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Her First Ball- By Katherine Mansfield

Narrative TechniqueHer First Ball is written in the omniscient third person narrative (the eye of God). This means that the narrator (the person telling the story) is not a character in the story nor Leila, but tells the story strictly through Leilas eyes only and we read the thoughts going through her mind as she experiences her first ball. This technique that enables us to read the thoughts going through a characters mind as they are thinking them is referred to as the stream of consciousness. E.g. Laurie leaned forward and put his hand on Lauras knee. Look here, darling, he said. The third and the ninth as usual. Twig? Oh how marvellous to have a brother! In her excitement Leila felt that if there had been time, if it hadnt been impossible, she couldnt have helped crying because she was an only child and no brother had ever said Twig? to her; no sister would ever say, as Meg said to Jose that moment, Ive never known your hair go up more successfully than it has tonight!

We are not told what the character is thinking or feeling, we are shown. It is as if we are allowed to eavesdrop into the mind of the character. Summary- Her First Ball is written in the omniscient third person narrative using a stream of consciousness method. This is a distinctive characteristic of Mansfields writing. Themes- Mortality (i.e. growing old and getting closer to death, or the human Condition of being mortal, i.e. not able to live forever) Growing up Loneliness Ideas are contrasted of: old/ young, cynicism of life/ wonder of life, pointing out the drab realities of life/ appreciation of life and love.

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