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Submitted to

Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur For Partial Fulfillment Degree In




RAMDEOBABA TEKDI,GITTIKHADAN,KATOL ROAD NAGPUR-13 (ACADEMIC YEAR 2010-2011) _________________________________________________________________________

This is to certify that the Project Report on Multiple Choice Questionis a bonafide work and it is submitted toRashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur, by ________________ for partial fulfillment of the degree in Master of Computer Applications, Second Semester during the academic year 2010-2011under the guidance of Prof. _____________.

signature of External examiner

Prof.Avinash Agraval ( H.O.D.)

Dr. V. S. Deshpande (Principal)

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to mention our sincere gratitude towards our principal Dr. V. S. Deshpande and H.O.D. Prof. Avinash Agraval MCA Department, for giving us opportunity to carry out our project. We would like to express our heart full gratitude towards our guide, Mrs.Vidhi Mehta for his invaluable advice for the successful completion of this dissertation. We also like to extend our sincere thanks to other staff of the MCA Department for their invaluable help and support. Finally we take this opportunity to mention our sincere thanks to one and all those who helped us directly or indirectly for the completion of our project.


About this code we called it multiple choice question written entirely in C++. It is a desktop based application that uses text files and struct data structure to store and manipulate textfiles. We created this code to show that it is not difficult to write desktop application using C+ +language.


Multiple choice is a form of assessment in which respondents are asked to select the best possible answer (or answers) out of the choices from a list. E. L. Thorndike developed an early multiple choice test, Frederick J. Kelly was the first to use such items as part of a large scale assessment.[2] While Director of the Training School at Kansas State Normal School (now Emporia State University) in 1915, he developed and administered the Kansas Silent Reading Test. Soon after, Kelly became the third Dean of the College of Education at the University of Kansas. The first all multiple choice, large scale assessment was the Army Alpha, used to assess the intelligence of World War I military recruits. The items of a multiple choice test are often colloquially referred to as "questions," but this is a misnomer because many items are not phrased as a question. Thus, the more general term "item," is the most appropriate label. Items are stored in an item bank Multiple choice items consist of a stem and a set of options. The stem is the beginning part of the item that presents the item as a problem to be solved, a question asked of the respondent, or an incomplete statement to be completed, as well as any other relevant information. The options are the possible answers that the examinee can choose from, with the correct answer called the key and the incorrect answers called distractors. Only one answer can be keyed as correct. This contrasts with multiple response items in which more than one answer may be keyed as correct.

Usually, a correct answer earns a set number of points toward the total mark, and an incorrect answer earns nothing. However, tests may also award partial credit for unanswered questions or penalize students for incorrect answers, to discourage guessing. For advanced items, such as an applied knowledge item, the stem can consist of multiple parts. The stem can include extended or ancillary material such as a vignette, a case study, a graph, a table, or a detailed description which has multiple elements to it. Anything may be included as long it is necessary to ensure the utmost validity and authenticity to the item. The stem ends with a lead-in question explaining how the respondent must answer. Examples Q. If a=1, b=2. What is a+b? 1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 10 5) 8 Q. In the equation 2x + 3 = 4, solve for x. a) 4 b) 10 c) 0.5 d) 1.5 Q. Which of the following is the IT capital of India? 1) Bangalore 2) Mumbai 3) Mysore 4) Mexico Q.Is Bangalore the IT capital of India? a) True b) False

Our objective is to make a question-answer based an interactive program to check the calibration of the candidate. The purpose of this project is to make such software which is small, efficient and simple to be used for conducting exams in easy way and this software serves this purpose successfully. Useful for conducting exams of any firm or institute which is connected in network.


Requirements are a description of how a system should behave or a description of system properties or attributes. It can alternatively be a statement of what an application is expected to do. Given the multiple levels of interaction between users, business processes and devices in global corporations today, there are simultaneous and complex requirements from a single application, from various levels within an organization and outside it as well. This project provides easy interaction. This system is created in a user friendly way that allows non experts to run the application. >provides password application >helps to produce observation about any querry. >produces individual textfile of result. SOFTWARE : c++. HARDWARE : RAM-minimum 512 mb



Our project is on multiple choice question. This project lets us know about the intellectual cal liberation of the candidate.

