RPA Proj Details

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Project Title Abstract

Calculates average student profile from given list of universities by

Estimating user admit in unis for MS in CS scrapping data from Yocket and compare with user's profile to estimate the
chaces of them getting an Admit in that university

Students will upload the lab test programs on github. The RPA program will
grab the program from the student's GitHub and run on some compiler. If
Lab test evaluation through Github.
the result is correct, save as PASS in an Excel sheet, and FAIL otherwise.
Finally this result will be shared to the students through email.

To develop a website in which marks entry is automated based on the

Automating marks entry subjects handled by a faculty and automatic mail is sent to them on
completion of the task.

Comparing the statistics of cricketers in datatables which can be data

Comparing statistics of cricketers from websites.
scrapped from a website with the help of excel sheets.

It will allow students to enter thier details and add semester wise subjects
Automating the proctor diary and grades. It will calculate the cgpa and provide appropriate remarks. The
details will be saved to an excel file.

Our aim is to send automated replies to the e-mails that have particular text
Customer-support e-mail automation
in their subject line.

Automated Resume Screening To Shortlist Resumes based on a particular skill

send an automated reply to a student whose query has a specific text
Students Query Processing
mentioned in the subject line

Sending email to the list of students' email IDs present in an excel sheet and
Student feedback extraction collecting the feedback using the google form sent through mail and finally
saving the feedback in a separate excel sheet

Automated GitHub repositery display Displaying each student's github repositery from an excel file

A student can search for a specific course from various kind of platforms
Searching for a Course in various online platforms
based on the review,price, etc

Task is to segregate emails based on the email ID in respective folders

present in the Outlook folder
Email Query Processing

To automate searching of electronic products from different sites and

Top electronis product advisor
return the best results

To automate the collection of data of students who could not take a quiz
and to send a link of the quiz to students via mail (whenever it is convinient
Monitoring and Aiding students who miss quiz or class to the student).
To automate sending of the class recording to students who could not
attend the class.
To automate the collection of data of students who could not take a quiz
and to send a link of the quiz to students via mail (whenever it is convinient
Monitoring and Aiding students who miss quiz or class to the student).
To automate sending of the class recording to students who could not
attend the class.

this automates the process of uploading the classroom recording and notes
Automatic recording and notes updater
into the respective google classroom or any other application

Automated checking of eligibility of students based on CIE marks and

Student SEE eligibility check attendence. Sending automated emails to students who are ineligible. Using
Google forms and Excel automation

To automate the process of sending bulk messages or files and/or download

WhatsApp Automation

Mail sending Automation sending mails are automated using rpa

when user subscribes to our application daily weather report sent to user
every morning via email.
Daily weather report subscribtion

The student pays the fee to the bank where the invoice is generated .Using
this invoice , the software bot sends a mail to the college that the particular
Automatic college fee/penalty payment confirmation.
student along with his details has paid with the payment details and also
updates the excel sheet maintained by the college for fees payment.
We can allot faculty to the classes they need to teach or cover in absence of
Teacher Substitution a teacher as per the availability by mapping class timings, sections and
teacher deatils etc.

To generate salary of an employer with the help of attendance of the

Simple Payroll

Automatically sends messages to the students who have fee due two days
Automatic fee due reminder

Attendance automator Automatically checks attendance during online classes

Many webinars and programs are being conducted and in all of them, there
is a requirement to make certificates which is time consuming task. So to
Automatic certificate generator
generate certificates automatically by just having a certificate template and
list of participant's or winner's names in excel.

Extracting data from different websites for specific technologies, products;

Web Automation can also be used for extracting prices of a same/different company for
different products

Student support for Accomadation

Considering the number of students, classrooms & benches, automatically
Automatic Exam Seat Allotment
allot exam seat according to branch and convenience for faculty.

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