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Ekcmchbnica Am, Vol. 37, No. 12. pp. 22834290. I!392 0013486/%?2s5.00 + 0.

Rioted in Great Britain. 0 1992. FergamollRem Ltd.


J. B. Bmsomr,* D. R. SALINAS,* C. E. MA=,+ M. Ennrtv and W. J. LoRENzt
*Institute of Electrochemical Engineering and Corrosion, Universidad National de1 Sur, Bahia Blanca,
tInstitute of Physical Chemistryand Electrochemistry,University of Karlsruhe,Karlsruhe,Germany

(Received 30 Jamury 1992)

Abstract-Impedance measurementswere Performedon slutniniurnin differentaggressive(0.5 M NaCl)

and non-aggressive(0.5 M Na,SO,, 0.16 M NH,-tartrate)electrolytes.Similarimpedanceresponsesof the
formedpassive film were found. The capacitive behaviourobservedat high frequenciesis relatedto the
thickness and dielectric propertiesof the barrieroxide 6lm. The impedance spectra obtained at low
frequencieswereinterpretedin termsof a diffusion-controlledprocesswithin the oxide Clm.The Farad&
impedancegiven by the metal dissolution at the oxide f&n/electrolyte interphase is strongly alkted by
the anion type. This fact and the local pH developed at the interphase passive film/electrolyte determine
the chemical stability of the film. The increased impedance observed in chloride solution under rotation
conditions is explained by a local change of pH at the hhn/solution interphase. EIS can also be used to
study pitting phenomena. In the stabilixed active pitted area an ohmic control given by the presence of
a salt fihn is responsible for the capacitive and low frequency inductive behaviour obtained.

Key words: impedance spectroscopy, altinium, pitting corrosion, oxide film, passivation.

1. INTRODUCTION The aim of the present work is to clear up this

apparent controversy and to assess the influence of
The passive behaviour of aluminium in aqueous different anion aggressiveness on the stability of
solution is strongly affected by the nature of the aluminium passive films, in unstirred solution or
electrolyte. The passive film structure and thickness under welldetined hydrodynamic conditions, by EIS.
depend on both the electrode potential and the EIS was chosen as the principal experimental tech-
electrolyte composition where it is formed. In sol- nique because of its capability of characterizing
utions containing aggressive ions such as chloride different relaxation phenomena as well as active
ions, pitting corrosion as localized metal dissolution pitting processes.
can be initiated at active sites for the film breakdown
and at a certain potential[l, 21. Electrochemical
impedance spectroscopy (EIS) has been used success- 2. EXPERIMENTAL
fully to examine the behaviour of relatively thick
barrier-type aluminium oxide films in non-aggres- Cylinidrical electrodes (r&r) were made from high
sive[3,4] and aggressive[5-7] forming solutions. The purity aluminium (Al 99.99%; main impurities: Cu,
properties and growth kinetics of thin aluminium 0.002%, Fe, 0.004% and Si, 0.003%). They were
barrier films formed in ammonium tartrate at a mounted in a Teflon holder and embedded with
potential resulting in a film thickness of d Q 100 A, epoxy resin (Araldite D) leaving a 0.50cm2 area
have also been studied. In this case, standard poten- exposed. Surface polishing was successively per-
tiostatic and galvanostatic measurement tech- formed by means of: (a) wet polished 600 grit (Sic);
niques[l] as well as EIS[9] were used. The Faraday (b) red felt polishing cloth embedded with 1 pm and
impedance would correspond to a metal dissolution then 0.3 lrn of A&Or powder; (c) finally, the mechan-
process at the oxide !ilm/electrolyte interphase. More ical polishing of the electrode surface to a mirror
recently[lO], the EIS results obtained at high and finish was followed by a weak alkali attack by
medium frequency range in neutral solutions contain- immersing the electrode in 0.1 M NaOH for 4 min.
ing chloride ions below the pitting potential were The electrode surface was then thoroughly washed
explained in terms of oxide film thickness and its with bidistilled water and immediately immersed in
internal dielectric relaxation according to Taylor the test solution where the operating constant poten-
and Dignam’s model[l 11. However, the explanation tial in the passive range was applied and stability of
for the results obtained at low frequencies seems to the passive film was attained aEer 2 h.
be not without doubt. According to Nguyen and Impedance measuremen ts were carried out in
Foley[l2], the relaxation time for the oxide 6hn different electrolytes: 0.5 M NaCl (pH 6.95),
dissolution by the formation of chloride containing 0.5 M Na,SD, (pH 6.3), and 0.16 M NH,-tartrate
aluminium complexes, largely exceeds the low fre- (pH 6.0), at room temperatum. The solutions were
quency range to which this reaction was ascribed. prepared from p.a. reagents (Merck, Darmstadt) and

