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Topic: Learning a language

1. How do you learn a Language?

Practicing with people who are fluent in the language, or with people who are native
speakers of the language we want to learn.
Trying to watch movies, listening to music of the language we want to learn
that everything we see around us enriches our vocabulary of the language in question

2. What is the best way to do so according to you?

consuming all kinds of things that we like in the language we want to learn, even putting our
cell phone in that language to adapt our mind, practicing with people who know the
language. In my case, I have family in the United States and when I need help they correct

3. Watch the 4 TED videos, what did you find interesting about each one of them?

TED. Teaching methods for inspiring the students

What I liked about the first video were two things.

The first is the menu so that students can, depending on their learning styles, achieve the
objectives required for the unit in question.
And I found it interesting because in this creative way, for example, art attracts a lot of my
attention, so the learning to be brought to art makes my learning become something fun and
consequently learning.
And also that we must have love for the profession but also for teaching.

TED. Teaching English without teaching.

What I found interesting about the second video was:
The way we can learn something without the burden of I must learn I must memorize
It happened to me that at school I hated English but I did it because I didn't understand it and
my teacher never motivated me to want to know because she made it boring, for fear of
making mistakes but in this video I learned that to learn it is necessary to make mistakes,
there is no stupid questions and that if in the future I am a teacher I will try to make my
students feel comfortable in an atmosphere where they can make mistakes and no one is
going to silence them or make fun of them.

TED. How to learn a language effectively

The third video I found interesting was that it says that in schools there is too much about
memorizing vocabulary or learning phrases about anything that is prescribed in books, but
that is not how you learn a language but rather we should enjoy learning that, we do not
need a requirement To learn you don't need to be a child to learn you need effort,
perseverance and you will achieve it.
TED. Why We Struggle Learning Languages
From the fourth video, what I found interesting was that we need to be in an environment
surrounded by the language we want to learn, there are no myths that because of our age
we cannot learn, here comes the human need to communicate, which leads them to learn
this language, Get rid of the fear of failing and start practicing more.

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