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2023 – 2024 ACADEMIC YEAR

_______________________________________ SCHOOLS

Name & Surname: __________________________________ Class: _____________ Number: _______________

A. Read the text in the box and answer the following questions.

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was the founder of the Turkish Republic. He was the
Turkish military leader and first president of Republic of Türkiye.

Atatürk was born in Salonika in 1881 and grew up there. His father’s name was
Ali Rıza Efendi, and his mother was Zübeyde Hanım. When he was 12 years old,
he started Military High School. He was so successful in mathematics that his
teacher gave him the name Kemal which meant perfection. Atatürk graduated
from Military Academy in 1905.

Atatürk had a successful military career in the Ottoman Army. He became the commander of the
army in Balkan Wars. He earned medals and prizes for his unique leadership during his lifetime.
After World War I, Atatürk took the steps to establish the Republic of Türkiye. He wanted
independence for his country, so he led the Independence War. He established the Turkish Republic
on 29th October 1923.

On 10th November 1938, Atatürk died in Dolmabahçe Palace in Istanbul. He was the father of
modern Türkiye. Turkish people are proud of his love and dedication to his country.

1. Who was Mustafa Kemal Atatürk?

2. Where and when was Atatürk born?
3. Why was Atatürk given the name “Kemal”?
4. What did Atatürk do in the Ottoman Army?
5. What steps did Atatürk take after World War I?

6. When was the Turkish Republic established?


7. Where and when did Atatürk die?


8. How is Atatürk remembered by the Turkish people?

B. Fill the chart with the names of animals for each animal group.

C. Put the words in order to make sentences. Use Simple Past Tense.

1. John / study / at the Oxford University


2. Matt / leave / Paris / two years ago


3. Alexander Bell / invent / the telephone


4. Nelson Mandela / win / the Nobel Prize / in 1993


5. J.K. Rowling / start / to write / Harry Potter series / in 1990


D. Write about your favorite person (an artist, a writer, a singer, an athlete, a teacher, or a person from your
family). Use Simple Past Tense and give details about him/her. (education, job, family etc.) Write at least seven













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