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SYNECTICS presentation

Virtual Design & Construction

Project & Task Management

Basics using Wrike
Thank you Khang


Objective: Understand the benefit of good task and project management in life and work
1. Benefits of good project management
2. Getting Started
1. Initial Setup
2. Using the web service
3. Email notifications
4. Dashboard
5. Filters
6. Gantt
7. Updating status of tasks: (time logging and completing)
8. Creating and assigning tasks
3. Hands On: Moving Planning
4. Feedback
1. Benefits of Good Project Management
• Big picture understanding of how all components affect each other
• Collaboration and communication in planning, execution, and change
• Dynamic and responsive planning that can adjust for delays, risk, and other issues
• Metrics & feedback for iterative improvements that lead to higher efficiency & better
• Defined method of identifying issues
• Builds good habits of understanding task scopes, identifying action steps, executing, and
following up outside of well-defined projects
1. Benefits of Good Project Management
• Paersonal success
• New year’s resolution
• Learn a new language
• Read more
• Save money for a motorbike/house
• Moving to a new house
2. Getting Started
1. Using the web service
2. Initial Setup
3. Email notifications
4. Dashboard
5. Gantt
6. Filters
7. Updating status of tasks: (time logging and completing)
8. Creating and assigning tasks
3. Hands-on: Moving Planning
Project Steps
1. Determine critical milestones ie Move-out day
2. Schedule critical path
3. Schedule all tasks and determine effort
4. Assign tasks
1. Project kick-off
2. Obtain floor plan of new residence
3. Take inventory of what you own
4. Arrange storage
5. Decide to hire movers or self move
6. Arrange insurance
7. Transfer school records
3. Hands-on: Moving Planning
8. Decide what to move, what to store, what to sell, and what to throw away
9. Categorize all items to move and store into vital, essential, semi-essential, and
10. If storage needed, begin research on storage options
11. Search for health care professionals in new area
12. Compile a list of important contacts to change address such as IRS, post office, insurance,
bank, dmv, credit card, subscriptions, friends, etc.
13. Begin change address notifications
14. Sell items marked for sale
15. Throw away items marked for trash
16. Store items marked for storage
17. Register your kids with new school and transfer records
3. Hands-on: Moving Planning
18. Contact service and utility companies to arrange date to disconnect service
19. Reserve moving truck or date with moving company
20. Arrange travel plans including flights, cars, hotels
21. Dismantle large items
22. Plot and print moving route for either yourself or for the movers
23. Pack non essentials
24. Pack semi essentials
25. Pack essentials
26. Transfer prescriptions
27. Arrange parking
28. Put all vital documents, vital items, and essential items in one area to be moved last and
to be kept nearby
4. Feedback

Wrike Training: Advanced

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