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Vocabulary People, Relationships and Personalities Vocabulary in Action ‘Match the words 1-10 with the definitions a~j. 1 friendly and willing total to others — a honest 2 wuthtul — —b mature 3 fair; thinking or acting locally — € patient 4 calm and wiling to wait without complaining or getting annoyed — reasonable 5 behaving in a sensible way, as you would expect an adult to behave — — e€ respecttu 6 showing that you think someone is important and being careful to treat them politely responsible 7 able to understand other people's feelings — e selfsh 8 understanding that iis your job or duty to do something — bh sensibie 9. practical and showing good judgment — I sensitive 10 caring only about yoursef and not cther people — J sodabie ‘Add prefixes to the adjectives to form opposites, dis im ium Ie 1 honest 4 reasonable 7 selfish 2 mature 5 respectful 8 sensitive 3 patient 6 responsible 9 sociable Complete the sentences with adjectives from exercises A and B. 1 Can you wait for 2 minute, please? Don't be so 2. Matthew was upset. Itwas________of you to talk about jobs wen he has been unemployed for so long. 3 Katherine is only eleven, but she thinks and acts lke a sixteen-year-old, She is very for her age 4 asked my music teacher to be ____ with me. I wanted to know if realy have enough talent to be a professional musician 15. You shouted at your boze: that was very —____of you. 6 | dont: think Danielle wil come to the party with you. She is _______ and she doesn’ ke being with lots of people. Complete the sentences with time and the correct form of the verbs below, You may need to make other changes too. find give have pass spend waste 1 We______very little ___ to get to the train station. Hurry! 2 Dont____trying to persuade the boss to give us more money. He simply won't. 3 quicity when you are having fun! 4 Even though the students had a lot of homework, they had to to practise for the match, 5 lappreciate it when my grandchildren ____________with me at the weekends. 6 Doyou think she will _____us some __ off if we ask her nicely? wes Unit 2 coe | Complete the sentences with the prepositions below. . about at by in (x2) to of (x2) on with ‘Although we are twins, Mary and | are very different. We have absolutely nothing —__ ‘common! ‘When we were growing up, Leah was jealous __me. Mark can’t stand living —_____ himself. ‘When Tanya and I worked at the college together, she was always complaining how the students dressed. Could you introduce me.____ your new assistant? She seems very interesting. 6 Wemet at a dance, went out the following evening and got married a month later. It was love first sight! 7. I know Roberta is demanding, but | am still fond —___ her 8 You're a teenager and | understand that your friends are the centre of your world, but you can still confide me if you want to. 9 Nowadays parents put @ lot of pressure ____ their children to do well at school. 10 Coping ____all these responsibilities is impossible! o Rewrite the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs below. You may need to make other ‘changes too. breakdown break up bring up fall through fall out” grow up hand down let down rely on take after 1. My grandma took care of me while I was growing up, so we're very close. 2. After being together for ten years, the actress and her boyfriend ended their relationship. 3 The two brothers have had an argument. 4 Everybody says that I am similar in character and looks to my father. 59 Katie doesn’t see her father often, but when she docs, he always disappoints har. 6 Our neighbours are great. We can always depend on and ask for help from them, 7 Freddie spert his childhood years in India and he has fond memories ofthe country. 8 The farm has been passed from father to son for generations. 9 The gymnast was under so much pressure that she started crying. 10 The sale of our house didn’t go ahead and | was disappointed. 