Xii Maths Activities For Term-2 Act No. 6-10

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Objective of the Activity

To evaluate the definite integral as the limit of a sum and verify it by actual

Pre-requisite Knowledge
❖ Knowledge of integration and geometrical concepts related with area of plane geometrical

Materials Required
✧ A card board of suitable size
✧ White chart paper
✧ Graph paper
✧ Pencil
✧ Scale

Logical Steps of the Activity

1. Take a cardboard of suitable size and paste a white paper on it.

2. Draw two line which is bisected perpendicularly at point o. The horizontal line XoX‘ is
called x-axis and vertical line YoY‘ is called y-axis.

3. Now draw a quadrant of a circle with centre at origin o and radius is 1 unit which is shown
in the fig. This curve in the 1st quadrant represents the graph of the function 1 − x 2 in the
closed interval [0, 1].

4. Let origin o be denoted by Mo and the points where the curve meets the x-axis and y-axis
be denoted by M10 and N0 respectively.

5. Divide M0M10 into 10 equal parts with the help of point of division as M1, M2, M3 .... Mg.

6. With the help of each points M1, M2, M3 .... Mg draw perpendicular on the x-axis to meet the
curve at the points N1, N2, N3 .... Ng measure the lengths of M0N0, M1N1, M2N2, ...... MgNg
and call them as y0, y1, y2, y3, ..... yg whereas width of each part M0M1 = M1M2 = M2M3 =
M3M4 = M4M5 = M5M6 = M6M7 = M7M8 = M8M9 = M9M10 = 0.1 unit.

1. We observe that y0 = M0N0 = 1 unit.

y1 = M1N1 = .99 units.

y2 = M2N2 = .97 units.

y3 = M3N3 = .95 units.

y4 = M4N4 = .92 units.
y5 = M5N5 = .87 units.
y6 = M6N6 = .80 units.
y7 = M7N7 = .71 units.
y8 = M8N8 = .6 units.
y9 = M9N9 = .43 units.
y10 = M10N10 = which is very small and assumed to be zero.

2. Now area of the quadrant of the circle

= area bounded by the curve and two axis
= sum of the areas of 10 trapeziums

= × (.1) × [1 + .99] + [.99 + .97] + [.97 + .95] + [.95 + .92] + [.92 + .87] + [.87 + .8]
+ [.8 + .71] + [.71 + .6] + [.6 + .43] + (.43)]
= .1 × [.5 + .99 + .97 + .95 + .92 + .87 + .80 + .71 + .60 + .43]
= .1 × 7.74 = 0.774 sq units (Approximately)
x 1 
3. Now by integration we have 1
1 − x dx =  1 − x 2 + sin −1 x 
2 2 0
1 π π 3.14
= × = = = 0.785 sq. units (Approx.)
2 2 4 4

4. The area of the quadrant as a limit of sum is nearly the same as the area obtained by actual


From the above discussion we see that the definite integration ∫ab 1 − x 2 dx can be evaluated as
the limit of a sum.


This activity is helpful to evaluate the area of bounded curves.

Follow-up Activity
Repeat the same activity by evaluating ∫ 16 − x 2 as the limit of a sum and verify it by actual
integration. 1

XII Maths Activity No. 7 (Vector) Term-2

Objective of the Activity

To verify that angle in the semi circle is a right angle using vector method.

Pre-requisite Knowledge
❖ Knowledge about a circle and its properties, knowledge about vectors.

Materials Required
✧ Card board of suitable size
✧ White chart paper
✧ Pins
✧ Thread
✧ Glue stick
✧ Paper arrow heads etc.

Logical Steps of the Activity

1. Take a card board of suitable size and a white sheet paste on it.
2. Draw a circle on this chart paper of radius 5 cm with the centre O.
3. Draw a diameter AB of this circle.
4. Take any point P on the circumference of this circle as shown in the figure.
5. Now fix the nails/pins at O, A, B and P.
6. Join OA, OB, OP, AP, BP using thread, stick arrow heads on threads along OA, OB, OP,AP,
BP as shown in the figure. Arrow heads show that OA, OB, OP, AP, BP are vectors.
7. Now take another cardboard sheet of suitable dimensions and repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 which
are given above.