2284 J. B. BDSONEet al.

fourfold distilled water and deaerated by purified (E,) and its real meaning. Recently, Kaesche[l3]
nitrogen. A conventional three-compartment Pyrex explained this ohmic control by the presence of a thin
cell was used with a large platinum sheet and stabilized Al-halogenide layer produced from an
saturated calomel electrode (see) as counter and oversaturated salt solution present within the pit,
reference electrode, respectively. When appropriate, which gives some kind of salt passivity. The conse-
a saturated Hg/Hg,SO, reference electrode was quence is a microtunnelling process which allows a
used. All potentials in this work are referred to crystallographic attack following the (100) planes,
the saturated calomel electrode [E&e) = 0.241 V where Al dissolution is thought now to be under Al’+
us nhe]. After pitting propagation, the attack ion mass transport control through this salt film. In
morphology was observed and analysed by scanning our case, after several EIS runs the electrode surface
electron microscopy (Cambridge Stereoscan Mk IIa) was viewed by SEM and analysed by EDX. The same
with an EDX device attached (EDAX 711). crystallographic attack as that found by Kaesche
The electronic equipment consisted of a Solartron following (100) planes was observed (Fig. 2a) and
Frequency Response Analyser 1170 remotely con- EDX denoted the presence of chloride inside the
trolled by an HP 9845B computer in connection with pits. Also, the mud structure observed after drying
an HP 9872A plotter. EIS spectra were obtained (Fig. 2b) suggests the presence of a film. We followed
under potentiostatic conditions by a Wenking poten- Vetter and Strehblow’s procedure[ 141to avoid wash-
tiostat LB75L after the system had reached a steady ing the electrode and the salt film, ie the electrode was
state, indicated by a constant passive state current. slowly removed from the aqueous solution, passing
Impedance data were found to be independent of the through a benzene layer placed on it. In the passive
perturbation signal amplitude, AE, in the range region A, the E-I behaviour is not well defined,
5 mV < AE < 15 mV. The experimental value chosen although a quasi-linear response appeared. The
was BE = 10 mV. The results presented were stationary state polarization curves obtained in
measured at increasing electrode potential. The 0.5 M Na,SO, and 0.16 M NH,-tartrate are also
measurements at each potential were performed at shown in Fig. 1.
least twice. In the passive region, a new electrode
surface was used for each run. In the pitting region,
propagation was left to evolve until a quasi-steady- 3.2. EIS data
state current was achieved (> 5 h), otherwise a large The impedance behaviour of this system in the
amount of scattering was observed at lower frequen- three potential regions (A, B and C) is depicted in
cies. After reaching the steady state, successive runs Fig. 3. Three loops were observed in the passive
at different potentials within the active range were region A, as previously described[lO]: (a) a capacitive
measured, as well as the E-I stationary polarization. loop at high frequencies; (b) an inductive loop at
The frequency range studied was 5 x lo-* < medium frequencies; and (c) a second capacitive
f d lo4 Hz. The integration time was 10 cycles for
each frequency to provide higher precision, especially
in the lower frequency range. Under these experimen-
tal conditions, a long time stability of the system A
under test and good reproducibility of the impedance
data were obtained. !

7- A
POSSIW stat.
3.1. Steady-state behaviour yg 6

The stationary E-Z curve of Al in 0.5 M NaCl

1 5-
through the whole potential range studied is shown in ._
Fig. 1, where two different regions are clearly ident- I-
ified (passive region A and pitting region C), separ-
ated by a narrow one (B). This region, the transition 3- I
or induction range, is characterized by current fluctu-
ations, whose amplitude and frequency increase as 2- /li
the potential increases until pit propagation is
reached. Pit propagation is marked by a steep current
increase. A linear E-Z response is obtained for range
C, if the propagation is left to evolve until a constant
current is achieved. When polarization is reversed
from the pitting region C, at a certain potential the
slope of the linear E-Zcurve decreases again to match
the behaviour of the previous passive polarization, lj;;;z-z;Jji:;
but now the current is one order of magnitude or
more higher, corresponding to an increased area due
to pit surface irregularities. This clearly defined po- ES,-- /m”’ -
tential might be the point where a critical chloride Fig. 1. Steady-state polarization curve for aluminium in
concentration is reached and propagation initiates. different electrolytes: (0) 0.5 M NaCI; (x) 0.5 M Na,So,;
This, we may suggest, is the actual pitting potential (A) 0.16 M NH,-tartrate.
An EIS study of Al barrier-type oxide films 2285