The project works in following steps :

First it ask for username and password for maintaining security. Then the second option is of categories of different subjects on which test has to be conducted which is having four options ,which are as follows: 1. c++. 2. Data structure. 3. Maths & probability. 4. Exit.

Then we have to choose any of the options above according to our choice. Suppose if we enter option for any subject catagory , it ask for Candidates name. A set of 10 questions will appear on the screen bearing the name of the examinee at the top of it.

Suppose if examinee enters subject category 2,which is data structure; It will immediately produce a set of 10 questions. A particular case among the 4 cases will be selected randomly for that a ramdomize function is used. This avoids the repetition of same set question to different candidates which are connected in network. Each question of the set will have 4 options; examinee is suppose to choose the appropriate option & type the option from the keyboard. The answer will be written into the textfile simultaneously when candidate answers the question. Questions will appear not be displayed collectively rather it will appear one by one. With every correct answer examinee will gain 10 marks. And for wrong answer the score will remain unaffected. There is no negative marking for the wrong answer. On completion of exam, examinee is suppose to exit from it. As soon as he exits, a window will appear showing the total score of the examinee. To see the question wise marking of the test examinee will have to see the result textfile. This textfile will show gained score & wrong answer sequentially. After this examinee can either exit the test or can go for one more test of same category or different one too. This time the score will be appended to the previously created textfile.


//program for MCQ

#include<time.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<dos.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include <fstream.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #include<graphics.h> int thecfun(int); int thedsfun(int); void box(void); char lg[12]; ds(char * filename ) { int x; x=0; clrscr(); ofstream myfile;; char ch1[100],ch2,ch3,ch4,ch5,ch6,ch7,ch8,ch9,ch10,ch11; gotoxy(10,4); cout<<"Data Structure"; myfile<<"\t\tDS"; int m; gotoxy(10,10); cout<<"Click to start"; while(!kbhit()) { m = random(4); } clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n\n\n"; switch(m) { case 0: cout<<"\n 2-1.1) The memory address of first element of an array address \ address \nc.first address \nd.base address"; cin>>ch2; if(ch2=='a') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA1)= "<<x; }else myfile<<"\nA1) wrong answer.";

is called \na.floor

getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n2-1.2) The memory address of fifth element in an array can be calculated as \na.LOC(array[5])=base(array)+w(5-lower bound) \nb.LOC(array[5])=base(array[5])+w(5lowerbound) \n c.LOC(array[5])=base(array[4])+w(5-lower bound) \nd.none of these"; cin>>ch3; if(ch3=='a') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA2 "<<x; }else myfile<<"\nA2) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n2-1.3) What of the following data structures are indexed structure? \na.linear arrays \nb.linked lists \nc.both of above \nd.none of above"; cin>>ch4; if(ch4=='a') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA3)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA3) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n2-1.4) Which of the following is not required condition for the binaru search algorithm \na.the list must be sorted \nb.thre should be direct access to the middle element in any sublist \nc.there must be mechnism to delete & insert in list \nd.none of above"; cin>>ch5; if(ch5=='c') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA4)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA4) Wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n 2-1.5) which of the following is not the limitation in binary search algorithm \na.must use a sorted array \nb.requirment of sorted array is expensive when alot of insertion & eletion are needed \nc.there must be mechnism to access middle element directly\nd.binary search algorithm is not efficient when the data elements are more than thousand."; cin>>ch6; if(ch6=='d')

