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ELNC-6006 – Week 10 Lecture Notes March 16, 2016

Re-cap: Sensor Interfacing

Pointers Break - 15 mins
 Are a standard variable type RS-232
 Use of the * “Go to” operator
 Voltage Levels
 Holds Address information
 Read on Centre
 Example definition char
 Transmit Graph
 Variable examples with address
 D-Sub Connectors

Serial Communication RS-485

 Parallel vs. Serial  Voltage Levels
 Simplex o Balanced Line + / -
 Half-Duplex o Differential Voltage
 Full-Duplex  Hardware Handshaking
 Connections
 DE & !RE
o Driver Enable
o Receiver Enable
 Resistors
(Diagrams on following pages)

String Transmit
 Internal Transmit Process
 Library Functions
 Internal Receive Process
 Synchronous  Sequence of Receiving
 Asynchronous
 Organization of bytes
o Framing
 Indexing through an array
o Start & Stop bits
Byte Transfer (bit Order)
Code example using a pointer to
transmit a string.
Printf use string output on default
serial port.

For expansions, be in class.

ELNC-6006 – Week 10 Lecture Notes March 16, 2016

RS-232 Connector

For expansions, be in class.

ELNC-6006 – Week 10 Lecture Notes March 16, 2016

RS-485 Driver


How data is Read – Differential voltage fed through a comparator (opAmp)

Different Receiver levels:

Binary 1 (OFF)
(VoA-VoB < -200 mV)
Binary 0 (ON)
(VoA-VoB > +200 mV)

For expansions, be in class.

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