Motivational Letter. 1

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Motivation Letter for Academic and Research Background- DALITSO ZEMBERE

I was so much pleased with the opportunity that has risen in the Faculty of Food and Human Sciences
in the USAID funded ‘Leveraging Local Capacity to Strengthen Health Service Delivery- Human
Resource for Health (HRH)’ project. I am Dalitso Zembere by name, a male aged 22 originally from
Dedza District- T/A Kachere. I am currently pursuing my Bachelors of Science in Food Technology
at LUANAR-NRC campus in my final semester of studies set to be completed by June 2024 and
graduation pending in August, 2024.

My strong academic background goes a long way back while in Primary School where I was a top
class student since Standard 5. Notably, I had some remarkable achievements such that after writing
my Primary School Leaving Certificate of Education (PSLCE) and successfully being selected to
Dedza Government Secondary School, I was then selected to the great Kamuzu Academy under a full
Government scholarship. I emerged as one of the 68 top performers of PSLCE across all the districts
in 2013. I obtained my International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) in 2018 and
thereafter I obtained my Advanced Subsidiary (AS) level in 2019. From there, I was then successfully
selected to LUANAR-NRC. While here at LUANAR, I have maintained strong grades since my first
year with a GPA of above 3.32 throughout the semesters and a few Distinctions here and there. My
current cumulative GPA of 3.53 for the 7 semesters to this date places me in a likely position to get an
overall cumulative GPA of a Distinction for my graduation later in the year. Aside that, I am very
passionate about learning new things and also especially ways of solving real life problems.

On the other hand, my research background is also sound enough. For my BSc, I have worked on a
food product development aspect whereby I developed a roasted bean snack to make beans as readily
available in their easily consumable form but also making sure of a highly dense protein snack in
comparison to popular snacks available. As I speak, I conducted a sensory analysis and also carried
out its nutrient composition analysis at ARET laboratories in November, 2023. To this end, am in the
process of analysing my data and writing out my thesis and hope to have a grade of B and above. On
my free time, I like to study and practice data analysis of statistical packages like the SPSS.

Elsewhere, in my final years of study I have served in leadership positions both at school and church
organisations. Remarkably, I can mention serving in the 2022-23 NRC Student Representative
Council as the Academic Director with multiple achievements and that as well while maintaining my
grades and all these, I believe have broadened my expertise and skills. With these I believe I have
sharpened myself to be able to interact with a lot of people and also be a team player. I believe all
these make me your best candidate for the scholarship.

With Sincere regards,

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