{ x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA5)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA5) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n2-1.6) The 2-d array is also called \na.tables array \nb.matrix array \nc.both of above \nd.none of above"; cin>>ch7; if(ch7=='c') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA6)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA6) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n2-1.7) the variable P is called pointer if \na. Pcontains the address of an element in DATA \nb.P points to the first element inDATA\nc.P can store only memory addresses \nd.P contains the DATA & the address of DATA"; cin>>ch8; if(ch8=='a') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA7)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA7) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"2-1.8) which of the following data struture cant store non\homogeneous data structure \na.arrays \nb.records \nc.pointers \nd.none"; cin>>ch9; if(ch9=='a') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA8)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA8) wrong answer."; getch();

clrscr(); cout<<"\n2-1.9) Which of the following data structure can store the homogeneous data elements \na.arrays \nb.records \nc.pointers \nd.none"; cin>>ch10; if(ch10=='b') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA9) "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA9) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n2-1.10) Each data item in a record may be a group item composed of subitem those item which are indecomposable are called \na.elementary items \nb.atoms\nc.scalars \nd.all ofabove"; cin>>ch11; if(ch11=='b') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA10)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA10) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); myfile<<cout<<"\n Your Score For c++\n"<<x; break; case 1: cout<<"\n 2-2.1) The difference between linear array and a record is \ array is suitable for homogeneous data but the data items in a record may have different datatype \ a record,there may not be a natural ordering in opposed to linear array \nc.a record form a hierarchical structure but a linear array does not \nd.all of above"; cin>>ch2; if(ch2=='d') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA1)= "<<x; }else myfile<<"\nA1) wrong answer."; getch();

clrscr(); cout<<"\n2-2.2) Which of the following statment is false? \na.array are dense lists and data structure\ elements in linked list need not to be sorted in adjacent space in memory \nc.pointer stores the next data element of a list \nd.linked list are collection of the nodes that contain information part and next pointer"; cin>>ch3; if(ch3=='c') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA2 "<<x; } getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n2-2.3 ) Binary search algorithm can not be applied to \na.sorted link list \n.b.sorted binary trees \nc.sorted linear array \nd.pointer array"; cin>>ch4; if(ch4=='a') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA3)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA3) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n2-2.4) When the new data is to be inserted into a data structure,but there is no available space,this situation is usually called\na.underflow \nb.overflow \nc.housefull \nd.saturated"; cin>>ch5; if(ch5=='b') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA4)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA4) Wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n2-2.5) The situstion when in a linked kist START=NULL is \na.undrflow\nb.overflow \nc.housefull \n.saturated"; cin>>ch6; if(ch6=='a') { x=x+10;

myfile<<"\nA5)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA5) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n2-2.6) Which of the following is the two way list? \na.grounded header list \nb.circular header list \ list with header & trailer nodes \nd.none of above"; cin>>ch7; if(ch7=='d') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA6)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA6) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n2-2.7) Which of the following names does not relate to stacks? \nFIFOlist \nb.LIFOlist \nc.piles \nd.push down list"; cin>>ch8; if(ch8=='a') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA7)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA7) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"2-2.8) The terms 'push' & 'pop' is related to \na.array \nb.lists \nc.stacks \nd.all of above"; cin>>ch9; if(ch9=='c') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA8)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA8) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n2-2.9) A data structure where elements can be added or removed at either end but not in the middle \na.linked list \nb.stacks \nc.queues \nd.dequeue";

cin>>ch10; if(ch10=='d') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA9) "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA9) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n2-2.10 ) When inorder tree resulted E A C K F H D B G,the preordre would return \na.FAEKCDBHG \nb.FAEKCDHGB \nc.EAFKHDCBG \nd.FEAKDCHBG"; cin>>ch11; if(ch11=='b') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA10)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA10) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr();

myfile<<cout<<"\n Your Score For c++\n"<<x; getch(); break; case 2: cout<<"2-3.1) Two main measures for the efficiency of an algorithm are \na.processor & memory \nb.complexity & capacity \nc.time&space \ & space"; cin>>ch2; if(ch2=='c') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA1)= "<<x; }else myfile<<"\nA1) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n2-3.2) The time factor when determining the efficiency of algorithm is measured by\na.counting microseconds \nb.counting the no. of key operations \nc.counting the no. of statments \nd.counting the kilobytes of algorithm";

