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ATC 4401-1-xxx




Becker Flugfunkwerk GmbH • Baden Airpark • 77836 Rheinmünster • Germany

Telephone +49 (0) 7229 / 305-0 • Fax +49 (0) 7229 / 305-217 • e-mail:

34-50-02 October 15/2004

DV 6590.04 / Article-No.: 0893.811-071
© 2002 by Becker Flugfunkwerk GmbH
All rights reserved
ATC 4401-1




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Ti tel Page TP-1 10/2004 Tab le of Con tents IV-I 01/2002

TP-2 IV-I blank
Theo ry 4-1 01/2002
Re cord of Revisions ROR-1 01/2002 of Operation 4-2 01/2002
ROR-2 blank 4-3 01/2002
4-4 blank
List of Ef fec ti ve Pages LEP-1 01/2002 4-5 01/2002
LEP-2 01/2002 4-6 blank

Tab le of Contents TOC-1 01/2002 Tab le of Con tents V-I 01/2002

TOC-2 blank V-II 01/2002
Main ten an ce 5-1 01/2002
Introduction In tro-1 01/2002 and Repair 5-2 01/2002
In tro-2 01/2002 5-3 01/2002
5-4 01/2002
Tab le of Con tents I-I 01/2002 5-5 01/2002
I-II blank 5-6 01/2002
Gen eral Information 1-1 01/2002 5-7 01/2002
1-2 01/2002 5-8 01/2002
1-3 01/2002 5-9 01/2002
1-4 01/2002 5-10 01/2002
1-5 01/2002 5-11 01/2002
1-6 01/2002 5-12 01/2002
5-13 01/2002
Tab le of Con tents II-I 01/2002 5-14 01/2002
II-II blank 5-15 01/2002
Installation 2-1 01/2002 5-16 blank
2-2 01/2002 5-17 01/2002
2-3 01/2002 5-18 01/2002
2-4 01/2002 5-19 01/2002
2-5 01/2002 5-20 01/2002
2-6 10/2004 5-21 01/2002
2-7 01/2002 5-22 01/2002
2-8 01/2002 5-23 01/2002
2-9 01/2002 5-24 01/2002
2-10 01/2002 5-25 01/2002
5-26 01/2001
Tab le of Con tents III-I 01/2002
III-II blank Illustrated VI-I 01/2002
Operation 3-1 01/2002 Parts List VI-II blank
3-2 01/2002 6-1 01/2002
3-3 01/2002 6-2 01/2002
3-4 01/2002 6-3 01/2002
3-5 01/2002 6-4 blank
3-6 01/2002 6-5 01/2002
3-7 01/2002 6-6 01/2002
3-8 01/2002 6-7 01/2002

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Illustrated 6-8 01/2002

Parts List 6-9 01/2002
6-10 01/2002

Cir cuit Dia grams VII-I 01/2002

VII-II blank
An nex 1
An nex 2

List of the used 8-1 01/2002

Abbreviations 8-2 01/2002
8-3 01/2002
8-4 blank

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ATC 4401-1


1. Gen eral

The tran spon der ATC 4401-1-xxx is des cri bed in this ma nu al “Maintenance and

2. Manufacturer

The tran spon der ATC 4401-1 was de ve lo ped and is ma nu fac tur ed by :

Be cker Flug funk werk GmbH

Ba den Air park
77836 Rhein müns ter / Germany

Te le pho ne: +49 (0) 7229 / 305-0

Te le fax: +49 (0) 7229 / 305-217
e-mail: info@be or sup port@be


The Be cker qua li ty ma na ge ment sys tem is cer ti fied ac cor ding to :

DIN EN ISO 9001 CERT Reg. - Nr. 70 100 M 2082


LBA.G.0075 Pro duc ti on Or gani za ti on Ap pro val, JAR-21,

Sub part G

LBA.0166 Main ten an ce Or gani za ti on Ap pro val, JAR-145

3. Sa fe ty information

• Do not connect the transponder to alternating current voltage or to vol ta ge

sour ces exeeding 32.2 V DC.

• Do not con nect the trans pon der with re ver sed po la ri ty to a vol ta ge sour ce.

• The use of the trans pon der in am bient tem pe ra tu res be low -20° C and abo -
ve + 70° C is to be avoi ded.

• Switch off the unit when star ting or shut ting down en gi nes.

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• The trans pon der should be pro tec ted from the air craft po wer supp ly by it -
sown 3 A cir cuit brea ker.

• Do not set a code with 75xx / 76xx / 77xx. The se spe ci al codes are re ser ved
for air emer gen cies.

• Vol ta ges > 42 V are pos si ble wit hin the trans pon der.

4. Lay out of manual

The ma nu al is di ve ded up into eight sec tions. Sec ti on 1 con tains a ge ne ral des crip -
ti on of the trans pon der and the tech ni cal data of the unit. Sec ti on 2 con tains the
in stal la ti on in struc tions and Sec ti on 3 des cri bes the ope ra ti on of the unit. Sec ti on
4 is a fun ctio nal des crip ti on using block dia gram. The te sting in struc tions and the
fi nal test re port is gi ven in Sec ti on 5. Sec ti on 6 con tains the il lu stra ted parts list
and Sec ti on 7 the cir cuit dia grams. Se ci on 8 is a list of the used ab bre via tions.

5. Revi sions to the manual

All chan ges to the ma nu al are re cor ded con se cuitively on the pre li mi na ry page
“Record of Revi sions”.

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1. Ap pli ca ti on 1-1

2. Ge ne ral des crip ti on 1-1

3. Tech ni cal data 1-2

4. Soft wa re 1-8

5. Sys tem ap pro vals 1-8

6. Sco pe of de li very 1-8

7. Ac ces so ries (not con tai ned in sco pe of de li very) 1-8

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1. Ap pli ca ti on

The trans pon der ATC 4401-1 is the air bor ne com po nent of the Air Traf fic Con trol
Ra dar Bea con Sys tem ATCRBS. It functions in ac cor dan ce with the se con da ry ra -
dar prin ci ple and al lows the re spec ti ve ground sta tions to lo ca te, iden ti fy and track
air craft.

2. Ge ne ral des crip ti on

A. The trans pon der ATC 4401-1 is de sig ned as a mo no bloc unit and is in ten ted
for in stal la ti on in the in stru ment pa nel of air craft. The di men sions cor re spond
to the stan dard in stru ment size with a 58 mm (2 1/4") dia me ter.

B. All con trol ele ments are lo ca ted on the front pa nel of the unit. The 25-pin unit
con nec tor for con nec ti on to the air craft in ter wi ring and the TNC an ten na soc-
ket are lo ca ted at the rear.

C. The con trol head con tains the elec tri cal mo du les com pri sing the pro ces sor
board, dis play board and switch board.

D. The elec tro nic com po nents of the rear main unit con sist of the re cei ver board,
the trans mit ter board, the po wer supp ly board and the in ter wi ring board.

E. The trans pon der per mits the fol lo wing functions:

(1) Mode A - in this mode, the code set on the trans pon der is sent as a re-
ply to in ter ro ga ti on from a ground sta ti on.

(2) Mode C - in this mode, the en co ded flight le vel is sent in ad di ti on to the
pos si bi li ties of mode A.

(3) In di ca ti on of flight le vel (al ti tu de/100) in feet if an encoding al ti me ter is

con nec ted to the trans pon der.

(4) Ad di tio nal iden ti fi ca ti on functi on. The Ident but ton of the trans pon der
is pres sed here when an in struc ti on to this ef fect is is su ed by air traf fic
con trol per son nel. The spe ci al pul se (SPI) trans mit ted as a re sult per
mits im me di ate iden ti fi ca ti on of the air craft on the con trol ler`s ra dar
screen by me ans of ad di tio nal mar king of the ob ject dis play.

(5) Self-test. All seg ments of the li quid crys tal dis play flash for 3 se conds
and an unit test is per for med at the same time.

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3. Tech ni cal data

A. Ge ne ral data

Supp ly vol ta ge 9.0 V - 32.2 V DC

Max. cur rent con sump ti on at Code 7777 and

(wit hout pa nel il lu mi na ti on) 1200 in ter ro ga tions/s

ATC 4401-1-250 1.1 A at 14 V

ATC 4401-1-175 0.7 A at 14 V
ATC 4401-1-250 0.6 A at 28 V
ATC 4401-1-175 0.4 A at 28 V

- in stand by mode 0.3 A at 14 V

0.2 A at 28 V

Pa nel il lu mi na ti on ≤ 0.13 A at 14 V
≤ 0.07 A at 28 V

Po wer-up time 3 s (in ter nal self-test)

Ex ter nal fuse pro tec ti on 3 A me di um slow-blow

In ter nal fuse pro tec ti on elec tro nic and fuse
5 A quick-acting, SMD
- ex ter nal en co ding altimeter fuse 1 A quick-acting, SMD

Ope ra ting tem pe ra tu re ran ge - 20° C to + 55° C

(short-time + 70° C)

Sto ra ge tem pe ra tu re ran ge - 55° C to + 85° C

Max. ope ra ting al ti tu de :

- ATC 4401-1-175 15000 ft.

- ATC 4401-1-250 50000 ft.

Vi brat ion ac cor ding to

EU RO CAE/RTCA ED-14D/DO-160D Cat. S, vibrat ion curve M
Cat. U, vi brat ion curve G

Hu mi di ty ac cor ding to
EU RO CAE/RTCA ED-14D/DO-160D Cat. A / + 50°C; 95% RH, 48 h

Mag ne tic effect Ca te go ry Z

Com pass safe dis tan ce 30 cm

Me cha ni cal di men sions :

- Front pa nel 61.3 x 61.3 mm (H x W)

(2.413 x 2.413 inch)

- Case depth (wit hout an ten na so cket) 192 mm (7.559 inch)

(with an ten na so cket) 205 mm (8.071 inch))

Weight ≤ 0.75 kg (1.653 lb)

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B. Re cei ver data

Ope ra ting mo des Mode A

Mode A + C

Re cei ve fre quen cy 1030 MHz ± 0.2 MHz

Sen si ti vi ty (MTL) - 74 dBm (for 90 % re ply rate)

Se lec ti vi ty ± 15 MHz > 65 dB

± 25 MHz > 70 dB

Dy na mic ran ge ≥ 60 dB

Band width ± 3 MHz < 3 dB

Side lobe sup pres si on 3-pulse me thod

No mi nal im pe dan ce 50 Ω

C. Trans mit ter data

Trans mit fre quen cy 1090 MHz ± 3 MHz

Trans mit ter type So lid sta te

Trans mit po wer :

- ATC 4401-1-175 min. 160 W

(at an ten na so cket of the unit)

- ATC 4401-1-250 min. 250 W

(at an ten na so cket of the unit)

Re ply li mi ta tion ef fec ti ve as from 1200 re plies/s

No mi nal out put im pe dan ce 50 Ω

Re ply code (mode A) ICAO co ding sys tem with 4096

re ply pos si bi li ties (oc tal code)

Flight le vel code (mode C) ICAO co ding sys tem 100-foot

steps from
- ATC 4401-1-175 -1000 to 31000 ft.
- ATC 4401-1-250 -1000 to 62700 ft.

