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Mid Exam 2017/2018

1_The mesial and distal flanges of denture

1. Thin to blend with mucosa ✓
2. Thick to prevent food trapping
3. Extend over the convexites of root
4. 1 and 3

2_Malar process is:

a-primary stress bearing area
Ab-relief area
c-secondary stress bearing area
d-seal area

3_The mean bearing area for edentolous

a)32cm2 for maxilla and 15cm2 for
b)23cm2 for maxilla and 12cm2 for
c)44cm2 for maxilla and 24cm2 for
d)Non of all above

4_In bounded saddle support from :

BE A) rest seats , minor connector , retainers
b) rest seats ,retainers stabilization
C) rest seats only ✓

5_Normal saline prescribed for irritated

mucosa :
A) three times daily Br
b) two times daily
C) four times daily
D) non of above
6_From the clinical procedures after rpd
framework correction is:
A)Interocclusal recodBr
B)Polishing and finishing
D)All of the above

7_Increase the extension of flange in distal

extension RPD will :
A. Increase the support only.
B. Increase support and retention.
C. Increase support,retention and stability.
D. None of the above. ✓

8_The lest thickness of cr/co RPD :

1.5 mm

9_If anterior long span is long :

A- teeth should rotated in trial denture
B-diastema may be incorporated BBM
C- overlap of teeth

10_Past dental history is:

11_Excessive inter-arch distance produce :

A. Decreased stabilitytf
B.diffculties in arrangement of teeth
C. Decrease in leverage force on the denture
D.all of the above

12_Prominent mid palatal raphe:

a. primary stress bearing area
b. seal area
c. relief area*
d. B & C
13_significance of incisive papilla is
A_ biometric guide give information about
location of maxillary canine
B- biometric guide give information about
maxillary central incisors
C- primary stress bearing area
D- a+bBr

14_Inferior labi superioris and inferioris

1.action alone dont dislodge maxillary and
mandibular denture B
2.action alone dislodge max. mand. Denture
3.their presence below soft tussur do not
relate to retention and extention

15_Infrahyoid muscle as the contract effect

on complete denture:
A-dislodge maxillary denture
B-dislodge mandibular denture
C-have no significant effect to the denture ✓
D-non all above

16_osseous is important in prosthetic

a-direct relation with impression procedures
b-tooth position
c-contour of finished denture

17_Under extended denture will cause:

A) interfere with complete seating of
B ) lack stability ✓
C)redundant tissue in vestibule
D) all of the above

18_class 1 tooth mobility :

A- tooth show movement less than 0.5mm
in any direction
B- tooth show movement less than 1.5mm
in any direction
C- tooth show movement less than 1mm in
any direction
D- tooth show movement less than 2mm in
any direction

19_Salivary gland secretion :

A) Serous secret by parotid glandFB
B)Mixed but mostly mucous by
submandibular gland
C) Mixed but mostly serous by sublingual
D) All of the above

20_angle between occlusal rest and minor

connector should be
A)less than 90FB .

B)less than 70
C)less than 80

21_To avoid the interference with the

A.flanges of maxillary denture should be
reduced in thicknessA
B.the lower first premolar should be placed
buccal to the ridge
C.the maxillary canine should be placed on
the ridge
D.all of the above

22_Coronoid process interfer with:

A) posterior Palatal seal
B) retromylohyoid
C) distobuccal maxillary flange *
D) distobuccal mandibular flange

23_The metal framework components and

connectors measured with calipers :-
1- 1.6 mm minimum base metal alloy
thickness for strength
2- 1.2 mm
3 - 1 mm
4- 1.5 mm*

24_Orbicularis oris
A. When stretch angle of mouth easly
B. Upper lip supported by anterior teeth not
by labial flange
C. Lower lip supported by incisal third of
upper anterior teeth
D. All of the aboveI

25_Patient with joint diseses require:

A_prescubed drugs
B_tissue conditionung
C_alteration in treatment plan am

26_the mouth preparation for RPD forms:

a-third phase of treatment
b-first phase of treatment
c-second phase of treatment Be
d- non of the above

