03 Health Matters

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Vocabulary PL ube) ey Vocabulary in Action A Complete the sentences with the words below. allergy cream infection injection lotion operation prescription vaccinations I've got an eye______, so need to go to the doctor, When had a tooth taken out, the dentist gave me a(n) _______, so wouldn't feel any pain, Tara uses face regularly and as a result she has very few wrinkles. According to dermatologists, we should never leave the house without suntan on our face. The doctor gave me an) _for antibiotics, so | have to go to the chemist’s now. ''m travelling to India in six weeks, so fm going to the health centre this evening for my Georgina fell down the stairs and now she has to have (an) on her knee. {can't eat fish; | have (an) toit. Bannan B Complete the table. coat | exhaustingly ~~ 18) 6 nutritionally | treatment (12) © Complete the leaflet with words from exercise B. The Flu ‘The flu, or infiuenza, is an infectious illness that people can catch all year round, though itis more common in the winter months. In addition, adults who lead a (1) ________ fe are much more likely to catch the fi. ‘The symptoms include a high temperature, a headache, a sore throat and 2 feeling of (2) If someone who is usually afit and (3) person develops these symptoms, there Is usually ittle cause for concern. However, if that person is over 65, pregnant, or has a medical condition, they should see their doctor immediately. |__ Remember: the flu is caused by a virus, so antibiotics are not an effective (4) Furthermore, due to the fact thatthe flu spreads when we cough, sneeze or touch other people, please remember | the following: + Wash your handle with soap and water (5) * Cover your mouth with a tissue or handkerchief when you cough and sneeze, + Stay at home, get some rest and eat (6) food, This advice will help you make a speedy (7) UNIT 3 37 tom Unit 3 [2 TT 7 ‘Complete the article with the words below. cure enhance fight heal hurt reduce flowers, leaves or other parts of plants and they are used to ‘the brain to function and the body to (2) —____ if, for (4) ____________ infections, but many people claim that it experiencing, and it also makes them feel less exhausted. The (6) _____ medical congitions or Iiinesses. What it does; do is help the body to find a natural way to do so. 4 Match the phrasal verbs 1-8 with the definitions a—n. | 1 come ind _ 2 fant 2 camer b experene | 5 error — become 2 bad to et 4 eveup = 4 recover 5 come down with — reduce | 6 gout = f regan contiousness 7 gotirough 7 @ stp 8 passout = Become i | Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs from exercise E, 7 Wot saci Wasa __—_— seca ei ar xn modorton, | 2 masa cold aga and ses n be Shereaynas_——— alotiately. 3 I don't think Rob will make it to the party tonight. He hasnt_______ the fu yet. 4 Iris hadn't been feeling well all day and she _________ during the meeting. Wnen she finally we took her to hospital. 5 If Daniel wants to continue playing basketball, he has to ____ smoking, 6 Don't drink that milk! ('s_______and it will upset your stomach. ; Vocabulary Complete the dialogue with the words below: catch feel fit get goon lose sce take Lily: How are you, Nicky? Nicky: Ob, | (1) ______really dizzy and my throat is terribly sore. | hope I feel better for the tournament at the weekend. I've been trying to eat well and keep (2) — for quite q some time now, Lily: How did you manage to (3)_____a cold in the middle of summer? If you want to take part in the tournament, | suggest you (4) _________ your doctor. Nicky: Yes, | will. But frst Il ask Dan to (5) _____ my temperature. Lily: You should, yes. Oh, it's taken us so long to (6) inte shape. Nicky: Well, atleast I've finally managed to (7) __ some weight. Liy: Indeed. There's no need to (8) __a diet any more. Read the text and choose the correct answers. - oa | Pomegranate juice is the new sensa || ia you know that we can al (1) from pomegranates? If you ‘often (2) ofa stomach ache or you (3) from high blood |. | rssure nen read on. Pomegranate ices (4) — far one of the most therapeutic juices and many people today enjoy its natural healing properties, [| Fistot at, pomegranate juice is ut (8) — vitamins A, Cand E, and in the Middle East and the Far East, people have been using it for medicinal purposes for years. Ifyou are trying to [| (©—ttom a