(a) (a) 6000

EScE = -900mV

r 2000


: 750
2 B
‘T 0

0 750 1500 2250 3000

Re (Z) /R cm-*


-03 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
log (f/Hz 1
Fig. 3. Characteristic impedance response of aluminium in
Fig. 2. SEM micrograph of Al in 0.5 M NaCl after pitting 0.5 M NaCl for the passive range A, the pitting induction B
at 0.680 V. (a) 1kx; (b) 10 kx. and the pitted active range C. (a) Nyquist plot; (b) Bode

response at low frequencies. The EIS data corre-

sponding to the transition region B show the same value is coincident with that obtained from the slope
behaviour but with large scattering in the low fre- of the stationary E-Zcurve (Fig. 1) for this region. It
quency range. Here, current fluctuates markedly and can be seen that the absolute value of the system
pitting initiation takes place. For region C, a quite impedance (the impedance modulus) is reduced dras-
different EIS spectrum is observed. The capacitance tically as we pass from the passive range to the pitting
increases with potential, in accordance with Mansfeld range. Also, the onset of pitting can be clearly
and Shih’s data[ 151which can be accounted for by an determined by considering the low frequency range in
increased active area as well as the presence of the salt the Bode representation (1ogJZI us logf, Fig. 3b). It
film detected within it. For s +O, the impedance presents capacitive behaviour when local defects re-
shown in the Nyquist plot intersects the real axis at passivate, an indetermined behaviour when pitting
a point which nearly matches the Solution resistance. initiates (current fluctuations), and inductive be-
(Here s =jo is the complex Laplace variable, and haviour when pitting propagates and reaches an
cu = 2nf is the angular velocity of a perturbation active state.
signal with frequency f.) This represents the polariz- Figure 4 shows a set of Nyquist and Bode plots
ation resistance 4 of the corrosion process, whose obtained at different potentials in chloride solution.
2286 J. 9. -NE et al.

... ..a.......

: : solution ::
mn fh

2000 moo 6000 6ooo Fig. 6. Schematic model for the aluminium passive state.
Re (2)/n cm*
3.3. Model description
3.3.1. Passive state. It is always expected that an
oxide Mm/aqueous solution interphase (f/s inter-
phase) will be more hydrated than a metal/oxide fihn
(m/f) interphase. Brock’and Wood found some evi-
dence in this sense when they studied relatively thick
ahuninium oxide film in different non-aggressive elec-
trolytes[3]. Nevertheless, under our working con-
ditions, although some degree of hydration has to be
present at the film/solution interphase, no evidence
for such a sandwich oxide/film emerged from our EIS
and steady-state polarization data.
Schematically, Fig. 6 gives the physical model
proposed to interpret the electrochemical impedance
spectra obtained from the aluminium passive state.
log (f/Hz)
The oxide film dissolves via a chemical reaction at
Fig. 4. hpcdance diagrams for aluminium in 0.5 M NaCl interphase II:
obtained at different potentials in passive region A. (V)
E= -0.9OV; (0) E= -0.85v; (0) E= -0.76V. AI( + mX- -+Al(OH),,& + mOH-. (1)
(a) Nyquist plot; (b) Bode plot.
Under constant applied potential, depending on
anion aggressiveness, equation (1) will determine the
As shown by the Bode representation, the capaci- tilm thickness d. It is proposed that the transfer
tance observed at high frequencies slightly increases function will follow the EIS model shown in Fig. 7.
as the potential shifts to more positive values. Never- Accordingly, the total impedance (Z) will be related
theless, the same &, is reached as s +O. In general, to the Faradaic impedance (Z,) by:
the same features appeared from the aluminium 1
passive state developed in different electrolytes -=sc++ (2)
(Fig. 5). Increasing impedance was found in the
overall potential range for each system studied z,==z,+z, (3)
(ZMlcl- < ZII,~,- < ZMlunnre). These results were
interpreted according the following model. z,++-g$ 2