27_Evaluation pressure on tissue part of

prosthesis using pressure indicator paste
A. Heavy contact produce oblitrating on
strok pattern
B. Moderate contact indistnic the strok
C. No contact the pink colour of denture
base is clearly on the white paste
D. Non above
28_Axial teeth contour alteration
A-performed after proceeding with rest seat
B-performed before preceding with rest seat
preparation BE
C-performed during preceding with rest seat
D- all of above

29_The inside surface of the tissue of the

RBD should be:
a.smooth. Glossy.
c.smooth.matte ✓
When the lip is drawn upward (e.g., in an exaggerated smile), the
gingival contours of the denture base should be minimally evident.

30_Short lips during exaggerated smile:

1. incisor third of upper incisors teeth are
2. Incisor third of lower anterior teeth are
3. Gingival contour minimally evident ✓
•All of the above .4

31_The factors that influence the size and

shape of supporting bone
1 impression technique
2 maxillomandible record
✓T drge Ttget@
3- The relative length of time different
parts of the jawslength
have beenofedentulous.
time in different part of 3
4 all the above

32Internal and external finish lines should

a_sharp,well delineated and less than 60 to
provide adequate mechanical retention of
the resin denture base to the metal
B_ = less than 90 BE
C_ = More than 90
33_position of maxillary premolar (Gum line)
A)at the level of adjacent teeth ✓

34_Pressure areas in the maxillary arch: (l) the inside of the buccal
flange of the denture over
the tuberosities.

a. Buccal flange lateral to the tubrosity (2) the border of the

denture lying at the malar

b. Rugae area. (3) the point at the

pterygomaxillary notch
where the denture may

c. Border extension near premolar area.

impinge on the
pterygomandibular raphe
or the hamulus.

d. Non of the above.*

35_Main deffrentiation between two types

of RPD
A/deffrences in teeth arrangement
HerB/reline of extension base
C/deffrences in laboratory procedure
D/all of above
36_Decrease healing and bearing capacity is
charecterstic of :
1_Hypertensive patient.
2_aneamic patient.
3_Diabetic patient.
4_both 2,3BE

37_the retromolar pad area considered as :-

A)primary stress bearing area BE
B) secondry stress bearing area
C) Relief area
D) non of the above

38_Patiant rinsing mouth

A-tree time daily *
B-four time daily
C-two time daily

39_in try in the first we check in mounted

master cast ..
A-shade of teeth
D-all of above

40_In distal rpd what is the impression

technique procedure or design feature
should use
1-altered cast technique BE
2-anatomic form technique

41_Adjustments of retentive clasp by:-

A-using no.139 plier with applying direct
B-using no.139 plier with applying bending
force and the fingers of the opposite hand
C-engaging the retentive clasp
With no.200 plier to bend the retentive
toward tooth surface
D-B&C ✓
42_Candida infection in denture wearer is :
A. Always associated with presence
papillary hyperplasia
B.mostly associated with presence papillary
C. Frequent associated with presence
papillary hyperplasia *
D.often associated with presence papillary
hyperplasia ✓

43_Muscle contraction
a_ isotonic when muscle shortens but tention
remains the same BE
b_isometric when tention remains the same
c_isotonic when does not shorten during
d_ b and c
44_Pressure on mental foramen lead to:
A-ulceration to crest of ridge
B-hyperplasia of denture
C-numbness of lower lip A
D-all of the above

45_When one or more distal extension areas

present use
A-direct apposition (Kennedy Class III or IV)

B-interocclusal record
C-occlusion rims on record base****

46_Canine rest preparation

1- u shape
2- v inverted MD
3-v inverted Buccolingually
4-u ‫وياها مدري شنو‬
47_The beast occlusal recording medium:
1 -base plate wax
2 -metalic oxide ✓
3 -baseplate with metalicBB
4 -a& b

1 - thick . Uniform
2- thin uniform w
3- thin .... ‫ماعرف شنو‬
4- non

49_The simplest way to locate nodules of

acrylic on the tissue surface is :-
A-to run the finger over the intaglio surface
of the prosthesis BE
B-disclosing wax
C-pressure indicator paste
D-none of the above
50_Orthodontic treatment prior to prodthetic
treatment needd for
Correct occlusal discrepancies

