chasa Agneultural
Aligarh Tala Handicraft Uttar pradesh
Bakhira Brass ware Handicraft (10)
Banda shazar patthar Handicraft

Nagina Wood craft Handieraft

Pratapg arh Aonla Agrieultural

Hathras Hing Pood Stufs

Reoa Sund erja Mango AgrieultuYal Madhya prodesh C1)

Nagri Dubraj (Rie) Agyicultural chhattisgarh (i)
Manapparai Muukku Food stuffs

cumbum paneer Agrícu ltuYol

Thra tehai CGimapes)
Mar thandam Honey Natural goods
ooty Van key Food stuff
Manamaduvai pottery | Handicroft Tamil Nadu (in)
Salem Sago (Tavwaris?) Food stuff
Authoor Vettlai Agrieu ltural
Negamam Saree
cotton Textiles
Myladi stone Handicraft
cavi ngs
Thai kka l Rattan Handicvoft
Sho lavandan Agvfeultural
Poduct category statelu
WWood canving Ladakh c1)
La dykh Shinskos Handi cYaft
Handicya ft.
Basohlt paiating
Basohli pas hmìna woo len Texttles

Rajouri chtkri oood Handicvaft

Bhaderwah Rajmash Agrieulture Jammu 2
kas hmiy (8)
Mush budji Rice AgricultuTe
Udhampur kalad? Dairy prodvet
Food stuff
Ramban Sulai Honey Agriculture
Ramban Anardana
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1. Gaurav Sir's Current Affairs
2. Gaurav Sir's Static GK
3. Gaurav Sir’s Banking Awareness (Static)

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