Trans mit pul se sha pe pul se width 0.45 µs ± 0.1 µs

rise time 0.05 to 0.1 µs
fall time 0.05 to 0.2 µs

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D. Trans pon der an ten na DMNI 70-1 (blade an ten na)

Fre quen cy ran ge 950 MHz to 1220 MHz

Stan ding wave ra tio (VSWR) < 1.5 : 1

Im pe dan ce 50 Ω, no mi nal

Type cor re sponds to λ/4 rod

Po lari za ti on ver ti cal

Ra di ati on om ni di rec tio nal

Peak po wer out put max. 2 KW

Con nec ti on C so cket

DC re sis tan ce idle (∞)

In su la ti on re sis tan ce > 100 MΩ

Weight ap prox. 113 g

E. Trans pon der an ten na ANT 2000 (rod an ten na)

Fre quen cy ran ge 1030 MHz to 1090 MHz

Stan ding wave ra tio (VSWR) < 1.25 : 1

Im pe dan ce 50 Ω, nominal

Type cor re sponds to λ/4 rod

Po lari za ti on ver ti cal

Ra di ati on om ni di rec tio nal

Peak po wer out put max. 2 KW

Con nec ti on BNC so cket

DC re sis tan ce idle (∞)

In su la ti on re sis tan ce min. 1000 MΩ

Weight ap prox. 20 g

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F. En vi ron men tal conditions

In put vol ta ge range 9.0 to 33 V DC

- no mi nal in put vol ta ge 27.5 V DC

- emer gen cy in put vol ta ge 9.0 V DC

Low ope ra ting tem pe ra tu re -20°C

High ope ra ting tem pe ra tu re +55°C

High short-time ope ra ting tem pe ra tu re +70°C

Sto ra ge tem pe ra tu re ran ge -55°C to +85°C

In-flight loss of cooling Cat. Z, no auxiliary cooling


Al ti tu de max. :

- ATC 4401-1-175 15000 ft.

- ATC 4401-1-250 50000 ft.

Hu mi di ty rating RTCA DO-160D, Cat. B

Vi brat ion ED-14D/DO-160D,

Cat. S, vibrat ion cur ve M
Cat. U, vi brat ion cur ve G

Ope ra tio nal shocks 6 g in any direction

Crash sa fe ty 20 g shocks
20 g ac cele ra ti on

Com pass safe dis tan ce 30 cm

Mag ne tic effect ED -14D/DO-160D cate go ry Z

En vi ron men tal ca te go ries :

ATC 4401-1-175:

ATC 4401-1-250:

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G. En vi ron men tal qu ali fi ca ti on for ATC 4401-1-175

EU RO CAE/RTCA ED-14D/DO-160D, Change 2


Tem pe ra tu re/Al ti tu de 4.0 Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry A1

Low Tem pe ra tu re 4.5.1 Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry A1
High Tem pe ra tu re 4.5.2, Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry A1
In-Flight Loss of Coo ling 4.6.2 Equip ment iden ti fied as Ca te go ry Z, No test
re qui red
Al ti tu de 4.6.1 Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry A1
De com pres si on 4.6.2 Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry A1
Over pres su re 4.6.3 Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry A1
Tem pe ra tu re Va ria ti on 5.0 Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry B
Hu mi di ty 6.0 Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry A
Shock 7.0 Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry B
Vi brat ion 8.0 Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry S, air craft
zone 2 for fi xed-wing re ci pro ca ting and tur -
bo prop mul ti-engine over 5,700 kg, mul ti-
en gi ne less than 5,700 kg and sing le en gi ne
less than 5,700 kg air craft using vi brat ion
cur ve M. Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry U,
air craft zone 2 for he li cop ters fi xed-wing re -
ci pro ca ting and tur bo jet en gi ne using vi bra-
tion cur ve G.
Ex plo si on Pro of ness 9.0 Equip ment iden ti fied as Ca te go ry X, no test
re qui red
Wa ter pro of ness 10.0 Equip ment iden ti fied as Ca te go ry X, no test
re qui red
Fluids Sus cep ti bi li ty 11.0 Equip ment iden ti fied as Ca te go ry X, no test
re qui red
Sand and Dust 12.0 Equip ment iden ti fied as Ca te go ry X, no test
re qui red
Fun gus Re sis tan ce 13.0 Equip ment iden ti fied as Ca te go ry X, no test
re qui red
Salt Spray 14.0 Equip ment iden ti fied as Ca te go ry X, no test
re qui red
Mag ne tic Ef fect 15.0 Equip ment is Ca te go ry Z
Po wer In put 16.0 Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry B
Vol ta ge Spi ke 17.0 Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry A
Au dio Fre quen cy Con duc - 18.0 Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry B
ted Sus cep ti bi li ty
In du ced Sig nal Sus cep- 19.0 Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry A
tibi li ty
Ra dio-Frequency Sus cep - 20.0 Equip ment tes ted for con duc ted and ra di ated
ti bi li ty sus cep ti bi li ty to Ca te go ry W
Ra dio Fre quen cy Emis si - 21.0 Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry B
Light ning In du ced Tran - 22.0 Equip ment iden ti fied as Ca te go ry XXXX, no
sients Sus cep ti bi li ty test per for med
Light ning Di rect Ef fects 23.0 Equip ment iden ti fied as Ca te go ry X, no test
per for med
Icing 24.0 Equip ment iden ti fied as Ca te go ry X, no test
per for med
ESD 25.0 Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry A

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H. En vi ron men tal qua li fi ca ti on for ATC 4401-1-250

EU RO CAE/RTCA ED-14D/DO-160D, Change 2


Tem pe ra tu re/Al ti tu de 4.0 Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry D1

Low Tem pe ra tu re 4.5.1 Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry D1
High Tem pe ra tu re 4.5.2, Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry D1
In-Flight Loss of Coo ling 4.6.2 Equip ment iden ti fied as Ca te go ry Z, No test
re qui red
Al ti tu de 4.6.1 Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry D1
De com pres si on 4.6.2 No test re qui red
Over pres su re 4.6.3 No test re qui red
Tem pe ra tu re Va ria ti on 5.0 Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry B
Hu mi di ty 6.0 Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry A
Shock 7.0 Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry B
Vi brat ion 8.0 Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry S, air craft
zone 2 for fi xed-wing re ci pro ca ting and tur -
bo prop mul ti-engine over 5,700 kg, mul ti-
en gi ne less than 5,700 kg and sing le en gi ne
less than 5,700 kg air craft using vi brat ion
cur ve M. Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry U,
air craft zone 2 for he li cop ters fi xed-wing re -
ci pro ca ting and tur bo jet en gi ne using vi bra-
tion cur ve G.
Ex plo si on Pro of ness 9.0 Equip ment iden ti fied as Ca te go ry X, no test
re qui red
Wa ter pro of ness 10.0 Equip ment iden ti fied as Ca te go ry X, no test
re qui red
Fluids Sus cep ti bi li ty 11.0 Equip ment iden ti fied as Ca te go ry X, no test
re qui red
Sand and Dust 12.0 Equip ment iden ti fied as Ca te go ry X, no test
re qui red
Fun gus Re sis tan ce 13.0 Equip ment iden ti fied as Ca te go ry X, no test
re qui red
Salt Spray 14.0 Equip ment iden ti fied as Ca te go ry X, no test
re qui red
Mag ne tic Ef fect 15.0 Equip ment is Ca te go ry Z
Po wer In put 16.0 Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry B
Vol ta ge Spi ke 17.0 Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry A
Au dio Fre quen cy Con duc - 18.0 Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry B
ted Sus cep ti bi li ty
In du ced Sig nal Sus cep ti - 19.0 Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry A
bi li ty
Ra dio-Frequency Sus cep - 20.0 Equip ment tes ted for con duc ted and ra di ated
ti bi li ty sus cep ti bi li ty to Ca te go ry W
Ra dio Fre quen cy Emis si - 21.0 Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry B
Light ning In du ced Tran - 22.0 Equip ment iden ti fied as Ca te go ry XXXX, no
sients Sus cep ti bi li ty test per for med
Light ning Di rect Ef fects 23.0 Equip ment iden ti fied as Ca te go ry X, no test
per for med
Icing 24.0 Equip ment iden ti fied as Ca te go ry X, no test
per for med
ESD 25.0 Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry A

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4. Soft wa re

The trans pon der ATC 4401-1 is con trol led by a mi cro con trol ler in the con trol head.
The soft wa re was clas si fied as ca te go ry “C” in accordance with the EU ROAE/RTCA
do cu ment ED12B/DO-178B.

5. Sys tem ap pro vals

JTSO LBA.O.10.930/062JTSO

6. Sco pe of de li very

Trans pon der ATC 4401-1-175 Ar ti cle-No. 0547.972-915

Trans pon der ATC 4401-1-250 Ar ti cle-No. 0547.980-915

7. Ac ces so ries (not con tai ned in sco pe of delivery)

Stan dard ca ble con nec tor, 25-pin (crimp) Ar ti cle-No. 0552.798-954

Stan dard ca ble con nec tor, 25-pin (sol de ring) Ar ti cle-No. 0552.801-954

Shiel ded ca ble con nec tor, 25-pin (crimp) Ar ti cle-No. 0555.681-954

Shiel ded ca ble con nec tor, 25-pin (sol de ring) Ar ti cle-No. 0555.673-954

TNC-coax ca ble con nec tor for RG-58C/U (crimp) Ar ti cle-No. 0551.694-277

TNC-coax ca ble con nec tor for RG-223/U (crimp) Ar ti cle-No. 0551.732-277

TNC-coax ca ble con nec tor for RG-58C/U

and RG-223/U (sol de ring) Ar ti cle-No. 0552.781-277
or spa re con nec tor Ar ti cle-No. 0725.900-277

Trans pon der an tenna ANT 2000 Ar ti cle-No. 0707.007-952

Trans pon der an tenna DMNI 70-1 Ar ti cle-No. 0706.991-952

for anten na ANT 2000 :

BNC-antenna connector for RG-58C/U (crimp) Ar ti cle-No. 0551.708-277

BNC-antenna connector for RG-223/U (crimp) Ar ti cle-No. 0551.740-277

BNC-antenna con nec tor for RG-58C/U

and RG-223/U (sol de ring) Ar ti cle-No. 0522.771-277

for anten na DMNI 70-1 :

C-antenna connector for RG-58C/U (crimp) Ar ti cle-No. 0551.716-277

C-antenna connector for RG-223/U (crimp) Ar ticle-No. 0551.759-277

C-antenna connector for RG-58C/U

and RG-223/U (soldering) Ar ticle-No. 0551.724-277

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1. Ge ne ral 2-1

2. In spec ti on be fo re in stal la ti on 2-1

3. Me cha ni cal in stal la ti on 2-2

4. Air craft wi ring 2-2

5. In stal ling the trans pon der an ten nas DMNI 70-1 or ANT 2000 2-5

6. Chec king af ter in stal la ti on 2-5

Fig. 2-1 In stal la ti on di men sions ATC 4401-1 2-7

Fig. 2-2 In stal la ti on di men sions DMNI 70-1 2-8

Fig. 2-3 In stal la ti on di men sions ANT 2000 2-9

Fig. 2-4 In stal la ti on wi ring ATC 4401-1 with en co ding al ti me ter 2-10

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ATC 4401-1


1. Ge ne ral

In stal la ti on of the trans pon der ATC 4401-1 de pends on the air craft type and its
equip ment. The re fo re, only ge ne ral in for ma ti on can be pro vi ded in this sec ti on.

2. In spec ti on be fo re in stal la ti on

Be fo re the trans pon der is in stal led in an air craft, a vi su al in spec ti on for pos si ble
trans port da ma ges shall be per for med.

A. Vi su al in spec ti on

Plea se look out for the fol lo wing de fects:

(1) Dirt, dents, scrat ches, cor ro si on, bro ken fas te ning ele ments on hou sing
and hou sing parts.

(2) Dirt and scrat ches on na me pla te, front pla te and ins crip tions.

(3) Dirt, bent or bro ken pins, cra cked in sert of unit con nec tor and an ten na
so cket.

(4) Dirt, stiff ness and me cha ni cal da ma ge to the pushbut tons, ro ta ry swit-
ches and LC dis plays.

(5) Mis sing screws.

