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Name of Applicant: Michelle Gabriel

District/School: Cobb County Schools/Bells Ferry Elementary

Date: 11/1/2023

Total Cost of Project: $275.04 (plus taxes)

Title of Project: Addressing Literacy Needs: SafeShare in the Classroom

To what organization will you submit this grant application in the future?: Association of
American Educators

I. Why is this project important (In 2-3 paragraphs, describe the need for the project and its
relevance to the shared vision for instructional technology)?

I want to implement software into my classroom that will assist students in the
development in their literary skills. This software, SafeShare, will allow teachers to use
already created read-aloud videos that have been vetted to assist students who are below
grade level, ESL and language development, enrichment of above level students, and
assistance for students with learning disabilities to listen to a read aloud video while
following along with the physical book within the classroom. SafeShare offers a premium
account service that allows teachers to create their library of books for students and create
QR codes to connect the video to the book of choice. SafeShare prevents students from
accessing videos that are not school-appropriate, filled with ads, and does not request their
personal information following the COPPA protocols.
This project is important because the funding could assist students in strengthening their
reading skills. I would love to assist all readers, but this project would focus on helping ESL
and low-level readers. I believe the impact that this could have on our students would be
immense. It’s the freedom of reading any book instead of being limited because of a
language barrier or low reading skills. I want our students to feel that there is no barrier
between them and a book. We live in a high-tech world, and we should show students how a
wonderful tool it can be in helping us grow. I hope this will help students grow confidence in
themselves and their reading ability. We would be able to observe this during small reading
groups (one-on-one) reading with the teacher. We could also observe language development
and students picking up books they normally would not pick up.

II. What would you like to accomplish (In 1-2 paragraphs, describe the overall project goals
and then list the instructional objectives/project outcomes.)?

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I want to implement software into my classroom that will assist students in the development in their
literary skills. This software, SafeShare, will allow teachers to use already created read-aloud videos that
have been vetted to assist students who are below grade level, ESL and language development,
enrichment of above level students, and assistance for students with learning disabilities to listen to a
read aloud video while following along with the physical book within the classroom. SafeShare offers a
premium account service that allows teachers to create their library of books for students and create QR
codes to connect the video to the book of choice. SafeShare prevents students from accessing videos that
are not school-appropriate, filled with ads, and does not request their personal information following the
COPPA protocols.

III. In what ways is this project an example of exemplary technology integration (In 2-3
paragraphs discuss your project regarding one or more of the following: LoTi, SAMR,
TPACK, TIM, etc.)?

In diving into my project, it's clear that it stands out as a shining example of seamless technology
integration. I've been particularly inspired by the SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification,
Redefinition) and TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) frameworks. At the outset,
SafeShare serves as a substitute for traditional read-aloud methods, enhancing the experience in its own
right. But what really excites me is how it goes beyond, completely redefining the way we approach
reading in the classroom.
Delving into TPACK, I find a sweet spot where technological knowledge meets pedagogical
insight and content understanding. SafeShare becomes more than just a tool; it's a dynamic platform for
creating a digital library and generating QR codes. Pedagogically, I see the potential for SafeShare to not
only assist in teaching literary skills but to truly transform the learning experience. And content-wise,
tailoring this technology to the unique needs of ESL learners, below-grade-level readers, and students
with learning disabilities demonstrates a deep understanding of the diverse needs within the classroom.
This project, for me, is a living example of how technology, when thoughtfully integrated, can be a
game-changer in education.

IV. How will you complete the work? (Describe how the project will be completed.)

A. Describe how the instructional objectives/project outcomes will be met (In 2-3 paragraphs,
describe what students will do to demonstrate mastery of the objectives/outcomes.).

To achieve my instructional objectives of improving reading comprehension, language

development, engagement with diverse literature, and challenging higher-level readers, I plan to
seamlessly integrate SafeShare into our daily curriculum. Students will have the opportunity to access a
curated selection of read-aloud videos through QR codes, and I'll personally create these connections to
ensure that the content not only aligns with our learning goals but is also tailored to the specific needs
and interests of my students.
As my students engage with SafeShare, they won't just passively listen to the read-alouds. I've
designed assessments that encourage active participation and gauge their understanding and progress.
These assessments might include tasks such as completing graphic organizers focusing on story
elements or providing written reflections on the themes and characters. By actively interacting with

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diverse literature, my students will not only enhance their comprehension skills but also strengthen their
language development through exposure to rich and varied vocabulary.
Lastly, the project aims to challenge my higher-level readers by offering a range of materials that
cater to different reading levels and interests. My goal is to foster a love for reading while providing
opportunities for each student to stretch their capabilities and explore literature beyond their current
proficiency level. SafeShare becomes a dynamic tool that not only addresses specific learning objectives
but also adapts to the individual needs and aspirations of each of my students.

B. Describe the time involved (Describe the project length including amount of time each
day/week; include a timeline for planning and implementation).

This yearlong project, integrated into daily ELA/Reading centers, will allocate 15 minutes four
times a week for engaging read-aloud sessions. This consistent exposure ensures that students receive
regular opportunities to improve their reading skills. The flexibility of the listening center, accessible
during free time, provides an additional resource for students who may need extra support or simply
want to enjoy a good story.