8. Take any two points Q and R on the circumference of the circle as shown in the figure.

9. Fix nails/pins at O, A, B, Q and R.

10. Now join OA, OB, OQ, OR, AQ, AR, BQ, BR using threads. Stick arrow heads on the threads
along OA, OB, OQ, OR, AQ, AR, BQ, BR as shown in the figure. These arrow heads are
representing vectors.

1. From the above figure, we have

Case I Case II
⇒ OA + AQ = OQ ⇒ OB + BQ = OQ ⇒ OB + BR = OR ⇒ OA + AR = OR
⇒ − r + AQ = Q ⇒ r + BQ = Q ⇒ −r + BR = A ⇒ r + AR = t
⇒ AQ = q + r ⇒ BQ = q − r ⇒ BR = t − r ⇒ AR = t + r

2. With the help of Case I

( )(
AQ ⋅ BQ = q + r q − r )
   2  2  
⇒ AQ ⋅ BQ = q − r = 0 ∵ q = r = radius of the circle 
 
AQ ⊥ BQ ⇒ ∠AQB = 90°

Verification by actual measurement:

Measure AQ ⋅ BQ and AB
⇒ AQ = ______ cm BQ = ______ cm and AB = ______ cm
 2  2  2
Now verify AQ + BQ = AB

Hence ∠ AQB = 90° [By Pythagorous theorem]

3. From Case II in D OBR

( ) (
BR ⋅ AR = t − r − t + r )
  2 2
BR ⋅ AR = t 2 − r = 0
∠ ARB = 90° ∵ t = r = radius of the circle 
 

Verification by Actual measurement:

AR = ____ cm BR = ____ cm and AB = ____ cm
 2  2  2
Ar + BR = AB

Hence ∠ ARB = 90° [by Pythagorus theorem]

With the help of above activity we conclude that the angle in a semi circle is always a right angle.


This activity is helpful to find the angle between two vectors.

XII Maths Activity No. 8 (Vector) Term-2

Objective of the Activity

To verify geometrically that

Pre-requisite Knowledge
❖ Knowledge of vector algebra, addition of vectors, vector product or cross product of two

Materials Required
✧ Card board of suitable size
✧ White paper sheet
✧ Cutter
✧ Sketch pen
✧ Cello tape
✧ Scale

Logical Steps of the Activity

1. Take a card board of suitable size and paste a white paper on it.

2. Draw a line segment OA = 7 cm which is representing c .
3. Draw a line segment OB = 5 cm which is representing a such that ∠AOB = 60°. Let OB = a.
4. Draw line segment BC = 3 cm representing b and making an angle of 30º with OA.

5. Draw BM ^ OA, CL ^ OA and BN ^ CL.

6. Now complete the parallelogram OAQB, OAPC, and BQPC.

1. We know that c × a = c a sin α ∵ α = 60°

= OA × BM

= Area of parallelogram OAQB.

   
2. c × b = c ⋅ b sin α

= OA × CN

= BQ × CN

= Area of parallelogram BQPC

3. OB = a and BC = b
∴ in ∆OBC , OC = OB + BC = a + b

and ∠ COA = d
4. ( )
C × a × b = c a × b sin d

= OA × OC sin d = OA × CL

= Area of parallelogrram OAPC

5. Area of parallelogram OAPC = (OA) (CL)

= OA × (LN + NC)
= OA (BM + MC)
= (OA) (BM) + (OA) (NC)
= Area of parallelogram OAQB
+ area of parallelogram BQPC

      
∴ ( )
c× a+b = c×a + c×b

      
6. ( )
c × a + b , c × a and c × b are perpendicular to the same plane.
      
∴ ( )
c × a + b = c × a + c × b (Condition of co-planarity)

  
From the above activity we conclude that it is verified that for any three vectors a, b and c we
      
( )
have c × a + b = c × a + c × b.


This activity is helpful to understand the concept of distributive property of vectors.

XII Maths Activity No. 9 (3D) Term-2

Objective of the Activity

To measure the shortest distance between two skew lines and verify by analytically.