B. Chec king pro ce du re

Con nect the trans pon der to the test se tup (e.g. ramp test set) and car ry out
the fol lo wing tests :

(1) Chec king re cei ver sen si ti vi ty

(2) Chec king side lobe sup pres si on (SLS)

(3) Chec king re ply pul ses and out put po wer

(4) Chec king trans mit fre quen cy

(5) Chec king re ply li mi ting (AOC)

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ATC 4401-1

(6) Chec king the SPI hold time

(7) Chec king mode A co ding

(8) Chec king mode C co ding

(9) Pa nel il lu mi na ti on.

3. Me cha ni cal in stal la ti on

A. The trans pon der is de sig ned for in stal la ti on in the in stru ment pa nel of an air-
craft. It is con struc ted for moun ting be hind the pa nel. The cir cu lar cut out and
the moun ting ho les are to be dril led in ac cor dan ce with the small in stru ment
size. The moun ting pla ce shall be at least 30 cm from the mag ne tic air craft
com pass, to avoid any in ter fe ren ce to the mag ne tic com pass by the trans pon-

The ne ces sa ry di men sions are gi ven in Fig. 2-1. At tach ment is by me ans
of four screws, which are in clu ded in the de li very.

4. Air craft wi ring

A. The air craft wi ring of the trans pon der is shown in Fig. 2-4.

CAU TI ON : The trans pon der supp ly li nes must not be loo med to get her
with ot her equip ment looms. In ad di ti on care must be ta ken
to avoid run ning all trans pon der wi ring in the clo se vi ci ni ty
of ADF or ot her pul se equip ment looms.

For in stal la tions in a more se ve re elec tro mag ne ti cal en vi ron-

ment use shiel ded ca ble con nec tors (re fer to ac ces so ries)
and a com mon shiel ding for the trans pon der in ter wi ring.

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B. Pin con nec tions of the unit con nec tor

Con nec tor: P 1

Pin : In put : Out put:

1 Al ti tu de pul se A1 X

2 Al ti tu de pul se A2 X

3 Al ti tu de pul se A4 X

4 Ident but ton, external X

5 DME/trans pon der suppression X X

6 Supp ly vol ta ge swit ched (al ti me ter) X

7 Reply out put X

8 RX-A (RS 422) X

9 RX-B (RS 422) X

10 Il lum ina ti on A X

11 Supp ly vol ta ge +14V/28V DC X

12 Supp ly vol ta ge +14V/28V DC X

13 Supp ly vol ta ge GND X

14 Al ti tu de pul se B1 X

15 Al ti tu de pul se B2 X

16 Al ti tu de pul se B4 X

17 Al ti tu de pul se C1 X

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Pin : In put : Out put:

18 Al ti tu de pul se C2 X

19 Al ti tu de pul se C4 X

20 Al ti tu de pul se D4 X

21 TX-A (RS 422) X

22 TXB (RS 422) X

23 Il lu mi na ti on B X

24 Functi on ON, external X

25 Supp ly vol ta ge GND X

C. DME sup pres si on

If re qui red, con nect the sup pres si on in/out of trans pon der to the cor re spon -
ding pin of the DME unit using coa xi al ca ble.

D. Ex ter nal IDENT push-button

If this in put (Pin 4 of unit con nec tor P1) is brief ly con nec ted to GND (e.g. by
an ex ter nal push-button), the IDENT functi on is start ed in the same way as
when using the IDENT push-button on the front pa nel.

E. Il lu mi na ti on

If the supp ly vol ta ge is +14 V, then con nect the il lu mi na ti on vol ta ge to pin 10
of P 1 and at tach pin 23 to the il lu mi na ti on ground.

If the supp ly vol ta ge is +28 V, then con nect the il lu mi na ti on vol ta ge to pin 23
of P 1 and at tach pin 10 to the il lu mi na ti on ground.

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5. In stal ling the trans pon der an ten nas DMNI 70-1 or ANT 2000

A. The trans pon der an ten na is fit ted to the un der si de of the air craft fu se la ge at a
ho ri zon tal, flat lo ca ti on. This lo ca ti on should not be in the “sha dow” of air craft
struc tu re items. The hig hest ran ge is achie vied when the an ten na is lo ca ted at
the low point on the air craft fu se la ge.

B. The in stal la ti on di men sions of the trans pon der an ten nas DMNI 70-1 are shown
in Fig. 2-2 tho se of the ANT 2000 in Fig. 2-3.


• Trans pon der an ten na DMNI 70-1 is pro vi ded with a cork gas ket
which must be in ter po sed bet ween the skin of the air craft and the
an ten na. To mount the an ten na use only stain less screws in con-
juncti on with lock was hers.

• The trans pon der an ten na ANT 2000 is pro vi ded with a si li co ne rub-
ber gas ket which must also be in ter po sed bet ween the skin of the
air craft and the an ten na.

• In air craft ha ving a woo den or plas tic airf ra me an elec tric coun ter-
weight pla te or pa nel must be lo ca ted wit hin the fu se la ge at the an-
tenna loca ti on with mi ni mum di men sions 40 x 40 cm.

C. An ten na ca ble

Use RG-223/U an ten na ca ble with a length of no more than 5 m for in stal la ti -
on of the trans pon der ATC 4401-1-175. RG-58C/U or RG-223/U can be used
for the trans pon der ATC 4401-1-250. RG-223/U should be used pre fe ren ti al ly.

6. Chec king af ter in stal la ti on

A. Ge ne ral

Af ter the in stal la ti on, check the trans pon der to en su re sa tis fac to ry ope ra ti on
of the unit.

B. Pre-flight check using self test

Switch-on test :

Switch the trans pon der ope ra ting mode switch from OFF to SBY. All the di gits
of LC dis play must flash for 3 se conds. The unit is sub ject to a self-test in
this time.

Test trig ge ring :

Press the VFR1 but ton (F) and VFR2 but ton si mul ta ne ous ly. At this test all
seg ments must flash into display (E) as long as the but tons are pressed. Ad -
di tio nal the trans mit ter and eva lua ti on are tes ted on cor rect functi on in the
SBY, ON and ALT mo des.

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In case of a fai lu re ap pe ars the re port e.g. “E10” in the top line of the dis -
play. Switch OFF the trans pon der at such “E” fault in di ca tions.

C. Test and ad just ment of trans mit fre quen cy

Set code 0000 on the trans pon der and mode A in ter ro ga ti on on the ramp test
set. Check trans mit fre quen cy by me ans of the ramp test set. Trans mit fre-
quen cy must be 1090 ± 3 MHz. If ne ces sa ry use screw dri ver through hole in
the top co ver and ad just the trans mit fre quen cy.

D. Check of the trans mit po wer

Af ter in stal la ti on of equip ment and an ten na the trans mit po wer has to be che -
cked at the an ten na end of the fee der line :

Re qui re ment for ATC4401-1-175: ≥ 71 W (18.5 dBW)

Re qui re ment for ATC4401-1-250: ≥ 125 W (21 dBW)

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Fig. 2-1 In stal la ti on di men sions ATC 4401-1

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Fig. 2-2 In stal la ti on di men sions DMNI 70-1

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Fig. 2-3 In stall ati on di men sions ANT 2000

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Fig. 2-4 In stal la ti on wi ring ATC 4401-1 with en co ding al ti me ter

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1. Con trols and in di ca tors 3-1

2. Functi on of con trols and in di ca tors 3-1

3. Ope ra ting in struc tions for the tran spon der 3-2

A. Swit ching on the unit (pre-flight check) 3-3

B. Flight ope ra ti on in Mode A (trans pon der re ply code only) 3-3

C. Flight ope ra ti on in Mode A+C (re ply code and al ti tu de code) 3-4

D. Spe ci al VFR co dings 3-5

E. Spe ci al con dings for air emer gen cies 3-6

F. Test 3-6

G. Con fi gu ra ti on mode 3-7

Fig. 3-1 Front view of the ATC 4401-1 3-1

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1. Con trols and in di ca tors

Fig. 3-1 Front view of the ATC 4401-1

2. Functi on of con trols and in di ca tors

A OFF/SBY/ON/ALT OFF po si ti on : Trans pon der is swit ched off

ro ta ry mode switch (ex pect pa nel lighting).
with 4 detent po si tions
SBY po si ti on : Stand by mode is switched on.

ON po si ti on : Mode A is swit ched on.

ALT po si ti on : Mode A+C is swit ched on.

B Rota ry co ding switch Con trol of the cur sor in one of the 4 code digits
with 8 de tents po si tions, or from the dis play field.
con ti nuous ly rota ble

C Rota ry co ding switch Set ting the code di gits from 0 to 7.

with 8 de tents po si tions,
con ti nu ous ly rotable

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ATC 4401-1

D Ident push-button In Mode A and Mode A+C this trig gers the trans-
IDT mis si on of an iden ti fi ca ti on im pul se ad di tio nal to
the Mode A re ply code for approx. 18 se conds.
Du ring this time “Idt” ap pe ars in the bot tom line
of the LC dis play.

E 2-line LC dis play Code in di ca ti on (top line) :

Codes from 0000 to 7777 are pos si ble.

Mode in di ca ti on (bot tom line) :

SBY mode:
“SbY” is display ed.

Mode A (ON):
“On” (can be chan ged in the con fi gu ra ti on
mode) ap pe ars in the dis play. “Idt” is dis play ed
for the du ra ti on of the iden ti fi ca ti on functi on.

Mode A+C (ALT):

If a va lid al ti tu de is pre sent, the flight le vel
(height in steps of 100 ft) pre ce ded by F (e.g.
“F241 = 24100 ft) ap pe ars. If no va lid al ti tu de
code is pre sent, “F---” is di play ed. The flight le-
vel dis play can be swit ched off in the con fi gu ra-
tion mode. “Idt” is dis play ed for the du ra ti on of
the iden ti fi ca ti on functi on.

F Code push-button Ac ti va tes a first user-specific VFR code.


G Code push-button Ac ti va tes a se cond user-specific VFR code.


H Re ply ind ica ti on The tri an gle sig nals a Tran spon der re ply.

J Sto re push-button Sto res user-specific VFR codes or chan ges in

STO the con fi gu ra ti on mode.

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3. Ope ra ting in struc tions for the tran spon der

A. Swit ching on the unit (pre-flight check)

(1) Check that the cir cuit brea ker is set and switch on the air craft po wer
supp ly .

CAU TI ON : Do not switch on the trans pon der if the mo tors or en gi nes
are being start ed or shut down.

(2) Using mode switch (A), switch the transponder from OFF to SBY. A test
then fol lows au to ma ti cal ly for 3 se conds. The dis play is flas hing with all
di gits and the unit is sub ject to a self-test si mul ta ne ous ly.

(3) Af ter the switch-on test has elap sed and no er ror-message is writ ten in
the dis play, the trans pon der swit ches to the mode set on the mode
switch (A).

B. Flight ope ra ti on in Mode A (trans pon der re ply code only)

(1) The trans pon der re mains swit ched in the stand by mode un til re ques ted
by the ground sta ti on (ATC) to trans mit a code, e.g. “squawk al pha

(2) Check the code dis play. Do not set a code with 75xx / 76xx / 77xx. The-
se codes are re ser ved for emer gen cies.

(3) Using the dou ble ro ta ry switch (B,C) set the 4-digit code re ques ted by
ATC as fol lows :

(a) Using switch (B) move the cur sor to the par ti cu lar di git. Digits
0 to 7 can then be set using switch (C).

