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- Clarity
- Not formality
- No bulk
- No distance
- Not objectivity if unnecessary

- Contains the research method and the content researched

- Summarize what the whole paper is about
- The thing you write last
- Max. 200 words
- Who, what, when, where, and how it turned out
- Cram with all the keywords you can
- Not counted in the total page or word count

- Grab the reader by telling what the most interesting part of the research.
- Cool fact
- Significant finding
- Not boring
- Purpose
- Why does this need to be found out
- Working definitions should be told as if we’re talking to an uninformed audience
- You can make up words?
- Think about an intelligent layperson - give them all the context
- How you’re going to find data briefly
- Performing content analysis
- Briefly mention that you will talk about how further research can be developed
- Introduce k-pop fandoms and the vocabulary like
- K-poper/k-pop stan
- Fandom
- Fandom names
- Group names
Literature review
- Describe what’s known in the field that you’re researching
- Adding to the existing scholarship
- Talk about other research like they are peers
- Try citing multiple sources

- Technical and precise
- Provide rationale
- Refer to scholars like text and other research done in class
- Sage provides white papers about how to do research and you can site it here
- Tell how you know research will be valid
- Is content analysis ethnography/virtual ethnography
- Ill collect the top 10 most liked comments on each post and then look at the language
and the emojis and th

Method of data collection - optional

- Be thorough and precise
- Content analysis of videos from a certain account,
- Describe how i selected the videos
- Describe sampling technique
- More complicated methods will be longer
- Sampling method is purpose of study sampling.
- We will look at three popular k-pop content creators
- They are all different in terms of the content that they create, but they are
all within the K-pop fandom

Data analysis - optional

- Leave space to be able to talk about your method
- Did you look for repetition
- Describe what your research entails and how you analyzed it
- How you made thoughtful analyses of data
- History of the content creators

- The meat and potatoes. The biggest section
- What did you find out
- Describe what you learned and summarize your findings
- Tell stories for ethnography
- Examples of the TikTok analyzed
- Qualitative allows first person

- ~500 words
- Say as much as you need in this section
- Tie the research back to the question or to interesting fact
- Does this research lead to another
- Limitations
- Was it successful
- What would you do better next time
- Did the results meet the expectations

References APA
- Hanging indent
- No spaces. Double-spaced with hanging indents

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