51_Defriences in the two type of rpd is

Tooth arrangment
Labretort work

52_Reversible materials used with water

heated at temperature of: room-temperature water
around 21–22 °C (70–72 °F)
d-none of the above
A-determine the position of the vibriting line
B-lateral pressure on lingual extension of
Hrmandibular denture
C-‫ما اذكر‬

​54​_Balance contact of opposing posterior

teeth in straightforward protrusive
relationship is desired when
​a_ when rpd cl III placed •
​b_ when rpd cl II placed
​c_ when opposing complete denture or bi
lateral distal extension maxillary rpd is
placed ✓
​d_ b,c

55_Desirable occlusion when maxillary

complete denture oppose RPD
a_ bilateral eccentric occlusion*
b_ working side only
c_ balancing occlusion only
d_ non

56_A constant use of denture is

contraindicated in condition of :
A) xerostomia
B ) pemphigus AT
C) parkinson's disease
D) none of the above

57_The cast is weak when the ratio of

powder/water is
A)The ratio is too high
B)The ratio is too low ✓
C)the ratio is insufficient
D)all the above

58_Small undercut if RPD

a_changing the path of insertion
b_relieving of the area ✓
c_ surgical removal
d_ a,b
Final 2020

Failure to provide and maintain adequate occlusion on the
removable partial denture is primarily a result of:
(1) Lack of support for the denture base,
2. The fallacy of establishing occlusion to a single static jaw relation
3. An unacceptable occlusal plane.

1-Osteoplasty perform by
B-rongeur handpice
2-Metal denture base is used for bounded cases because:
They don't need to be relined
3-radiographe :
a)depth of vestbule
b) vision from lingual
c) non of the above Eoka ‫الصح‬
: diagnostic cast-4
a) view from lingual aspect
b) fabrication of spicial tray
‫ الصح‬c) all of the above
; the most common situation indication rpd-5
The most common situations are partial ||| a) class
edentulous space Cl I and Cl II which have
an edentulous space on the opposite side b) excessive loss of residual ridge
of the arch is often conveniently present to
aid in the required retention and
stabilization of the partial denture.
c)all of the above
‫ الصح‬d) non of the above

Excellent occlusion recording material ....ZOE impretion-6

7 -Factors affecting rpd success.... is :
A) functional
B) biological
C) mechanical
D)all of the above

8. Alginate impression pour after

A. 15 m AGES
B.45 m
9-indication to rpd ;
a) loss of residual ridge
b) economic
c) all of the above EGG
10-infection control ;
a)kill all life forms
b) contaminated matrial handeld carefully
c)all of the above
11-Radiograph examination during diagnosis and treatment of
the patient need Cr/ Co can :
a- evalute the occlusion from the lingual side.
b- important tool for determining the hight od the floor of the
c- all of the above.
d- non %
12-anatomical matrial ;
zinc oxide eugenol
13-Disclosing wax is used for checking :
A)over extended borders
B) pressure area
c-interdental interferance
÷T ggTf
C) all of the above
13-altered cast ;
for mandibular cl | or ||
14-In case of having the two dentures tissue supported
Final occlusal adjustment is done on ;
A) .... mandible first
B) ..... maxilla first
C) the maxilla only
D) non of the above
tAnswer:e mandible
15-Reciprocal arm of the clasp ..
A.passive Retentive arm = passive
B. active
C.always on the lingual side
Correct : b
‫الرتنتنف ارم تكون باسف والرسبروكال اكتف‬
16-build up the palatal with wax :
a) distrbution of matrial
d)to have accurate record
c) all ‫الصح‬

17-The best method to distribute not transfer the force to

A) wroute wire
B ) I-bar
C) putting breakers is the best
D) all of the above
answer all