cin>>ch3; if(ch3=='b') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA2 "<<x; }else myfile<<"\nA2) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n2-3.3) The space factor when determining the efficiency of the algoithm is \na.counting hte maximum memory needed \nb.counting the minimum memory needed \nc.counting the average memory needede \nd.counting the maximum disk space needed"; cin>>ch4; if(ch4=='a') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA3)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA3) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n2-3.4 which of the following case does not exist in complexity theory\ case \nb.worst case \nc.average case \nd.null case"; cin>>ch5; if(ch5=='d') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA4)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA4) Wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n2-3.5 the worst case occur in linear search algorithm when \na.item is \na.whenitem is somewhwre in the middle of the array \nb.item is not in the array at all \nc.item is th last element in the array \nd.item is the last element in the array or is not there at all"; cin>>ch6; if(ch6=='d') {

x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA5)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA5) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n2-3.6) The average case occurs in linear case algorithm \na.whenitem is somewhere in the middle of the array \nb.item is not in the array at all\nc.item is th last element in the array \nd.item is the last element in the array or is not there at all"; cin>>ch7; if(ch7=='a') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA6)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA6) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n 2-3.7)The compexity of average case of an algorithm is \na.much more complicated to analyze than that of worst case \nb.much more simpler to analyze than that of worst case \nc.sometimes more complicated & someothertimes simper then thet of worst case \nd.none of above"; cin>>ch8; if(ch8=='a') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA7)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA7) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"2-3.8 The complexity of linear search algorithm is \na.O(n) |nb.O(log n) \nc.O(n2)\nd.O(n log n)"; cin>>ch9; if(ch9=='a') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA8)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA8) wrong answer.";

getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n2-2.9 )The complexity of binary search algorithm is \nc.O(n2) \nd.O(n log n)"; cin>>ch10; if(ch10=='b') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA9) "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA9) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n2-2.10 )The complexity of buble sort algorithm is \nc.O(n2) \nd.O(n log n)"; cin>>ch11; if(ch11=='c') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA10)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA10) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); myfile<<cout<<"\n Your Score For c++\n"<<x; getch(); break;

\na.O(n) |nb.O(log n)

\na.O(n) |nb.O(log n)

case 3: cout<<"2-4.1 The complexity of merge sort algorithm is \nc.O(n2)\nd.O(n log n)"; cin>>ch2; if(ch2=='d') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA1)= "<<x; }else

\na.O(n) |nb.O(log n)

myfile<<"\nA1) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n2-4.2) The indirect change of values of vaariable in one module by another module is called \na.internal change \nb.inter madule change \nc.side effect \nd.side module update"; cin>>ch3; if(ch3=='c') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA2 "<<x; } getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n2-4.3) Which of the following data structure is not linear ds \na.arrays \nb.linked list \nc.both of above \nd.none of above"; cin>>ch4; if(ch4=='d') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA3)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA3) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n2-4.4) Which of the following is the linear data structure \na.trees \nb.graph \nc.both of above \nd.none of above"; cin>>ch5; if(ch5=='c') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA4)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA4) Wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n2-4.5) The operationof processing each element in the list is known as \na.sorting \nb.merging \nc.inserting \nd.traversing"; cin>>ch6; if(ch6=='d') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA5)= "<<x;

} else myfile<<"\nA5) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n2-3.6) Finding the location of element with a given value is \na.traversal \ \nc.sort \nd.none of above"; cin>>ch7; if(ch7=='b') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA6)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA6) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n2-4.7) Arrays are best data structure \na.for relatively permanent collection of data \nb.for the size of structure & the data in the structure are constantly changing \nc.for both of above \nd.for none of above"; cin>>ch8; if(ch8=='a') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA7)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA7) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"2-4.8 )Linked list are best suited \na.for relatively permanent collection of data \nb.for the size of structure & the data in the structure are constantly changing \nc.for both of above \nd.for none of above"; cin>>ch9; if(ch9=='b') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA8)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA8) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr();

