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It was a quiet afternoon in autumn.

The leaves were bathing the garden, a melancholic

breeze was circulating. The sun beams were peeping through the shades. There were
piles of books on the floor, dust was setting on the furniture, then she returned to the
detached house just outside Samos.
In the entryway there was a little wooden table where she’d always leave her keys
without a second thought. But that time something caught her eye, an unusual key; it
had a short stem with a golden three-quarter moon-shaped bow, a silver collar and two
Suddenly her cell phone rang.
“Kleo, where are you?” She could not reply, she was locked in thoughts.
“Kleo, are you alright?”, her mother asked again.
“Yes, yes, I’m at grandma’s picking up the last books”, Kleo reply.
“Ok, be careful and get back before supper”
The line went dead, and Kleo could not stop staring at this strange but familiar key.

She gathered the rest of the books. Where did this key come from? What would it
open? It looked like a key to a diary. But then out of the corner of her eye, she saw a
book covered in green velvet with a waning crescent-lock on top of the book’s pile.
Without hesitation she grabbed the key and unlocked it.
“Kleo, darling.
I want you to know that I’m well. I left but not in the way you think. I was contacted by
beings of the moon, and I’m working with them to help unlock the answer to save our
beloved Earth. I’ll contact you soon and tell you all about it.
I love you and your mom.”

Miss you,

She was petrified, what on earth was going on? Grandma was alive, living on the
moon? She pinched herself but she wasn’t daydreaming.
“So what am I supposed to do now? Why would she leave me like that? What should I
Too many questions without answers, but this story will have an ending. Wait and see.

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