HW 6

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(a) The magnetic field strength H is given by the equation:
H = N*I/l
where N is the number of turns, I is the current, and l is the length of the coil.
H = (200)*(10 A)/0.20 m = 10,000 A/m
(b) In vacuum, the flux density B is given by the equation:
B = μ0*H
where μ0 is the permeability of free space, which has a value of 4π x 10^-7 T*m/A.
B = (4π x 10^-7 Tm/A)(10,000 A/m) = 1.26 x 10^-3 T
(c) The flux density inside a material with susceptibility χ is given by the equation:
B = μ0*(H + M)
where M is the magnetization of the material, which is related to χ by the equation:
M = χ*H
For titanium, from Table 18.2, χ = 3.0 x 10^-5.
H = 10,000 A/m, so
M = (3.0 x 10^-5)*(10,000 A/m) = 0.30 A/m
B = μ0*(H + M) = (4π x 10^-7 Tm/A)(10,000 A/m + 0.30 A/m) = 1.26 x 10^-3 T
So the flux density inside the titanium bar is the same as in vacuum.
(d) The magnetization M is given by M = χ*H, where χ is the susceptibility of the material and H
is the magnetic field strength.
For vacuum, χ = 0, so M = 0.
For titanium, from part (c), χ = 3.0 x 10^-5 and H = 10,000 A/m, so
M = (3.0 x 10^-5)*(10,000 A/m) = 0.30 A/m.

Using Table 18.1 from the textbook, we have:
xm = 4πχ
xm´ = χ
xm´(g) = 4πχ(g)
xm´(a) = NAχ(a)
where NA is Avogadro's number.
Given xm for silver as -2.38 x 10^-5, we can convert it into the other five susceptibilities as
Volume susceptibility (SI units): xm = -2.38 x 10^-5
Mass susceptibility: xm(g) = xm/ρ = -2.38 x 10^-5 / 10,500 = -2.27 x 10^-9 (using the density of
silver from Table 2.2)
Atomic susceptibility: xm(a) = xm´(g) / μ = (-2.38 x 10^-5) / (107.87 x 1.66 x 10^-27) = -8.63 x
Volume susceptibility (cgs-emu units): xm´ = xm / (4π) = -1.89 x 10^-6
Mass susceptibility (cgs-emu units): xm´(g) = xm´ x ρ = (-1.89 x 10^-6) x (10,500/1,000) = -1.98 x
Atomic susceptibility (cgs-emu units): xm´(a) = xm´(g) / μ = (-1.89 x 10^-6) / (107.87 x 1.66 x
10^-24) = -6.87 x 10^2
Therefore, the six susceptibilities for silver are:
Volume susceptibility (SI units): -2.38 x 10^-5
Mass susceptibility: -2.27 x 10^-9
Atomic susceptibility: -8.63 x 10^2
Volume susceptibility (cgs-emu units): -1.89 x 10^-6
Mass susceptibility (cgs-emu units): -1.98 x 10^-5
Atomic susceptibility (cgs-emu units): -6.87 x 10^2
(a) The magnetic permeability can be calculated using the equation:
B = μH
where B is the magnetic flux density and H is the magnetic field strength. Solving for μ:
μ = B/H = 0.435 T / 3.44 x 10^5 A/m = 1.263 x 10^-6 H/m
(b) The magnetic susceptibility can be calculated using the equation:
χ = μr - 1
where μr is the relative permeability of the material. Since the problem does not provide the
value of μr, we cannot calculate the magnetic susceptibility.
(c) Based on the given information, the material is displaying paramagnetism. Paramagnetic
materials have a positive magnetic susceptibility, meaning they are weakly attracted to
magnetic fields.

Given data:
Magnetization, M = 3.2 x 105 A/m
H field, H = 50 A/m
(a) Magnetic susceptibility can be calculated using the formula:
χ = M/H
χ = (3.2 x 105 A/m)/(50 A/m)
χ = 6400
Therefore, the magnetic susceptibility of the metal alloy is 6400.
(b) Permeability can be calculated using the formula:
B = μH
where B is magnetic flux density, and μ is permeability.
Since the magnetic flux density is not given, we cannot directly calculate the permeability.
(c) Magnetic flux density can be calculated using the formula:
B = μH
Since we do not know the value of μ, we cannot calculate B directly.
(d) The magnetic susceptibility of 6400 is extremely high, suggesting that the material is a
ferromagnetic material. This is because ferromagnetic materials have high values of magnetic
susceptibility due to the presence of domains that align with an external magnetic field.