C. Describe the people involved (To show impact, describe the grade level/subject & # of
students, teachers and/or staff, other stakeholders).

Focusing on second-grade ELA/Reading, the project aims to impact all second-grade students at
my school. The involvement of all second-grade teachers and technology staff ensures a comprehensive
implementation of SafeShare. This collaborative effort enhances the project's reach and effectiveness,
providing support to students across various reading levels.

D. Describe any professional development that you or others will complete prior to
implementing the grant. (This is optional, but will help reviewers know that you are well
prepared to carry out the grant implementation.)

To ensure effective use of SafeShare, a 30-minute training session will be provided for teachers.
This training will empower them to navigate SafeShare, find suitable read-aloud videos, and seamlessly
integrate them into the curriculum. Weekly check-ins with the team will serve as ongoing support,
addressing any concerns and reinforcing the benefits of using SafeShare to aid struggling readers.

E. Describe the materials needed for the project (Provide links to relevant websites; include a
written description of how the technology/ies will benefit students).

The project will utilize iPads to facilitate easy QR code scanning, and each teacher will have access
to five iPads during the listening center. This technology, paired with individual headphones, creates an
environment conducive to focused engagement, minimizing distractions and maximizing the impact of
the SafeShare program.

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V. How will you assess accomplishments and objectives/project outcomes (In 2-3 paragraphs,
describe the timeline for assessing, the program evaluation procedure, and how success of
the grant project will be determined.)?

Assessing the accomplishments and objectives of the grant project will be an ongoing and
iterative process, integrated into the yearlong timeline. To ensure a comprehensive understanding of
student progress, assessments will be conducted regularly. Formative assessments will be implemented
during and after each read-aloud session, allowing for real-time feedback on individual and collective
comprehension. These assessments may include discussions, written reflections, and completion of
graphic organizers, providing insights into the students' understanding of the material.
Additionally, summative assessments will be conducted at specific intervals throughout the
academic year to evaluate the overall impact of the SafeShare integration on the targeted instructional
objectives. These assessments may include standardized tests, reading comprehension assessments, and
language development benchmarks. Regular check-ins with the second-grade teaching team will
facilitate collaborative evaluation, allowing for the sharing of best practices, insights, and adjustments to
instructional strategies based on the observed outcomes.
The program evaluation procedure will also involve qualitative data collection, such as student
reflections, teacher observations, and anecdotal records. Success will be determined by the demonstrated
improvement in reading comprehension, language development, and engagement with diverse literature.
Furthermore, the ability of the project to challenge higher-level readers and create a positive and
inclusive reading culture in the classroom will be key indicators of success.

VI. How will the students be impacted by the project (In 1-2 paragraphs, describe how the impact
on students will be assessed and reported to students, parents, teachers, and others.)?

The impact of the project on students will be assessed through a multifaceted approach, considering
both quantitative and qualitative measures. Student progress will be monitored through ongoing
formative assessments, including in-session reflections, discussions, and completion of graphic
organizers. These assessments will not only gauge their comprehension but also capture the
development of language skills and their engagement with diverse literature. Summative assessments,
including standardized tests and benchmarks, will provide a broader perspective on overall growth
throughout the year. Students will also participate in small group reading working directly with the
teacher to have direct observation with growth.
Regular reporting and communication will be established to keep all stakeholders informed.
Teachers will have access to individualized data on student progress, allowing for targeted interventions
and personalized support. Parents will receive regular updates on their child's participation,
achievements, and areas for growth through parent-teacher conferences and take-home assessments.
Moreover, students will actively participate in self-assessment and reflection, fostering a sense of
ownership and pride in their reading accomplishments. This approach aims to create a transparent and
collaborative environment where all stakeholders are engaged in the student's journey toward improved
reading skills and increased confidence in literary comprehension.

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VII. What is the proposed budget? Include information on the following:

A. Materials/supplies

1. QR Code Creation Materials: To facilitate the creation of QR codes linking physical books to
SafeShare videos.
2. Graphic Organizers and Reading Materials: Materials for formative and summative
assessments, including graphic organizers and a diverse selection of literature to support
different reading levels.
3. SafeShareTV: Premium Subscription for Teachers to safely share read aloud videos to students.

B. Equipment:

1. iPads: To provide an accessible and dedicated device for each teacher during the listening center
sessions, aiding students in easily scanning QR codes.
2. Headphones: To provide minimal distractions for students.

C. Total Cost of Proposed Project (including Professional Development):

 QR Code Creation Materials: $0

 Graphic Organizers and Reading Materials: $0
 iPads (5 per teacher, total of 30): $0 (School has already purchased through other funds)
 Professional Development Workshop: $0
 SafeShareTV Premium Subscription (1 subscription per teacher, 7 teachers): $275.04 (plus
 Total Project Cost: $275.04 (plus taxes)

D. Additional Funding Sources:

 Grant Funding: Requesting $300 from the grant to cover the cost of the premium subscription.

This proposed budget aims to ensure the successful implementation of the project by covering the
necessary materials, It leverages grant funding to create a sustainable and impactful initiative for the

VIII. List your supporting references.

 Association for American Educators (

 SafeShareTV: (

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