6 90 and
z _B tanh&
5- 75 T- T’ (5)

j k- 60
\ 3- 45 F
B \
2- 30 Q
s” 0
l- 15 ’
O- 0
-L -3 -4 -1 u I L .Y 4

log (f/Hz)
Fig. 5. Frequency dependence of (Z( and phase angle 4.
(A) O.SNacI, (0) 0.5MNa2504; (Cl) O.l6MNH,-
tartrate. Fig. 7. Impedance model for the aluminium passive state.
An EIS study of Al barrier-type oxide tilms 2281

6 90

5 75 5- 75

Ns L 60 - L- 60
%3 45 F ; 3- 45
= 3:
cn2 30 e G 2- 30 L
9 f)
1 15 - l- 15 '

0 0 O- 0

-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 L
- - _
log(f/Hzl logIf/Hz1
Fig. 8. Simulated (-) and experimental (A) impedance Fig. 9. Rode plot for A&&)/O.5 M NaCl system, pH = 6.95,
diagrams for aluminium in 0.5 M NaCl solution at E = -0.85 V. (A) v,, = OS-‘; (0) v, = 16.7 s-‘; (0)
E = - 0.850 V. Vrol = 41.7 s-‘; (0) v,, = 58.3 s-‘.

where Zr is a function derived for a diffusion con- (ii) These cation and anion vacancies, as well as any
trolled process within a finite length[l6], with charged species, are in equilibrium at the m/f and f/s
interphases. This situation defines the concentration
(6) gradient for each species within the oxide film.
(iii) The kinetics of oxide 6lm growth is under
transport control of vacancies across the film (inter-
where 1, is the diffusion length, c. the concen-
action between point defects is assumed negligible).
tration of the diffusing species z. P’”or x = 0, D the
Under these considerations the following reactions
diffusion coefficient of species i, and the other vari-
are in equilibrium at each interphase (according to
ables have their usual meaning. The time constant rr
Kroeger-Vink notation; the meaning of the symbols
is given by:
is given elsewhere[ 11):
t+ I m=M, + x/2Vo.. + xe’ (8)
m/f { m + V,,*M, + xe’ (9)
Following the proposed model and the transfer func-
tion derived, good agreement between experimental Vo..+H20=2H+ +00 (10)
and simulated impedance data is observed (Fig. 8). M,G=V,,. + M=+ (11)
Notice that according to equation (2)-(6), the limit-
ing value of Z, for s +O is given by R,+ RT,which II Mx+ + xH,O=M(OH), + xH+ (12)
should be equal to the polarization resistance Rp. f/s For chloride solutions:
From the slope of the steady-state curve in Fig. 1,
R, = 12000 ohm cm2 was calculated, in good agree- M(OH), + mCl-~M(OH),Cl,
ment with R, + RT values given in Table 2. 1 (soluble) + mOH-. (13)
When different rotation speeds (0 Q v,,,,< 58 s-i)
were applied to the rde, no meaningful change in the Apparently, anion vacancies (V,.) are produced at
diffusion length was observed (cJ Table 1; assumed interphase I and consumed at interphase II, equations
D = lo-’ cm2 s-i), and the impedance increased sig- (8) and (IO), while cation vacancies (VM.,.) diffuse
nificantly instead of decreasing (Fig. 9). As a conse- from interphase II to I; equation (9) and (11). From
quence, a possible Nernstian diffusion can be ruled this set of reactions one can also envisage that in
out. unstirred solutions, combination of equations (12)
If we consider instead a point defect model for and (13) leads to a local acidification at the f/s
aluminium passive film growth and conductivity de- interphase, therefore the oxide growth can be sus-
veloped earlier[lTJ, it is possible to explain the pres- tained by reactions at both interphases. The net
ence of a diffusion controlled process within the oxide diffusion of Vo.. (or 0,) results in oxide growth at the
film. The model contains these basic features: m/f interphase and depends on the concentration of
(i) The oxide film (barrier layer) reaches a crys- V,. On the other hand, the diffusion of V,, (or MM)
talline structure which contains a high concentration may result in metal dissolution or film growth at
of point defects, mainly V,, and V,-. this interphase depending on the type of electrolyte

Table 1. Rotation frequency dependence of the fitted parameters for Al/OS M NaCl at E = - 0.8 V

v,l s-’ Rnln~* C,/pFCm-2 R,lknCn+ &ILnCm2 L/kH cm2 RTlknCld ITIs LA
0 8.45 5.08 2.0 2.61 2.3 14.6 -246 9.7
8.3 7.06 5.57 13.20 61.4 292.0 6681 50.4
16.7 7.11 5.45 g 17.30 117.0 328.0 5516 45.8
33.3 7.38 5.52 21:o 18.60 196.0 362.0 5280 44.8
2288 J. B. BESONEet 01.