The saturation magnetization (Ms) and saturation flux density (Bs) are related to the magnetic
moment per atom (μ) and the atomic weight (A) of the material as follows:
Ms = (μ × N)/V
Bs = Ms/μ0
where N is Avogadro's number, V is the atomic volume, and μ0 is the permeability of free
For cobalt, the magnetic moment per atom is given as μ = 1.72 Bohr magnetons. One Bohr
magneton is equal to 9.274 × 10-24 A m2. Therefore, μ can be expressed in SI units as:
μ = 1.72 × 9.274 × 10-24 A m2 = 1.594 × 10-23 A m2
The atomic weight of cobalt is A = 58.93 g/mol, which can be converted to kg/mol as:
A = 58.93 g/mol × 1 kg/1000 g = 0.05893 kg/mol
The density of cobalt is given as 8.90 g/cm3, which can be converted to kg/m3 as:
ρ = 8.90 g/cm3 × (1 m/100 cm)3 × 1000 kg/m3 = 8900 kg/m3
The atomic volume of cobalt can be calculated as:
V = A/ρ × N = (0.05893 kg/mol)/(8900 kg/m3) × 6.022 × 1023 atoms/mol = 3.95 × 10-6 m3/atom
Substituting these values into the equations above, we get:
Ms = (μ × N)/V = (1.594 × 10-23 A m2 × 6.022 × 1023)/3.95 × 10-6 m3/atom = 2.43 × 106 A/m
Bs = Ms/μ0 = 2.43 × 106 A/m / (4π × 10-7 T m/A) = 1.93 T
Therefore, the saturation magnetization of cobalt is 2.43 × 106 A/m and the saturation flux
density is 1.93 T.
We can use Equation 18.2 to calculate the saturation magnetization per atom:
μsat / N = (μB * g * J) / V
where μB is the Bohr magneton, g is the Landé g-factor (assumed to be 2.0 for iron), J is the
total angular momentum quantum number (assumed to be 2 for iron), V is the volume of the
unit cell, and N is Avogadro's number.
First, we need to calculate the number of atoms per unit cell for BCC iron. In a BCC crystal
structure, there are two atoms per unit cell, so:
N = 2 / (0.2866 nm)^3 * (10^-9 m/nm)^3 * 6.022 x 10^23 atoms/mol = 2.481 x 10^28
Next, we can rearrange Equation 18.2 to solve for μB:
μB = μsat / (g * J * V / N)
Plugging in the given values, we get:
μB = (1.70 x 10^6 A/m) / (2.0 * 2 * (0.2866 nm)^3 * (10^-9 m/nm)^3 / 2.481 x 10^28
atoms/m^3) = 2.20 μB
So we can confirm that there are approximately 2.2 Bohr magnetons associated with each iron

The saturation magnetization M_s is related to the number of Bohr magnetons per atom (n) by
the expression:
M_s = nμ_BgJ/μ_0V
where μ_B is the Bohr magneton, g is the Landé g-factor, J is the total angular momentum
quantum number, μ_0 is the permeability of free space, and V is the volume of the unit cell.
For a simple cubic crystal structure, the unit cell contains 1 atom and its volume is given by:
V = a^3
where a is the edge length of the cube.
The atomic radius is related to the edge length by:
a = 2r
where r is the atomic radius.
Substituting these values into the expression for M_s and solving for n, we get:
n = M_sμ_0V/(μ_BgJ)
n = M_sμ_0(2r)^3/(μ_BgJ)
For iron, g = 2.0, J = 2.0, and μ_B = 9.274 × 10^-24 J/T. Substituting the given values for r and
M_s, we obtain:
n = (0.76 T)(4π × 10^-7 T·m/A)(2(0.153 × 10^-9 m))^3/(9.274 × 10^-24 J/T × 2.0 × 2.0)
n ≈ 2.13
Therefore, there are approximately 2.13 Bohr magnetons per atom for this hypothetical
ferromagnetic material with a simple cubic crystal structure, an atomic radius of 0.153 nm, and
a saturation flux density of 0.76 tesla.

