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Class Name

Exam Type WRITING Academic Term 2023-2024



Student Name-Surname

Student No

Student Grade

Exemplary Above Average Adequate Inadequate Completely Inadequate

(Far Exceeds (Exceeds Standard) (Meets standard) (Below Standard) (Far Below Standard)
Category Score
Standard) 15 10 5 0
Clearly presents a There is a main idea There is a main idea, Vague sense of a main The paragraph is
main idea and supported throughout but it is partly supported idea, weakly supported extremely limited in
Main Idea supports it most of the paragraph. in the paragraph. throughout the paragraph. communicating
throughout the Less than a quarter of However, more than a More than three-fourths of knowledge, with no
paragraph. the sentences may be quarter of the sentences sentences are out of place, central theme. All of the
out of place. may be out of place. or the ideas don’t make sentences are out of
sense. place, or the ideas don’t
make sense.

Well-planned and Good overall There is a sense of There is a vague sense of The paragraph is
well-thought out. organization, includes organization, although a organization and most of disorganized and
Organizatio Includes title, the main few of the the organizational tools underdeveloped with no
introduction, organizational tools. organizational tools are are missing. transitions or closure.
Overall &
Paragraphs statement of main used weakly or missing.
idea, transitions and
Exceptionally well- Well-presented and Sufficiently presented Content is sound and Content is not sound.
presented and argued; argued; ideas are and argued; ideas are solid; ideas are present Writing is extremely
ideas are detailed, detailed, developed partly developed but not particularly limited in
well- and supported with and supported, there developed or supported; communicating
developed, supported evidence and details, may be a lack of some some evidence, but knowledge, with no
with specific evidence mostly specific. evidence and details, usually of a generalized central theme.
& facts, as well as mostly specific. nature.
examples and specific
Sentences are clear Sentences are clear More than a quarter of Frequent run-ons or Frequent run-ons or
and varied in pattern, but may lack variation the sentences are clear fragments, with almost no fragments, with no
Style: from simple to less than a quarter of but may have an variety in sentence variety in sentence
complex. the sentences may awkward structure or structure in more than structure.
be awkward. unclear content. three-fourths of sentences The sentences aren’t
which aren’t clear. clear.

Level-appropriate A few errors in Shows more than a few Frequent errors, the Continuous errors in
grammar with no grammar and/or patterns of errors in paragraph demonstrates spelling, syntax and/or
Grammar errors in spelling, spelling, syntax and grammar, spelling, lower-than-expected punctuation, the
syntax and punctuation, but not syntax and/or knowledge of grammar, paragraph demonstrates
punctuation. many. However, punctuation. Could also syntax and/or punctuation lower-than-expected
errors are unlikely to be a sign and the paragraph is knowledge of grammar
affect reader of lack of proof- almost not and the paragraph is not
comprehension. reading. understandable. understandable.
Total (Out of 100)
If there is no title = -2 points from the organization part
If the paragraph is below the word limit, score the paper out of 50 points. Off topic= 0 pts

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