cout<<"\n2-4.9)Each array declarationneed not give,impicitely & explicitely,The informationabout \na.the name of the array \nb.the datatype of array\nc.the first data from the set to be sorted \nd.the index set of the array"; cin>>ch10; if(ch10=='c') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA9) "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA9) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n2-4.10)The elements of array are sorted succesively in memory cells because\ this way computer can keep track only the address of the first element & the address of other element can be calculated\nb.the architecture of computer memory does not allow arrays to store other than serially \nc.both of above \nd.none of above"; cin>>ch11; if(ch11=='a') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA10)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA10) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); myfile<<cout<<"\n Your Score For c++\n"<<x; return x; } return x; }//end of ds;

c(char * filename ) { int x; x=0; ofstream myfile;; char ch1[100],ch2,ch3,ch4,ch5,ch6,ch7,ch8,ch9,ch10,ch11;

cout<<"\t\t\n C++\n"; myfile<<"\t\tC++\t\t"; randomize(); int m=17; m=rand()%7; switch(m) { case 1 : cout<<"\n THE QUESTIOMN SET 1"; cout<<"\n 1-1.1)c++ was originally developed by \na.nicolas worth \n\n b.donald knuth \n c.Bjarne stroupstup \n d.Ken thompson"; cin>>ch2; if(ch2=='c') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA1)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA1) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n1-(1.2) The standard c++ comment is \na./ \nb. // \nc. /*and*/\nd.none of these"; cin>>ch3; if(ch3=='b') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA2) "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA2) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n1-1.3) The preprocessor directive #include is required if \na.console output is used \nb.console input isused \nc.both are used \nd.none of these"; cin>>ch4; if(ch4=='c') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA3)= "<<x;

} else myfile<<"\nA3) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n1-1.4) The operator << is called \ insertion operator \nb.put to operator\nc.either a or b \nd.none of these"; cin>>ch5; if(ch5=='c') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA4)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA4) Wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n1-1.5) The perator >> is called \n a.extraction operator \n b.a get from operator \n c.either a or b \n d.none of these"; cin>>ch6; if(ch6=='c') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA5)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA5) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n1-1.6) when a language has a capacity to produce new datatype,it is called \n a.extensible \nb.overloaded \nc.encapsulated \n d.reprehensible"; cin>>ch7; if(ch7=='a') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA6)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA6) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr();

cout<<" \n1-1.7) the c++ symbol<< \na.perform the action of sending the value of expression listed as its right to the outputs strewn as the left \ used to indicate the action from left to right \ adopted to resemble an aarow \nd.all of above"; cin>>ch8; if(ch8=='d') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA7)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA7) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<" \n 1-1.8) c++ name was suggested by \n a.Rrick mascitti \n b.Bjarne stroupstrup \n c.Do nald knuth "; cin>>ch9; if(ch9=='a') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA8)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA8) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<" \n 1-1.9) what is refference? \ operator \n alias for an object \n c.used to rename an object \nd.none of these"; cin>>ch10; if(ch10=='b') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA9) "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA9) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n 1-1.10) A constructor is called when \n object is declared \ object is used \nc.a class is declared \nd.none of these"; cin>>ch11; if(ch11=='a') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA10)= "<<x; } else

{ myfile<<"\nA10) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); } myfile<<cout<<"\n Your Score For c++\n\n"<<x; break; // end set 1; case 2 : cout<<"\n THE QUTEASTION SET 2"; cout<<"\n Q1)The areas of application of computers are confined \n a.only by hardware limitations\nb.only by Opreating System limitations \nc.only by limitations on human creativity and imagination \n d.All The Above"; cin>>ch2; cin>>ch2; if(ch2=='d') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA1)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA1) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"Q2)How many bits are required to have 26 unique combination to represent alphabets from 26 unique combinations to represent alphabets from A to ?\na)4bits\nb)5bits\nc)8bits\nd)7bits\n"; cin>>ch3; if(ch3=='c') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA2)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA2) wrong nswer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n The idea of storing a program and data in memory was first introduced by:\n a. charles Babbage \nb. John Von Neuman \n Bill Gates \n d. IBM"; cin>>ch4; if(ch4=='b') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA3)= "<<x;