The saturation magnetization of nickel ferrite can be estimated using the formula:
Ms = NA * μB * (nFe * MFe + nNi * MNi)
where NA is Avogadro's number, μB is the Bohr magneton, nFe and nNi are the number of iron
and nickel ions per formula unit, respectively, and MFe and MNi are the magnetic moments per
ion for iron and nickel, respectively.
From Table 19.1, the magnetic moments per ion for iron and nickel are 2.22 and 0.60 Bohr
magnetons, respectively. For nickel ferrite, there are 8 formula units per unit cell, and the
formula is NiFe2O4, so there are 2 iron ions and 1 nickel ion per formula unit.
Plugging in these values, we get:
Ms = (6.022 × 10^23/mol) * (9.274 × 10^-24 J/T) * [(2 * 2.22) + (1 * 0.60)] = 4.65 × 10^5 A/m
The saturation flux density can be calculated using the formula:
Bs = μ0 * Ms
where μ0 is the permeability of free space. Plugging in the values, we get:
Bs = (4π × 10^-7 T·m/A) * (4.65 × 10^5 A/m) = 2.91 T
Therefore, the estimated saturation magnetization and saturation flux density of nickel ferrite
are 4.65 x 10^5 A/m and 2.91 T, respectively.

We can use the formula for saturation magnetization, given as:
Ms = (N * μB^2 * S) / Vm
where N is the number of magnetic ions per formula unit, μB is the Bohr magneton, S is the
total spin magnetic moment per ion, and Vm is the molar volume.
For manganese ferrite, N = 1 (one Mn2+ ion per formula unit), S = 5/2 (spin-only value for
Mn2+), and Vm = M / ρN, where M is the molar mass and ρ is the density.
Using the values given, we get:
Vm = M / ρN = (70.94 g/mol) / (5.00 g/cm3 * 8) = 0.177 cm3/mol Ms = (N * μB^2 * S) / Vm = (1
* (9.274 x 10^-24 J/T)^2 * 5/2) / (0.177 x 10^-6 m3/mol) = 2.16 x 10^5 A/m
Finally, we can find the number of Bohr magnetons associated with each Mn2+ ion using the
μB = (9.274 x 10^-24 J/T) * g * S
where g is the Landé g-factor. For Mn2+, g = 2.0, so we get:
μB = (9.274 x 10^-24 J/T) * 2.0 * 5/2 = 2.31 x 10^-23 J/T
Dividing the saturation magnetization by the Bohr magneton, we get:
μB / Mn2+ = Ms / [(N * S) / g] = (2.16 x 10^5 A/m) / [(1 * 5/2) / 2.0] = 3.46 μB/ion
Therefore, each Mn2+ ion in manganese ferrite is associated with approximately 3.46 Bohr