18 multiple diverge root tooth

a.less resistance than confused conical root
b . distribute force for large area and better support shoe
c.allof above
19-Fitted tray can't used wirh
A-impression compound
20when occlusal rest removed :
support will be compressed repair or refabrication
21-in try- in on masseter cast ;
a) rest fully seated in ther perperstion
b) clasp contact with the tooth
c) all of the above
22-Regarding to the combination clasp all true except:
a- it is combination of altered cast and wrought wire.
b- indicated where the distobuccal but no mesiobuccal undercut
c- frequently used on the terminal abutment for the distal
extention PD.
d- used where gross tissue undercut cervical and buccal to the
Answer : b
23-Advantages of indirect retainer
One is incorrect :
B) the anterior teeth retained by the indirect retainer is prevented
from labial drifting.
‫ اللنكوال‬7‫?نو هوه ا;فروض ع‬

24-Stock tray with 2-4 mm space is used for :

A)impression compound .
B) plaster impression material
C) alginate
25-5-Radiograph is useful in :
A) viewing the occlusal part from lingual side .
B) measuring the depth of the floor of the mouth

C) non of the aboveµ

26-Removable partial denture is indicated in :

A) alveolar bone loss
B) Partial edentulous area cl III
C) all of the above

27-Irreversible hydrocolloid impression material :

A) should not be kept exposed to air --> dehydration --->
B) shouldn't put it in water or disinfectant ---> expansion
C) all of the above

28-Irreversible hydrocolloid impression material ( alginate ) :
A) has poor dimensional stability
B) used for making diagnostic cast , orthodontic treatment cast ,
C)hydrophilic, pleasant test ...
D) all of the above

29-Alginate impression material is retained in the stoke tray by :

A) holes
B) rim around the border
C ) all of the above
30-When pouring a cast :
A) the thinnest portion should be 16-18 mm
B) pour the cast with part a away from the border to have the
buccal , labial , lingual vestibule.
C) all of the above
31-base of the cast :
16_18 at thinnest
extend byond the border
all Bs
‫الصح‬ -

32-Irreversible hydrocolloids :
A-dimensionally unstable and can be used with water
B-pleasant odor and taste , non toxic
C-used to make diagnostic cast, orthodontic cast and RPD
master cast
D-All of the above of

33-the design ;
identifing the problem
34-denture will rotate ;
a) force is direct
b) combination of direction rather one
c) differnce in dispaceability
d) all of
35-Regarding tongue muscle
1has extrinsic muscles
2-must move freely (‫)هيج شي‬
36-Orbicularis oris muscle important in ..
A.jaw relation
B.impression border
C.all of above
37-Orbicularis oris muscle important in ..
A.jaw relation
B.impression border
C.all of above
38-Class 1 soft palate..
A.horizontal with little muscle movement

39-The procedure framework Cr/Co
1-in the distal extension RBD pressure on distal extension

2-in the distal extension RBD no pressure on distal extension
3-in the distal extension RBD pressure on major connecter
4-none of above
40-vibrating line ;

b) junction of soft and hard palate


on soft palate not over the platine bone ‫الصح‬

41-mentalis and incisvie muscle ;

dislodge mandible
render lower vistbule shalower
all ‫الصح‬
1.bony exotosis
2.all cases surgically removed
3.all of above
4.non of above
43-adjustment term is
a.prepare the patient to recieve the new prosthesis
b.the dentist adjust the denture ‫او هيج شي‬
c. all of the above
44-abused and irriated tissue :
a) ill- fitting or poor rpd
d) overetnision flang
c) all
45-Buccinator muscle .. does not interfere directly with denture because it contract
in line parallel to the line of occlusion.
b- Buccinators when constriction it pushes the masseter
c- all
answer : a
rest ;
Internal and external finish lines
46-a) must be straight should be sharp, well delineated, and
b) make degree 90 with minor less than 90 ° to provide adequate
mechanical retention of the resin
all) denture base to the metal framework.
d) non ‫الصح‬
because it should do less than 90
47-resistance to masticatory forces toward basal seat :
48--Retention for Alginate impression
B.rim on the border of tray only
C.all ‫يمكن‬
49-For mesial rest..the denture reciprecation from
1 major connector
2 retentive arm
3 rest
4 minor connector •(●)

