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BIOL2900 F2023 - Research Assignment.

Part 1- intro (1 person) summary first half of

research 1 person, second half person 2, conclusion person 4 everybody find at least 1 article

Part 1: A one page summary – including relevant references – is due on 18th of October. The
value of Part 1 is worth 3%. The main point of this is to gauge your writing and referencing
style. Proper in text and reference list (as a separate page(s) is REQUIRED.

Part 2 of the assignment (12%) to be handed in by December 5th. ABSOLUTELY NO


Research on a Pathogenic agent. You will choose one of the pathogens listed on the eClass site
under Pathogen Choices (and accompanying excel sheet). This assignment will be done in
groups of 4 (four) people from the same section! Your mark will be shared (same mark for each
person) however indicate who worked on what part of the assignment in case there are
questions of plagiarism.

The assignment cannot be longer than 5 pages (font 11 or 12; 1.5 or double spaced) not
including pictures or your reference page. The potential subtopics for your assignment are
listed below. You choose how much space you want to devote to each subtopic – different
pathogens will have more information/interest in some areas and not in others. The focus is not
identical for every pathogen. Remember – there will be contrasting information – I expect to
see this addressed in your report.

Part 1: Questions. Choose 1 of the following two choices (you do not need to sign up online
for this). Find as many RELEVANT (i.e., current) references as you can.

 We have looked at the use of Fecal Transplants in class – specifically the Promise of
Poop article. Look up primary articles that discuss this technique (Mehak) and examine
the advantages and potential disadvantages (Alicia). Do you think it should be used?
Why? (Ahmed) How do government agencies view this therapy (Zoe)?

 Babies delivered by Cesarean methods or those who were exposed to antibiotics in the
womb may be more prone to diseases like Asthma and diabetes. Why? Remember –
explore the molecular basis! Is this statement an uncontested fact?

Part 2: Choose a pathogen and use the following as a guide to write your report. NOTE- not all
pathogens will have information on some of the following topics. Focus on those that
are available and then focus again on the most interesting aspect of your pathogen as
you see it. The headings below are a guide. There may be more topics associated with
your pathogen than are listed here. Be sure that ONE member only from the group
signs up for your choice online. This part is worth 12%.
 Molecular mechanism of Infection and level of virulence.

 Type and symptoms of disease(s) caused by the pathogen

 Relation to other members of the genus

 Is the pathogen classified as the same level in other countries?

 Most common environments. (Hospital? Community? Geography?)

 Description of any associated Epidemics, pandemics

 Spread and prevention

 Treatments and their molecular mechanisms. How likely would you be infected while
working on patients as a Health Care worker?

 Are there current Clinical or Pre-Clinical trials currently being conducted that are testing
therapies against your pathogen?

 Incidence and mechanism of Resistance. Are there any strategies to overcome the
resistant species?

 Other topics of interest

The maximum number of groups choosing one particular topic = 5. Once 5 groups have chosen
a particular topic, that topic will be closed. Remember – only one person per group sign up
online! Your preliminary report will include all people in the group. Indicate who signed up
online. This assignment is worth 15% of your final grade.

Good Luck! And enjoy doing this research!!

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