The formula unit for Yttrium iron garnet (Y3Fe5O12) can be written as Yc3Fea2Fed3O12, where
a, c, and d represent different sites for Y3+ and Fe3+ ions.
Given information:
Number of formula units in each unit cell = 8
Unit cell edge length = 1.2376 nm
Saturation magnetization = 1.0 x 104 A/m
Bohr magnetons associated with each Fe3+ ion = 5
Let us first calculate the number of iron ions per unit cell.
Number of iron ions in one formula unit = 5
Number of iron ions in 8 formula units = 5 x 8 = 40
Each iron ion has 5 Bohr magnetons associated with it.
Total Bohr magnetons associated with iron ions = 40 x 5 = 200
Now, let us calculate the saturation magnetization per unit volume.
Saturation magnetization (Ms) = 1.0 x 104 A/m
Molar volume of Y3Fe5O12 = (3 x atomic weight of Y + 5 x atomic weight of Fe + 12 x atomic
weight of O) / density
= (3 x 88.91 g/mol + 5 x 55.85 g/mol + 12 x 16.00 g/mol) / (5.00 g/cm3 x 1000 cm3/m3)
= 0.0241 m3/mol
Number of formula units per unit cell = 8
Volume of unit cell = (1.2376 nm)3 = (1.2376 x 10-9 m)3
Number of unit cells per m3 = (1 m/1.2376 x 10-9 m)3 = 6.845 x 1019
Number of formula units per m3 = 8 x 6.845 x 1019 = 5.476 x 1020
Volume of one formula unit = (1/5.476 x 1020) x (0.0241 m3/mol) = 4.402 x 10-23 m3/formula
Saturation magnetization per unit volume = Ms / ρ = (1.0 x 104 A/m) / (5.00 g/cm3 x 1000
g/m3/cm3) = 2.0 x 10-6 A·s/m2
Now, let us calculate the number of Bohr magnetons associated with each Y3+ ion.
The magnetic moment per unit volume can be expressed as:
Magnetic moment per unit volume = (Bohr magnetons per ion) x (number of ions per unit
volume) x (magnetic moment per ion)
Magnetic moment per ion = Ms / (number of ions per unit volume)
Number of ions per unit volume = 1 / volume of one ion
Volume of one ion = (1/8) x (1.2376 nm)3
= 2.526 x 10-29 m3
Number of ions per unit volume = 1 / 2.526 x 10-29 m3 = 3.961 x 1028 ions/m3
Magnetic moment per ion = Ms / (number of ions per unit volume)
= (2.0 x 10-6 A·s/m2) / (3.961 x 1028 ions/m3)
= 5.042 x 10-35 A·m2/ion
Magnetic moment per unit volume = (Bohr magnetons per ion) x (number of ions per unit
volume) x (magnetic

(a) The magnetic flux density within a vacuum due to the current carrying coil is given by the
B = μ0 * n * I
where B is the magnetic flux density, μ0 is the permeability of free space, n is the number of
turns per unit length, and I is the current.
Here, the length of the coil (l) is 0.1 m and the number of turns (N) is 15. So, the number of
turns per unit length (n) is given by:
n = N / l = 15 / 0.1 = 150 turns/m
The permeability of free space, μ0, is 4π × 10^-7 T·m/A.
Therefore, the magnetic flux density within a vacuum is:
B = μ0 * n * I = 4π × 10^-7 T·m/A * 150 turns/m * 1.0 A = 1.884 × 10^-4 T
(b) To calculate the flux density within the iron-silicon alloy, we need to use the B-H behavior
graph of the material to determine the magnetic field intensity (H) corresponding to the current
(I) in the coil.
Assuming that the iron-silicon alloy is placed entirely within the coil and is oriented in such a
way that the magnetic field is parallel to the direction of the bar, the flux density (B) within the
bar is given by:
where μ is the permeability of the material and H is the magnetic field intensity.
From the B-H behavior graph, we can see that for a magnetic field intensity of 500 A/m, the flux
density within the iron-silicon alloy is approximately 1.3 T. Therefore, we can write:
B = μ * H = 1.3 T
Solving for μ, we get:
μ = B / H = 1.3 T / (500 A/m) = 2.6 × 10^-3 T·m/A
(c) To produce the same magnetic field in the molybdenum bar as in the iron-silicon alloy using
a current of 1.0 A, we need to determine the magnetic field intensity required in the
molybdenum bar.
From part (b), we know that the magnetic field intensity required to produce a flux density of
1.3 T in the iron-silicon alloy is 500 A/m. Therefore, we can write:
For the molybdenum bar, we have:
B = μ0 * n * I = μ * H
where n is the number of turns per unit length in the coil, which is the same as before (150
turns/m), and μ0 is the permeability of free space.
Substituting the values, we get:
μ0 * n * I = μ * H
Solving for I, we get:
I = H * μ / (μ0 * n)
Substituting the values, we get:
I = 500 A/m * 2.6 × 10^-3 T·m/A / (4π × 10^-7 T·m/A * 150 turns/m) = 0.11 A
Therefore, a current of approximately 0.11 A is required to produce the same magnetic field in
the molybdenum bar as was produced in the iron-silicon alloy using a current of 1.0 A.