} else myfile<<"\nA3) wrong nswer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"Data could be\n a.text which consist of string of characters\n b. audio ,e.g,. speech,music etc. \ and animations \n d. All the above"; cin>>ch5; if(ch5=='d') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA4)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA4) wrong nswer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<" 'External Data Representation' means \n \n generated by the outside world \n b. data in the form usable and readable by people \n c. the way data entered is represented internally \n d. None of the Above"; cin>> ch6; if(ch6=='b') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA5)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA5) wrong nswer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n CR stands for \n\n a.Control Register \n b. Control Room \n c. Carrage Return \n d.None of the Above"; cin>>ch7; if(ch7=='c') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA6)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA6) wrong nswer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n The internal coded representation of the string RAM is \n \n a. 1010010 1000001 1000111\n b. 1010010 1000001 1001101 \n c. 1100010 1000001 1000111 \n d.1000100 1010000 1001101 "; cin>>ch8;

if(ch8=='b') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA7)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA7) wrong nswer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n A Binary Equivallent of decimal number 8 is \n\n a. 111 \n b. 1001 \n c. 1000 \n d. 10001"; cin>>ch9; if(ch9=='c') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA8)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA8) wrong nswer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n Which of the Following is not an octal Number ? \n \n a. 44 \n b. 29 \n c. 6632 \n d. 74"; cin>>ch10; if(ch10=='b') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA9)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA9) wrong nswer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n Octal Number System has a base of \n a. 2 \n b 4 \n c. 8 \n d. 16"; cin>>ch11; if(ch11=='c') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA10)= "<<x; } else { myfile<<"\nA10) wrong nswer."; getch(); clrscr(); }

myfile<<cout<<" \nYour Score For c++\n"<<x; break;// End case 3 : cout<<"\n \tTHE QUESTIOMN SET 3\n"; cout<<"\n 1-2.1)c++ was originally developed by \na.nicolas worth \n\n b.donald knuth \n c.Bjarne stroupstup \n d.Ken thompson"; cin>>ch2; if(ch2=='c') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA1)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA1) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n1-3.2) The standard c++ comment is \na./ \nb. // \nc. /*and*/\nd.none of these"; cin>>ch3; if(ch3=='b') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA2 "<<x; }else myfile<<"\nA2) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n1-3.3)The preprocessor directive #include is required if \na.console output is used \nb.console input isused \nc.both are used \nd.none of these"; cin>>ch4; if(ch4=='c') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA3)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA3) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr();

cout<<"\n1-3.4) The operator << is called \ insertion operator \nb.put to operator\nc.either a or b \nd.none of these"; cin>>ch5; if(ch5=='c') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA4)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA4) Wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n1-3.5) The perator >> is called \n a.extraction operator \n b.a get from operator \n c.either a or b \n d.none of these"; cin>>ch6; if(ch6=='c') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA5)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA5) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n1-3.6) when a language has a capacity to produce new datatype,it is called \n a.extensible \nb.overloaded \nc.encapsulated \n d.reprehensible"; cin>>ch7; if(ch7=='a') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA6)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA6) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<" \n1-3.7) the c++ symbol<< \na.perform the action of sending the value of expression listed as its right to the outputs strewn as the left \ used to indicate the action from left to right \ adopted to resemble an aarow \nd.all of above"; cin>>ch8; if(ch8=='d') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA7)= "<<x; }

else myfile<<"\nA7) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<" \n 1-3.8) c++ name was suggested by \n a.Rrick mascitti \n b.Bjarne stroupstrup \n c.Do nald knuth "; cin>>ch9; if(ch9=='a') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA8)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA8) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<" \n 1-3.9) what is refference? \ operator \n alias for an object \n c.used to rename an object \nd.none of these"; cin>>ch10; if(ch10=='b') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA9) "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA9) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n 1-3.10) a constructor is called when \n object is declared \ object is used \nc.a class is declared \nd.none of these"; cin>>ch11; if(ch11=='a') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA10)= "<<x; } else { myfile<<"\nA10) wrong answer."; getch(); clrscr(); } myfile<<cout<<"\n Your Score For c++\n"<<x; break; // End of set 3; case 4 : cout<<"\n THE QUESTIOMN SET 4";