Pre-requisite Knowledge
❖ Knowledge about various forms of equation of lines, skew lines. Knowledge about the
formula of distance (shortest) between two skew lines.

Materials Required
✧ Thick card board sheets
✧ White chart paper
✧ Four wooden blocks of suitable dimensions
✧ Threads
✧ Glue sticks etc.

Logical Steps of the Activity

1. Take a card board sheet of suitable size and paste a white sheet on it and after that paste a
graph paper on it.

2. Draw two lines XOX‘ and YOY‘ which is bisected perpendicularly at point O. The point O
represent the origin and XOX‘ is called x-axis and YOY‘ is called y-axis. On these axis take
1 cm = 1 unit and label them as shown in the figure.

3. Mark the points P(3, 3), Q(11, 3), R(6, 11), S(14, 13) on the graph paper.

4. Label the four wooden blocks as a, b, c and d.

5. Now fix the wooden blocks labeled a, b, c and d at point P(3, 3), Q(11, 3), R(6, 11) and S(14,
13) respectively such that their base centers fall exactly at these points.

6. Using adhesive/glue sticks fix a piece of thread joining points A and D where A and D are
the contents of the tops of blocks a and d respectively.

7. Similarly fix a piece of thread joining points B and C where B and C are the centers of the
blocks b and c respectively.

8. Take a thread and join it perpendicularly with the lines AD and BC and measure the actual

9. Place a set square such that its side forming the right angle is along the thread BC.

10. Move the set square along AD till its other side forming the right angle touches the other
piece of thread.

11. Measure the distance between the two threads in this position to get the required shortest
distance between AD and BC.

1. Here the threads joining AD and BC represents two skew lines.

x − x1 y − y1 z − z1
2. Equation of line joining two points (x1, y1, z1) and (x2, y2, z2) is = = .
x2 − x1 y2 − y1 z2 − z1
3. Now equation of line joining A(3, 3,1) and D(14, 13, 2) is given by

x−3 y −3 z−1
= =
14 − 3 13 − 3 2 − 1
x −3 y −3 z−1
or = = ... (1)
11 10 1
and equation of line joining B(11, 3, 1) and C(6, 11, 0) is given by

x − 11 y − 3 z − 0 x − 11 y − 3 z
= = or = = ... (2)
6 − 11 11 − 3 0 − 1 −5 8 −1
4. Now we know that the shortest distance (d) between two skew lines
x − x1 y − y1 z − z1 x − x2 y − y2 z − z2
= = and = = is given by
a1 b1 c1 a2 b2 c2

x2 − x1 y2 − y1 z2 − z1
a1 b1 c1
d= a2 b2 c2

( a1b2 − a2b1 )2 + (b1c2 − b2c1 )2 + (c1a2 − a1c2 )2

So the shortest distance d between the lines (i) and (ii) is given by

11 − 3 3 − 3 0 − 1
11 10 1
d= −5 8 −1
(88 + 50)2 + ( −10 − 8)2 + ( −11 + 5)2

8 0 −1
11 10 1 8 ( −18 ) − 0 + 1 ( 88 + 50 )
d= =
−5 8 −1 19044 + 324 + 36
2 2 2
(138 ) + 18 + 6

−144 + 138 −6
d= =
19404 139.29

or ⇒ d = .04 cm
5. On actual measurement the shortest distance between two skew lines = 0.6 cm

6. From point (4) & (5) we observe that the shortest distance between Skew lines AD and
BC by actual measurement is approximately equal to the shortest distance obtained by
analytical method.

From the above activity we conclude that the shortest distance between two Skew lines obtained
by actual measurement and obtained by analytical method is coming equal.


This activity is helpful to explain the concept of Skew lines and shortest distance between
two Skew lines.

XII Maths Activity No.10 (Probability) Term-2

Objective of the Activity

To explain the computation of conditional probabilities of a given event A when event
B has already occurred through an example of throwing a pair of dice.

Pre-requisite Knowledge
❖ Knowledge about probability, knowledge about random experiment, sample space, event,
equally likely events etc., conditional probability.

