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Br. J. Anaesth.

(1974), 46, 361

Report of 100 Experiments


Acupuncture analgesia was performed on 100 occasions in 35 subjects. In 10% of

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cases the resulting analgesia was considered just adequate for surgery, and in 65%
mild analgesia was produced but insufficient for surgery, whilst in the remaining 25 %
there was only minimal analgesia, if any. Some of the subjects with mild analgesia
could have been sufficiently anaesthetized for surgery if the pain of the stimulus had
been increased to an unacceptably high level.

Acupuncture analgesia has caught the imagination In acupuncture analgesia the stimulation must be
of many Western doctors despite the serious prob- continued for about 20 min or even longer to pro-
lems in its application. The author has had experi- duce the maximum effect. The amount of pain
ence of acupuncture therapy and it was decided to produced by the stimulation should be the maximum
investigate the properties of acupuncture analgesia. that the patient can withstand.
The type of stimulus used for analgesia is
SUBJECTS AND METHODS immaterial. If a needle is used it is mosc convenient
One hundred experiments were performed in 35 if it is of 26 or 28-gauge stainless steel and may be
subjects, including patients, friends and the author. placed subcutaneously or deep in the muscles. The
needle is then twisted with a to-and-fro motion
Acupuncture points used. between the fingers.
Large intestine 4 (Li4), between the 1st and 2nd The needle may also be stimulated electrically, in
metacarpals, produces analgesia of the front of the which case a thinner 30-gauge needle is sufficient.
face and neck, the teeth and tonsillar areas (Mann, Initially a Grass Universal Stimulator was used and
1966). Stomach 44 (S44), just proximal to the web later an instrument made for the purpose in China.
between the 2nd and 3rd toes, reinforces the effect Naturally one always tries to use the minimum cur-
of Li4. Triple warmer 5 (T5), about 2 inches proxi- rent. The negative pole has a greater effect than the
mal to the wrist on the dorsal side, induces analgesia positive. Whether the positive is used to activate a
from the base of the neck to about a level of 2 second needle or is earthed via an e.c.g. plate elec-
inches below the breast in a woman, both on the trode at a variable distance from the active needle
front and on the back of the chest, a distribution is unimportant.
of about C4 to T7. Pericardium 6 (P6), which is on
the anterior surface of the forearm about 2 inches Tests used to determine degree of analgesia.
proximal to the wrist, has an effect similar to T5. In most cases the degree of analgesia was deter-
On a few occasions other acupuncture points were mined by pinpricks. A 23-gauge hypodermic needle
used, including ear points: S36, S40, Sp6, S25, was used, pricking hard enough to draw blood on
S27, L l l , L10, endocrine ear point and Cv6. most occasions. Light pinprick was found not to be
a good test. It is necessary to do a large number of
Type of stimulation. pinpricks, so that one is not confused by the normal
In therapeutic acupuncture a mild stimulus, con- variation in response.
tinued for 1-10 sec, is all that is usually required. In some instances the pain response was deter-
The amount of pain produced is similar to that of a mined by drilling the teeth with a dental drill or by
hypodermic injection. freezing with ethyl chloride. On other occasions an
accurate electric dental stimulator was used.
FELIX MANN, M.B., B.CHIR., 15 Devonshire Place, London
WIN 1PB. It should be noted at this point that when acu-

puncture points are used which have an effect on the subjects in whom acupuncture analgesia could not
throat, the gag reflex is reduced, but not abolished. be produced. Though it should be pointed out that
it was occasionally difficult to decide to which of
RESULTS the three groups a given subject should be assigned.
Type of analgesia produced by acupuncture.
Pain is the only sensation affected by acupuncture Analgesic area.
analgesia. All other sensations are completely The area which becomes analgesic is determined
normal. Hence this method should be called by the choice of acupuncture point or points.
acupuncture analgesia rather than acupuncture If an acupuncture point on the right arm is
anaesthesia. chosen, which has an effect on the right upper

