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Reinvent Continuously

Provide a short (3-5 sentences) summary of the leadership character trait ‘Reinvent
Continuously’. without new ideas your team will not grow ,
get better.
team to
Change and improvement are necessary if you want
your more forward
Great leaders interested in ways to
and achieve the new vision are

enhance their knowledge

an skill
very best leaders
The learners
own . are .

Any business that is not

continuously re-inventing itself is dying Dedicating time to
out how to output .
yet by introducing
technology will to
go long way
maximizing the impact a leader can have

Personal Evaluation:

Area of Growth: What is one aspect of ‘Reinvent Continuously’ that you recognize as a personal
weakness? An area of
continuously that I recognize as a Personal
weakness is that I'm
change I
a little resistant to .
find it's hard for
me to accept that
things are changing and
things have to
in order to improve .

Personal Strength: What is one aspect of ‘Reinvent Continuously’ that you recognize as a
personal strength? One aspect of Reinvent that I
continuously recognize as a

Strength is that I am able and find it fun to implement new

technicrues in order for me to grow .

I enjoy trying new
to help me solve issue
an .

Now What: Considering both your strengths and weaknesses, what is one step you can take in
order to grow in this area of your leadership? One step I in can take order to
grow in this area of leadership is that I can implement the new

techniques that I find effective into the team to

encourage change,
but still not
overwhelming myself and the people in my team
changing everything at once . I can implement things little by little
so the comes
gradually instead of all
change at once.

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