stomach ue, pomegranate juice could hep es also said to protect (7) heart disease. IF you get indigestion regulary, pomegranate juice could be the answer to your problems. Try mixing one [| teaspoon of honey into a small glass of pomegranate juice. It could well help! Pomegranate juice is also (8) — in ron, which he'ps the body to fig viruses. These are just some reasons why pomegranates are the latest sensation. Give them a try! 1 a Increase b improve © enhance benefit 2 a complain b digest heat 4 hurt 3 a Infect b suffer ¢ fight d release 4aa b too © on d by 5a of b with © to about 6 a cure b treat © recover reduce Ta of b against © with about 8 a filled b great © ich d all FCE in Action Complete the text with one word in each gap. Eating more healthily Most people find it very hard to change their eating habits, so when the time comes for them to lose a little weight and (1)__________ into shape, itis not easy to got used to a different lifestyle, Improving your eating habits doesn't mean (2) __up all the foods you like and eating only alittle every day. What it does involve, however, is (3) down on foods that are unhealthy and (4) ____ of sugar, for example. Instead, you should opt for alternative foods which are rich (5) _____ vitamins, minerals and iron to ensure that you have the energy you need to get through the day. Basically there really is no need to go (6) ____a strict diet; eating in moderation, together with regular exercise will help you reach your goal. 40 ‘ cabin (| ECCE in Action Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences. ‘When | was in hospital last week, the nurse my temperature every hour. a had b took © made watched Remember to take your suri tan__with you to the beach, aliquid b substance © lotion a mixture Many people have been __ of dizziness this week. | hhope they don't all have the same virus, a complaining b benefiting recovering digesting These vitamins will __ you from feeling exhausted. a avoid b reject © prevent di treat Emily can't eat this cake: she has a nut —_ a allergy b function injection d ache Ifyou don't wash that cut, it might not properly. a cure b heat © treat d sore ‘The doctor said need zome — against some angerous diseases before | travel to Asia. 2. operations vaccinations € prescriptions 4. infections have exams and I've been feeling —_ lately. I'm worried I won't pass. a anxious b essential stressful enhanced ‘There isa lack fruit in your diet. ato b of ¢ in ¢ trom Victor is far the most effective personal trainer Ihave ever worked with. a wo «by boon with u 12 13 1% 17 18 20 Do you suffer regular headaches? a with b about © of from Ella won't be at the yoga class this afternoon. She has with the flu, ‘come down gone over gone through come up Pilates was a lifesaver for me. | finally managed to into shape. a be b have © keep get ‘Are cereals really rich __ vitamins and minerals? aon bin © with 4d to Eat healthily and exercise more; that is the key to. a well-being b healthy © good feeling goodness Katie was feeling extremely weak all day and she actually during her aerobics class. a. passed out b went out © fellout fell through ‘They cay that some foods, broccal for example, can help protect — cancer. a with © to against d through ‘According to my local chemist, we can all from herbal medicine. a profit b deal © benefit d gain You really must __ smoking. It's extremely bad for your health, a come round get round © cut down give up | don’t know how my cousin managed to__so much weight. She used to eat su sensibly. a puton b get on © goof put through Complete the captions under the pictures with the idioms below. Make any necessary changes. ‘come out of your shell have the upperhand a pat on the back Pull your socks up see eye fo eye wear your heart on your sieeve Fortunately, my boss and | get on very well and. Although Ben is younger than his sister, he really (on almost everything, their relationship. ‘You won't pass your exams if you You always know what Miriam Is feeling. She ‘don't make an effort. You need to ee Did you really pass all your ‘Summer camp did Peter a lot of good, He finally ‘exams? Well done, you deserve si ‘Match the idioms from exercise A with their meanings below. agree with each other show emotions openly lose shyness and become friendly try hare to improve control things congratulations ooswNe 42

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