NO TES : If switch (B) is tur ned clock wi se or coun ter-clockwise,

the cur sor is mo ved one po si ti on to the right or the left.
The cur sor ap pe ars only in the code dis play and is in di-
cated by the flas hing di git. If no cur sor is vi si ble, the
first di git fla shes af ter a clock wi se ro ta ti on and the last
digit af ter a coun ter-clockwise ro ta ti on. When the code
is being chan ged in the ON or ALT po si ti on, the trans-
ponder tem po rar ily swit ches to the stand by mode.

The ac ti ve time of the cur sor and the rate of flas hing
can be chan ged in the con fi gu ra ti on mode.

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(b) If the cur sor is not mo ved again wit hin of 3 se conds (can be chan-
ged in con fi gu ra ti on mode) or if the cur sor is mo ved so far that it
can no lon ger be seen in the dis play field or the iden ti fi ca ti on
switch is pres sed (in the ON or ALT mode), the code cur rent ly
set is swit ched active.

NO TES : Whilst set tings are ta king pla ce, the trans mis si on
branch of the trans pon der is in hi bi ted to pre vent unin-
ten tio nal trans mis si on.

If only two di gits were na med by ATC, e.g. “Squawk

al pha 64”, then a zero is to be used for po si tions three
and four, i.e. “6400”.

(4) Set mode switch (A) from SBY to ON. The trans pon der im me di ali ty rep-
lies with the set code. A tri an gle on the left next to the code sig nals the
tran pon der re plies.

(5) Af ter a “squawk ident” re quest from ATC, press Ident but ton IDT (D)
brief ly. This trans mits an ad di tio nal spe ci al pul se (SPI) for ap prox. 18
se conds, which en ab les the air craft to be cle ar ly iden ti fied on the ra dar
screen of the con trol ler. “Idt” ap pe ars in the bot tom line of the LC dis-
play du ring this time.

(6) The last used code is sto red in each case and is also ac ti vat ed when
the trans pon der is swit ched on.

C. Flight ope ra ti on in Mode A+C (re ply code and al ti tu de code)

(1) ATC re quests the trans mis si on “al pha/char lie” or “char lie”, switch the
trans pon der to ALT using mode switch (A).

NOTE : This only ma kes sen se if the trans pon der is connec ted to a
co ding al ti me ter. If not, tell ATC that you do not have mode C
(“mode char lie not avai la ble”).

(2) The trans pon der re plies using the code set un der sec ti on B and in res-
pon se to mode C re quests it tans mits the flight le vel of the air craft to
ATC. A tri an gle on the left next to the code sig nals the trans pon der rep-

(3) Af ter a “squawk ident” re quest from ATC, press Ident but ton IDT (D)
brief ly. This trans mits an ad di tio nal spe ci al pul se (SPI) for ap prox. 18
se conds, which en ab les the air craft to be cle ar ly iden ti fied on the ra dar
screen of the con trol ler. “Idt” ap pe ars in the bot tom line of the LC dis-
play du ring this time.

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(4) In a nor mal in stal la ti on the blind en co der is only po we red if the trans-
pon der is not swit ched OFF (at least SBY).

A blind en co der needs a warm-up time (so me ti mes a se ve ral mi nu tes).

The re fo re alt hough the so lid sta te trans pon der needs no warm-up time,
turn the trans pon der to SBY im me di ate ly af ter star ting the en gi ne.

D. Spe ci al VFR co dings

(1) Two user-specific VFR codes can be sto red and ac ti vat ed on the trans-
pon der.

(2) Sto ring a new VFR code

(a) Set the code to be sto red in ac cor dan ce with sec ti on B.

(b) Press sto re push-button STO (J), the set code then flashes.

(c) Press the VFR1 push-button (F) or the VFR2 push-button (G) wit-
hin 3 se conds to sto re the code un der the cor re spon ding but ton.

(d) If neit her but ton (F) or (G) is pres sed wit hin 3 se conds, the flas-
hing stops and the sto ra ge ope ra ti on is ab or ted.

NOTE : If one of the two but tons (F) or (G) is pres sed wit hout the
STO but ton ha ving been pres sed be fo re hand, then the
sto red code al lo ca ted this but ton ap pe ars in the code dis-
play and is swit ched to ac ti ve af ter 3 se conds (can be
chan ged in the con fi gu ra ti on mode). If the same but ton is
again pres sed wit hin 3 se conds, the pre vi ous code ap-
pe ars.

(3) Ac ti vat ion of the VFR codes

(a) Press the VFR push-button 1 or 2 (F, G). The se lec ted code is
then dis play ed. Af ter 3 se conds, the dis play ed code be co mes ac ti-
vate and over wri tes the pre vi ous ly-set re ply code.

(b) Pres sing bu tton (F) or (G) again wit hin 3 se conds re ac ti va tes the
pre vi ous ly-set re ply code.

NOTE : When the unit is de li ver ed, the sto re but tons are not as sig-
ned a code. This me ans that if the se but tons are pres sed
for 0.5 se conds, “----” is shown in the code dis play and the
trans pon der then swit ches back to the pre vi ous ly-active

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E. Spe ci al co dings for air emer gen cies

(1) Spe ci al co dings, which de pend on the type of in ci dent, are sti pu la ted for
cer tain air emer gen cies :

• 7500 Hi jac king of the air craft

• 7600 Fai lu re of ra dio com mu ni ca tions

• 7700 Emer gen cy on board which cons ti tu tes an im me di ate

dan ger to the air craft

(2) The code eva lua ti on de vi ces of the ra dar sys tems au to ma ti cal ly alarm
the con trol lers at the ra dar screens im me di ale ty if one of the se spe ci al
codes is re cei ved.

(3) Unin ten tio nal trans mis si on of an emer gen cy code is pre ven ted in that
the trans pon der replies are in hi bi ted whilst the code is being set. This
ap plies par ti cu lar ly whe re the new code is being set in the ON or ALT
mo des. Also if a spe ci al code is cal led up, no trans pon der re ply ta kes
pla ce du ring the pe ri od in which the pre vi ous code can be re ac ti vat ed
(ap pro xi ma te ly 3 se conds).

F. Test

The fol lo wing dif fe rent tests are in te gra ted in the trans pon der or can be trig -
ge red at the trans pon der :

(1) Au to ma tic swit ching-on test, in which the dis play (E) is flas hing with all
di gits for 3 se conds. The unit is sub ject to a self-test in this time.

(2) A per ma nent test runs in the back ground of the trans pon der ope ra ti on.
The built-in FPGA or gani zes the re qui red re sour ces for this. The trans-
mit ter re cog ni zes a miss mat ching or own ab nor mal be ha vi or and de li-
vers an alarm sig nal to the FPGA.

(3) A furt her test of the unit is trig ge red, if the VFR1 but ton (F) and VFR2
but ton (G) are pres sed si mul ta ne ous ly. At this test all seg ments must
flash into dis play (E) as long as the buttons are pus hed. Ad di tio nal the
trans mit ter and eva lua ti on are tes ted on cor rect functi on in the SBY, ON
and ALT mo des.

(4) In case of a fai lu re ap pe ars the re port e.g. “E10” in the top line of the
dis play. Switch OFF the trans pon der at such “E” fault in di ca tions.

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G. Con fi gu ra ti on mode

(1) The con fi gu ra ti on mode is used to set the unit on the ground and must
not be cal led up in flight.

(2) The con fi gu ra ti on mode is ac ti vat ed as fol lows :

(a) Switch the mode switch (A) from OFF to SBY and press and hold
the VFR1 but ton (F) at the same time until flas hing off. Af ter the
dis play test (3 seconds), the soft wa re ver si on num ber (e.g. 1 00)
is dis play ed for 2 se conds in the bot tom line.

(b) The pa ra me ter num ber can be set in the code dis play (top line)
using ro ta ry switch (B) and the pa ra me ter va lue in the mode dis-
play (bot tom line) using ro ta ry switch (C).

(c) The fol lo wing pa ra me ter set tings are possible :

P-No Des crip ti on Pa ra me ter Operation

. (va lue)
P01 Re set to fac - 1 no chan ge
to ry setting
2 all pa ra me ters to stan -
dard, (me mo ry blank =
P02 Flight le vel 1 FL is sup pres sed
(FL) dis play
with Mode C 2 (stan dard) FL is displayed
(bot tom line
of display)
P03 Cur sor flas - 1 Flas hing fre quen cy 0.5 Hz
hing fre quen -
cy 2 (stan dard) Flas hing fre quen cy 1 Hz
P04 Cur sor ac ti ve 3 s (stan dard) in se cond steps
time 1 s (min.)
5 s (max.)
P05 De lay time for 3 s (stan dard) in se cond steps
ac ti vat ion of 1 s (min.)
code 5 s (max.)
P06 De lay time for 3 s (stan dard) in se cond steps
re turn to pre - 1 s (min.)
vi ous code 5 s (max.)
P07 Dis play “On” 1 no indication
in Mode A
(bot tom line 2 (stan dard) “On” is displayed
of dis play)
P08 Idt time 15 s (min.) in se cond steps
18 s (stan dard)
30 s (max.)

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(3) Press sto re but ton (J) to leave the con fi gu ra ti on mode and sto re the set
va lu es. This sto res the new pa ra me ters and the trans pon der chan ges to
the mode set by mode switch (A).

(4) If a key ot her than the me mo ry but ton (J) is pres sed, “FAIL” ap pe ars for
2 se conds in the code dis play. This oc curs wit hout in flu en cing the pre vi-
ous ope ra ti on, i.e. pro gram ming can then be con ti nu ed.

(5) To lea ve the con fi gu ra ti on mode wit hout sto ring, set mode switch (A) to
OFF. This swit ches off the trans pon der and chan ges in the con fi gu ra ti on
mode are not sto red.

Ex am ple for unit con fi gu ra ti on:

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1. Des crip ti on of block diagram 4-1

A. Re cei ver (RX board) 4-1

B. FPGA cir cuit (RX board) 4-1

C. Trans mit ter (TX board) 4-2

D. Po wer supply (PS board) 4-2

E. Con trol head 4-2

Fig. 4-1 Trans pon der ATC 4401-1, block diagram 4-5

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1. Des crip ti on of block dia gram

The de scrip ti on of the block dia gram, Fig. 4-1, ex plains the ba sic functions of
trans pon der ATC 4401-1.

A. Re ce iver (RX board)

(1) The 1030 MHz in put sig nal (du ring in ter ro ga ti on by the ground sta ti on)
is re cei ved by the trans pon der an ten na and pas ses via the low-pass fil-
ter and trans mit-receiver/PIN di ode con ver ter in the trans mit ter to the
re cei ver in put. The RF sig nal is pas sed via the 1030 MHz band-pass fil-
ter of the first RF am pli fier sta ge. The pre-amplified sig nal is then pas-
sed to the DB (dou ble ba lan ced) ring mi xer which con verts the RF sig-
nal to an in ter me di ate fre quen cy of 30 MHz by me ans of an in jec ti on
frequen cy of 1000 MHz.

(2) A 30 MHz band-pass fil ter and a furt her IF am pli fier sta ge (30 MHz)
fol low the mi xer out put. The IF is now pas sed via 30 MHz ±4 MHz /
3dB band-pass fil ter di rect ly to the lo gamp.

(3) The lo gamp is fol lo wed by a buf fer am pli fier with a vol ta ge am pli fi ca ti on
fac tor of two. This buf fer am pli fier is ad di tio nal ly cor rec ted by the SEN-
SE line if 1200 in ter ro ga tions (re ply rate) are ex cee ded.

(4) The de mo du la ted video im pul se at the out put of the buf fer am pli fier is
now ap plied to the in put of the 8-bit ana lo gue di gi tal con ver ter. The dy
na mic ran ge-conversion ran ge is spe ci fied at its up per li mit at 4.2 V.
The lo wer con ver si on li mit is ad jus tab le from 0. 1 V to 1.6 V by me ans
of a po ten tio me ter (MTL) (noi se sup pres si on).

