Communication and Collaboration: Ignorance Is A Concept That Suggests

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COMMUNICATION AND system problems.

Errors of omission SIDEBAR L

COLLABORATION that can contribute to poor patient
outcomes cannot be ignored, such as In 2001, the patient
safety committee of Johns
Problems cannot be addressed if they the timing of antibiotic administration Hopkins Hospital in
are not known by people who are in in community-acquired pneumonia or Baltimore, Maryland,
launched an innovative
a position to correct them. Iceberg of the use of prophylactic antibiotics
program of executive
ignorance is a concept that suggests before surgery. The acquisition of safety rounds after a staff
leaders know only 4 percent of an such data is extremely important in survey revealed that
employees had little
organization’s problems. The frontline mobilizing medical staff support for appreciation of
employees, however, know all of any improvement efforts. leadership’s role in the
them (Healthcare Business A low number of adverse safety process.
Under this program,
Roundtable 2000). outcomes does not necessarily mean every top leader at the
One initiative that can help in an organization is safe. Outcomes hospital adopts an
making such important information data can be an unreliable indicator, intensive care unit and
meets with staff on a
more broadly known is to provide especially if the incidence of such regular basis to hear
opportunities for all those involved in events is low. There is a large about problems first
hand. Each executive and
the delivery of care—nurses, random element in accident
his or her adopted unit
physicians, executives, and other causation. This means that a “safe are expected to keep tabs
employees—to communicate about organization” can experience bad on the unit’s progress
using a scorecard, which
issues that directly affect patients outcomes, and an “unsafe is reviewed each month
(Bogner 1994). See Sidebar L for an organization” may have a good track by the safety committee.
example of such a collaborative record for a long period. An assessment of the
safety climate shows that
activity. Poor outcomes only show it has improved,
vulnerability. Regular assessments of suggesting that patient
organizational processes that are safety has become a
more substantial element
ADVERSE OUTCOME common to both quality and safety of the employees’
ASSESSMENT must be performed, and those in environment.
This program
need of remediation must be
encourages both staff
Organizations should determine the identified (Reason 1997). and executives to take
incidence of common adverse responsibility for finding
solutions, and it breaks
outcomes such as medication errors,
down barriers between
falls, nosocomial infections, and
SAFETY SPACE staff and administration
(Johns Hopkins Quality
surgical wound infections. The
Update 2003).
hospital’s malpractice history may be The concept of a safety space can be
instructive at uncovering potential instructive (Reason 1997). The


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