Table 2. Potential dependence of the fitted parameters for Al/O.5 M NaCl in passive region A
EIV wQ~z C,//lFCn+ R, /kQ cm* R2/knm2 L/kH cm2 RT/kficm2 h/S hIA
-0.80 3.02 8.34 0.79 1.47 1.46 10.48 262 9.9
-0.85 2.67 9.25 1.10 1.63 1.85 11.68 319 11.0
-0.90 3.51 9.61 1.66 1.81 2.12 12.08 344 11.4
-0.95 2.35 9.93 1.97 1.77 2.13 10.28 289 10.5
-1.00 2.66 10.53 2.44 1.87 2.54 10.61 3.07 10.8
-1.05 2.65 11.01 3.03 1.96 3.04 10.72 324 11.1

present, the local pH at the f/s interphase and the Thus, equations (1 5)-( 17) represent the functional
potential difference applied, as will be seen later. dependence of pprlron AE and pH.
Depending on the anion type, different stabilized or As was mentioned above, unexpected results ap
non-stabilized aluminium compounds are expected, peared when different rotation speeds were applied.
which would give rise to a dissolution-precipitation In chloride solution, the system impedance increased
mechanism. Anions such as chloride, perchlorate, drastically as compared with unstirred solutions
and nitrate, which have a poor chemical affinity for (Fig. 9); this effect was attenuated for increasing
Al’+ ions, react giving highly basic soluble salts[l8]. rotation speed. In sulphate and ammonium tartrate
However, sulphate ions facilitate a quick basic salt solution practically no difference was observed be-
precipitation because the SOi- anions join the first or tween the impedance spectra obtained with and with-
second coordination sphere, avoiding or retarding the out rotation (Fig. 10). Table 1 presents the fitted
polymeric OH-Al reaction, and ultimate hydrolysis parameter values obtained under constant potential
reaction[l8,19]. The same effect is expected in the and for different rotation speeds in chloride solution.
presence of the tartrate anion, where in addition its Clearly, rotation increased the film thickness. If one
buffer action plays an important role in stabilizing the plots l/C US(EH -El,) (Fig. 11) and includes data
Al compound at the f/s interphase[20]. Under the obtained in NH,-tartrate ([9], Fig. lo), practically the
experimental conditions used[9, lo], the maximum same slope is observed but different initial forming
film thickness obtained in 0.5 M NaCl or 0.16 M potentials result. These differences can be ascribed to
NH,-tartrate solutions is about 30 A. If we consider the different local pH developed at the f/s interphase.
now the time constant value obtained for the diffu- Comparing the chloride with the tartrate solution,
sion controlled process from the fitting procedure without rotation, and applying equation (17), the pH
applied to equations (2)-(7), it yields a diffusion values at the f/s interphase are three and six, respect-
coefficient D x 10-l’ cm* s-l. This value indicates ively. As mentioned above, equations (12) and (13)
that the diffusion controlled process takes place explain a local acidification at the interphase. In
within the oxide film. From the potential dependence unstirred chloride solution, this facilitates the chemi-
of the fitted parameters (Table 2) obtained for cal film dissolution via a chloride basic salt. Con-
D = 3.8 x lo-“cm* s-i in 0.5 M NaCl solution, one versely, in the presence of a buffer solution, eg 0.16 M
can observe increasing C values for decreasing poten- NH,-tartrate[Zl], the acidification is hindered and
tials. This capacitance may be related to a series the oxide film formation favoured. Also, the tar-
connection between the double layer capacity (C,) trate anion stabilizes the oxide[l8] instead of dissolv-
and the oxide layer capacity (C,,,): ing it, and the local pH fixed at the f/s interphase
increases the applied potential difference
(14) (AE = E,, - E,,). As a consequence, a more efficient
film forming electrolyte results and the highest
where C,, = u,,/d, where q, is the permittivity of the impedance modulus is obtained (Fig. 5). On the
vacuum (E,,= 8.85 x lo-‘* As V-’ m-l), .Zthe dielec- other hand, when the electrode is under rotation
tric constant of the oxide and d its thickness.
Since the f/s interphase is polarizable, it is expected
that the potential drop at this interphase, (pcS, is a
function of the applied potential, AE, and solution
pH. From previous investigations(91, a linear plot of
l/C trs EH is expected, where
d=uAE (15)
with AE = EH_EIo and Ec,o is the potential of zero
thickness of the barrier layer, which can be con-
sidered as the equilibrium potential of the aluminium
oxide film on aluminium. Therefore:

