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Clinical Skill Assessment Task

Plastic Surgery – Neurological System

Content: Neurological System Examination / Peripheral Neuropathy

Skill: Physical Examination

Candidate’s task list

Your tasks are to:

 Perform a focused neurological system physical examination on the patient

 Discuss your expected findings as you proceed with the examination
 Discuss your clinical impression with the examiner

Candidate’s brief scenario

You are an Intern attached to the Department of Plastic Surgery. Your Registrar asks
you to examine Marsha Ferguson, a 35-year-old female typist, who presented to the
Hand Clinic with altered sensation in her right hand.

Examiner’s instructions

This CSAT station tests the candidate’s ability to perform a focused neurological
system examination. Essential skills and knowledge tested include:

1. Professional approach to patient

2. Physical examination
Marking Sheet

1. Approach / Attitude to patient

Did the candidate demonstrate an appropriate professional approach towards the


Surpasses Achieves Standard not

Standard Standard Achieved
Appropriate beginning (CE)
 Knocks before entering
 Introduces self by name
0.5 0.25 0
 Identifies role / position
 Correctly uses patient’s name and
makes eye contact with patient
Explains examination and obtains
0.5 0.25 0
verbal consent (CE)


2. Content / Knowledge

Did the candidate adequately perform a neurological examination?

Surpasses Achieves Standard not

Standard Standard Achieved
Washes hands using alcohol hand wash
0.25 0.25 0
Checks that patient is comfortable and
0.25 0.25 0
ensures patient is correctly positioned
Ensures that both upper limbs are fully
0.5 0.25 0
Examiner to ask:
Which peripheral nerves provide
the main sensory supply from the hand?
0.5 0.25 0
Expected candidate response:
Radial, ulnar and median nerves
Examiner to say:
Using the patient’s hand, please
indicate the areas which provide
sensory supply to each of these nerves.
Indicates the following areas: 1 0.5 0
 Median nerve: radial 3½ digits (CE)
 Ulnar nerve: ulnar 1½ digits
 Radial nerve: anatomical snuff box
Examiner to say: 1 0.5 0
Please proceed to examine the
patient’s sensorium in the hands.
Examines the 3 areas correctly:
 Median nerve: distal palmar aspect
of index finger / thumb (CE)
 Ulnar nerve: distal palmar aspect of
little finger
 Radial nerve: anatomical snuff box
 Compares both hands
 Reports median nerve
mononeuropathy / carpal tunnel
syndrome (CE)
Examiner to say:
Please proceed to examine the
patient’s hands based on your clinical - - -
impression, vocalising your expected
Inspects and palpates the patients hands
 Wasting of thenar muscles
 Thenar eminence atrophy 1 0.5 0
 Fasciculations
 Compares both hands
Assesses motor function
 Thumb opposition
 Thumb abduction 1 0.5 0
 Tests against resistance
 Compares both hands
Assesses practical function
 Various (e.g. undoing button, 0.5 0.25 0
writing, opening screw-cap bottle)
Elicits Tinel’s sign
 Unless otherwise reported,
1 0.5 0
examiner to ask for expected results
of a positive sign
Peforms Phalen’s test
 Unless otherwise reported,
1 0.5 0
examiner to ask for expected results
of a positive test


3. Communication Skills

Did the candidate appropriately communicate with the patient during the

Surpasses Achieves Standard not

Standard Standard Achieved
Performs examination in a professional 0.5 0.25 0
Concludes examination properly (CE)
 Asks patient to cover or covers
patient, maintaining comfort and
0.5 0.25 0
 Thanks patient at the completion of
the examination


4. Clinical Reasoning

Was the candidate able to provide appropriate answers to the examiners questions?

Surpasses Achieves Standard not

Standard Standard Achieved
Examiner to ask:
What are some of the causes of
carpal tunnel syndrome?
 Repetitive wrist flexion (work
related) (CE)
 Obesity 2 1 0
 Pregnancy
 Hypothyroidism
 Oedema
 Trauma (e.g. fractures)
 Rheumatoid arthritis
Examiner to ask:
What are some management options
for carpal tunnel syndrome?
 Rest
 Physiotherapy
2 1 0
 Immobilisation (wrist splints)
 Oral corticosteroids
 Corticosteroid injections
 Release surgery (CE)
 Possibly NSAIDs / diuretics
Examiner to say:
Phalen’s sign is reported to have a
sensitivity of 51% and a specificity of
76%. Please explain these statistics.
Expected candidate response: 1 0.5 0
The test correctly picks up 51% of
all patients with carpal tunnel syndrome
and correctly identifies 76% of those
without carpal tunnel syndrome.

CSAT Station: Neurological Examination
Student Name Total marks Marks Remarks for performance beyond the scope of
possible obtained pre-defined, pre-marked criteria
Briefing document for role player

This station tests the candidate’s ability to perform a focused neurological system

Key attributes

You are Marsha Ferguson, a 35-year-old female typist, who presented to the Hand
Clinic with altered sensation in your right hand.


If asked what change in sensation you feel, reply:

Just a numb, slightly painful, tingling feeling.

If asked to localise the change in sensation, reply:

I’m not sure.

When the candidate proceeds to examine your hands for sensation, report numbness
in these areas (applies only to your right hand):

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