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International Labour
Learning Objectives:
After learning the concept, the students will be able:

To identify the important concepts of ILO

To determine the role of ILO in protecting

the rights of the labor force
To apply measure to protect the rights of
human being in terms of work and
Background of International Labour Organization

1919- the year when ILO was created by Part XIII of

the Versailles Peace Treaty ending World War I

1930s- sought ways to combat widespread

unemployment due to worldwide economic
1946- ILO became the first specialized agency
associated with the United Nations
Background of International Labour Organization
1969- was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace

1971- membership increased from 45 countries to

121 countries
Background of International Labour Organization

Geneva, Switzerland- where ILO office is located, it is

the Organization’s secretariat, operational
headquarters, research center, and publishing
- Its operations are staffed at headquarters and around
the world by more than 3,000 people of some 100
Background of International Labour Organization

In its first decade the ILO was primarily concerned

with legislative and research efforts

promoting proper minimum standards of labour

legislation for adoption by member states

arranging collaboration among workers,

employers, government delegates, and ILO staff
Background of International Labour Organization


representatives of the workers and of the employers

have an equal voice

ILO’s supreme deliberative body, is composed of four

representatives from each member country: two
government delegates, one worker and one employer
delegate, each of whom may speak and vote independently
Background of International Labour Organization


guided by the Governing Body, comprising twenty-

four government, twelve worker and twelve employer
members, plus twelve deputy members from each of these
three groups

Activities are decentralized to regional, area, and

branch offices in over forty countries
International Labour Organization
specialized agency of the United Nations (UN)
dedicated to improving labor conditions and living
standards throughout the world.
devoted to promoting social justice and
internationally recognized human and labour rights, pursuing
its founding mission that labour peace is essential to
International Labour Organization
helps advance the creation of decent work and the
economic and working conditions that give working people
and businesspeople a stake in lasting peace, prosperity and
unique tripartite structure gives an equal voice to
workers, employers and governments providing a unique
platform for promoting decent work for all women and men.
ILO three major tasks

01 02 03
Adoption of Technical Standard-setting and
international labor cooperation to assist technical
standards, called developing nations cooperation are
Conventions and bolstered by an
recommendations, for extensive research,
implementation by training, education,
member states and publications
ILO Four Strategic Objectives

01 02 03 04
Promote and Create greater Enhance the Strengthen
realize opportunities coverage and tripartism and
standards and for women and effectiveness social dialogue
fundamental men to decent of social
principles and employment protection for
rights at work and income all
Functions of the ILO
1. Development and promotion of standards
for national legislation to protect and
improve working conditions and standards
of living.
2. Provides technical assistance in social
policy and administration and in workforce
Functions of the ILO
3. Fosters cooperative organizations and rural
4. Compiles labour statistics
5. Conducts research on the social problems
of international competition,
unemployment and underemployment,
labour and industrial relations
Functions of the ILO
6.Technologicalchange including automation
7. Helps to protect the rights of international
migrants and organized labour
ILO serves its tripartite constituents -and
society as a whole- in a variety of ways,
1. Formulation of international policies and
programmes to promote basic human rights,
improve working and living conditions, and
enhance employment opportunities
ILO serves its tripartite constituents -and
society as a whole- in a variety of ways,
1. Formulation of international policies and
programmes to promote basic human rights,
improve working and living conditions, and
enhance employment opportunities
2. Creation of international labour standards backed by
a unique system to supervise their application

3.An extensive programme of international technical

cooperation formulated and implemented in an active
partnership with constituents, to help countries put
these policies into practice in an effective manner

4.Training, education and research activities to help

advance all of these efforts
International Labor Law

International labor law is a set of

rules which apply through public
international law (that is, the law between
different countries or states), and private
international law (the law between
individuals or businesses who live or
operate in different countries).
International Labor Law

- It sometimes also includes

‘comparative law’: Legal principles as
they apply across different countries
International Labor Law

- is the body of international legal norms

which regulates issues concerning work.
International labour law covers both the
substantive rules of law established at the
international level and the procedural
rules relating to their adoption and
implementation at the national level
International Labor Standards

ILO is a United Nations Agency that sets

universal labor standards
standards that contained in 189 conventions
or treaties which individual countries need to
‘ratify’ or sign up to
Once a country has signed up to those
standards, it must adopt and enforce them as
part of its domestic law
Note: The most fundamental labor standards are contained
in the ‘Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at
Four fundamental policies for labor

01 02 03 04
A right of A prohibition A prohibition A prohibition
workers to free on forced or on child labor on unfair
association compulsory discrimination
and collective labor among
bargaining workers
Principles of Labor Law in All Countries

01 02 03 04
Employee Minimum Employee Payroll
Contracts wage. Termination obligations

Employee benefits
1948 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
(Article 23 establishes the right to work to equal and fair
remuneration and the right to form and join trade unions)
1965 The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms
of Racial Discrimination
1966 The International Covenant on Civil and Political RightsThe
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural
1979 The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination Against Women
1989 The Convention on the Rights of the Child
2003 The International Convention on the Protection of the Rights
of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families
The eight fundamental conventions
1930 (No. 29) Forced Labour Convention
1948(No. 87) Freedom of Association and Protection of the
Right to Organize Convention
1949 (No. 98) Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining
1957(No. 105) Abolition of Forced Labour Convention,

1973(No.138) Minimum Age Convention,

1999(No.182) Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention,

1951(No. 100) Equal Remuneration Convention,

1958 (No. 111) Discrimination (Employment and Occupation)

Source: L Swepston, 'International Labour Law' in Roger Blanpain (ed), Comparative Labor Law and Industrial Relations in Industrialized
Market Economies (Kluwer, 10th ed, 2010) 141. Law Library KB 224 COMP
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