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Five feet apart

Stella one girl of 17 year old that suffer of cystic fibrosis and dried large time of his days in
the hospital, she likes mantain all in order and control until that arrive Will.

Will suffer of cystic fibrosis, he does not interested follow his treatments and he equal, he
alone to have 18 yeard old for be able to of the hospital and know the world however all
change to know to Stella.

Poe best friend of Stella same condition that Stella and Will, with time of know to Stella
his best friend, the lean in all and always optimistic front to his situations.

Bard is nurse of hospital charge of care about to the patients with cystic fibrosis and is
witnes of the love of Stella and Will.

Will know to stella in 2009 in the hospital and both fall in love but had one problem the
fibrosis obstruct that both be able to be united always had that have to tow meters and
with protection for that his germs not glue and die for his some bacterium or germs, even
so dicide to continue together with all imply the dranger, thanks to a meeting that made
for entertain to Will, Poe to infect and die, al lis complicated more between Will and Stella
and even so escape united, one accident dried and are transfereed to the hospital
immediatly some have germs one of other and ony one can be sabe, Will risk and delive
his lungs to Stella, she is operation and Will goobye of she for that he be able to die.

The only road are the transplant and Will the leave for Stella, he goobye and to estrange
for die, if both would have follow the ruls of Bard the nurse nothing would be die neither
Poe neither Will.


Time, place



Yareli Zuñiga Esparza


Five feet apart

Is center in the history of Stella and Will, two joungs that sufferiof cystic fibrosis, one illess
one lung disease. This sample one description about his life detail, showing with one
disease come to be in every thing that talk, since his routine daily until relation personals.

Ones of the problems is that Stella and Will have struggle constantly with the disease and
one distance that owe of respect for avoid infections crossed. This create one conflict
emotional and physical, already that the desire of they is be together but being away.

The persons to large of the movie the that search is one solution to all the barriers that
cross between they thank you to his healthful. One og the solution that this be able is fin
done shape of to be nearby the one of other without endanger the confort of both and
this requires of much support.

The movie compare and contrast the before and after of give one diagnosis of cystic
fibrosis, leave see with the characters adapt to one condition and circumstances that
shoop up with the over time. Also compare the relations of friendship and family, the
support that receive in a relation between Stella and Will.

A main cause of this movie is the illness of both protagonist that this same carries a series
of effects influence in they same. This illness affects the mobility, emotional and mental

The sequence of this movie is that simple the evolution of a relation od two youths, since
the first day in know until the overcoming of varieds obstacles that together be able pass

until the last moment together.


Problem and solution

Compare and contrast

Cause and effect

Five feet apart
One movie that you takes and you badge that the life and the love going together and can
come to one thrilling and moving narration . This history center in Stella and Will, two
joungs that are in one struggle against the cystic fibrosis in a hospital, lung disease that
the obliges to keep one distance of tow meters for his same security.

This movie takes to experimentation much emotions, of reality the challenger realities of
one disease to accomplice in this carácter. One chrmistry evident between they and to
pass the time do more strong to sorrow of all the barriers that past and are for pass.

Teach or take ot a world where the friendship and the love being force that impulse to
one same or impulse to this two joungs to surpass things.

Stella are one person that the liked carry his treatment to foot of the letter and have
conflict with not carry hourly and rules, one person easy and kind, creative of contained,
amicable and good friend, care and glad , with peculiar tastes,that not is one cure

While Will one person serious, one little moody, without desire of one treatment, with
one form of appearance the life simple, of Little friends, are one person reserved but
moment of know to Stella are other person, the cared the treatment, kind in sometimes,
looked glad, looked happy, tastes difficult but interesting, one greate place caetoonist,
whit desire to live just alone one little more and of know more of Stella.




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