B. FPGA circuit (RX board)

The FPGA cir cuit on the RX board is used to eva lua te and ge ne ra te sig nals
and also for the self-test rou ti nes.

(1) From the AD con ver ter, the di gi ta li zed vi deo sig nals are pas sed as 8-bit
data to the FPGA for eva lua ti on.

(2) The FPGA ge ne ra tes the fol lo wing sig nals :

TTL-MOD (modulation of transmitter) depending on the preselected A/C


DME suppression

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Re ply in di ca ti on

Re ply rate re duc ti on

SLS Side Lobe Sup pres si on check

FPGA self-test

Trans mit ter re cei ver self-test

IDT Ident Sig nal Ge ne ra ti on

SWR and out put check of trans pon der, with shut down of trans mit ter if
ne ces sa ry

Com mu ni ca ti on with the pro ces sor of the con trol head.

C. Trans mit ter (TX Board)

(1) The trans mit ter con sists of a puls ed, DRO sta bi li zed, os cil la tor with a
puls ed fi nal sta ge, SWR brid ge and a downst re am low-pass fil ter with an
an ten na switch.

TTL Mod Mo du la ti on sig nal

UN CONF Blo cka ge or re lea se by FPGA

ALARM TX Alarm mes sa ge to the FPGA

D. Po wer supply (PS board)

(1) The per mis si ble supp ly vol ta ge of the unit is 9-33 V. Be low 9 V the po
wer supp ly as sem bly swit ches off. The unit can be ex ter nal ly ac ti vat ed
through a 25-pole sub mi nia tu re con nec tor. The ON switch on the con trol
pa nel swit ches on the po wer supp ly as sem bly via an FET.

(2) The po wer supp ly as sem bly pro vi des a swit ched po wer supp ly (U bat te-
ry) at the 25-pole sub mi nia tu re con nec tor for ex ter nal users, e.g. Blind
en co der.

(3) The po wer supp ly as sem bly ge ne ra tes the fol lo wing ope ra ting vol ta ges:
+48.3V / +12V / +5V and -12V.

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E. Con trol head

(1) The con trol head con sists of the op tio nal, il lu mi na ted LCD dis play
board, the switch bo ard with the con trol ele ments and the built-in pro ces-
sor board.

(2) The cor rect pro gram data to ge ne ra te the 1000 MHz in jec ti on fre quen cy
is ap plied via the I 2 C-Bus to the syn the si zer of the lo cal os cil lator of the
re cei ver. The pro ces sor con trols the dis play of the flight code 0000 to
7777 as well as the flight le vel code in FL on the dis play and is re spon-
si ble for the trans fer of this data to the FPGA for mo du la ti on gene ra ti on.

(3) The flight le vel code is fed in in par al lel at the 25-pole sub mi nia tu re
con nec tor of the unit and is con ver ted to a se ri al code on the po wer
supp ly as sem bly and from the re is pas sed on to the pro ces sor in the
con trol head. The data flow then pas ses through the FPGA and is ap-
plied as TTL-Mod to the trans mit ter.

(4) In con juncti on with the FPGA, the pro ces sor board has two self-test rou-
ti nes which run au to ma ti cal ly.

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Tab le of Con tents


1. General 5-1

2. Dis mant ling the unit 5-1

3. Re pair instructions 5-3

4. Test instructions 5-5

5. Fi nal test 5-15

6. Fi nal test report 5-21

Fig. 5-1 Dis mant ling the con trol head, lo ca ti on of assemblies 5-2

Fig. 5-2 Dis mant ling the housing, lo ca ti on of assemblies 5-3

Fig. 5-3 Test se tup (self-making) 5-6

Fig. 5-4 Test ca ble set 5-7

Fig. 5-5 Loca ti on of com po nents on the RX board 5-11

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1. Ge ne ral

All the in struc tions and pro ce du res gi ven in this ma nu al must be ob ser ved du ring
re pairs ot the trans pon der. The re pair con cept of the trans pon der was re stric ted to
the le vel by as sem blies of the ma nu fac tu rer. The ex chan ge in the re pair case is
car ry out of com ple te as sem blies (see also sec ti on 6 “Il lu stra ted Parts List”).

CAU TI ON : The transponder may be only ope ned and re pai red by avionics spe cia-

2. Dis mant ling the unit

A. Con trol head (Fig. 5-1)


The trans pon der is only to be dis mant led to the ex tent re qui red for functio nal te -
sting, fault di ag no sis or re pla ce ment of de fec ti ve bo ards. To pre vent da ma ge to the
Unit, dis mant ling shall be car ried out with ap pro pria te care and in ac cor dan ce with
the fol lo wing in struc tions, whe re by the se quen ce is to be adap ted to the par ti cu lar
re qui re ments.

(1) Using a screwdri ver, re mo ve the four Phil lips head screws M2.5x30 (A)
and with draw the con trol head from the hou sing.

(2) Re mo ve the two cylin der screws M2x6 (B) and with draw the pro ces sor
board from the con trol head.

(3) Re mo ve the caps from the con trol knops. Sla cken the screws which are
then revealed and re mo ve the con trol knobs.

(4) Loosen the four cy lin der screws M2x18 (C) and re mo ve the as sem bly
block, con si sting of the switch board and dis play board, from the hou-
sing (D).

(5) Re mo ve pushbut tons, springs and dis play seal from the hou sing (D).

(6) The switch board and dis play board are con nec ted to each ot her by
ad di tio nal con nec tor and must the re fo re be dis con nec ted from each ot-
her af ter re mo val.

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Fig. 5-1 Dis mant ling the con trol head, lo ca ti on of assemblies

B. Hou sing (Fig. 5-2)

(1) Loosen the ten countersunk screws M2.5x5 (A), the two coun ter sunk
screws M2.5x5 (B) and the two Phil lips head screws M3x6 (C). With draw
the hou sing back panel re ar wards. Remove both housing half-shells
re ar wards.

(2) Withdraw the hou sing front pa nel with the inter wi ring board. Loo sen the
four Phil lips head screws (D) on the inter wi ring board and withdraw the
in ter wi ring board.

(3) Loosen the four Phil lips head screws M3x6 (E) on the TX board and
with draw the TX Board and pull off the RF cable.

(4) Loo sen the two Phil lips head screws M3x6 (F) and the two Phil lips
head screws M3x8 (G) on the PS board and detach the RX board from
the PS board.

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Fig. 5-2 Dis mant ling the hou sing, lo ca ti on of assemblies

3. Re pair in struc tions

3.1 Hand ling of the trans mit ter po wer am pli fier tran sis tors

The trans mit ter po wer am pli fier tran sis tors con tain be ryl li um oxi de (BeO). Be ryl li um
oxi de is to xic in powde red form. It can be freed if the tran sis tors are de stroy ed by
im pro per hand ling. The re is no dan ger if the com po nents are pro per ly used and hand -
led. Per ti nent sa fe ty and en vi ron men tal pro tec ti on re gu la tions must be ob ser ved.

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3.2 Clea ning

It will nor mal ly be un ne ces sa ry to cle an the unit, sin ce it is con struc ted in such a
way as to pre vent the pe ne tra ti on of dust. If it should ne ver the less be co me ne ces -
sa ry to cle an it, this should be done with ex tre me care, sin ce many of the units
com po nents are sen si ti ve to ag gres si ve clea ning agents and can be da ma ged.

A. Clea ning with com pres sed air.

When clea ning with com pres sed air, two ru les must be ob ser ved:

(1) The com pres sed air used must be free of che mi cals, oil, wa ter etc.

(2) The air pres su re must not ex ceed 3 bar.

3.3 Re qui red test equip ment for re pairs and ad just ment

For re pairs and ad just ments of the trans pon der, test equip ment is re qui red which
has suf fi cient ac cu ra cy and pre ci si on for the work at hand. If the fol lo wing test in -
stru ments are not avai la ble, only equi va lent or su pe ri or equip ment should be used
in or der to en su re that the re qui red le vels are pre sent and/or at tai ned for re pairs,
ad just ments and fi nal te sting.

Des crip ti on Type Ma nu fac tu rer

Trans pon der test set ade qua te

Os cil los co pe 100 MHz

Fre quen cy coun ter 10 MHz

Po wer supp ly 8-32V / 2A

Multimeter adequate

Ex ten der board Ar ti cle No. 0553.778-373 Be cker Flugfunkwerk

Coax test ca ble 1 Ar ti cle No. 0553.190.950 Be cker Flug funk werk

Coax test ca ble 2 Ar ti cle No. 0553.204-950 Be cker Flugfunkwerk

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4. Test instructions

A. Pre pa ra tion

(1) Open the trans pon der in acc or dan ce with sec ton 2, for trou bles hoo ting
and ana ly sis.

(2) Prepare the test se tup in ac cor dan ce with Fig. 5-3.

(3) Ap ply 9-32 V supp ly vol ta ge and con nect the an ten na ca ble to the test

B. Mea surement of power con sump ti on at room tem pe ra tu re

First set the tran pon der to stand by mode and then switch to mode A, mea su -
ring the po wer con sump ti on in each case (wit hout il lu mi na ti on of the display).
The fol lo wing mea su red values (ap prox. ±10%) shall be achiev ed:

Power supply Power con sump ti on, Power con sump ti on mode A,
standby Code 1111 / 500 interrogations
9.1 V 370 mA 610 mA
14.0 V 250 mA 400 mA
20.0 V 180 mA 280 mA
28.0 V 140 mA 210 mA
32.0 V 120 mA 190 mA

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Fig. 5-3 Test se tup

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Fig. 5-4 Test ca ble set (self-making)

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The ope ned trans pon der should be set to Code 1111 for test pur po ses and
trou bles hoo ting. The rea son for this is the ina de qua te coo ling of the trans mit -
ting transistors.

C. Troubleshooting

(1) Se ve ral self-test rou ti nes are im ple men ted in the trans pon der. The as
sem bly which must be fault-tested in each case is lis ted in the fol lo wing
fault code list.

E 1 = ROM fault (Pro ces sor Board)

E 3 = EE PROM fault (Pro ces sor Board)
E 5 = In ter fa ce fault (Pro ces sor Board)
E 6 = RAM fault (Pro ces sor Board)
E 10 = TX_OK (TX fault)
E 12 = FPGA fault (FPGA, RX Board)
E 13 = FPGA fault (FPGA, RX Board)
E 14 = TE_OK (RX fault)
E 15 = De ad lock (RX Board)
E 33 = Mis sing con trol head (for ATC 4401-2 only)

(2) With draw the as sem bly to be tes ted from the in ter wi ring board and plug
into the ex ten der. Two coa xi al ca bles are pro vi ded for exten der ope ra ti-
on of the trans mit ter and re ce iver (see sec ti on 3.3).

CAUTION: Switch off the trans pon der when re con fi gu ring.

D. Test of re cei ver assembly (RX board)

(1) Plug the re cei ver into the ex ten der and take the fol lo wing mea su re ments
using a volt me ter
Plug P3/pin 5 = +5 V DC ± 80 mV
Plug P3/pin 6 = -12 V DC ± 150 mV
Plug P3/pin 8 = +12 V DC ± 350 mV
Plug P3/pin 14 = +5 V DC ± 80 mV

(2) Take the fol lo wing mea su re ments using an os cil los co pe and pro be:

Plug P3/pin 7 = pro gram data LO-RX I 2 C SCL (os cil lo gram No.1)
Plug P3/pin 17= pro gram data LO-RX I 2 C SCL (oscil lo gram No.1)

The data is trans mit ted once from the con trol head (pro ces sor) af ter the
trans pon der is swit ched on, du ring its self-test (see os cil lo grams I 2 C
SCL and I 2 C SDA). If this data is not trans mit ted, the re is a fault in the
pro ces sor board of the con trol pa nel and the re cei ver is not functio ning.