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The subject is completely unaware of which area quadrant of the body, then there will also be a mild
has become analgesic. The area can only be deter- and patchy analgesia on the left upper quadrant of
mined by pinpricks over the whole body, although the body. Likewise there may be an even milder
in this instance very light pricks are satisfactory. If analgesia in the right lower quadrant and no anal-
the analgesic area is touched by the patient or doctor gesia or nearly so in the left lower quadrant.
it feels completely normal. Temperature sense and If a single acupuncture needle produces analgesia
the appearance of the skin or mucous membrane are in the whole of the operative field, there does not
unaffected. seem to be any advantage in adding extra needles,
In the initial experiments both subjects and provided the single needle is stimulated sufficiently
observer were misled as both expected to find an strongly.
area of numbness, similar to that found with local In five patients acupuncture analgesia was per-
anaesthesia. It was only later when, more or less formed in the normal manner. The subjects were
by chance, testing by pinpricks was started it was told to expect analgesia in a different area of the
realized that the desired result had already been body from that in which it was expected by the
achieved. The Chinese have never made this point observer. In two of the five subjects in whom satis-
clear. factory analgesia was produced, the area corre-
It was considered that those patients who felt no sponded to the area expected and did not occur in
pain response to multiple heavy pinpricks could the area the subjects were instructed to expect it.
have undergone surgery without pain. In these In several other experiments (with previously un-
patients the needle could have been inserted through tried acupuncture points), patients became analgesic
the subcutaneous tissue and muscle to the peri- in the "correct" area and not in the area erroneously
osteum, which was likewise analgesic. expected by the operator.
It should be stressed that these subjects felt the
drilling of teeth, but did not feel pain. This is quite Degree of analgesia.
different from local anaesthesia where only minimal The results reported above are not as impressive
sensations are felt. It is disconcerting for a subject as those described in China, which suggested that
to see and feel a needle passing through his tissues the technique was inadequate. The Chinese, it
without pain. Sometimes with the drilling of teeth should be noted, have made available very little
there was initial onset of pain which did not then technical information on the subject.
develop as expected. In this group the type of This impasse was resolved when, due to an intro-
analgesia was satisfactory and consists of roughly duction by Dr Tim Horder of the Department of
10% of subjects. Physiology, Oxford University, and Dr L. K. Ding
In the next group, constituting 65% of subjects, (Hong Kong), the author met two Chinese doctors
the analgesia was either patchy or mild in intensity. who between them had, whilst in China, anaes-
Within the analgesic area, the subject felt pain in thetized several hundred patients by acupuncture.
response to pinprick, in a somewhat patchy and They performed acupuncture analgesia three times
irregular fashion. Alternatively or in addition the on the author, twice using mechanical rotation of
subject felt no pain on mild pinprick stimulation, the needle and once electrical stimulation. In all
but felt pain with heavier pricks. The gag reflex three instances there was a very mild but far from
was diminished to a lesser extent with these complete analgesia. The two Chinese doctors
subjects. thought that if the stimulus had been increased, the
Finally there was a group of 25% of failure analgesia would have been adequate. However, the

pain was not far from the maximum tolerable. On The better of the moderate reactors, though, can
several other occasions Western doctors or patients only be anaesthetized if the stimulus is increased to
have been subjected to acupuncture analgesia a level which is not really acceptable in the West.
administered by Chinese doctors or others who say The pain of stimulation is the absolute maximum
they rarely have a failure. In most of these instances the patients can withstand. The pain is so severe
where the subject has not been suitably psycho- that, even though lying horizontally, the patients
logically prepared, the result has been failure. sometimes feel they are almost fainting. Interest-
ingly, despite this severe pain, they can carry on an
DISCUSSION animated conversation and even smile—in fact for
Patients in whom acupuncture analgesia works well. most it is a distraction.
The 10% of patients in my series, where acu-