cout<<"\n A Byte is \n \n a. collection of 8 bits \n b. equal to 2 Nibbles \n c. an 8-bit unite to code Data \n d. both of the above \n e. None of the Above:"; if(ch2=='d') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA1)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA1) wrong nswer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n Is a Line Printer ? \n \n a. Drum Printer \n b. Ink-jet printer \n c. Laser Printer \n d.Desk-jet printer "; if(ch2=='a') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA2)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA2) wrong nswer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n The idea of storing a program and data in memory was first introduced by:\n a. charles Babbage \nb. John Von Neuman \n Bill Gates \n d. IBM"; cin>>ch2; if(ch2=='b') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA3)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA3) wrong nswer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"Data could be\n a.text which consist of string of characters\n b. audio ,e.g,. speech,music etc. \ and animations \n d. All the above"; if(ch2=='d') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA4)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA4) wrong nswer.";

getch(); clrscr(); cout<<" 'External Data Representation' means \n \n generated by the outside world \n b. data in the form usable and readable by people \n c. the way data entered is represented internally \n d. None of the Above"; if(ch2=='b') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA5)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA5) wrong nswer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n CR stands for \n\n a.Control Register \n b. Control Room \n c. Carrage Return \n d.None of the Above"; if(ch2=='c') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA6)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA6) wrong nswer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n The internal coded representation of the string RAM is \n \n a. 1010010 1000001 1000111\n b. 1010010 1000001 1001101 \n c. 1100010 1000001 1000111 \n d.1000100 1010000 1001101 "; if(ch2=='b') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA7)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA7) wrong nswer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n A Binary Equivallent of decimal number 8 is \n\n a. 111 \n b. 1001 \n c. 1000 \n d. 10001"; if(ch2=='c') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA8)= "<<x; }

else myfile<<"\nA8) wrong nswer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n Which of the Following is not an octal Number ? \n \n a. 44 \n b. 29 \n c. 6632 \n d. 74"; if(ch2=='b') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA9)= "<<x; } else myfile<<"\nA9) wrong nswer."; getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n Octal Number System has a base of \n a. 2 \n b 4 \n c. 8 \n d. 16"; if(ch2=='c') { x=x+10; myfile<<"\nA10)= "<<x; } else { myfile<<"\nA10) wrong nswer."; getch(); clrscr(); } myfile<<cout<<" \nYour Score For c++\n"<<x; return x; } return x; }//end of c++ void login(void); void info(void); void main() { static Score[5]; login(); int x; x=0; char pp; char ch1[100],ch2,ch3,ch4,ch5,ch6,ch7,ch8,ch9,ch10,ch11; char filename[50]; char format[]={".txt"};

ofstream myfile; gotoxy(10,12); cout<<"Guest Enter Your Name : "; cin>>ch1; strcpy(filename,ch1); strcat(filename,format);; myfile<<"\NAME : "<<filename; clrscr(); gotoxy(30,4); cout<<"Welcome "<<ch1; gotoxy(15,22); cout<<"Enter answer in form of 'a','b','c','d'"; clock_t start,end; start=clock(); while(1) { clrscr(); box(); textcolor(RED|BLINK); gotoxy(25,7); cputs("Select Subject"); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(20,10); cout<<"1. C++"; gotoxy(20,11); cout<<"2. Data structure"; gotoxy(20,12); cout<<"3. Math & probability"; gotoxy(20,13); cout<<"4. Exit..:"; textcolor(RED); gotoxy(25,17); cout<<"Your Choice :";// Choice Entered of Subjects; int n; cin>>n; int xc = 5; switch(n) { case 1 : int a= c(filename); // for set c++; gotoxy(10,10); cout<<"The Score of c++ is : "<<a; Score[1] = a; break; case 2 : int b= ds(filename); // for ds; gotoxy(10,10); cout<<"The score of ds : "<<b; Score[2] = b; thedsfun(b); break; case 3 : // int xc= ds(filename); // for ds; gotoxy(10,10); cout<<"The score of ds : "<<xc; Score[3] = xc; thedsfun(b);