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Os cil lo gram No. 1

(3) Mea su re the vi deo sig nal at the in put of the ana lo gue/di gi tal con ver ter
with the pro be at R 41 (see Fig. 5-5) and check the sig nal at the fol lo-
wing sig nal ge ne ra tor le vels.

-80 dBm = 1.200 V peak (10 dB chan ge pro du ces 400 mV)
-70 dBm = 1.600 V peak (1 dB chan ge pro du ces 40 mV)
-60 dBm = 2.000 V peak
-50 dBm = 2.400 V peak
-40 dBm = 2.800 V peak
-30 dBm = 3.200 V peak
-20 dBm = 3.600 V peak
-10 dBm = 4.000 V peak (Mea su re ment de via ti on ±80 mV)

Vi deo peak
-50 dBm

Os cil lo gram No. 2 (Example -50 dBm)

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(4) Sen si ti vi ty thres hold (MTL)

Re co mmen da ti on: Lea ving vari ab le resis tor R39 (see Fig. 5-5) on the
left stop.

Set the test se tup to mode A in ter ro ga ti on, wit hout P2 im pul se with 500
in ter ro ga tions per se cond and a le vel of -78 to -75 dBm.

Now set the test se tup to mode C in ter ro ga ti on.

Re qu ire ment:

The re ply rate must be the same in mo des A and C.

(5) Test of si de-lobe sup pres si on

The si de-lobe sup pres si on shall be 5...9 dB over the entire dy na mic
ran ge of MTL+3 dB to -21 dBm.

(6) Re ply rate re duc ti on

The set ting of the re ply re duc ti on ap plies for mode A and C.

Set the in ter ro ga ti on rate to ap prox. 1200 in ter ro ga tions per se cond at
MTL+3 dB and set the re ply rate to 90% using va ria ble re sis tor R 36
(see Fig. 5-5).

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Fig. 5-5 Lo ca ti on of com po nents on the RX board

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E. Test of trans mit ter assembly (TX board)

(1) Fot this test the TX board re mains in the moun ted condi ti on in the unit.

(2) Set the trans pon der to Code 1111 and the mode to mode A. Set the test
se tup to 500 in ter ro ga tions/se cond and -70 dBm RF le vel wit hout P2.

(3) Trans mit po wer mea su re ment with trans pon der test se tup:

Re qui re ment for ATC 4401-1-175: > 160 W

Re qui re ment for ATC 4401-1-250: > 250 W

(4) Using a volt me ter, take the fol lo wing mea su rem nets:

Plug P4/pin 1,2,3,4 = +47.5...50 V

Plug P4/pin 6 = +12,0 V ± 350 mV
Plug P4/pin 14,16 = +5,0 V ± 80 mV

(5) Mea su re using oscilloscope

P1, P3

Test setup


Code 1111

Os cil lo gram No. 3

(6) Mea su re the TTL-MOD mo du la ti on sig nal at plug P4/Pin 7.

War ning: Do not al low the pro be to slip be cau se any short cir cuit at this
pin cau ses im me di ate de struc ti on of the FPGA (coder-decoder on the
RX board)!

Re qui re ment: The TTL mo du la ti on sig nal is pre sent only in mo des A and
C and not in the STBY po si ti on.

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(7) With cor rect an ten na mat ching, no ”Alarm TX” pul se should ap pe ar at
plug P4/pin 20. The line should be a cons tant ”Ac ti ve Low”. The same
ap plies for ”UN CONF” plug P4/pin 19.

F. Test of po wer supp ly as sem bly (PS board)

(1) Plug the po wer supp ly board into the ex ten der board and take the fol lo-
wing mea su re ments using the volt me ter.

Plug P2/pin 1,2,3,4 = +47.5...50 V

Plug P2/pin 8 = +12,0 V ± 350 mV
Plug P2/pin 5 = +5,0 V ± 80 mV
Plug P2/pin 6 = -12,0 V ± 150 mV

(2) Clock fre quen cy mea su re ment of the swit ched-mode po wer supp ly un der
nor mal load (Stby) using a fre quen cy coun ter.

Con nect pro be 10:1 to pin 10 of IC 9. Read the fre quen cy.
Re qui re ment: 50-65 kHz

Os cil lo gram No. 4 (IC 9/pin 10)

(3) Blind code test using test cable (see Fig. 5-4).

(4) DME Out test at 25-pole D-sub con nec tor pin 5 (see oscil lo gram No. 5).

(5) Re ply Out test (at 5 in ter ro ga tions/second, see os cil lo gram No. 6),
from 10 in ter ro ga tions/second “cons tant Low”.
Test using test ca ble set, Fig. 5-4.
25-pol. D-sub con nec tor pin 4 to ground.

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(6) Ex ter nal iden ti fi ca ti on test: Iden ti fi ca ti on im pul se is displayed for ap-
prox. 18 se conds.

(7) Supp ly Out test: 25-pol. D-sub con nec tor pin 6 = U Batt .

P1, P3

Sup pres si on
pul se

Os cil lo gram No. 5

P1, P3

Re ply out
with pull-up
re sis tor

Os cil lo gram No. 6

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5. Fi nal test

A fi nal test is to be per for med af ter re pair to the unit. In this test, the transponder
is to be che cked for com pli an ce with the de si red va lu es gi ven in the fi nal test re -

A. Pre pa ra tions for Measurements

(1) Pro du ce the test se tup as per Fig 5-1.

(2) Set po wer supp ly to 14 V.

(3) Con nect the os cil los co pe to the cor re spon ding po si tions for ob ser ving
the pul ses of the in ter ro ga ti on sig nal by me ans of the test set.

To ele mi na te pul se loops, ter mi na te the in put jacks of the os cil los co pe
with 50 Ω.

(4) Con nect the se cond chan nel of the os ci llos co pe to the ca li bra ting out
put of the mea su ring in stru ment (1 or 1.45 µs).

(5) Un less sta ted ot her wi se, ope ra te the trans pon der in mode C (ALT) for
all measurements.

B. Cu rrent con sump tio n (step (1) in fi nal test report)

(1) Check the cur rent consumption in mode A (ON) at 14 V and 28 V.

ATC 4401-1-175 at 14 V: ≤ 0.7 A
ATC 4401-1-250 at 14 V: ≤ 1.1 A
ATC 4401-1-175 at 28 V: ≤ 0.4 A
ATC 4401-1-250 at 28 V: ≤ 0.6 A

(2) En ter the mea su re ments in the fi nal test report.

B. Mi ni mum trig ge ring le vel (2)

(1) Ad just the test se tup to mode A in ter ro ga ti on, wit hout P2 pul se at 500
interrogations/s and a sig nal level -78 dbm to -75 dBm at 90 % reply

(2) De ter mi ne the in put le vel for abo ve men tio ned re ply rate and en ter the
le vel in the fi nal test report.

(3) Ad just the test se tup to mode C in ter ro ga ti on and en ter the estab lis hed
for 90 % re plies in the fi nal test report.

(4) Also en ter the off set of the MTL le vel in mode A in ter ro ga ti on in the fi-
nal test re port.

Soll wer te: 72 - 78 dBm,

Off set of this le vel bet ween mode A and mode C: ≤1dB

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C. De co der respon se testing in mode A (3)

(1) Ad just the test se tup to mode A in terr oga ti on at 500 interrogations/s.

(2) Set the spa cing of P1-P3 to 7.8 µs, dis ab le P2 pulse.

(3) Estab lish re ply re spon se at MTL, -50 dBm and -24 dBm and en ter into
fi nal test re port.

(4) Car ry out the same mea su remnts at pul se spa cings of 8.2 µs, 7 µs and
9 µs over the le vel ran ge of MTL, -50 dBm and -24 dBm and en ter into
fi nal test re port.
Re qui re ments:
The trans pon der must re ply to more than 90% on off sets of ± 0,2 µs
from the no mi nal spacing 8 µs.
On off set of ± 1 µs from the no mi nal spacing 8 µs it must not re ply more
than 2 %.

D. De co der respon se testing in mode C (4)

(1) Ad just the test set to mode C in ter ro ga ti on and re pe at the test as for
mode A over the le vel ran ge of MTL, -50 dBm and -24 dBm for the pul se
spa cings of 20.8 µs, 21.2 µs, 20.0 µs and 22 µs.

(2) En ter the estab lis hed re ply re spon se into the fi nal test report.
Re qui re ments:
For an off set of ± 1 µs from the no mi nal spa cing of 21.0 µs the trans-
pon der must re ply more than 2 %.
For an off set of ± 0.2 µs from no mi nal spa cing of 21.0 µs the trans-
pon der must re ply more than 90 %.

E. SLS re spon se te sting in mode A (5)

(1) Ad just the test set to 3 pul se in ter ro ga ti on at 500 in ter ro ga tions per
se cond and a le vel of -24 dBm. Re gu la te the P2 pul se so that it has the
same am pli tu de as P1 and P3.

(2) The re ply re spon se shall be < 1 %.

(3) Set the RF le vel 3 dB above MTL and note that the in di ca ted re ply res-
pon se is also < 1 %.

(4) Estab lish the re ply re spon se of the trans pon der over the in put le vel
ran ge of MTL+3dB, -50 dBm and -24 dBm for the fol lo wing pul se spa-
cings of P1-P2 pul ses: 1.3 µs, 1.85 µs, 2.15 µs and 2.7 µs.

(5) Enter the estab lis hed re ply re spon se into the fi nal test re port.
Re qui re ments:
For a P2 pul se off set of ± 0.15 µs from no mi nal spa cing of 2.0 µs the
tran spon der must not re ply with more than 1 %.
For a P2 pul se off set of ± 0.7 µs from no mi nal spa cing of 2.0 µs the
trans pon der must re ply with more than 90 %.

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F. SLS am pli tu de dif fe ren tia ti on (6)

(1) Ad just the test se tup to mode A in ter ro ga ti on at an in ter ro ga ti on rate of

500 in ter ro ga tions per se cond and ad just spa cing of P1-P2 to 2 µs.

(2) Ad just the P2 le vel be low the P1 le vel over the in put le vel range MTL
+3 dB, -50 dBm and -24 dBm un til the test se tup in di ca tes 90 % re plies.

(3) En ter the ne ces sa ry P2 at te nua ti on with re spect to P1 in (dB) for the
ap plied in put le vels in the fi nal test report.

Re qui re ments: ≤ 9 dB

G. Re ply cha rac te ris tics in mode A (7)

(1) Ad just the test se tup to -25 dBm, mode A and set 500 in ter ro ga tions per
se cond.

(2) Con nect the os cil los co pe to the “Detec ted Pul se Mo ni tor” and con nect
the se cond chan nel of the os ci llos co pe to the CAL out put, switch on 1.45
µs mar ker pul ses on the test set and use the pha se con trol to shift the
mar ker pul ses with re spect to the pul ses being ob ser ved on the os cil los-

(3) F1-F2 spacing

(a) Con nect the pul se coun ter in the test set to “De tec ted Pul se Mo ni tor”.

(b) Set trans pon der to coding 0000.

(c) Estab lish pul se spa cing on the pul se coun ter. The pul se spa cing must
be 20.3 ± 0.1 µs. En ter the mea su rement in the fi nal test report.

(4) Co ding 0000

(a) Set the co ding switch of the trans pon der to 0000. Ob ser ve the os cil-
los co pe, only F1+F2 pul ses must be viewable.

(b) En ter po si ti ve re sult witk “OK” in the fi nal test re port.

(5) Co ding 7777

(a) Set the co ding switch to 7777 and check on os cil los co pe that all pul-
ses are present.

(b) En ter po si ti ve re sult with “OK” in fi nal test re port.

