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Home Visit


Home Visit

• Home visiting is defined as the delivery of

specialized nursing care services in the
home health care setting.

• Home Visit is a process of providing nursing

care to patient or family at their doorstep

Objectives of Home visits

• To assess the family as a unit and

as individuals.
• To observe the family in its real
situation and environment.
• To give teaching and advices in
their home environment.
• To give each family member a
chance to raise questions.

• To identify the needs of each family


• To identify health hazards and problems

that can not be dealt with during a clinic
• To identify high risk family members and
refer as needed.

Role of community health nurse in home
• Recording the history of family to
ascertain the cause and duration
of illness.
• Providing treatment and related
• Demonstrating the nursing
procedure to educate the family

• Supervising the nursing

procedures provided by
family members.
• Including the patient himself
in taking care of chronic
illness (heart, arthritis,
cancer, diabetic patients,
etc) and giving them mental
• The nurse should make an attempt to include each

family member while using nursing process.

• The nurse and the family must develop positive

interpersonal relationship in their work to achieve the


• The nurse must respect the patient’s rights.

• Home visits should be recorded 7

Advantages of Home Visits

• Family members will be more

relaxed in their real situation.
• Client control of the setting.
• The best option for clients
unwilling or unable to travel.
• The family gains more confidence
and are then free to raise questions
and solve their problems.
Components of Home Visit

1. Initiation Phase

2. Pre-visit Activities

3. Activities during Home Visit

4. Termination Phase

5. Post-visit Activities

Pre Visit Phase

• Initiate contact with family
• Establish shared perception of purpose
with family
• Determine family’s willingness for home
• Review referral & family record

In Home Phase

• Introduction to self
• Establish nurse client relationship
• Implement nursing process


Termination Phase Review the visit

• Plan for future visit

Post visit Phase :-
• Record visit
• Plan for next visit


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