// int z= mathprob(filename); // for math & probability; break; case 4 : clrscr(); gotoxy(25,7); textcolor(RED|BLINK); cputs("Score Card"); textcolor(WHITE); box(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(20,10); cout<<"C++ Programming = "; gotoxy(40,10); cout<<Score[1]; gotoxy(20,12); cout<<"Data Structure = "; gotoxy(40,12); cout<<Score[2]; gotoxy(20,14); cout<<"Data Structure = "; gotoxy(40,14); cout<<Score[3]; textcolor(RED); gotoxy(20,17); cout<<"Final Score = "; gotoxy(40,17); cout<<Score[1]+Score[2]; getch(); exit(0); // for exiting; } } getch(); } int thedsfun(int b) { int bye=b; return bye; } void box() { for(int i=1;i<=12;i++) { gotoxy(18,5+i); cout<<""; } for(i=1;i<=12;i++) { gotoxy(45,5+i); cout<<""; } for(i=1;i<=30;i++) { gotoxy(16+i,6); cout<<""; } for(i=1;i<=26;i++) { gotoxy(18+i,8); cout<<""; } for(i=1;i<=26;i++) { gotoxy(18+i,16); cout<<""; } for(i=1;i<=30;i++)

{ gotoxy(16+i,18); cout<<""; } } void info() { cleardevice(); settextstyle(1,0,8); { for(int i=1;i<=12;i++) { setcolor(i); outtextxy(50,180,"Multiple choice Questions"); delay(100); } } while(!kbhit()); getch(); clearviewport();// end of 1st screen do { setcolor(3); settextstyle(8,0,1); outtextxy(40,180,"Project by - pratik mahorey & sonam katgube"); setcolor(6); settextstyle(8,0,1); outtextxy(20,240,"The Requirements :"); setcolor(8); outtextxy(220,280,"c++"); outtextxy(220,300,"Intel Processor"); outtextxy(220,320,"RAM : Minimum-512mb"); }while(!kbhit()); getch(); clearviewport(); closegraph(); } void login() { int i=0; char ps[12],ch; int gd=DETECT,gm; initgraph(&gd,&gm,""); setbkcolor(BLACK); for(i=1;i<=200;i++)

{ setcolor(i); delay(10); rectangle(i,i,640-i,480-i); } for(i=1;i<=190;i++) { setcolor(0); delay(10); rectangle(i,i,640-i,480-i); } settextstyle(1,0,3); setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(210,210,"Your Name "); outtextxy(210,240,"Password "); gotoxy(45,15); cin>>lg; gotoxy(45,17); i=0; while(1) { ch = getch(); if(ch == '\r') break; cout<<"*"; ps[i] = ch; i++; } ps[i] = '\0'; if(strcmpi(ps,"a")==0 || strcmpi(ps,"b")==0 || strcmpi(ps,"c")==0 ||strcmpi(ps,"d")==0) info(); else exit(0); }



Desktop based application. Easy to run. Minimum hardware requirement. Instant evaluation review. User friendly

Ease of conduct of exam.

Reduces cost. Reduces human efforts. Reduces human error. Easy to use and handle

Limited Collections: The library may not contain data one is looking for.

Although it has a has a very large collection of data, still it may not be enough in some cases
Administrator Required: The library requires an administrator to look

into the matters concerned. It is not totally automated.

Lack of security: The library does not contain any security measures.

Unwanted data could be loaded and the system may even get corrupt by virus attacks.



The project has been designed and completed successfully. It is executing properly and is error free. After the completion of the project we have to come to a conclusion that C++ is one of the most stable programming language/environment and has vast expanses and a very good scope for future understanding of other languages. C++ is not being dynamic can not run two programs at the same time. The designed code can be implemented by any organization or institute for conducting exams. The program is reliable and very easy to run and understand. And can be practically implemented.


Timer We can allot a specific time to the examinee to allow him

to complete the exam within time.

More set of questions We can add any no of questions to the

existing code.
Enhancement Enhancement is in terms of providing some options

like go to previous question, to quite the exam in between.

Online Currently the application is desktop based we can make it



E Balagurusamy.

SITES www.vbcodelibrary

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