(6) Re fe ren ce spa cing offset (Tab le)

(a) Ob ser ve pul se spa cing of 7777 co ding using the mar ker gen era tor.

(b) Ma xi mum per mis si ble de via ti on is ± 0.1 µs.

En ter the mea su rement in the fi nal test report.

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Pul ses Pul se Posi ti on (µs)

F1 (1st fra me pulse) 0 (re fe ren ce point)
C1 1.45
A1 2.90
C2 4.35
A2 5.80
C4 7.25
A4 8.70
B1 11.60
D1 13.05
B2 14.50
D2 15.95
B4 17.40
D4 18.85
F2 (2nd fra me pulse) 20.30
SPI 24.65

H. Spa cing of Ident ifi ca ti on pul se from F1 (8)

(1) Ac ti va te iden ti fi ca ti on pul se and de ter mi ne pul se spa cing F1 - SPI.

(2) En ter the mea su red pul se spa cing in the fi nal test re port.

I. Re ply du ra ti on of IDENT pul se (9)

(1) Ope ra te the trans pon der in mode A at 500 interrogations/s and -25 dBm.

(2) Press the IDENT but ton and mea su re the time du ring which the SPI
pul se is vi si ble on the os cil los co pe using a stop watch.

Re qui re ment: The SPI pul se must be vie wa ble for 15-30 s.

J. Trans mit frequency in mode A (10)

(1) Estab lish the trans mit fre quen cy of the trans pon der in co ding 7777.

(2) En ter the off set of 1090 MHz into the fi nal test report.

Re qui re ment: Off set of 1090 MHz must not ex ceed ± 2 MHz.

K. Trans mit power (11)

(1) Ope ra te the tran spon der in mode A mit code 7777.

(2) Estab lish the trans mit po wer and en ter in the fi nal test report.

Requirement for ATC 4401-1-175: ≥ 160 W

Requirement for ATC 4401-1-250: ≥ 250 W

When using the an ten na ca ble RG 58 C/U (1.5 m long) as shown in Fig. 5-3,

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at te nua ti on is ap prox. 1 dB which co rre sponds to a drop in po wer of ap prox.

50 W.

(3) Com pa re amplitudes F1/F2.

Re qui re ment: ≤ 1 dB (dif fe ren ce in am pli tu de)

L. Re ply response in mode C (12)

(1) In ter ro ga te the tran spon der in mode C at -25 dBm and 500 in ter ro ga-
tions per se cond.

(2) Mode A (ON)

(a) Only F1-F2 pul ses are al lo wed to appear.

(b) En ter po si ti ve re sult with “OK” in the fi nal test re port.

(3) Mode C (ALT)

(a) Ac ti va te all 10 pul ses of al ti tu de en co der (di gi ti zer) i.e., short all
al ti tu de dig iti zer in puts to GND (swit ches 1 to 10 in test ca ble set)
and check for cor rect po si ti on within 0.1 µs.

(b) En ter po si ti ve re sult with “OK” in the fi nal test report.

M. Te sting the RE PLY indication in mode A (13)

(1) In ter ro ga te the trans pon der in mode A mit -40 dBm.

(2) Set the in ter ro ga ti on rate to 500 in ter ro ga tions per se cond. The RE PLY
tri an gle must be vi si ble in the dis play. En ter po si ti ve re sult with “OK” in
the fi nal test re port.

(3) In ter ro ga te the trans pon der with -90 dBm. The RE PLY tri an gle must not
vi si ble in the dis play. En ter po si ti ve re sult with “OK” in the test re port.

(4) Press the IDENT but ton. The “Idt” in di ca ti on must be vi si ble in the dis-
play for 15...30 s. En ter po si ti ve re sult with “OK” in the test re port.

N. Au to ma tic over lo ad control (14)

(1) With the trans pon der ope ra ting in mode A and adjusted to code 0000,
ap ply a stan dard in ter ro ga ti on sig nal which pro du ces 90 % re ply ef fi-
cien cy.

(2) In crea se the le vel by 3 dB.

(3) In crea se the in ter ro ga ti on rate un til the re ply ef fi cien cy is again 90 %.
De ter mi ne that the re ply rate is not less than 1080 (90 % of 1200).
En ter the re plies per se cond in the fi nal test re port.

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ATC 4401-1

(4) In crea se the in put sig nal by furt her 27 dB and in crea se the in ter ro ga ti on
rate un til the re ply rate again falls to 90 %. De ter mi ne that the re ply
rate does not rise abo ve 1800 (50% abo ve 1200)
En ter the re plies per se cond in the fi nal test re port.

O. Self-test (15)

(1) Press the VFR1 bu tton and VFR2 but ton simultaneous.

(2) All seg ments must flash in the dis play for 1 second. Ad di tional may be
not fault in di ca ti on in the dis play.
En ter the po si ti ve re sult with “OK” in the fi nal test report.

P. Illumination (16)

(1) Check front pa nel lighting with 14 V and 28 V lamp vol ta ge for cor rect
il lu mi na ti on.

(2) En ter the po si ti ve re sult with “OK” in the fi nal test re port.

Q. External IDENT in put at the unit connector P1 (17)

(1) Switch-on S13 (ext. Ident but ton) in the test ca ble set.

(2) “Idt” must in di ca ted in the display. En ter the po si ti ve re sult with “OK” in
the fi nal test re port.

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ATC 4401-1

6. Fi nal test re port

A. Transponder ATC 4401-1-175 Se ri al-No.: . . . . . . . . . .

Transponder ATC 4401-1-250 Se ri al-No.: . . . . . . . . . .

min. Re qui re ments max. Mea su re ments

Inter ro ga ti on fre quen cy, unless

spe ci fied ot her wi se:

1030 ± 0.1 MHz

500 interrogations/s

(1) Po wer supply

Cur rent con sump tio n

at U B = 14V and 28V :

(a) U B 14V, ATC 4401-1-175 ≤ 0.7 . . . . . A

U B 14V, ATC 4401-1-250 ≤ 1.1 . . . . . A

(b) U B 28V, ATC 4401-1-175 ≤ 0.4 . . . . . A

U B 28V, ATC 4401-1-250 ≤ 0.6 . . . . . A

(2) Minimum trig ge ring level (MTL)

for 90% replies in

mode A and mode C :

(a) Mode A -72 -78 . . . . dBm

(b) Mode C -72 -78 . . . . dBm

(c) Dif fe ren ce in MTL

bet ween mode A and mode C ≤ 1 . . . . . dB

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ATC 4401-1

min. Re qui re ments max. Mea su re ments

(3) De co der response test in mode A

(a) Reply re spon se at MTL :

P1/P3 spacing 7.8 µs ≥ 90 . . . . . %

P1/P3 spacing 8.2 µs ≥ 90 . . . . . %
P1/P3 spacing 7 µs ≤ 2 . . . . . %
P1/P3 spacing 9 µs ≤ 2 . . . . . %

(b) Re ply re spon se at -50 dBm :

P1/P3 spacing 7.8 µs ≥ 90 . . . . . %

P1/P3 spacing 8.2 µs ≥ 90 . . . . . %
P1/P3 spacing 7 µs ≤ 2 . . . . . %
P1/P3 spacing 9 µs ≤ 2 . . . . . %

(c) Re ply re son se at -24 dBm :

P1/P3 spacing 7.8 µs ≥ 90 . . . . . %

P1/P3 spacing 8.2 µs ≥ 90 . . . . . %
P1/P3 spa cing 7 µs ≤ 2 . . . . . %
P1/P3 spacing 9 µs ≤ 2 . . . . . %

(4) De co der re spon se test mode C

(a) Re ply re spon se at MTL :

P1/P3 spacing 20.8 µs ≥ 90 . . . . . %

P1/P3 spacing 21.2 µs ≥ 90 . . . . . %
P1/P3 spacing 20.0 µs ≤ 2 . . . . . %
P1/P3 spacing 22.0 µs ≤ 2 . . . . . %

(b) Re ply re spon se at -50 dBm :

P1/P3 spacing 20.8 µs ≥ 90 . . . . . %

P1/P3 spacing 21.2 µs ≥ 90 . . . . . %
P1/P3 spacing 20.0 µs ≤ 2 . . . . . %
P1/P3 spacing 22.0 µs ≤ 2 . . . . . %

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ATC 4401-1

min. Re qui re ments max. Mea su re ments

(c) De co der resonse at -24 dBm :

P1/P3 spacing 20.8 µs ≥ 90 . . . . . %

P1/P3 spacing 21.2 µs ≥ 90 . . . . . %
P1/P3 spacing 20.0 µs ≤ 2 . . . . . %
P1/P3 spacing 22.0 µs ≤ 2 . . . . . %

(5) SLS re spon se testing mode A

Am pli tu de P2 = P1 and P3

(a) Re ply response at MTL +3 dB :

P1/P2 spacing 1.3 µs ≥ 90 . . . . . %

P1/P2 spacing 1.85 µs ≤ 1 . . . . . %
P1/P2 spacing 2.15 µs ≤ 1 . . . . . %
P1/P2 spacing 2.7 µs ≥ 90 . . . . . %

(b) Re ply respon se at -50 dBm :

P1/P2 sapcing 1.3 µs ≥ 90 . . . . . %

P1/P2 spacing 1.85 µs ≤ 1 . . . . . %
P1/P2 spacing 2.15 µs ≤ 1 . . . . . %
P1/P2 spacing 2.7 µs ≥ 90 . . . . . %

(c) Re ply respon se at -24 dBm :

P1/P2 spacing 1.3 µs ≥ 90 . . . . . %

P1/P2 spacing 1.85 µs ≤ 1 . . . . . %
P1/P2 spacing 2.15 µs ≤ 1 . . . . . %
P1/P2 spacing 2.7 µs ≥ 90 . . . . . %

(6) SLS am pli tu de dif fe ren tia tion

in mode A, P1/P2 spacing = 2 µs :

(P2 le vel below P1 for 90% replies)

MTL +3 dB : ≤9 . . . . . dB
-50 dBm : ≤9 . . . . . dB
-24 dBm : ≤9 . . . . . dB

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ATC 4401-1

min. Re qui re ments max. Mea su re ments

(7) Re ply response in mode A

Interrogation -25 dBm :

(a) Spacing F1 - F2 20.2 20.3 20.4 . . . . . µs

(b) Co ding 0000 only F1 + F2 avai la ble . . . . result

(c) Co ding 7777 all pul ses available . . . . result

(d) Off set from re fe ren ce spacing < ± 0.1 . . . . . µs

(8) IDENT pul se spa cing of F1

on pres sing the IDENT button 24.55 24.65 24.75 . . . . . µs

(9) IDENT re spon se duration in mode A

Interrogation -25 dBm : 15 30 . . . . . s

(10) Trans mit fre quency

in mode A and coding 7777 :

off set from 1090 MHz ≤ 2 MHz . . . . . MHz

(11) Trans mit po wer (on the an ten na socket)

in mode A and coding 7777 :

(a) ATC 4401-1-175 ≥ 160 . . . . . W

ATC 4401-1-250 ≥ 250 . . . . . W

(b) Dif fe ren ce in am pli tu de F1/F2 ≤ 1 . . . . . dB

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ATC 4401-1

min. Re qui re ments max. Mea su re ments

(12) Re ply re spon se in mode C

Interrogation -25 dBm :

(a) in mode A only F1/F2 pulses . . . . . re sult

(b) in mode C all al ti tu de coding

pul ses viewable . . . . . result

(c) offset ≤ 0.1 . . . . . µs

(13) RE PLY in di ca ti on and IDENT in di ca ti on in mode A

(a) 500 interrogations/s, -40dBm RE PLY tri an gle visible . . . . . re sult

(b) -90 dBm RE PLY tri an gle not visible . . . . . re sult

(c) press IDENT but ton Idt in di cated for 15-30 s . . . . . s

(14) Au to ma tic over lo ad control (AOC)

in mode A and coding 0000

(a) replies/s at MTL +3 dB

af ter in crea sing the
inter ro ga ti on rate to 90%
re ply efficiency ≥ 1080 . . . re plies/s

(b) replies/s at MTL + 30 dB

af ter in crea sing the
in ter ro ga ti on rate to 90%
re ply efficiency ≤ 1800 . . . replies/s

(15) Self-test (TEST)

Pres sing VFR1 and VFR2 No er ror mes sa ge in

but tons si mul ta ne ous ly the dis play, all di gits
must flashing for 1 s . . . . . result

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ATC 4401-1

min. Re qui re ments max. Mea su re ments

(16) Illumination

at 14V or 28V Pa nel must be illuminated

at 14V or 28V . . . . . re sult

(17) External IDENT in put at unit connector P1

Pin 4 (ext. Ident button) i.O. . . . . . result

The transponder is air wort hy / not airworthy

Place and date : . . . . . . . . . . Tes ted by : . . . . . . . . . .