Materials Required
✧ Card board sheet
✧ Squared sheet
✧ White chart
✧ Glue sticks etc.

Logical Steps of the Activity

1. Take a card board of suitable size and paste a white sheet on it and paste a squared paper
on it which has 36 square as shown in the figure.

2. Write all possible out comes obtained

by throwing two dice on the squared (1, 1) (1, 2) (1, 3) (1, 4) (1, 5) (1, 6)
paper i.e. and write all the following
outcomes on the squared paper as (2, 1) (2, 2) (2, 3) (2, 4) (2, 5) (2, 6)
shown in the figure.
(3, 1) (3, 2) (3, 3) (3, 4) (3, 5) (3, 6)
(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (1, 5), (1, 6), (2,
1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5), (2, 6), (3, 1), (4, 1) (4, 2) (4, 3) (4, 4) (4, 5) (4, 6)
(3, 2), (3, 3), (3, 4), (3, 5), (3, 6), (4, 1), (4,
2), (4, 3), (4, 4), (4, 5), (4, 6), (5, 1), (5, 2), (5, 1) (5, 2) (5, 3) (5, 4) (5, 5) (5, 6)
(5, 3), (5, 4), (5, 5), (5, 6), (6, 1), (6, 2), (6,
3), (6, 4), (6, 5), (6, 6) (6, 1) (6, 2) (6, 3) (6, 4) (6, 5) (6, 6)

Case I: To find the conditional probability of an event E when F has already occurred where E is
the event a number 3 appears on both the dice and F is the event 3 has already appeared on one
 E
of the dice. Here we have to find the conditional probability P   .
 F
1. From the above figure

Favourable out comes of E is (3, 3)

E = {3, 3} i.e, n(E) = 1

Favourable outcomes of F are

F = {(1, 3) (2, 3) (3, 3) (4, 3) (5, 3) (6, 3) (3, 1) (3, 2) (3, 4) (3, 5) (3, 6)}

No. of favourable outcomes of F i.e., n(B) = 11

Now the common outcomes of E and F is {3, 3}

Now no. of favourable outcomes of ( E ∩ F ) = n(1)

E P (E ∩ F ) 1
Conditional probability P   = =
 F P( F ) 11
Alternate Method:

 E  P (E ∩ F )
P  =
 F P (F)
Total no. of outcomes in a single throw of two dice = 36

 n(S) = 36 and n(F) = 11

n( F ) 11
P( F ) = =
n(S) 36
n(E ∩ F ) = 1

P(E ∩ F ) =
 E  P ( E ∩ F ) 36 1
So P   = = =
 F P( F ) 11 11

Case II: To find the conditional probability of an event E when F has already occurred, where
E be the event getting the sum 8 and F is the event a doublet has already occured. Here also we
 E
have to find P   .
 F

2. From the figure

Favourable outcomes of E are (3, 5) (4, 4) (5, 3) ⇒ {( 3, 5) ( 4, 4)( 5, 3)}

No. of outcomes of (E) = n(E) = 3

Favourable outcomes of F are (1, 1) (2, 2) (3, 3) (4, 4) (5, 5) (6, 6)

F = {(1, 1) (2, 2) (3, 3) (4, 4) (5, 5) (6, 6)}

No. of outcomes in F i.e. n(F) = 6

Common outcomes of E and F is {4, 4}

No. of outcomes in ( E ∩ F ) i.e. n ( E ∩ F ) = 1

 E  P (E ∩ F ) 1
Hence P   = =
 F P (F) 6
Alternative Method

 E  P (E ∩ F )
We know that P   =
 F P (F)
n(S) = 36, n(E) = 3, n(F) = 6, n ( E ∩ F ) = 1

n( F ) 6 1
P (F) = = =
n(S) 36 6
n (E ∩ F ) 1
P (E ∩ F ) = =
n(S) 36
 E  P (E ∩ F ) 36 1
So P  = = =
 F P( F ) 1 6

From the above activity we conclude that this activity explains how to calculate the conditional
probability of an event when another event has already occurred.


This activity is helpful to clear the concept of Baye’s Theorem.

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