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Take Home Exam

1. (10 Pts) Draw a simple Brayton Cycle schematic showing the components of the power plant.
a. Show the process on T – s diagram. (2.5Pts)
b. Apply the first law of the thermodynamic to the components of the power plant. State
the compressor work, turbine work and net work. (2.5Pts)
c. How the optimum pressure ratio of the cycle is determined? (2.5Pts)
d. What are the parameters that affect the net work of the ideal Brayton cycle? What are
the limitations on these parameters? (2.5Pts)

2. (10 Pts) Air enters the compressor of an ideal air-standard Brayton cycle at 100 kPa, 300 K, with a
volumetric flow rate of 5.81 kg/s. The compressor pressure ratio is 10. For turbine inlet
temperatures ranging from 1000 to 1600 K, plot
a. The thermal efficiency of the cycle. (5 Pts)
b. The net power developed, in kW. (5 Pts)

3. (10 Pts) A simple turbojet is operating with a compressor pressure ratio of 16.0, a turbine inlet
temperature of 1500 K and a mass flow of 15 kg/s, when the aircraft is flying at 260 m/s at an
altitude of 7000 m. Assuming the following component efficiencies, and ISA conditions, calculate
the propelling nozzle area required, the net thrust developed and the SFC:

Polytropic efficiencies of compressor 0.87

Polytropic efficiencies of turbine 0.87
Isentropic efficiency of intake 0.95
Isentropic efficiency of nozzle 0.95
Isentropic mechanical efficiency 0.99
Combustor loss 6% compressor delivery pressure
Combustor efficiency 0.97

4. (20 Pts) A high bypass ratio turbofan is designed for a cruise condition of M 0.85, 11 000 m (pa =
0.2270 bar, Ta = 216.8 K, a = 295.2 m/s). The following data apply:

Polytropic efficiencies of all components 0.90

Intake efficiency 0.95
Bypass ratio 5.7
Fan pressure ratio 1.77
Overall pressure ratio 34
Turbine inlet temperature 1350 K
Mass flow rate 220 kg/s
Combustor loss 7% compressor delivery pressure

Calculate the thrust developed and the specific fuel consumption. For calculations you can assume a
simple two-spool configuration with separate nozzles.
5. (10 Pts) The following data refer to the eye of a single-sided impeller:

Inner Radius 6.50 cm

Outer Radius 15.0 cm
Mass flow rate 8 kg/s
Ambient conditions 101.325 kPa, 288K
Rotational speed 270 rev/sec

Assuming no prewhirl and no losses in the intake duct, calculate the blade inlet angle at root and
tip of the eye, and the Mach number at the tip of the eye.

6. (20 Pts) An axial single stage fan has the following parameters:
Pressure ratio 1.55
Mass flow rate 1.68 kg/s
Ambient conditions 101.325 kPa, 288K
Inlet swirl 0 deg.

Assuming axial velocity and peripheral velocity is constant throughout the entire fan stage,

 Select Ti alloys as material. Check the following criteria:

o σy = 965Mpa, ρm = 4650 m3 , set σcent < 0.4 σy
 All velocity magnitudes and angles for rotor inlet, rotor outlet/stator inlet, stator outlet
 Flow path dimensions
 Efficiency of the fan
 Hints:
Δh0 rh
o Option 1: Select work coefficient (ψ = U2
), hub to tip ratio of inlet (HTR = rt
), tip
speed (Utip = rtipinlet ω), axial velocity. While finding axial velocity, consider inlet tip
velocity triangle. Inlet axial velocity is constant from hub to tip section. Inlet tangential
velocity is zero, so relative tangential velocity is directly equal to Utip. Set inlet tip relative
Mach number as 1.2 in order to find axial velocity.
o After setting axial velocity you can find area of the compressor. From inlet area and HTR
you can find hub, mean and tip radius. After finding tip radius, find rotational speed.
o For the losses, see example solved in the class.
7. (20 Pts) An axial single stage turbine has the following parameters:
Inlet total temperature 1750 K
Inlet total pressure 2600 kPa
Turbine Power 19240 kW
Mass flow rate 42.34 kg/s
NGV total pressure loss (P02/P01) 0.953
Rotor total pressure loss (P03r/P02r) 0.911
NGV axial velocity ratio AVR21 1.7
Rotor axial velocity ratio AVR32 1.5
NGV radius ratio RR21 0.99
Rotor radius ratio RR32 0.988
NGV exit flow angle (α2 ) 720 < α2 < 750

 All velocity magnitudes and angles for rotor inlet, rotor outlet/stator inlet, stator outlet
 Flow path dimensions
 Efficiency of the turbine
Δh0 Vxrotorexit
 Reaction, work and flow coefficient of the rotor (ψ = U23
,ϕ = Urotor exit
 Hints:
o Determine design radius and design rotational speed
 See Week 10 lecture notes, slide 9. Select appropriate inlet Mach number, inlet
hub to tip ratio to determine inlet radius
 Select appropriate exit Mach number and take AN^2 as  AN^2 ~ 2.5x10^13
o No inlet swirl is imposed. α1 = 0
o cp = 1157 J/kg-K, γ=1.33, R=287.1 J/kg-K

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