To demagnetize the iron bar magnet, a magnetic field should be applied in the opposite
direction of the magnetization until the magnetic moment of the bar becomes zero. The
magnitude of the demagnetizing field required to do this is equal to the coercivity of the
Given data:
coercivity of iron bar magnet (Hc) = 4000 A/m length of the cylindrical wire coil (l) = 0.15 m
number of turns in the coil (N) = 100
The magnetic field generated by the coil can be calculated using the formula:
B = μ0 * N * I / l
where μ0 is the permeability of free space and has a value of 4π × 10^-7 T·m/A.
Rearranging the formula gives:
I = B * l / (μ0 * N)
Substituting the values gives:
I = (4000 A/m) * 0.15 m / (4π × 10^-7 T·m/A * 100)
I ≈ 150 A
Therefore, an electric current of approximately 150 A is required to generate the necessary
magnetic field to demagnetize the iron bar magnet.

(a) We can use the formula for magnetic field inside a solenoid to find the B field within the
bar: B = μ₀ * n * I, where μ₀ is the permeability of free space, n is the number of turns per unit
length of the coil, and I is the current passing through the coil. Here, n = 60/0.20 = 300 turns/m
and I = 0.1 A. We have μ₀ = 4π × 10^-7 H/m. Thus,
B = μ₀ * n * I = 4π × 10^-7 * 300 * 0.1 = 3.77 × 10^-5 T
(b) (i) At this magnetic field, the permeability of the iron-silicon alloy is μ = B/H = 1.0/5000 = 2.0
× 10^-4 H/m. (ii) The relative permeability is given by the ratio of the permeability of the
material to the permeability of free space: μᵣ = μ/μ₀ = (2.0 × 10^-4)/4π × 10^-7 = 159.15 (iii) The
susceptibility is given by the formula χ = μᵣ - 1: χ = 159.15 - 1 = 158.15 (iv) The magnetization is
given by the formula M = χ * H: M = χ * H = 158.15 * 5000 = 7.91 × 10^5 A/m.

The saturation magnetization, Ms, of iron is approximately 2.16 T (Tesla).
The saturation value of H for a single crystal of iron is dependent on the crystal direction.
The saturation magnetization, Ms, and anisotropy constant, K, for single crystal iron can be
used to estimate the saturation values of H for each crystal direction using the following
Hs = 2K/Ms
where Hs is the saturation field, K is the anisotropy constant, and Ms is the saturation
For [100] direction,
K = 0.37 x 10^3 J/m^3
Hs = 2K/Ms = 2(0.37 x 10^3 J/m^3)/(2.16 T) = 342.6 kA/m
For [110] direction,
K = 0.27 x 10^3 J/m^3
Hs = 2K/Ms = 2(0.27 x 10^3 J/m^3)/(2.16 T) = 251.4 kA/m
For [111] direction,
K = 0.14 x 10^3 J/m^3
Hs = 2K/Ms = 2(0.14 x 10^3 J/m^3)/(2.16 T) = 129.6 kA/m
Therefore, the estimated saturation values of H for single-crystal iron in the [100], [110], and
[111] directions are 342.6 kA/m, 251.4 kA/m, and 129.6 kA/m, respectively.

From problem 18.1, we know that the coil has an edge length of 0.1 m, 15 turns, and carries a
current of 1.0 A. Using the Ampere's law, we can calculate the magnetic field inside the coil:
B = μ0 * (N / L) * I
where B is the magnetic field, μ0 is the permeability of vacuum, N is the number of turns, L is
the length of the coil, and I is the current.
Plugging in the values, we get:
B = 4π × 10^-7 * (15 / 0.1) * 1.0 = 1.884 × 10^-5 T
Since the iron just reaches the point of saturation, we can assume that its magnetic field
intensity (H) equals the coercivity (Hc) of iron, which is 800 A/m. Therefore, the saturation
magnetization (Ms) can be calculated using the formula:
Ms = B / μ0 - Hc
Plugging in the values, we get:
Ms = 1.884 × 10^-5 / (4π × 10^-7) - 800 = 2.36 × 10^5 A/m
Therefore, the saturation magnetization of the iron is 2.36 × 10^5 A/m.