On the other hand, a linear pH dependence of Ef.o

Fig. 10. Bode plot for Al(r&)/O. 16 M NH,-
2.303RT tartrate, pH = 6.0, E = - 0.60 V. (A) v,, = 0 s-‘;
Ef,o= E; - F pH. (17) (0) v,, = 16.7 s-‘.
An EIS study of Al barrier-type oxide tilms 2289

:::salt::: ..
.......... ..
: solution: ..
.......... ..
.......... ..
.......... ..
.......... ..
.......... ..
.......... ..
.......... ..
.......... ..
al/ a1 ,.fJa
Fig. 12. Schematic model for aluminium pitted active state.
Fig. 11. l/C us E plot in different electrolytes. 0.5 M NaCI, increases many orders of magnitude with respect to
(A) “,t =Os-‘; (0) v,,= 16.7s-‘; (0) O.l6MNH,- the initial geometric area, which accounts for the new
tartrate, v,~ = 0 s-l.
impedance spectrum observed in region C. The physi-
cal model proposed for this case is shown in Fig. 12.
in chloride solution (Fig. 9), the local pH at the Figure 13 shows the EIS response for increasing
f/s interphase tends to match that of the bulk. This potentials in the pitting region. These EIS spectra
effect will reverse reaction (13), decreasing the correspond to the stationary state attained in region
chemical dissolution rate and increasing the film C (Fig. l), where practically the whole pitted active
thickness, therefore a higher impedance is observed. area matches that of the electrode surface and is
For increasing rotation speed, it is readily seen covered by a salt film (see Fig 2a and b). Pitting
that little additional variation, if any, is expected in phenomena generally are difficult to handle using
the impedance spectra. The presence of sulphate EIS techniques due to their evolutionary nature.
avoids or diminishes the hydrolysis reaction rate, However, when the propagation process has already
facilitating the basic salt precipitation and resulting
in a higher film forming efficiency than chloride
solution. Thus, rotation produces a small increase
in the sulphate impedance. For the NH,-tartrate
solution there is practically no difference in the
impedance spectra obtained with and without
rotation (Fig. 10).
3.3.2. Pitted active state. Pitting is a potential- and
time-dependent process. Evidence was reported of
local defects or flaws present at the thin oxide film:
aluminium surface decoration produced by galvanic
deposition of noble metal ions (Cu’+, Sri*+, In’+) and
surface amalgamation and film detachment in the
case of H$+ ions[2]; local H2 bubble evolution when
these electrodes are immersed in alkaline media[2];
transmission electron microscope observation of a
transverse aluminium/oxide film view[22]; and am- -so-
0 20 LO 60 80 100 120
plified hearing of oxide crack+].
These flaws may arise from surface irregularities or Re (Z)/Q cm2
impurities[22] or from accumulation of metal 3r 1
vacancies (“metal holes”) left by the diffusion of
metal cations from the m/f to the f/s interphases[23].
Under applied potential, mechanical stresses or elec-
trostriction effects may crack these flaws, relaxing the
film. Immediately the crack is healed by the fast
aluminium oxidation and reaction with the adsorbed
OH- ions. This is the case in passive region A.
At increasing potentials (region B), chloride ions
compete with OH- ions in the adsorption pro-
cess[8, 13,201 preventing quick repassivation of
cracked tlaws and resulting in a higher anodic current
flow, which is now detected (current fluctuations).
This is the process of pit incubation[24].
Once a certain chloride ion concentration is
reached within the pit embryo, repassivation is Fig. 13. Nyquist (a) and Bode (b) plot of aluminium
hindered and propagation follows. At this stage a in 0.5 M NaCl for different potentials in region C.
salt film has been established and the pitting area (0) E= -0.72v; (0) E= -0.7OV.
2290 J. B. BESSONE
et al.