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puncture analgesia worked well, belong to a group Type of stimulation.
of people who may be called "strong reactors". The optimum pattern of stimulation has not yet
They may be recognized in various ways: been determined in the twenty experiments in which
the frequency, duration of impulse and wave form
(1) They often react strongly to a large number
were varied and the impression gained is that these
of drugs. This is not an allergy which occurs to only
factors are not of particular importance as long as
one or two drugs. These patients usually take half
sufficient pain is produced by the stimulus.
the dose of whatever medicine their doctor pre-
scribes them; if they take the normal dose they feel
ill. Acupuncture points.
Acupuncture points have no special properties.
(2) This same type of patient reacts not only In most instances they correspond with an area of
strongly to drugs, but also to acupuncture. If they nerve distribution coupled sometimes with anatomi-
have an illness which in an average patient would cal and other factors. They are reflexly tender areas
require four acupuncture treatments to cure or s:milar to McBurney's point in appendicitis (Mann,
alleviate, these patients are cured in one treatment.
1973). It is convenient enough to speak of acupunc-
When these patients are treated by acupuncture the
ture points rather than give an elaborate anatomical
needle should only be manipulated gently, as when
treating a child, for if they are given the normal
adult dose, they may temporarily have an adverse Mechanism of acupuncture analgesia.
reaction. (1) Parsons and Goetzl (1945) found that a pain-
(3) If an acupuncture needle is put into, say, the ful counter-irritant raised the threshold of pain for
foot of an average patient, he will feel mild pain for at least 2 hours after the painful stimulus had ceased
a small area around the needle. A strong reactor, being used. In acupuncture analgesia, a partial anal-
though, feels the pain up the whole leg and possibly gesia also remains for ouite a long time after stimu-
also in distant parts of the body. lation has been stopped.
(4) The experienced physician can sometimes (2) The gate control theory of Melzack and Wall
recognize a strong reactor on sight. (1965), could be modified to include several gates.
Some doctors say that acupuncture analgesia The authors themselves are uncertain of this.
works well in strong reactors as they think they are (3) Hypnosis: even if it is unintentional, some-
more easily hypnotized. This is not the case in this thing allied to hypnosis may be taking place. If a
series, for there were two strong reactors in the early patient expects analgesia to work, it will influence
experiments, before the patient or the observer knew the outcome in many cases. In this series of 100
what to expect. experiments in 35 patients this hypnotic factor was
excluded, as the patients were always told the
Achieving acupuncture analgesia in moderate results that had been achieved in others up to that
reactors. date, results which, as you see, are somewhat
Acupuncture analgesia may be achieved in a mediocre.
strong reactor with a fairly severe stimulus. The At the moment one is inclined to think that acu-
degree of stimulation required is extremely un- puncture analgesia is halfway between a physical
pleasant but can be borne without too great diffi- and a mental phenomenon. It is similar, perhaps, to
culty. asthma which can be influenced by both physical

and mental means. In support of this, R. Melzack value in many disorders intractable to orthodox
has shown that dental analgesia may be achieved medicine.
when white sound is combined with strong mental
suggestion. White sound by itself, or only sugges- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
tion, produces no result (Melzack, Weisz and I would like to thank the 35 friends and patients who
Sprague, 1963). took part in these experiments. My thanks are also due to
the Department of Medical Electronics at St Bartholo-
The stimulus required to achieve acupuncture mew's Hospital, who loaned to me a modified Grass
analgesia is so intense that the resulting pain would Universal Stimulator, and Dr D. Saltoun from whom I
be unacceptable to most Western patients. Possibly borrowed the Chinese stimulating instrument. I would
also like to thank Dr E. Isakowitz with whom I performed
the method could be developed so that a low level some of the early experiments, Dr David Bowsher, and
Dr J. Mumford of Liverpool University, with whom

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of stimulation would be adequate.
several of the later experiments, with measurements,
Most patients undergoing major surgery in this were conducted.
country prefer to be unconscious and unless there
were major advantages in acupuncture analgesia REFERENCES
such as less disturbance of body metabolism and Mann, F. B. (1966). Atlas of Acupuncture. London:
less postoperative complications, it is unlikely that Heinemann Medical.
this method would succeed chemical anaesthesia (1973). Acupuncture: the Ancient Chinese Art of
Healing, 2nd edn., Chaps. I, XI, XIV. London: Heine-
which is one of the best developed aspects of mann Medical.
Western medicine. Perhaps acupuncture analgesia Melzack, R., and Wall, P. D. (1965). Pain mechanism: a
new theory. Science, 150, 971.
will have proved to have certain advantages under Weisz, A. Z., and Sprague, L. T. (1963). Strata-
special circumstances. Western medicine could to gems for controlling pain: contributions of auditory
greater advantage investigate and develop the stimulation and suggestion. Exp. Neural., 8, 239.
Parsons, C. M., and Goetzl, F. R. (1945). Effect of
properties of therapeutic acupuncture which is of induced pain on pain threshold. Exp. Biol., 60, 327.

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