(a) The saturation flux density is the maximum value of B, which is approximately 1.85 T.
(b) The saturation magnetization is the maximum value of M, which corresponds to the
saturation flux density divided by the vacuum permeability. Using μ0 = 4π × 10−7 H/m, we get:
Ms = Bsat / μ0 = 1.85 T / (4π × 10−7 H/m) = 1.47 × 106 A/m
(c) The remanence is the value of B when the external field is zero. Reading off the curve, we
Br = 0.8 T
(d) The coercivity is the value of the external field required to reduce the magnetization to zero.
Reading off the curve, we get:
Hc = 380 A/m
(e) Based on the data in Tables 18.5 and 18.6, we can classify this material as a hard magnetic
material. The reason is that it has a high coercivity (380 A/m), which means that it requires a
relatively large external field to demagnetize it. Soft magnetic materials, on the other hand,
have low coercivity and are easily magnetized and demagnetized.

According to Equation 18.14, the critical magnetic field at a given temperature T can be
calculated using the critical magnetic field at 0 K (HC(0)) and the critical temperature (TC) as
HC(T) = HC(0) [1 - (T/TC)^2]
For a superconducting element to be superconducting at a temperature T and in a magnetic
field of 15,000 A/m, its critical magnetic field at that temperature should be greater than or
equal to 15,000 A/m.
At 3 K and in a magnetic field of 15,000 A/m, the critical magnetic fields for the
superconducting elements in Table 18.7 are:
Tin: HC(T) = 15,000 A/m
Lead: HC(T) = 3,040 A/m
Niobium: HC(T) = 20,300 A/m
Tantalum: HC(T) = 14,900 A/m
Therefore, only tin is superconducting at 3 K and in a magnetic field of 15,000 A/m.

The saturation magnetization of a cobalt-nickel alloy can be estimated using the following
Ms = xCoMs,Co + xNiMs,Ni
where xCo and xNi are the weight fractions of Co and Ni in the alloy, respectively, and Ms,Co
and Ms,Ni are the saturation magnetizations of pure cobalt and nickel, respectively.
From Table 18.4, Ms,Co = 1.72 x 10^6 A/m and Ms,Ni = 0.61 x 10^6 A/m.
Let x be the weight fraction of Ni in the alloy. Then the weight fraction of Co in the alloy is (1 -
Using the given data, we can write:
1.3 x 10^6 A/m = (1 - x) (1.72 x 10^6 A/m) + x (0.61 x 10^6 A/m)
Simplifying this equation, we get:
x = 0.57
Therefore, the desired cobalt-nickel alloy should contain 57 wt% Ni and 43 wt% Co.

To design a cubic mixed-ferrite magnetic material that has a saturation magnetization of 4.6 x
105 A/m, we can use the following steps:
1. Determine the composition of the ferrite material.
2. Calculate the saturation magnetization of each constituent phase.
3. Use the rule of mixtures to determine the overall saturation magnetization of the
mixed-ferrite material.
4. Adjust the composition until the desired saturation magnetization is achieved.
Assuming that we want a mixed-ferrite material composed of two phases A and B, we can start
by selecting the constituent materials. For this example, let's assume that phase A is magnetite
(Fe3O4) and phase B is nickel-zinc ferrite (Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4).
The saturation magnetization of magnetite is 4.8 x 105 A/m, and the saturation magnetization
of nickel-zinc ferrite is 0.45 x 105 A/m. We can use the rule of mixtures to determine the
saturation magnetization of the mixed-ferrite material:
M_sat = V_A * M_A_sat + V_B * M_B_sat
where M_sat is the saturation magnetization of the mixed-ferrite material, M_A_sat and
M_B_sat are the saturation magnetizations of phases A and B, respectively, and V_A and V_B
are the volume fractions of phases A and B, respectively.
Let's assume that we want a mixed-ferrite material with 60% volume fraction of phase A and
40% volume fraction of phase B. Using the saturation magnetization values for magnetite and
nickel-zinc ferrite, we can calculate the overall saturation magnetization of the mixed-ferrite
M_sat = 0.6 * 4.8 x 105 + 0.4 * 0.45 x 105 M_sat = 2.97 x 105 A/m
This is close to the desired saturation magnetization of 4.6 x 105 A/m. To achieve this value, we
can adjust the volume fractions of the constituent phases. For example, we could increase the
volume fraction of phase B to 50%:
M_sat = 0.5 * 4.8 x 105 + 0.5 * 0.45 x 105 M_sat = 2.63 x 105 A/m
This is still lower than the desired saturation magnetization, so we could adjust the composition
further until the desired saturation magnetization is achieved.

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