50-In distal extension RPD:

A. An indirect retainer should be incoroporated in the design to
prevent the movement of denture base away from the ridge.
B. A distal abutment tooth should be preserved whenever
possible to prevent movement of denture base away from the
C. All of aboveBe ‫ ا?ريا اوف برشر‬7‫ سوال ع‬-51
52-The consequence of the prosthesis movement under load is :
a- an application of the stree to the teeth and tissue that contact
to the prosthesis.
b- the stress exceed the level of physiologic tolerance.
c- a range of mechanical stimulus that a system can not resist
without distruption ........
d- all

53) the framework on the master cast should check for :

a_the rests fully seated in their preparations
b_reciprocal arm &/or lingual plate in intimate contact with
tooth surface
c_ all of above or
d_ non of above
54-Reciprocal arm
A-on and above height of contour A
B- below height of contour
C- all
D- non
55-Which statment is correct :
a- wider tissue coverage distribute the occlusal load more evenly
and protect soft tissue and teeth from damage during function.
b- flat ridge provide : poor support and good stability
c- sharp spine ridge provide support and good stability.
d- displaceable tissue on ridge provide good stability and poor
Answer :a
56-During inserstion procedure:
a-relief of frenum
b-relief of flange
C-all of above
d-non of above
57-before insertion appointment .. Framework should be
separated from the cast and checked for :
A - type of teeth
B - vertical dimensions
C - roughning of metal
D – None
Answer : c
58-Tray used with Alginate have..‫هيج شي‬
B.rim on the border only
C.all of above
D.none of avove
59-_Interference force result from
1_over extension denture
2_from natural teeth..
60-Buccal shelf area
A . Primary stress bearing area in maxilla
B . Characterized by dense bone covered by layer of compact
bone for this reason offer excellent resistance to the force
C . All the above
D . Non of the above
61-Opjective of insertion :
A-teach the patient how to use the denture B.
B-evaluate & correct tissue surface
C-adjustment to the interdental space
62-Altered cast used to take impression for :
A-mand. III
B-mand. I,II THE
C-max. I,II
D-both maxillary & mandibular
63--Occlusal contacts desired for unilateral distal extension RPD
1.unilateral balanced
2.bilateral balanced
3.canine guidance
4.centric occlusion •

64-In the McLean's :

A) we used functional impression only
B) we use anatomical impression only
C) we used two impression Gg
65-we put wax on the deep palate in maxillary impresion in
order to:
c.all of above
66-The function of rest
Distribute the force with long axis of the abutment
67-- mucostatic impression:
A) the surface contour of the ridge is recorded at its resting form
(no occlusal load ) soft or
less viscose alginate impression material.
B) the surface contour of the ridge is recorded at its functional
form ( soft or less viscose alginate impression material ).
C) the surface contour of the ridge is recorded at its resting form
( zinc oxide euginol impression material).
D) none of the above.
68-if Distolingual flange of max. is too thick :
A-increase peripheral seal
B-increase stability
C- dislogement during lateral excursion
69-Mesial rest ,i-bar ,guide plate reciprocation from :
A-major connector
C-flexible plate
D-retentive clasp arm

70-Occlusal relationship for unilateral distal extension rpd :

A-centric occlusion
B-unilateral balanced
C-bilateral balanced
D- ‫وحده مداذكرها‬
71-In the mandibular arch the distal area of the denture is called:

-retromolar pad area.

72-the denture in the trial step should be examined in respect
a)sensitivity of the denture
b)vertical dimension Bsf
c)gag reflex
d)all of the above
73-/Mesial rest ,giud plain,I bar reciprocertion achieved by :
2/minor .c (correct)
3/major .c
4/retentive clasp

10mm go -60

9mm 1mm

11mm )
d IH



1. Facial measurements after swallowing and relaxing.

2. Tactile sense.
3. Measurement of anatomic landmarks.
4. Speech or Phonetic.
5. Electro-myographic method. 6. Facial expression.


Tensor veli palatini

Levator veli palatini












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