taken place, a reproducible stationary state can be REFExENcEs

reached. It is assumed here that no intact passive
surface area was left. The capacitive loop observed at 1. K. Videm, Kjeller Report, KR-149, Institutt for Atom-
high frequencies defines a capacitance which may be energi, Kjeller, Norway (1974).
ascribed to a series connection between the double 2. J. B. Bessone, Ph.D. thesis, UMIST, Manchester
layer capacity (C,) and the salt flm capacity (C,) (1983).
3. A. J. Brock and G. C. Wood, Electrochim. Acta 12,395
according to: (1967).
4. H. J. de Wit, C. Wijenberg and C. Crevecoeur,
i=&+&. (18) J. electrochem. Sot. 126, 779 (1979).
5. J. Hitzig, K. Jtittner, W. J. Lorenz and W. Paatsch,
Increasing capacity values are obtained (16.3 Q J. electrochem. Sot. 133, 887 (1986).
C < 53.0pF) for decreasing potential (Fig. 13). 6. W. Paatsch, W. J. Lorenz and K. Jiittner, Metall-
Again, this may be explained by an increased salt film oberfldche 41, 6 (1987).
thickness[25]. Within the potential region C, an I. F. Mansfeld and M. W. Kending, J. electrochem. Sot.
136, 128 (1988).
ohmic control given by the salt film developed is
8. J. B. Bessone, R. A. Suarez Baldo and C. E. Mayer, in
effective[26] which defines an R, = 9.0 Qcm* (Fig. 1). The anodic formation of barrier-type aluminium oxide
This value is in good agreement with that obtained tilms, Proceedings of the 8th International Congress
for s +O in Fig. 14, calculated as the difference on Metallic Corrosion, Mainz 1981. DECHEMA,
between the low and high frequency intercepts of the Frankfurt/M. (1981).
real axis. Inductive behaviour is observed at low 9. J. B. Bessone, C. Mayer, K. Jiittner and W. J. Lorenz,
frequencies. Increasing numbers of inductive loops Electrochim. Acta 28, 171 (1983).
seem to be resolved as potential increases in region C. 10. S. E. Frets, M. M. Stefenel, C. Mayer and T. Chierchie,
They can be ascribed to surface area modulation or J. appl. Electrochem. 20, 996, (19%).
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diffusion controlled process within the oxide film is 16. K. Jtittner, W. J. Lorenz, M. W. Kending and
responsible for the EIS spectra observed. The passive F. Mansfeld, J. efectrochem. Sot. 135, 332 (1988).
film is formed by reactions which take place at the 17. C. Y. Chao, L. F. Lin and D. D. Macdonald,
J. electrochem. Sot. 128, 1187 (1981).
m/f and f/s interphases. The former is little influenced 18. Pa Ho Hsu, Aluminimn hydroxides and oxyhydroxides,
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chemical stability of the compound formed and the America, Madison, Wisconsin (1977).
local pH. Both reactions, in turn, establish the film 19. H. De Hek, R. J. Stol and D. Bruyn, J. Colloid fnterfoce
thickness. Sci. 64, 72 (1978).
The increased impedance observed in chloride sol- 20. M. A. Bless, A. E. Regazzoni and A. J. Maroto, Mater.
ution under rotation conditions is explained by the Sci. Forum 29, 31 (1988).
21. A. E. Martell and R. M. Smith, in Critical Stability
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Constants, Vol. 3. Plenum Press, New York (1977).
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this important corrosion process. Films (Edited by J. C. Scully), Vol. 23, Ch. 5, p. 220.
Academic Press, New York (1981).
Acknowledgements-The authors thank the Consejo 23. L. F. Lin, C. Y. Chao and D. D. Macdonald,
National de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas J. electrochem. Sot. 128. 1194 (198 I).
(C.O.N.I.C.E.T., Argentina) and the Stiftung Volkswagen- 24. T. R. Beck and R. C. Alkire, J: electrochem. Sot. 126,
werk (Germany) for financial support. Also, some ex-per- 1662 (1979).
imental results produced by Ings. M. M. Stefenel and S. E. 25. T. R. Beck, Electrochtm. Acta 30, 725 (1985).
Frers are deeply acknowledged. 26. T. R. Beck, Electrochim. Acta 29, 485 (1984).

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