26 G Six people were asked to talk about a special relationship they have. Complete what they said with the correct form of the phrasal verbs below. ‘My brother is special to me. When we were growing up, he always (1) Jet anyone hurt or upset me. My sister is quite a few years younger than me and because ‘Mum and Dad both work, 1 @ | get home from school. We get look after look back on My football coach is amazing, | have a lot of respect for him. | really meanddidn't (2) hher when | (on very well together. HH Complete the table. look down on him. days wien | used to work in 7 marketing with great fondness. It was tough but | learnt a lot from my colleagues. Those ‘were special relationships. look te look upto look out for When my grandfather was alive, he spent a lot of time with me. He always seamed to know what to do and | would (3), hhim for advice when I was having problems at school, He never judged me. My best friend came from a poor family. Some rich kids at schoo! © the hima thought they were better than him. But today he is one of the mast successful businessmen in the country. oo Goo — o unacceptable. any a ae 8) ‘Gecide indecision (6). offend offence a oa satisty ©) Riera aoe 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals. 1 2. Unde Al is avery s have to work again this weekend. It's very ‘and he doesn't wear a seat belt Lawrence is so —__. te hi brother's wedding and the big day is tomorrow! It gave me great. 1am writing to confirm my Your comments about overweight people caused apologise. 7 ANNOY river. He is always talking on his phone CARE He still hasn't made up his mind what to wear DECIDE to put my books away after the exams were over. SATISFY of your offer ofa job. ‘ACCEPT You should OFFEND UNIT2 27 mam Unit 2 EEE Tin: | FCE in Action Complete the text with one word in each gap. ‘Communication today {In the past, when people wanted to communicate, they used the telephone or simply arranged to meet with fiends or family. | ook (1) _______ on those days fondly, but today the way we communicate ‘and socialise is very different and there are mary reasons for the change. First of all, we (2) ________a lot of time chatting online, and instead of (3) ‘together with our friends to confide (4) ___________ them about a problem or to discuss the things that we may have in(5)_______, we prefer to write short messages to them, ether using our mobile phones or on social networking sites. Of course, this means that the nature of our relationships has changed and we no longer find it easy to express ourselves. Is it, perhaps, easier for us to communicate in writing? Are people unable to deal (6) the reablife reactions that our friends, family or colleagues may have? Certainly, itis much easier to (7) _______ someone down in writing rather than face to face! ‘The truth is that the personal relationships we valued as we were growing up are slowly disappearing and it is now common for people to sit in their home all (8) ___________ themselves, with the world at their Fingertips. ECCE in Action Vocabulary gums: sees HORE Ser ETE RINSE SNR ENTE) Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences. 1 AsJamie’s uncle relationship. a grew b broveht ¢ fell took 2. It’s cifficult to find people you can confide nowadays. ain b to © with d for 3 Marcus and Jeanette are twins, but they don't have 2 lot in. a resemblance b identity © common 4. similarity 4 You should think of others more and not be so a. sensitive sensible © sense d. selfish 5 Lily looks her older sister and hopes to be like her one day. a upto b down on © for d to 6 I need to with an uncle of mine whom I haven't heard from in years, a contact keep in touch © get in touch lose touch 7 Mark a lot of time commuting to work every day. a passes b spends © finds spares, 8 It was of you to talk about Karen in front of John. ‘They only broke up two days ago and both of them are still upset. a sensible b_ annoying ¢ insensitive anxious: 9 The two colleagues — last week. They had a serious argument. a fell for b fell out © fell over fell through 10 Dad's car isn’t at all _. It breaks down every time | borrow it! a rely b unreliable © reliable d reliably 12 14 16 7 19 20 Please stop being so! You're sixteen years old but you're acting like an eight-year-oa, a immature b anery © thoughtful respectful Helen enjoys going out and meeting new people. She's an extremely — person. a rational b reasonable © satisfied d socable There is a lot of pressure __ professional football players to perform well in every single match, a under bon © with 4 about After getting terrible exam results, Melissa in front of everyone. a broke down b letdown © fell through came over Wendy has always been person. I'm certain she'll make the right decision, @ reasonable b thoughtless © cishonest annoying Henry is — towards his colleagues and everyone likes him. a careless b offensive € respectful impatient You are a clever student, so your low marks are simply — unacceptable b offensive © unavailable unable ‘Alex feels that he won't be able to do the job himsett a on b by cw d of Her beautiful diariond ring was down to her by her grandmother. a given brought © handed d taken They are always complaining — each oer. I really don’t know why they stay together. a for b to © with about 29

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