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ATC 4401-1

Tab le of con tents


6.1 In tro duc ti on 6-1

6.2 Parts list Con trol Head ATC 4401-1 6-5

6.3 Parts list Chas sis Module ATC 4401-1 6-8

Fig. 6-1 Ex plo ded view Con trol Head ATC 4401-1 6-3

Fig. 6-2 Ex plo ded view Chas sis Modu le ATC 4401-1 6-7

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6.1 In tro duc ti on

The il lu stra ted parts list per mits iden ti fi ca ti on and or de ring of spa re parts. The list in clu des all
mo du les, sub as sem blies, com po nents and parts of a unit in ac cor dan ce with its par ti cu lar con fi -
gu ra ti on.

The parts list is sub di vi ded into co lumns Fig./Item, Des crip ti on, Quan ti ty and Be cker ar ti cle
num ber, e.g.:

Pos./Item Be zeich nung / Des crip ti on Men ge / Quant. Ar ti kel-Nr.: / Article-No.:


10 Switch mode se lec tor 001 0743.445-278

(with moun ting parts)

20 Switch spring 001 0209.414-246

The item num ber pre ce ding the in di vi du al parts cor re sponds to the po si ti on num ber in the cor re -
spon ding Fi gu re. Moun ting parts which are not au to ma ti cal ly supp lied on re quest are iden ti fied
by the pre fix “moun ting parts” and the tail sym bol - - - * - - - (see fol lo wing ex am ple).

40 Switch pla te 001 0209.155-268

50 Spa cer 001 0209.163-227

Moun ting parts for pos iti on 40/50

60 Cy lin der screw M2.6x20 DIN84 002 0747.300-201

70 Tooth was her J 2.8 DIN 6797-BZ 001 0202.169-213


80 Mi cro switch 001 0221.791-278

Moun ting parts for po si ti on 80

90 Cy lin der screw M2x8 DIN 002 0747.106-201

100 Tooth was her J2.2 DIN 6797-BZ 003 0202.150-213


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ATC 4401-1

Com po nents which have been mo di fied in the cour se of pro duc ti on are iden ti fied as such by the
mo di fi ca ti on let ter (see mo di fi ca ti on in dex - cir cuit dia grams).

When re que sting spa re parts, al ways sta te the Be cker article no., it also being good prac ti ce to
in di ca te the cor re spon ding Fig./item num ber.


n In this parts list sub sti tu te stan dards are not lis ted. It is man da to ry that only sub -
sti tu te stan dards ap pro ved by Be cker Flug funk will be used; when or de ring spa -
re parts, sub sti tu te stan dards may be de li ver ed.

n Com po nents mar ked with the pre fix SPE in cir cuit dia grams and parts list are
spe ci fi cal ly se lec ted or pro ces sed. They can only be re pla ced by com po nents
pro cu red through Be cker Flug funk werk GmbH.

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Abb. 6-1 Explosionszeichnung Bedienkopf ATC 4401-1
Fig. 6-1 Exploded view Control Head ATC 4401-1

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Leerseite / Blank

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6.2 Stückliste Bedienkopf / Parts list Control Head ATC 4401-1

Pos./Item Bezeichnung / Description Menge / Quant. Artikel-Nr.: / Article-No.:


-- Bedienkopf, kompl. 001 0548.251-286

Control Head, compl.

10 Linsenschraube, M2,5x30 004 0840.025-203

Phillips head screw, M2.5x30

20 Deckel 001 0377.181-250


30 Drehknopf 001 0868.892-250


40 Drehknopf 001 0343.366-250


50 Deckel 001 0721.409-250


60 Drehknopf 001 0721.395-250


70 Prozessor-Platte, kompl. 001 0543.500-373

Processor Board, compl.

Befestigungsteile für Position 70

Mounting parts for position 70

80 Zylinderschraube, M2x6 002 0749.982-201

Cylinder screw, M2x6


90 Schalterplatte, kompl. 001 0503.908-373

Switch Board, compl.

100 Anzeigeplatte, kompl. 001 0503.861-373

Display Board, compl.

Befestigungsteile für Position 90 und 100

Mounting parts for position 90 and 100

110 Zylinderschraube, M2x18 004 0121.967-201

Cylinder screw, M2x18

120 Federring, B2 004 0233.129-213

Spring washer, B2

DV 6590.02/.04 01/2002 34-50-02 Seite/Page 6-5

6.2 Stückliste Bedienkopf / Parts list Control Head ATC 4401-1

Pos./Item Bezeichnung / Description Menge / Quant. Artikel-Nr.: / Article-No.:


130 Scheibe, 2,2 004 0839.965-216

Washer, 2.2


140 Taste, VFR2 001 0550.401-251

Button, VFR2

150 Taste, VFR1 001 0550.396-251

Button, VFR1

160 Taste, STO 001 0550.426-251

Button, STO

170 Taste, IDT 001 0550.418-251

Button, IDT

180 Druckfeder 004 0868.841-245

Pressure spring

190 Dichtung 001 0868.851-238


200 Gehäuse 001 0550.558-286


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Abb. 6-2 Explosionszeichnung Chassismodul ATC 4401-1
Fig. 6-2 Exploded view Chassis Module ATC 4401-1

DV 6590.02/.04 01/2002 34-50-02 Seite/Page 6-7

6.3 Stückliste Chassismodul / Parts list Chassis Module ATC 4401-1

Pos./Item Bezeichnung / Description Menge / Quant. Artikel-Nr.: / Article-No.:


-- Chassismodul ATC4401-x-175 001 0548.261-286

Chassis module

-- Chassismodul ATC4401-x-250 001 0548.235-286

Chassis module

10 Deckel, oben 001 0548.634-284

Cover, top

20 Deckel, unten 001 0548.642-284

Cover, bottom

Befestigungsteile für Position 10 und 20

Mounting parts for position 10 and 20

30 Senkschraube, M2,5x5 010 0232.912-204

Countersunk screw, M2.5x5


40 Gehäuse-Frontplatte 001 0548.405-287

Housing front plate

50 Verkabelungsplatte, kompl. 001 0543.411-373

Interwiring Board, compl.

Befestigungsteile für Position 40 und 50

Mounting parts for position 40 and 50

60 Linsenschraube, M2,5x6 004 0757.969-203

Phillips head screw, M2.5x6

70 Federring, B2,5 004 0232.920-213

Spring washer, B2.5


80 Gehäuse-Rückwand, kompl. 001 0548.405-287

Back Plate Housing, compl.

Befestigungsteile für Position 80

Mounting parts for position 80

90 Schiebeverriegelung (Paar) 001 0775.241-277

Slide locking device (pair)

100 Linsenschraube, M3x6 002 0757.977-203

Phillips head screw, M3x6

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6.3 Stückliste Chassismodul / Parts list Chassis Module ATC 4401-1

Pos./Item Bezeichnung / Description Menge / Quant. Artikel-Nr.: / Article-No.:


110 Senkschraube, M2,5x5 002 0232.912-203

Countersunk screw, M2.5x5


120 Linsenschraube, M4x20 001 0892.327-203

Phillips head screw, M4x20

Federring, B4 001 0233.137-213

Spring washer, B4

Sechskantmutter, M4 001 0233.188-210

Hexagonal nut, M4

130 Senderplatte 170 W, kompl. 001 0543.438-373

Transmitter Board 170 W, compl.

Senderplatte 250 W, kompl. 001 0548.243-373

Transmitter Board 250 W, compl.

Befestigungsteile für Position 130

Mounting parts for position 130

140 Linsenschraube, M3x6 004 0757.977-203

Phillips head screw, M3x6

150 Federring, B3 004 0231.126-213

Spring washer, B3


160 Netzteilplatte, kompl. 001 0543.470-373

Power Supply Board, compl.

170 Empfängerplatte, kompl. 001 0543.454-373

Receiver Board, compl.

Befestigungsteile für Position 160 und 170

Mounting parts for position 160 and 170

180 Distanzstück 004 0550.515-227


190 Distanzstück 004 0549.541-227


200 Linsenschraube, M3x6 002 0757.977-203

Phillips head screw, M3x6

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6.3 Stückliste Chassismodul / Parts list Chassis Module ATC 4401-1

Pos./Item Bezeichnung / Description Menge / Quant. Artikel-Nr.: / Article-No.:


210 Federring, B3 002 0231.126-213

Spring washer, B3

220 Linsenschraube, M3x8 002 0766.496-203

Phillips head screw, M3x8

230 Federring, B3 002 0231.126-213

Spring washer, B3


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ATC 4401-1


Cir cuit dia gram Trans pon der ATC 4401-1-175

Dra wing no. SP 65901-00000.000 An nex 1

Cir cuit dia gram Trans pon der ATC 4401-1-250

Dra wing no. SP 65902-00000.000 An nex 2

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ATC 4401-1


AC Al ter na ting Cur rent

ADC Ana log Di gi tal Converter

ALT Al ti tu de

ATC Air Traf fic Con trol

CU Con trol Unit

CCW Counterclockwise

DB Dou ble balanced

DC Direct Cur rent

DEAD Dead lock Indication

DME Dis tan ce Mea su re ment Equipment

DRO Die lec tric Resonator

EMI Elec tro mag ne tic In ter fe ren ce

EPROM Era sa ble Pro gra mma ble Re ad-Only Memo ry

FET Field Ef fect Tran sis tor

FPGA Field Pro gra mma ble Gate Array

ft foot / feet

GND Ground

IC In te gra ted Cir cuit

IDT Iden ti fi ca ti on

Il lum. Il lu mi na ti on

IW In ter wi ring

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ATC 4401-1

Mode A In ter ro ga ti on pul se pair P1⇔P3 = 8 µs

Mode C In ter ro ga ti on pul se pair P1⇔P3 = 21 µs

MOS Me tal Oxid Se mi con duc tor

MTBF Mean Time Bet ween Failures

MTL Mi ni mum Trig gering Le vel

OK Okay

PCB Prin ted Circuit Board

PS Po wer Supp ly

RX Re cei ver

SBY or Sby Stand by

SDA Sys tem data

SCL Sys tem Clock

SL Sen si ti vi ty Limiter

SPE Spe ci fica ti on

SPI Spe ci al Po si ti on Identi fi ca ti on Pulse

STO Sto re

SWR Stan ding Wave Ratio

TTL Mod Trans mit ter mo du la ti on sig nal

TX Trans mit ter

UB Ope ra ting Vol ta ge

Unconf FPGA sig nal

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ATC 4401-1

VFR Visual Flight Ru les

VSWR Vol ta ge Stan ding Wave Ra dio

XPDR Tran pon der

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